PIG Sheriff's deputy arrested for drop slamming 15-year-old student. Lock the PIG UP!

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
A Florida sheriff's deputy who worked at a school for children with emotional and behavioral problems is under arrest. Willard Miller is facing a felony charge after video shows him grabbing a female student and slamming her to the ground. Vladimir Duthiers reports.Sheriff's deputy arrested for slamming 15-year-old student

LOCK HIM UP! This was stupid by the PIG here!
Lock up the two other standing around too.

Dang, they did arrest the PIG! LOL!
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The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...
She should be old enough to know that you do not kick a police officer....the only pig here is the OP.....

The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...
The guy is twice her size. He just needs to lock her hand to say a foot. That would be a rational response to the mental girl.
She should be old enough to know that you do not kick a police officer....the only pig here is the OP.....
Dang, if you are for this. You would approve he shot her as well.
OR would you say black cop can't shoot unarmed white people?
As only whitey cop can do that.

The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...
The guy is twice her size. He just needs to lock her hand to say a foot. That would be a rational response to the mental girl.
I bet she won't kick a cop again...lesson learned....or we can do what you would do...let her go with no punishment for her actions so she can do it again with a worse reaction than getting shoved to the floor...that will be on folks like you...you will have to live with the damage liberalism always brings....
This OP not only refers to police officers as "pigs", but in the past he has claimed members of our armed forces, and anyone who would join the military are inferior individuals.
Dang, if you are for this. You would approve he shot her as well.
He pushed her to the ground dummy...he didn't hurt her...he taught her a valuable lesson...maybe it will save her from great harm in the future....
The girl did kick the cop.

When I was in school, if I would have kicked one of the brothers who ran the joint, they would have probably been a lot more violent than that.
This OP not only refers to police officers as "pigs", but in the past he has claimed members of our armed forces, and anyone who would join the military are inferior individuals.

That particular officer is a pig. I'm sure he was in fear for his life ----- right?
Excessive Force... plain and simple.

So she bumped him with her foot... big deal... did that hurt the poor cop? Was he in real DANGER... of a LITTLE GIRL? He that freakin' sensitive?

The girl is in a mental ward. The reason she bumped the cop could be anything under the sun. If the cop couldn't handle it, then he shouldn't have been there. And the two fat black aunt Jamima's just standing there watch as this little girl gets body slammed on a concrete floor, roughed up and then picked up by the arms pinned behind her back like she was a sack of potatoes, and then thrown into another cement wall like she was an adult killer should both be fired.

If that was my daughter, I'd be suing that ignorant bastard cop into the poor house.
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The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...
The guy is twice her size. He just needs to lock her hand to say a foot. That would be a rational response to the mental girl.
I bet she won't kick a cop again...lesson learned....or we can do what you would do...let her go with no punishment for her actions so she can do it again with a worse reaction than getting shoved to the floor...that will be on folks like you...you will have to live with the damage liberalism always brings....

Liberalism brought you this country, Dipweed. You're welcome.

The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...

She's a fucking child, asswipe. And there ain't no "Democraps" anywhere in the video, wankerwonder.

The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...

She's a fucking child, asswipe. And there ain't no "Democraps" anywhere in the video, wankerwonder.

Children have to be taught respect in school. Whenever I was in 9th grade, I made a smart ass remark to a teacher in gym class. Immediate open handed slap to the temple landed me on the floor.

Learned my lesson.

The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...

She's a fucking child, asswipe. And there ain't no "Democraps" anywhere in the video, wankerwonder.
I dont give a rats ass if she is a child.. Her actions were unsafe and out of control. The Officer was JUSTIFIED. Its time for the parents to be held accountable for failure to discipline their child!

People like you are the reason the US is failing. You should not be allowed children!
This OP not only refers to police officers as "pigs", but in the past he has claimed members of our armed forces, and anyone who would join the military are inferior individuals.
They are team PIGS, as they cover over crimes done by the PIG Team members.
Like if your team steals from a bank. The team is stealing from the bank.
As for the military morons. We have not won a war after WWII. If you keep
losing the wars, as a team, you are stupid to keep joining the team to
get socialized healthcare and welfare for being employed and into retirement.
The military is a national welfare program. The players need to protest war like Iraq
for being used in a false war for WMD. They should not go to help the Saudia as a paid mercenary.
They should quick and join BlackWater type losers killing of money.

The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...

She's a fucking child, asswipe. And there ain't no "Democraps" anywhere in the video, wankerwonder.

Children have to be taught respect in school. Whenever I was in 9th grade, I made a smart ass remark to a teacher in gym class. Immediate open handed slap to the temple landed me on the floor.

Learned my lesson.
That's just pure BULL SHIT. NO ADULT, EVER, that isn't even the PARENT of a kid, should EVER, STRIKE, a CHILD. Had you been MY kid and some fucker cracked you, I'd have gone down to that school and KICKED HIS ASS, not to mention what he did to you was CLASS-A ASSAULT AND BATTERY, a FELONY.
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The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...

She's a fucking child, asswipe. And there ain't no "Democraps" anywhere in the video, wankerwonder.
I dont give a rats ass if she is a child.. Her actions were unsafe and out of control. The Officer was JUSTIFIED. Its time for the parents to be held accountable for failure to discipline their child!

People like you are the reason the US is failing. You should not be allowed children!
"You don't give a rats ass if she is a child?" So it's just FINE AND DANDY on your planet to WHOOP ASS on CHILDREN as if they were a FULL GROWN ADULT? What kind of BULL SHIT is that?

That LITTLE GIRL is in a school for children with EMOTIONAL and BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS, and I fucking GUARANTEE you, what that ASSHOLE COP did is NOT the way you treat those kids. NOTHING that violent jackoff did was JUSTIFIED, and you're off you're fucking rocker.

Maybe you need a trip to a MENTAL WARD for thinking the way you.

The ignorant fools post up agenda driven bull shit..

The bitch was out of control.. You think he should have just let her go on ranting and acting out? The officer is justified and the Sheriff is a left wing hack... Another Democrap attack on our police...

She's a fucking child, asswipe. And there ain't no "Democraps" anywhere in the video, wankerwonder.
I dont give a rats ass if she is a child.. Her actions were unsafe and out of control. The Officer was JUSTIFIED. Its time for the parents to be held accountable for failure to discipline their child!

People like you are the reason the US is failing. You should not be allowed children!

You gonna come out and sterilize me Heinrich?

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