Piers Morgan: Ten Reasons Obama sucks


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
The obnoxious bloviating gasbag Piers Morgan is frustrated with another bloviating, obnoxious gasbag, Obama. :rofl:

Ten reasons why bluffing, boring, blame-pointing Obama can expect a well-deserved shellacking in the midterm elections .....

1. HE BREAKS HIS PROMISES. Obama said he’d shut down Guantanamo Bay, then didn’t. He said he’d be more transparent, then we found out his NSA was secretly bugging everyone. He vowed to put a limit on America’s warfare but has continued to wage Drone-led war on numerous fronts. He looked Newtown families in the eye and said he’d get action on gun control - and failed. He insisted he’d make Washington less cynically divisive but it’s never been worse. Above all, he pledged to restore trust in Government and has achieved the complete opposite.

2. HIS FOREIGN POLICY STINKS. He heralded a ‘new dawn’ for the Middle East, but kept American involvement at such minimal levels that ISIS has been allowed to ferment into a potent, dominant terror force in the region. Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Gaza and Syria all burn as Obama fiddles with his golf swing. As for Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama may pride himself on ending America’s involvement as he said he would – but leaving behind complete chaos and borderline anarchy should be a matter for self-reflective sadness at failed missions to instil freedom and democracy, not celebration.

3. HE’S A BLUFFER. Obama made America a laughing stock when he warned Syria’s Assad regime, ‘A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized’ and then blinked when Assad promptly crossed that red line. It’s that kind of spinelessness which emboldened Vladimir Putin to wage imperialistic Russian assaults on Crimea and Ukraine - and ISIS to behead his citizens with impunity. I hate seeing America look weak and I’m not even American.

4. HE CAN’T GET THE ECONOMY OUT OF THE TANK. Nobody can credibly blame Obama for the modern day Great Depression that he inherited, but America’s recovery has been painfully slow and still crawls along like a wounded snail, ravaged by a rapidly expanding $17 trillion national debt. The gap between rich and poor rages ever wider too, making a mockery of Obama’s demand for a ‘more inclusive, fairer’ society.

5. HE CAN’T EVEN DO THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT. Obamacare should have been his great legacy. Bringing 30 million impoverished, uninsured Americans into the health care system is an achievement of genuine worth. But the launch was so haplessly cack-handed and disastrous that the perception remains of dismal failure even as statistics suggest Obamacare is enjoying an increasing positive performance. The great communicator has lost ability to successfully communicate.


The very first one:

He promised to shut down Guantanamo Bay.

Funny, I remember Republicans terrorizing America with "He is going to let terrorists into your back yard" and everyone was freaked out. So much so that Obama finally backed off.

It was another case of America being terrorized by the GOP into doing bad for the country. I'm sure al Qaeda is jealous. No one scares Americans more than the GOP.
Wow, an amazing compilation of worn out old rightwing propaganda machine talking points,

neither insightful, honest, interesting, or timely.
The very first one:

He promised to shut down Guantanamo Bay.

Funny, I remember Republicans terrorizing America with "He is going to let terrorists into your back yard" and everyone was freaked out. So much so that Obama finally backed off.

It was another case of America being terrorized by the GOP into doing bad for the country. I'm sure al Qaeda is jealous. No one scares Americans more than the GOP.
It certainly did not take long to blame Obama's lies on Republicans.
Wow, an amazing compilation of worn out old rightwing propaganda machine talking points,

neither insightful, honest, interesting, or timely.

Actually he nailed it pretty damn good. I can't stand PM but he has correctly mimicked most of the people that I personally know that voted for Obama and now feel like many did that once supported Bush.

Obama has very little time left to do something to make his Presidency look like anything but an ironic joke. The anti Bush that gave us Bush's third and forth term. You few that are left can defend him, just like the Bush bots history will not remember you well.
Piers never backed down on his gun control issue and that makes him wrong, but a man of principle. Some people refuse to face the truth, and everything Piers wrote is his opinion, and IMO, spot on.
Wow, an amazing compilation of worn out old rightwing propaganda machine talking points,

neither insightful, honest, interesting, or timely.

Actually he nailed it pretty damn good. I can't stand PM but he has correctly mimicked most of the people that I personally know that voted for Obama and now feel like many did that once supported Bush.

Obama has very little time left to do something to make his Presidency look like anything but an ironic joke. The anti Bush that gave us Bush's third and forth term. You few that are left can defend him, just like the Bush bots history will not remember you well.
Still can't criticize Obama without bringing up Bush.

Weak, very fuckin' weak.
Wow, an amazing compilation of worn out old rightwing propaganda machine talking points,

neither insightful, honest, interesting, or timely.
Piers Morgan is rightwing?


The main issue, and I watch PM talk about his position on Obama, is not that PM took a RW talking point stance. PM disagrees with what Obama did because Obama never delivered with the LW agenda. Obama took credit for ending Iraq, then blamed Bush for ending Iraq when it all fell apart... then Obama dealt with ISIS like a toddler. RWers wanted more war from the get go, that was their issue with Obama, he didn't ramp up things in Iraq. PM is upset that Obama kept the war going and as I said above ended it badly and screwed up with ISIS. RW and LW people can dislike Obama's same policy for 2 totally different reasons.
The very first one:

He promised to shut down Guantanamo Bay.

Funny, I remember Republicans terrorizing America with "He is going to let terrorists into your back yard" and everyone was freaked out. So much so that Obama finally backed off.

It was another case of America being terrorized by the GOP into doing bad for the country. I'm sure al Qaeda is jealous. No one scares Americans more than the GOP.
Where do you think the terrorist learned it?
Wow, an amazing compilation of worn out old rightwing propaganda machine talking points,

neither insightful, honest, interesting, or timely.

Actually he nailed it pretty damn good. I can't stand PM but he has correctly mimicked most of the people that I personally know that voted for Obama and now feel like many did that once supported Bush.

Obama has very little time left to do something to make his Presidency look like anything but an ironic joke. The anti Bush that gave us Bush's third and forth term. You few that are left can defend him, just like the Bush bots history will not remember you well.
Still can't criticize Obama without bringing up Bush.

Weak, very fuckin' weak.

Wait what? Are you not aware of who Piers Morgan is?
Just like a liberal to only have ten! LOL

J/K he's allowed to summarize.....
Indeed he does. He has failed spectacularly at keeping his promises.

2. HIS FOREIGN POLICY STINKS. He heralded a ‘new dawn’ for the Middle East, but kept American involvement at such minimal levels that ISIS has been allowed to ferment into a potent, dominant terror force in the region. Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Gaza and Syria all burn as Obama fiddles with his golf swing. As for Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama may pride himself on ending America’s involvement as he said he would – but leaving behind complete chaos and borderline anarchy should be a matter for self-reflective sadness at failed missions to instil freedom and democracy, not celebration.

And yet you won't find anyone on the Right to grow some balls and say what we should be doing. The cowards like to attack Obama's foreign policy, but the spineless bastards won't spit out their own ideas of what should be done. So this one is a wash.

You know what else? The Middle East is going through a profoundly transformative phase, much like the European powers went through before, during, and after WWI.

It is not going to be pretty, and there is NOTHING we can do to mitigate the mess. We can make it worse, though.

The Arab world is a couple centuries behind us in the freedom and democracy department, and the process toward enlightenment is going to be ugly.

3. HE’S A BLUFFER. Obama made America a laughing stock when he warned Syria’s Assad regime, ‘A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized’ and then blinked when Assad promptly crossed that red line. It’s that kind of spinelessness which emboldened Vladimir Putin to wage imperialistic Russian assaults on Crimea and Ukraine - and ISIS to behead his citizens with impunity. I hate seeing America look weak and I’m not even American.

Obama was going to bomb Assad, but it was the REPUBLICANS who chickened out. The Right reverted to type. Whatever Obama wants to do, they oppose it.

Nevertheless, Assad has been turning over chemical weapons for disposal. Since that was the goal, this is a win in the Obama column, despite Republican obstructionism.


Without a doubt, this is Obama's biggest failure. It is interesting that the community organizer sucks more at domestic policies than he does at foreign policy. But it is not surprising his far Left belief system fails at growing an economy. Leftists only know how to spread wealth around, not create it.

5. HE CAN’T EVEN DO THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT. Obamacare should have been his great legacy. Bringing 30 million impoverished, uninsured Americans into the health care system is an achievement of genuine worth. But the launch was so haplessly cack-handed and disastrous that the perception remains of dismal failure even as statistics suggest Obamacare is enjoying an increasing positive performance. The great communicator has lost ability to successfully communicate.

This handicap will work itself out with time. As the success of ObamaCare grows, its bad start will fade from memory.

I use "success" to mean its achievement of enrolling people and its mere survival.
The very first one:

He promised to shut down Guantanamo Bay.

Funny, I remember Republicans terrorizing America with "He is going to let terrorists into your back yard" and everyone was freaked out. So much so that Obama finally backed off.

It was another case of America being terrorized by the GOP into doing bad for the country. I'm sure al Qaeda is jealous. No one scares Americans more than the GOP.
It certainly did not take long to blame Obama's lies on Republicans.

You don't remember Republicans with their terror campaign of "Obama is going to let terrorists go in your back yard"? Seriously, you don't remember that?
Indeed he does. He has failed spectacularly at keeping his promises.

2. HIS FOREIGN POLICY STINKS. He heralded a ‘new dawn’ for the Middle East, but kept American involvement at such minimal levels that ISIS has been allowed to ferment into a potent, dominant terror force in the region. Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Gaza and Syria all burn as Obama fiddles with his golf swing. As for Iraq and Afghanistan, Obama may pride himself on ending America’s involvement as he said he would – but leaving behind complete chaos and borderline anarchy should be a matter for self-reflective sadness at failed missions to instil freedom and democracy, not celebration.

And yet you won't find anyone on the Right to grow some balls and say what we should be doing. The cowards like to attack Obama's foreign policy, but the spineless bastards won't spit out their own ideas of what should be done. So this one is a wash.

You know what else? The Middle East is going through a profoundly transformative phase, much like the European powers went through before, during, and after WWI.

It is not going to be pretty, and there is NOTHING we can do to mitigate the mess. We can make it worse, though.

The Arab world is a couple centuries behind us in the freedom and democracy department, and the process toward enlightenment is going to be ugly.

3. HE’S A BLUFFER. Obama made America a laughing stock when he warned Syria’s Assad regime, ‘A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized’ and then blinked when Assad promptly crossed that red line. It’s that kind of spinelessness which emboldened Vladimir Putin to wage imperialistic Russian assaults on Crimea and Ukraine - and ISIS to behead his citizens with impunity. I hate seeing America look weak and I’m not even American.

Obama was going to bomb Assad, but it was the REPUBLICANS who chickened out. The Right reverted to type. Whatever Obama wants to do, they oppose it.

Nevertheless, Assad has been turning over chemical weapons for disposal. Since that was the goal, this is a win in the Obama column, despite Republican obstructionism.


Without a doubt, this is Obama's biggest failure. It is interesting that the community organizer sucks more at domestic policies than he does at foreign policy. But it is not surprising his far Left belief system fails at growing an economy. Leftists only know how to spread wealth around, not create it.

5. HE CAN’T EVEN DO THE RIGHT THINGS RIGHT. Obamacare should have been his great legacy. Bringing 30 million impoverished, uninsured Americans into the health care system is an achievement of genuine worth. But the launch was so haplessly cack-handed and disastrous that the perception remains of dismal failure even as statistics suggest Obamacare is enjoying an increasing positive performance. The great communicator has lost ability to successfully communicate.

This handicap will work itself out with time. As the success of ObamaCare grows, its bad start will fade from memory.

I use "success" to mean its achievement of enrolling people and its mere survival.

How did the economy get so bad to begin with? Why didn't the Bush Tax Cuts create jobs? What happens after more than 40,000 factories are shut down or moved to China? What did Republicans use reconciliation for three times? How did Republicans pay for two wars? All of this happened before Obama was even sworn in.

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