PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Here's what Trump needs to do:

1. Make Arpaio Chief of Staff to have him bring in all his people. This will keep the left and MSM going bat-shit crazy and focusing on the KKK/Nazi/Racist/Ass-hurt bullshit narratives they love to masturbate to.

2. Kick the press out of the WH. That will keep the MSM and left even more busy in the throws of ass-hurtedness.

3. Audit the Federal Reserve. This is likely to get him assassinated, but this is the right place to apply pressure to the elite global establishment.

4. Hire 3,000 more SS to protect himself and call in military support around the White House. Gonna need it if he audits the Fed.

5. Make it clear he will back off on the Fed audit and/or not publish any findings if he gets everything he wants from all legislators.

I actually hope he does all of the above!:beer::popcorn:
Trump has pardoned a man who was literally, to the letter, convicted of racism.

No one should be surprised that Trump the racist would choose to let a racist off the hook.

Last I checked, it was for contempt of court. But hey, we're in an era when you can say anything about somebody if you hate them enough.

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Hmm. Never heard Arpaio ever claim to be affiliated with the KKK.

Anyone have a link with him in a pointy white sheety hat?

He isn't. The claims are coming from those who claim anyone who disagrees with them is the KKK. It got old along time ago and got trump elected.

It doesn't matter how racist the left is, they will still blame the right for racism. It doesn't matter how non racist the right is the left will still accuse them of racism.
Trump just keeps racking up Win after Win after Win, despite having the entire establishment arrayed against him.
The only "wins" he's getting has been making small, individual, unilateral decisions that anyone in that chair could make.

The big stuff? Repeal & Replace? Tax Reform? The Wall? Trade? Race Relations? Not so much.

Not true. You set an artificial standard, then you use that standard that you made up, to prove your point.

He has accomplished quite a lot of things that are clearly wins:

1. 4.4% Unemployment rate
2. A budget surplus as of April 2017
3. The Stock Market
4. Consumer confidence
5. Got 32 bills passed through Congress
6. Neil Gorsuch
7. Decreased border crossings
8. Got NK to back down
9. The Dakota pipeline
10. Killed the TPP

In his first 7 months of his term, with obstruction in every way by the left. He's winning, we are all winning, except that is, the America-hating left.
Mexico pay for the wall? He gave that up the first week
Repeal and Replace Obamacare? FAIL
Tax reform? pipe dream
Build a first rate staff? Most were fired or quit
Great Dealmaker? haven't seen one yet

Two things:

1. Your post isn't relevant.

2. That nonsense is only your worthless opinion.
Way to go Trump, you drive them crazy daily!!!!

And that's a lot more important than the US Constitution, right?

You RWNJs never think any further than the end of your own nose.
The constitution gives the president (Trump) the authority to grant pardons.
Interesting that he complains about activist judges and then acts as an activist President overruling the courts
Yes, be acted as an activist president to "overrule" an activist judge. Overrule is in quotes because granting a pardon isn't technically overruling, but it's the same effect.
Seems Trump is making his own laws
Way to go Trump, you drive them crazy daily!!!!

And that's a lot more important than the US Constitution, right?

You RWNJs never think any further than the end of your own nose.
The constitution gives the president (Trump) the authority to grant pardons.
Interesting that he complains about activist judges and then acts as an activist President overruling the courts
Yes, be acted as an activist president to "overrule" an activist judge. Overrule is in quotes because granting a pardon isn't technically overruling, but it's the same effect.
Seems Trump is making his own laws
Presidential power to grant pardons is established constitutional law, and a president can legally grant pardons for any reason he damn well pleases! It is the law and has been the law for over 200 years.
Way to go Trump, you drive them crazy daily!!!!

And that's a lot more important than the US Constitution, right?

You RWNJs never think any further than the end of your own nose.
The constitution gives the president (Trump) the authority to grant pardons.
Interesting that he complains about activist judges and then acts as an activist President overruling the courts
Yes, be acted as an activist president to "overrule" an activist judge. Overrule is in quotes because granting a pardon isn't technically overruling, but it's the same effect.
Seems Trump is making his own laws
That was Obama's shtick, moron. It's hilarious watching you snowflakes whine about something Trump isn't even doing when your messiah was totally out of control. Do you think it was constitutional for Obama to make his own immigration laws?
That was Obama's shtick, moron. It's hilarious watching you snowflakes whine about something Trump isn't even doing when your messiah was totally out of control. Do you think it was constitutional for Obama to make his own immigration laws?
Like a travel ban?
His travel ban is totally constitutional. Petulant whining by snowflakes isn't how you determine what is in compliance with the Constitution.
Violating people's constitutional rights is not enforcing the law. The Constitution would be better off without you in this country.

Dear ButtheadBee,

Illegal Aliens invading our country HAVE NO Constitutional rights, but the Law DOES have an obligation to enforce our laws. Three Cheers to Joe and hope for MORE LIKE HIM to bust you illegals once and for all OUT OF MY COUNTRY. You want to come here? Apply for citizenship or a Visa, then we can talk. Until then, DROP DEAD.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.
He didn't follow the law in pardoning that Arizona piece of shit. The law said that racist fucker should do time and the racist fucker in the White House stopped that.

An absolute lie. But you are stupid enough to believe it totally.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.
He didn't follow the law in pardoning that Arizona piece of shit. The law said that racist fucker should do time and the racist fucker in the White House stopped that.
Sure he did. Read the Constitution. He has the power to pardon anyone for any reason.

Arpaio is about as racist as my dog. We know the only reason he was prosecuted is the fact that snowflake douche bags like you hate him so much.
Funny how race relations were made worse the last 8 years by BINO and the left just kept blaming the same people. There is something wrong with these people.

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