Pig organs, and other animal organs, transplanted into humans.? Big mistake.!?!!


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I see on the T.V. news, that Doctors are now transplanting, Pig organs, Kidneys, that have been altered by way of genetic engineering into humans . This is going to be a big mistake.!! I read once, that this will allow animal viruses, and other pathogens into the human race.!? Your thoughts.?
It's wise to raise Critical Concerns ,but first you should embrace specialist testimony and see what research they have carried out in those areas relating to long term safety .

And even if there were Virus transfer concerns you need to scientifically assess wehether such transfers are dangerous --- organ accetance/rejection, and whether those such problems can be overcome .
Which to date is exactly how matters have proceeded as far as I am aware .
They've used pig valves in human hearts since like 1965.


Not sure about the whole genetic alterations thing but on the surface it doesn't sound that risky.
I see on the T.V. news, that Doctors are now transplanting, Pig organs, Kidneys, that have been altered by way of genetic engineering into humans . This is going to be a big mistake.!! I read once, that this will allow animal viruses, and other pathogens into the human race.!? Your thoughts.?
that is possible, and should be carefully guarded as this vital research continues.
I see on the T.V. news, that Doctors are now transplanting, Pig organs, Kidneys, that have been altered by way of genetic engineering into humans . This is going to be a big mistake.!! I read once, that this will allow animal viruses, and other pathogens into the human race.!? Your thoughts.?
/---/ Lacking a degree in biology, it's kind of hard for me to say. I think it's good to save lives, but the long term effects are unknown even to experts in the field.
I recall the hype about the introduction of vaccines to prevent measles, mumps, and rubella. People were concerned about injecting dead organisms to boost the immune system. What if some of the "germs" aren't dead?
Could people with such organs in their body be considered less human? Or vice versa, if human organs were transplanted into an animal; could they be considered human..?
Could people with such organs in their body be considered less human? Or vice versa, if human organs were transplanted into an animal; could they be considered human..?
i am sure that there is a megachurch somewhere that believes, devoutly, in "kidney personhood."

there are also snake handlers and worshippers of a spagetti monster.
I see on the T.V. news, that Doctors are now transplanting, Pig organs, Kidneys, that have been altered by way of genetic engineering into humans . This is going to be a big mistake.!! I read once, that this will allow animal viruses, and other pathogens into the human race.!? Your thoughts.?

odanny posted an article a few weeks ago on this guy.

there are ethical, and medical challenges here, but the potential for good is too great t o neglect.

Maybe "long pork" will taste better.....I hear there are trials going on in New Guinea. ;)
I see on the T.V. news, that Doctors are now transplanting, Pig organs, Kidneys, that have been altered by way of genetic engineering into humans . This is going to be a big mistake.!! I read once, that this will allow animal viruses, and other pathogens into the human race.!? Your thoughts.?
They have been using pig heart valves for decades in humans.
I see on the T.V. news, that Doctors are now transplanting, Pig organs, Kidneys, that have been altered by way of genetic engineering into humans . This is going to be a big mistake.!! I read once, that this will allow animal viruses, and other pathogens into the human race.!? Your thoughts.?
They are the closest to human chromosome

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