Pick the VP for the Republican presidential nominee (Poll)

Who would you like to see on the Republican VP list?

  • Christie Noem

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • Candace Owens

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Joni Ernst

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Tulsi Gabbard

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • Other, see my post...

    Votes: 5 38.5%

  • Total voters
Oh, so the fact that pedos exist means the idea of a non-existent basement at Comet Pizza where Satanic rituals took place "isn't crazy".

When have I ever said men can get pregnant?

Sorry, I'm just not as credulous as you are.
Well you're a lefty, and lefties say that.....in fact you can get banned for not saying that.
I don't fall for hoaxes and don't like Trump and that makes me a lefty. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

No, the fact that you're basically a commie and kiss ass with the lefties, makes you one....

Let me guess you believe in Man Made Climate Change?
"This is a nice democracy you have here. It would be a shame if anything happened to it."
"These Intelligency Agencies have 6 ways to Sunday of getting back at the guy they're supposed to report to" - paraphrasing Schumer

Might be somewhat different with Franzese as AG
No, both exist, and DC and Hollywood, have A LOT of weirdos....
I mean I never thought a President would sniff every the hair of every girl he comes in contact with
or that our President would have lied about his resumee on multiple ocassions and even after getting caught doing it
or that our President would be a known plageriser
or he would shower with his daughter to the point she said it caused her drug problem and made her a very sexualized person
or his son would marry the widow of his other son
or his son would film himself weighing crack with a hooker in the room
or his son would leave crack in a rental car
or his son would get high paying jobs overseas in industries he knows nothing about.

shall I continue?
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His (Joe Biden's) son (Hunter) never married Beau's widow. Apparently they were just fuck-buddies.

Who would you like to see on the Republican VP list?​

That's obvious.

I don't know who the Republicans will pick to get their heart broken.
July 15 2022
Tucker Carlson, the top-rated Fox News host who has built a following pushing conspiracy theories and lighting into the culture wars, on Friday flirted with a presidential run in his speech to a large gathering of Christian conservative voters in Des Moines, Iowa.

Carlson used the event to blast transgender athletes, high energy prices (and wind turbines), make a glancing mention to Jan. 6 (an issue which hasn’t engaged voters on the right), before ultimately pivoting to an attack on corporate America. The speech ultimately focused on the kind of pocketbook issues that have been engaging many voters this year, themes very familiar to his large cable audience.

Carlson began with a classic tell used by many politician seeking Iowa votes, touting his many trips to the state over the years.

“I think I’ve done the full Grassley,” Carlson said, referring to long-serving Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who’s famous for visiting all the state’s 99 counties during his campaigns — an informal check of a candidate’s seriousness in running for president.

The Huckster is stupid enough and lies enough, for his cult.
July 15 2022
Tucker Carlson, the top-rated Fox News host who has built a following pushing conspiracy theories and lighting into the culture wars, on Friday flirted with a presidential run in his speech to a large gathering of Christian conservative voters in Des Moines, Iowa.

Carlson used the event to blast transgender athletes, high energy prices (and wind turbines), make a glancing mention to Jan. 6 (an issue which hasn’t engaged voters on the right), before ultimately pivoting to an attack on corporate America. The speech ultimately focused on the kind of pocketbook issues that have been engaging many voters this year, themes very familiar to his large cable audience.

Carlson began with a classic tell used by many politician seeking Iowa votes, touting his many trips to the state over the years.

“I think I’ve done the full Grassley,” Carlson said, referring to long-serving Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, who’s famous for visiting all the state’s 99 counties during his campaigns — an informal check of a candidate’s seriousness in running for president.

The Huckster is stupid enough and lies enough, for his cult.
No doubt they have proven they will believe anything.
"This is a nice democracy you have here. It would be a shame if anything happened to it."
Ah yes, the Democrats are the holders of democracy, lets see what they are for

1) Riots
2) Harassing Political Opponents
3) Mandating Vaccines
4) Banning classic books like To Kill A Mockingbird
5) Teaching kids sexuality
6) Banning speakers from College Campi
7) Banning Guns
8) Wanting the Supreme Court to decide, political issues, not legislators
9) Hating the Constitution
10) Teaching that one race is the reason for all you problems......we've seen this movie before

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