Pink Floyd lyricist calls Roger Waters an antisemite and ‘Putin apologist’

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Hmmm. Its obvious that Waters is a putin puppet and a total arsehole.. But he is on the money with regards to israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

All decent people condemn the Israeli govt for their murders. Doesnt make them anti semites. Still she would know him better than most and maybe he is an snti semite like American right wing loons..

He is a public school privileged twat after all.
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Hmmm. Its obvious that Waters is a putin [sic] puppet and a total arsehole.. But he is on the money with regards to israeli [sic] ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

All decent pwople [sic] condemn the Israeli govt for their murders. Doesnt [sic] make them anti semites [sic]. Still she would know him better than most and maybe he is an snti [sic] semite [sic] like American right wing loons..

He is a public school priveleged [sic] twat after all.

And why does anyone care what one worthless celebrity has to say about another worthless celebrity.

This is about as non-news as it is possible to get.

All decent pwople [sic] condemn the Israeli govt for their murders.

You do not speak for any decent people.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living? You've written this post about a non-news conflict between people who've made a living of producing awful noise, that no actual human being would want to hear. As worthless and irrelevant as they are, do you even do that much to contribute to society? What is your profession, such that you would delusionally think you have any place to look down on these worthless bums for theirs, much less to look down on me for mine?

Hmmm. Its obvious that Waters is a putin puppet and a total arsehole.. But he is on the money with regards to israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

All decent people condemn the Israeli govt for their murders. Doesnt make them anti semites. Still she would know him better than most and maybe he is an snti semite like American right wing loons..

He is a public school privileged twat after all.
Israel beat the shit out of Egypt, Syria, and Jordan during the 6 Day War. The Jews only suffered 1000 casualties , the Arabs over 20,000. If Israel really wanted to cleanse the Palestinians they would be history.

If the Palestinian people would get rid of the terrorist organizations that control them there wouldn't be an issue.
Originally posted by Tommy Tainnant
But he is on the money with regards to israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

All decent people condemn the Israeli govt for their murders. Doesnt make them anti semites.

There's a small minority of honest, sincere supporters of the state of Israel who has no problem at all conceding the fact that the jewish state is indeed a racial dictatorship, a minority who readily admits the country is a supremacist state.

They present the following argument:

"If Israel allowed all the arabs to return the new arab majority would elect an arab PM.

Democracy, having served its purpose would then disappear.

Since there are too many Jews to effectively enslave, genocide would immediately follow.

Survival trumps political theory.

You can deny Israel is free, democratic all you want... it makes no difference.

Allowing the arabs and their children to return to the cities, towns and villages they left in 48 is a suicide pact Israel will never accept.

You can say this is a laughable, childish caricature portraying the palestinian people as bloodthirsty monsters craving to eat jewish babies but at least they don't try to maintain the pathetic farce that Israel is anything but a jewish supremacist state.
There's a small minority of honest, sincere supporters of the state of Israel who has no problem at all conceding the fact that the jewish state is indeed a racial dictatorship, a minority who readily admits the country is a supremacist state.

They present the following argument:

"If Israel allowed all the arabs to return the new arab majority would elect an arab PM.

Democracy, having served its purpose would then disappear.

Since there are too many Jews to effectively enslave, genocide would immediately follow.

Survival trumps political theory.

You can deny Israel is free, democratic all you want... it makes no difference.

Allowing the arabs and their children to return to the cities, towns and villages ey left in 48 is a suicide pact Israel will never accept.

You can say this is a laughable, childish caricature portraying the palestinian people as bloodthirsty monsters craving to eat jewish babies but at least they don't try to maintain the pathetic farce that Israel is anything but a jewish supremacist state.
So what? Isn't that a kind of the state you want the US to turn into?

Hmmm. Its obvious that Waters is a putin puppet and a total arsehole.. But he is on the money with regards to israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

All decent people condemn the Israeli govt for their murders. Doesnt make them anti semites. Still she would know him better than most and maybe he is an snti semite like American right wing loons..

He is a public school privileged twat after all.

And you are such a low IQ moron , Tummy Turd , and that more than atones for possible RW imperfections
So insert that carefully up you bum and whistle .

BTW To have both you and Titloose together in the same thread is like having Donald Duck and Goofy return to amuse us .

Hmmm. Its obvious that Waters is a putin puppet and a total arsehole.. But he is on the money with regards to israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

All decent people condemn the Israeli govt for their murders. Doesnt make them anti semites. Still she would know him better than most and maybe he is an snti semite like American right wing loons..

He is a public school privileged twat after all.
What would an ignorant bigot like yourself know about decent people?
Originally posted by Esay
So what? Isn't that a kind of the state you want the US to turn into?

I don't want America to be Israel (a supremacist state) I want her to be Japan (a normal, mentally sane, non-genocidal democratic state).

Japan has ethnic minorities too... the Ainu (the native people of Japan), the people of Okinawa. They all have the same rights as the ethnic Japanese in a country that ferociously protects its racial identity and is widely regarded as a model of democracy, proving that multiracialism is not a vital, organic component of the democratic model of state but rather a genocidal excrescence America incorporated as a national value in the 50's and 60's during her transition from a normal nation-state to the multiracialist insanity we see today before exporting this same ideology to western Europe that had just become (more or less) an american "colony".

I'm a strong supporter of the the US civil rights movement. America must treat equally all the ethnic groups with a historic presence in the country and her immigration laws should reflect the percentage of each racial group in the total population just like it was until (roughly) the 1965 Immigration Act was signed into law by Johnson.

If you can't see for yourself the striking difference between a supremacist country (Israel) that herds its undesirable ethnic group into racial corrals putting a bullet in the head of those who trespass its "borders" and a democratic country (Japan) that treats them all equally while at the same time vigorously protecting its historic racial composition then I don't think any further explanation will help.
Originally posted by Esay
So what? Isn't that a kind of the state you want the US to turn into?

Notice how the multiracialist propaganda succeeded in shaping Esay's mind completely.

1 - Every year since the mid-1960's America allows the country to be flooded by hundreds of thousands of non-whites.

2 - Every year the american youth is exposed by a mass media propaganda bombardment portraying race-mixed couples as an ideal model to be followed, constantly exposing them to the glamourization of black, hispanic and asian popular culture.

These two state and media policies fit perfectly into the itens c and d of the UN definition of genocide:

(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

When you flood America with non-whites and at the same time bombard the american youth with the glamourization of mixed-race couples you are clearly inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part.

(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

Mass non-white immigration and race mixing glorification are two policies obviously intended to prevent births within the group.

What's happening in the US in the last 60 years fits the UN definition of genocide to a T.
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Originally posted by Esay
So what? Isn't that a kind of the state you want the US to turn into?

The practice of genocide is the utmost manifestation of ethnic supremacism, because you are not merely enslaving a given racial group, you're not merely denying civil rights to this group... You are physically exterminating the group in whole or in part.

That's why Nazi Germany virtually became a synonimous with supremacist state in the imagination of almost everybody around the world... because it didn't limit itself to discriminate or enslave Jews.

So I have a question:

How could America, Canada, the UK, Australia, etc... in the middle of the practice of genocide against white Americans, Canadians, etc... manage to convince Esay that they are non-supremacist democratic states and that the real supremacist is José and so many others around the world actually trying to stop the genocide.

Again... propaganda bombardment by the western mass media.

The individuals actually trying to stop the monstrosity and merely turn America into a normal democratic state like Japan are depicted by the press as white supremacists.

Despite the caluny, the infamy, the defamation I'm forced to congratulate the western mass media because they succeeded in brainwashing Esay and millions of people around the world.

The western mass media provides the most successful implementation of the teaching of Joseph Goebbels:

Accuse your enemies of being everything you are.

Accuse your enemies of doing everything you do.

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Hmmm. Its obvious that Waters is a putin puppet and a total arsehole.. But he is on the money with regards to israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

All decent people condemn the Israeli govt for their murders. Doesnt make them anti semites. Still she would know him better than most and maybe he is an snti semite like American right wing loons..

He is a public school privileged twat after all.

I doubt he's on the money about ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. That issue is so complex. Hamas are as much to blame, if not MORE SO than the Israelis.

Yes, many Jews went to Israel from somewhere else, however the Muslims could have worked with the Jews to have a better life. They didn't. Groups like Hamas used the Jews as a simple ploy to make under educated people to get themselves elected.

The whole refuge camps suggest that all the Muslims countries around Palestine couldn't give the slightest damn about their "own people", they keep them in camps to shed light on supposed Jewish abuses, but it shows more about Hamas and Israel's neighbors than anything else.

It's essentially like a school boy fight. You know chances are they're both guilty of stuff, you know they'll lie when asked who started it, and about everything else. Best to just slap them both around and tell them to stop being a pain in the ass.
I don't want America to be Israel (a supremacist state) I want her to be Japan (a normal, mentally sane, non-genocidal democratic state).

Japan has ethnic minorities too... the Ainu (the native people of Japan), the people of Okinawa. They all have the same rights as the ethnic Japanese in a country that ferociously protects its racial identity and is widely regarded as a model of democracy, proving that multiracialism is not a vital, organic component of the democratic model of state but rather a genocidal excrescence America incorporated as a national value in the 50's and 60's during her transition from a normal nation-state to the multiracialist insanity we see today before exporting this same ideology to western Europe that had just become (more or less) an american "colony".

I'm a strong supporter of the the US civil rights movement. America must treat equally all the ethnic groups with a historic presence in the country and her immigration laws should reflect the percentage of each racial group in the total population just like it was until (roughly) the 1965 Immigration Act was signed into law by Johnson.

If you can't see for yourself the striking difference between a supremacist country (Israel) that herds its undesirable ethnic group into racial corrals putting a bullet in the head of those who trespass its "borders" and a democratic country (Japan) that treats them all equally while at the same time vigorously protecting its historic racial composition then I don't think any further explanation will help.
Oh, Japan. Yeah, Japan is a prime example for the ones who push for national purity in a 'democratic way'.

First of all, your mentioning the Ainu is somewhat hypocritical. I need to add that their history of getting along with the Japanese resembles the Natives with European settlers. The Ainu were almost completely wiped out and were treated as under-humans until not too distant times back.

Japan and the US can't go a similar path just because their model of nation building is completely different. Japan was created as a mono-nation entity, while the US is a nation of migrants. Even talking about the American nation as some form of ethnic identity sounds ridiculous.

Stories about evil migrants went alongside the American history all the time before 1960s. The Irish, Italians, Jews, Japanese etc etc. Nothing new.

Hmmm. Its obvious that Waters is a putin puppet and a total arsehole.. But he is on the money with regards to israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians.

All decent people condemn the Israeli govt for their murders. Doesnt make them anti semites. Still she would know him better than most and maybe he is an snti semite like American right wing loons..

He is a public school privileged twat after all.
Calling Polly Samson a "Lyricist" is like calling Jeffrey Dahmner a chef. She only wrote lyrics for one album, and that was the Division Bell, which was not exactly their best work.

As a long time fan of Pink Floyd in general and Roger Waters (The real genius behind their music), some thoughts.

Waters' view on world politics was shaped by the fact that when he was an infant, his father was killed in the Battle of Anzio in World War II. So, yes, Roger is always going to be anti-war. Anti-War themes are part of his work, in The Wall, Dark Side of the Moon and the criminally underrated The Final Cut. That's his brand.

His criticism of Israel is valid. The Zionists are pretty much like abused children who have gotten big enough to beat up on someone else. The only reason why the world tolerates apartheid in Israel is because we all still feel really bad about the Holocaust. Which we should. But the Palestinians didn't perpetrate the holocaust and shouldn't be penalized for it. Sadly, it has become a kneejerk reaction to scream "anti-Semite" whenever Israel is criticized, ignoring the fact that the Arabs/Palestinians are also a Semitic people.

On his criticism of the Ukraine war, that's a bit more complex. His bandmates recently recorded a song with a Ukrainian artist, but Waters have been pretty adamant that this war could and SHOULD have been avoided. The west does deserve some of the blame here. There was an agreement called the Minsk accords that would have created a mechanism for Ethnic Russians in the Donbass. The Ukraine ignored that framework, which is part of the reason why Putin invaded.

All of that, however, doesn't justify Putin invading. Hitler had a valid complaint about the Danzig corridor, but that didn't justify WWII, either.
The enmity between Gilmore and Waters is strong enough that whatever one is for, the other is against it.

To a degree, you are right. But there's nothing inconsistent here. Water's position on Ukraine is perfectly understandable given his history. They never did find his father's body, which is probably buried somewhere in the Italian countryside.

The thing was, Gilmore wasn't even an original band member. He was brought on as a replacement after the original guitarist, Syd Barrett, had a mental breakdown. Yet he takes it upon himself to claim he is the sole voice of the band and how their product is marketed?

Roger screwed himself by leaving the band, rather than maintaining a share in it.
What do you do for a living? You've written this post about a non-news conflict between people who've made a living of producing awful noise, that no actual human being would want to hear. As worthless and irrelevant as they are, do you even do that much to contribute to society? What is your profession, such that you would delusionally think you have any place to look down on these worthless bums for theirs, much less to look down on me for mine?

Um, wait, here, Bob.

Pink Floyd's Albums are some of the best selling albums in history. Dark Side of the Moon was on the Billboard top album list for 20 years. Roger Waters recently toured with The Wall, and filled stadiums all over the world.

But I guess all those people aren't actual human beings.

Now go back and listen to your Osmond's albums like the cult tells you to.

Roger Waters has raised millions in charity relief over the years... what have you done.

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