Pineapple-Heads Prepare For Apocalypse

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Should the fat ugly kid fire off a missile in the direction of Hawaii (our 57th state and supposed birff place of the Kenyan), the natives find themselves unprepared.....can't imagine why. Notice how this kahuna practices safe-surfing:


Should North Korea initiate an attack, the state would have just 20 minutes to prepare, said Toby Clairmont, executive officer of the department’s Hawaii Emergency Management Agency. He told lawmakers it could take seven years, however, to prepare the state for such an emergency and ensure adequate facilities for the state’s 1.42 million residents, including its substantial homeless population, as well as millions of visitors.


North Korea tensions have Hawaii pols revisiting emergency attack plans
Should the fat ugly kid fire off a missile in the direction of Hawaii (our 57th state and supposed birff place of the Kenyan), the natives find themselves unprepared.....can't imagine why. Notice how this kahuna practices safe-surfing:


Should North Korea initiate an attack, the state would have just 20 minutes to prepare, said Toby Clairmont, executive officer of the department’s Hawaii Emergency Management Agency. He told lawmakers it could take seven years, however, to prepare the state for such an emergency and ensure adequate facilities for the state’s 1.42 million residents, including its substantial homeless population, as well as millions of visitors.


North Korea tensions have Hawaii pols revisiting emergency attack plans
Where you gonna go? Most of the population is in Honolulu. Most of the military targets are on Oahu. 20 minutes would be enough time to get to your basement and hope they miss.
Where you gonna go? Most of the population is in Honolulu. Most of the military targets are on Oahu. 20 minutes would be enough time to get to your basement and hope they miss.

Into the basements of brick buildings without a lot of windows...pretty simple really, certainly wouldn't take more than 7 days to hundreds stock them with food and meds...certainly not 7 YEARS.....that's how democrats have always approached crisis....beg for federal government time and money instead of just doing it on their own.
It's Hawaii. They will just light up their bongs and look at the pretty lights as the bombs go off.
Another blue state/city put in grave danger thanks to people in red states/towns who know where they live is too unknown and unimportant to ever be a target.
Another blue state/city put in grave danger thanks to people in red states/towns who know where they live is too unknown and unimportant to ever be a target.

Since there are now 30 RED states to your paltry 20, maybe you should rethink your lies.
Another blue state/city put in grave danger thanks to people in red states/towns who know where they live is too unknown and unimportant to ever be a target.

Since there are now 30 RED states to your paltry 20, maybe you should rethink your lies.
The places most at risk of attack in your red states are blue areas. That's why you rubes are always pushing for war. If 9/11 happened again tomorrow, I wouldn't be surprised if most of you rubes cheered.
The places most at risk of attack in your red states are blue areas. That's why you rubes are always pushing for war. If 9/11 happened again tomorrow, I wouldn't be surprised if most of you rubes cheered.

That's it...get it off your sunken bony chest ya poor little snowflake.... :itsok:
20 minutes is a generous estimate. I wonder if they've considered NKs submarines being used for such an attack. Then the time frame would be more like two minutes.
C'mon folks.....SEVEN YEARS to herd islanders into basements with some food and medical supplies for a couple days? seriously?
The places most at risk of attack in your red states are blue areas. That's why you rubes are always pushing for war. If 9/11 happened again tomorrow, I wouldn't be surprised if most of you rubes cheered.

That's it...get it off your sunken bony chest ya poor little snowflake.... :itsok:
Will that be your advice to the Americans trapped under rubble if Trump succeeds at starting WW3?
A bunch of drug addict liberals might get their marijuana singed and you expect us to be upset! It's civilization renewal.

Hawaii has nice flowers. They will grow back. The military will get out this time. What's left is good to go.
Alaska begs to differ from the idea that only blue areas are targeted. Our blue areas are native villages it's the red heart of Alaska that will take the first strike - as we were designed to do, on behalf of all American's we stand at the ready to fight whatever may come. We are the North Star, a beacon of safe harbor, and the bear ever ready to eat your face should you trespass...
20 minutes is a generous estimate. I wonder if they've considered NKs submarines being used for such an attack. Then the time frame would be more like two minutes.

NK's subs are noisy old diesels that are easy to detect....they'd never get close enough to launch.
20 minutes is a generous estimate. I wonder if they've considered NKs submarines being used for such an attack. Then the time frame would be more like two minutes.

NK's subs are noisy old diesels that are easy to detect....they'd never get close enough to launch.

Of course they could, the state defenders are dopers. If you think the subs are slow, how s l o w do you think the potheads are?
Will that be your advice to the Americans trapped under rubble if Trump succeeds at starting WW3?

Once again you overestimate the other side's abilities to strike us or the willingness to try. I got blown through the side of a hootch outside Hue one rainy afternoon....don't know which side the shell came from but lucky for me the family's dinner table was between me and the shrapnel and all I got was knocked cold and carried to safety by a negro corporal....each time I'm called a "racist" I think about that day.
As my husband said just yesterday; "Pfft North Korea? Yeah they're more likely to blow themselves up than do anything to anyone else. Kim un fool..."

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