Piers Morgan calls for unvaccinated to be denied healthcare

Like how I would get a discount on my work insurance for not smoking?

Nope. Pretty sure we've gone over this. If an insurance company plays games I don't like, I can fire them. Refuse to give them my money. No such option with government services. You pay for them regardless of whether you want to or not - then comes the arm twisting. And then every single election is a gun to the head. Oh joy.
Well he just went full retard.

This is the same idiot who got two jabs then still came down with WuFlu.

This is too much--Celebrities have had their careers and lives ruined for using the wrong word and this moron gets away with openly advocating for the life threatening discrimination against people because of their health decisions. SMH. The hypocrisy of the left never ceases to amaze me.
Well he just went full retard.

This is the same idiot who got two jabs then still came down with WuFlu.

Does this mean finally that illegals crossing the southern border will not be provided medical treatment, and our healthcare costs will go down? Finally a way to stop paying for diseased illegals who abuse our emergency rooms....

Think about it......
Nope. Pretty sure we've gone over this. If an insurance company plays games I don't like, I can fire them. No such option with government services. You pay for them regardless of whether you want to or not - then comes the arm twisting. And then every single election is a gun to the head. Oh joy.

I couldn't "just fire" my company provided insurance. It's total B.S. to claim that. People can't just drop their insurance and afford insurance on their family.
Essentially all of your rights are on the line here.

The entire Bill of Rights will soon be denied to those who do not Vax.
Yep, all because Piers Morgan said something.

Good god...you people have lost your little minds...
Well he just went full retard.

This is the same idiot who got two jabs then still came down with WuFlu.

Then piers Morgan is an idiot.

But then, aren't most conservatives?
Piers can suck my ass.

My body. My choice. That is the unvaxxed mantra. We took it from pro abortionists.
It does not work that way

For example, if Arizona wants to enforce Federal laws on immigration the Federal government sues them and prevents them

But if states want to thumb their nose at the Federal government trying to enforce immigration laws, then they can provide them sanctuary cities and keep them

Put another way, if you are gay and want a cake baked, you can demand that the baker make you that cake and serve you. But if you are a conservatives trying to use social media, the company can censor you and refuse to serve you.


The US is a country by and for the democrat party only.
Sure you can. It might not be convenient or easy - but you don't go to jail for it. Big difference.

Millions of people aren't paying S.S. taxes, etc now.

All the same, private industry will manipulate things also. I was forced to wear a mask or lose my job. I was forced to pee in a jar or lose my job. etc etc etc.
It does not work that way

For example, if Arizona wants to enforce Federal laws on immigration the Federal government sues them and prevents them

But if states want to thumb their nose at the Federal government trying to enforce immigration laws, then they can provide them sanctuary cities and keep them
The Fed can go in and arrest illegals any time they want to.
The Fed can go in and arrest illegals any time they want to.
Giving aid to known federal law breakers is a crime, or at least, should be.

Laws are only for conservatives.

Notice how Left wing rioters can kill and loot and torch anything with Kamala paying their legal fees to get set free, but God forbid conservatives riot in any form or fashion as unarmed people are gunned down without so much as a peep from the press. They won't even tell us who the officer was.
Giving aid to known federal law breakers is a crime, or at least, should be.

Laws are only for conservatives.
Oh please. As of you give two shits about "the law", here. You have a hard on for brown immigrants. Nothing more.
What of those who have the vaccine and still get the virus? Or, they spread the new variant?

Some Brits will revert to impulsive, knee jerk reactions. I'm not surprised that he's a strong supporter of the Monarchy...

Other Brits, the proud, patriotic and well informed about history types, understand the tightrope that is being walked. These types would prefer to err on the side of human liberty and personal choice.

As I've stated from Day One even before the vaccine was fully developed, "if you have the vaccine, you don't have to worry about those who don't have it"
Thus is the nature of government "provided" health care. Politicians here would love to have that kind of power.

If they gain full control then all of a sudden that cardiac bypass might not be covered, depending on your political leanings.
Oh please. As of you give two shits about "the law", here. You have a hard on for brown immigrants. Nothing more.
I would love the black immigrants to come to the US from Cuba, but your Fuehrer won't allow it cuz he does not want their stories told, nor does he care to see how they will vote him out. Meanwhile he lets everyone and his brother across the Mexican border, even though they are not running for their lives like they are in Cuba.

Get bent.

Oh, and thanks for another example of how our laws and rights work only for the Left.

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