Physics and why LWIR can not warm oceans... Info for a Clueless Senator Markey and alarmists..

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And if he doesn't deny it -- He needs to explain HIS VERSION of how radiative heat transfers happen... is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not.
You think the second law applies to photons, but not to every other thing in the universe? Interesting. Tell me, other than photons, what else do you believe is exempt from the second law of thermodynamics?
You got that backwards. It's astounding that you think the second law applies to refrigerators but not everything else in the universe. Can you tell my why you think refrigerators explain atmospheric physics?

Maybe you should go back and re read that section from hyper physics and try to grasp what it actually said...the second law was stated... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object. And then it went on to say that that law precluded a perfect refrigerator...why do you believe that the laws of physics would behave differently for a refrigerator than they would in the atmosphere...the laws of physics apply to everything...if neither heat nor energy will flow spontaneously from a cool object to a warm object, it doesn't matter whether you are talking about a refrigerator, the atmosphere, or the point where the ocean's surface stops and the atmosphere starts...neither heat nor energy will move spontaneously from cool to warm.
Not rigorously no.. Because that's not a thermodynamic process. It's an electron charge driven process. But it's PROPAGATION equations are identical to propagation equations for heat in CONDUCTION for materials.

Everything adheres to the second law of thermodynamics. Energy always runs down hill unless you expend energy to make it go in a different direction.
Maybe you should go back and re read that section from hyper physics and try to grasp what it actually said.

Maybe you should go back and re read that section from hyper physics and try to grasp what it actually said.

It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow.

That is correct.

Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

That is what Clausius thought in 1854, when he was unaware of radiation. Einstein said radiation energy does flow spontaneously from any object to any other object.

And then it went on to say that that law precluded a perfect refrigerator...why do you believe that the laws of physics would behave differently for a refrigerator than they would in the atmosphere.

Why do you believe that radiation acts like a refrigerator?

.neither heat nor energy will move spontaneously from cool to warm.

Heat will move spontaneously from cool to warm. Radiation has no such constraint. is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not
I'm still waiting for a reference from you with repeatable, observable, evidence that the second law is valid. A mathematical proof would be OK too.
member: 40906"]Maybe you should go back and re read that section from hyper physics and try to grasp what it actually said.

Maybe you should go back and re read that section from hyper physics and try to grasp what it actually said.

It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow.

That is correct.

That is what Clausius thought in 1854, when he was unaware of radiation. Einstein said radiation energy does flow spontaneously from any object to any other object.

And you have observed measured evidence of this? And don't claim that an antenna receiving a resonance radio signal is evidence because it isn't.

Why do you believe that radiation acts like a refrigerator?

You think sounding like a 5 year old is cute?

Heat will move spontaneously from cool to warm. Radiation has no such constraint.

That's not what the second law says....let me know when it is re-written to state what you believe. is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not
I'm still waiting for a reference from you with repeatable, observable, evidence that the second law is valid. A mathematical proof would be OK too.

How about every observation ever made in the history of the universe.....Can't do much better than that.

And if he doesn't deny it -- He needs to explain HIS VERSION of how radiative heat transfers happen... is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not.

Heat only flows from warm to cool...correct.

But radiation energy is produced by every object above zero degrees Kelvin, in all directions, including towards warmer objects. This is caused by collisions, hence its random nature.

Heat only flows in one direction because warmer object give off higher energy photons on average, and more of them, because there are more collisions and at higher speeds. The net energy transfer is always more from the warm object than it receives back from the cool one.

SSDD is nuts.
And you have observed measured evidence of this? And don't claim that an antenna receiving a resonance radio signal is evidence because it isn't.
Yes, the CMB experiment is a perfect example of thermal radiation from a cold object hitting a warmer radio antenna dish. The cosmic background emits thermal radiation not "resonance radio signals". You will have to carefully state how thermal radiation from the cosmos has anything to do with resonance.
You think sounding like a 5 year old is cute?
Do you think your acting like a 5 year old is cute?
How about every observation ever made in the history of the universe.....Can't do much better than that.
You think that is proof of anything? Generalizations are never a proof. So you don't have any proof do you.
SSDD is nuts.
Yes SSDD, you are nuts. There is a lot of pathology in your posts, but I think you are more of an immature troll who is nuts. Crying for attention. You have no self pride though and are willing to demean yourself just for the futile appearance of trying to seem intelligent.

And if he doesn't deny it -- He needs to explain HIS VERSION of how radiative heat transfers happen... is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not.

Heat only flows from warm to cool...correct.

But radiation energy is produced by every object above zero degrees Kelvin, in all directions, including towards warmer objects. This is caused by collisions, hence its random nature.

Heat only flows in one direction because warmer object give off higher energy photons on average, and more of them, because there are more collisions and at higher speeds. The net energy transfer is always more from the warm object than it receives back from the cool one.

SSDD is nuts.
ok, let me step in for a moment here, where I agree that all objects radiate, where does it go? you say the IR makes it to the surface, I say it doesn't and it doesn't because there are pressures that keep it from getting there.

BTW, Judith Curry doesn't believe in back radiation.

And if he doesn't deny it -- He needs to explain HIS VERSION of how radiative heat transfers happen... is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not.

Heat only flows from warm to cool...correct.

But radiation energy is produced by every object above zero degrees Kelvin, in all directions, including towards warmer objects. This is caused by collisions, hence its random nature.

Heat only flows in one direction because warmer object give off higher energy photons on average, and more of them, because there are more collisions and at higher speeds. The net energy transfer is always more from the warm object than it receives back from the cool one.

SSDD is nuts.
ok, let me step in for a moment here, where I agree that all objects radiate, where does it go? you say the IR makes it to the surface, I say it doesn't and it doesn't because there are pressures that keep it from getting there.

BTW, Judith Curry doesn't believe in back radiation.

Link to the Curry quote. I believe you have misunderstood something.

Explain this 'pressure' thing. Photons can only be absorbed or reflected. Either way there is a transfer of momentum, a la entropy. One of the thermodynamic laws that SSDD chooses to ignore.

And if he doesn't deny it -- He needs to explain HIS VERSION of how radiative heat transfers happen... is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not.

Heat only flows from warm to cool...correct.

But radiation energy is produced by every object above zero degrees Kelvin, in all directions, including towards warmer objects. This is caused by collisions, hence its random nature.

Heat only flows in one direction because warmer object give off higher energy photons on average, and more of them, because there are more collisions and at higher speeds. The net energy transfer is always more from the warm object than it receives back from the cool one.

SSDD is nuts.
ok, let me step in for a moment here, where I agree that all objects radiate, where does it go? you say the IR makes it to the surface, I say it doesn't and it doesn't because there are pressures that keep it from getting there.

BTW, Judith Curry doesn't believe in back radiation.

Link to the Curry quote. I believe you have misunderstood something.

Explain this 'pressure' thing. Photons can only be absorbed or reflected. Either way there is a transfer of momentum, a la entropy. One of the thermodynamic laws that SSDD chooses to ignore.
wator vapor, clouds, barometric pressure.

And if he doesn't deny it -- He needs to explain HIS VERSION of how radiative heat transfers happen... is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not.

Doesn't answer the question at all chief.. How does radiative heat transfer work? Where does it come from? Where does it go? What is the energy transport mechanism?

3 questions there. Please answer all threee --- THEN --- we can chat about any "violations"....

And if he doesn't deny it -- He needs to explain HIS VERSION of how radiative heat transfers happen... is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not.

Heat only flows from warm to cool...correct.

But radiation energy is produced by every object above zero degrees Kelvin, in all directions, including towards warmer objects. This is caused by collisions, hence its random nature.

Heat only flows in one direction because warmer object give off higher energy photons on average, and more of them, because there are more collisions and at higher speeds. The net energy transfer is always more from the warm object than it receives back from the cool one.

SSDD is nuts.
ok, let me step in for a moment here, where I agree that all objects radiate, where does it go? you say the IR makes it to the surface, I say it doesn't and it doesn't because there are pressures that keep it from getting there.

BTW, Judith Curry doesn't believe in back radiation.

Sure Dr. Curry believes in "back radiation".. Might not call it that -- but I'm certain she does..
We are talking about LIGHT.. Infra Red radiation is LIGHT. You think pressures matter???

How about a complete lack of pressure as it travels space? Or doesn't care about wind speed...
Did you KNOW we were talking about light waves or particles?

And if he doesn't deny it -- He needs to explain HIS VERSION of how radiative heat transfers happen... is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not.

Heat only flows from warm to cool...correct.

But radiation energy is produced by every object above zero degrees Kelvin, in all directions, including towards warmer objects. This is caused by collisions, hence its random nature.

Heat only flows in one direction because warmer object give off higher energy photons on average, and more of them, because there are more collisions and at higher speeds. The net energy transfer is always more from the warm object than it receives back from the cool one.

SSDD is nuts.
ok, let me step in for a moment here, where I agree that all objects radiate, where does it go? you say the IR makes it to the surface, I say it doesn't and it doesn't because there are pressures that keep it from getting there.

BTW, Judith Curry doesn't believe in back radiation.

Link to the Curry quote. I believe you have misunderstood something.

Explain this 'pressure' thing. Photons can only be absorbed or reflected. Either way there is a transfer of momentum, a la entropy. One of the thermodynamic laws that SSDD chooses to ignore.
wator vapor, clouds, barometric pressure.

You're not making any sense. How do those things stop radiation? is "my" version.... It is not possible for heat to flow from a colder body to a warmer body without any work having been done to accomplish this flow. Energy will not flow spontaneously from a low temperature object to a higher temperature object.

Simple as that...either you can prove it wrong via empirical evidence which would result in rewriting the law or you can not....we both know which it is......not.

Heat only flows from warm to cool...correct.

But radiation energy is produced by every object above zero degrees Kelvin, in all directions, including towards warmer objects. This is caused by collisions, hence its random nature.

Heat only flows in one direction because warmer object give off higher energy photons on average, and more of them, because there are more collisions and at higher speeds. The net energy transfer is always more from the warm object than it receives back from the cool one.

SSDD is nuts.
ok, let me step in for a moment here, where I agree that all objects radiate, where does it go? you say the IR makes it to the surface, I say it doesn't and it doesn't because there are pressures that keep it from getting there.

BTW, Judith Curry doesn't believe in back radiation.

Link to the Curry quote. I believe you have misunderstood something.

Explain this 'pressure' thing. Photons can only be absorbed or reflected. Either way there is a transfer of momentum, a la entropy. One of the thermodynamic laws that SSDD chooses to ignore.
wator vapor, clouds, barometric pressure.

You're not making any sense. How do those things stop radiation?
most likely temperature. The thing is it is not understood. Can you show how it works or is your answer that it radiates in all directions therefore it is?

BTW, I was in error it is she is still trying to understand it.

Here's a link for Judith:

Physics of the atmospheric greenhouse(?) effect

"There is a big gap between the simple explanations and the radiative transfer texts. The blogosphere has stepped in to fill the gap. Good explanations that I have come across are:

However, a gap remains in terms of explaining the actual physical mechanisms. Yes, these sites give good explanations of the basic physics of radiative transfer and the Earth’s radiative energy balance, and provide empirical evidence for the existence of the greenhouse effect. But a good mechanistic explanation of the physical processes occurring seems absent, including an explanation of how local thermodynamic equilibrium is established in response to the absorption of infrared radiation by a small number of molecules. I don’t have a full understanding of what the actual issues are with the greenhouse effect skeptics (I suspect that Roy Spencer is painfully aware), but I have just received a copy of Slaying the Greenhouse Dragon, which I will read this weekend."
Nope.. Never measured Infra Red radiation.. Nuh uh... Can't be done..

Asked for one of these for Christmas.. Arctic Star AR550 Mini Infrared Thermometer: Home Improvement

How do you suppose it does this?
  • Measures in Celsius or Fahrenheit (Range: -32 ° C to +550 ° C / -26 ° F to +1022 ° F)
without caring about it's own temperature??
Think if I tuck it under my arm for an hour and then point it into my freezer -- it will refuse to violate the 2nd Law and have me arrested???


Now seriously -- there ARE calibration and "bias" issues (related to temperature) in these detectors that pop up in design.. But a well-designed IR light meter is pretty damn accurate no matter what it's temperature is..
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Heat only flows from warm to cool...correct.

But radiation energy is produced by every object above zero degrees Kelvin, in all directions, including towards warmer objects. This is caused by collisions, hence its random nature.

Heat only flows in one direction because warmer object give off higher energy photons on average, and more of them, because there are more collisions and at higher speeds. The net energy transfer is always more from the warm object than it receives back from the cool one.

SSDD is nuts.
ok, let me step in for a moment here, where I agree that all objects radiate, where does it go? you say the IR makes it to the surface, I say it doesn't and it doesn't because there are pressures that keep it from getting there.

BTW, Judith Curry doesn't believe in back radiation.

Link to the Curry quote. I believe you have misunderstood something.

Explain this 'pressure' thing. Photons can only be absorbed or reflected. Either way there is a transfer of momentum, a la entropy. One of the thermodynamic laws that SSDD chooses to ignore.
wator vapor, clouds, barometric pressure.

You're not making any sense. How do those things stop radiation?
most likely temperature. The thing is it is not understood. Can you show how it works or is your answer that it radiates in all directions therefore it is?

BTW, I was in error it is she is still trying to understand it.

Here's a link for Judith:

Physics of the atmospheric greenhouse(?) effect

"There is a big gap between the simple explanations and the radiative transfer texts. The blogosphere has stepped in to fill the gap. Good explanations that I have come across are:

However, a gap remains in terms of explaining the actual physical mechanisms. Yes, these sites give good explanations of the basic physics of radiative transfer and the Earth’s radiative energy balance, and provide empirical evidence for the existence of the greenhouse effect. But a good mechanistic explanation of the physical processes occurring seems absent, including an explanation of how local thermodynamic equilibrium is established in response to the absorption of infrared radiation by a small number of molecules. I don’t have a full understanding of what the actual issues are with the greenhouse effect skeptics (I suspect that Roy Spencer is painfully aware), but I have just received a copy of Slaying the Greenhouse Dragon, which I will read this weekend."

The words there says she has no problem with the basic Physics.. Only with how to model the effects of GHouse gases varying and contributing to new thermal equilibrium due to radiative transfer.. That's a surprisingly honest statement and I respect that.
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