PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.
PINO is a good acronym for Trump.

Don PINO sounds like a mob boss.

And he cares about the rule of law about as much as a mob boss.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.

Trump believes laws don't apply to him. That's why he's been involved in over 3,000 law suits, including the Trump University law suits. It's why his family charity foundation has been shut down, and why American banks stopped lending him money.

It's not surprising that Trump would pardon Arpaio since Arpaio thinks the law doesn't apply to him either. Birds of a feather. It will end badly for Trump.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.
He didn't follow the law in pardoning that Arizona piece of shit. The law said that racist fucker should do time and the racist fucker in the White House stopped that.
Please point out the law he didn't follow. I laughed when I asked that question.

Once again, Mexican is not a race. What in the world is wrong with you people?
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.
He didn't follow the law in pardoning that Arizona piece of shit. The law said that racist fucker should do time and the racist fucker in the White House stopped that.

Ok ill bite. How did pardoning the Sherriff violate the law?
That was Obama's shtick, moron. It's hilarious watching you snowflakes whine about something Trump isn't even doing when your messiah was totally out of control. Do you think it was constitutional for Obama to make his own immigration laws?
Like a travel ban?
That was Obama's shtick, moron. It's hilarious watching you snowflakes whine about something Trump isn't even doing when your messiah was totally out of control. Do you think it was constitutional for Obama to make his own immigration laws?
Like a travel ban?

No. Not like the travel ban. The travel ban was authorized with legislative authority that granted the president discretionary power to do so.

Obama openly stated he was going around congress
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.
PINO is a good acronym for Trump.

Don PINO sounds like a mob boss.

And he cares about the rule of law about as much as a mob boss.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.

Trump believes laws don't apply to him. That's why he's been involved in over 3,000 law suits, including the Trump University law suits. It's why his family charity foundation has been shut down, and why American banks stopped lending him money.

It's not surprising that Trump would pardon Arpaio since Arpaio thinks the law doesn't apply to him either. Birds of a feather. It will end badly for Trump.
That's wrong, you dumb-as-dirt douche bag. Lawsuits in the construction industry are just part of doing business. All businesses get sued. That's why they have insurance. The leftwing attempt to make this into some kind of moral issue only shows how pathetic, desperate and stupid you are.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.
He didn't follow the law in pardoning that Arizona piece of shit. The law said that racist fucker should do time and the racist fucker in the White House stopped that.

Ok ill bite. How did pardoning the Sherriff violate the law?

It violated the law because all the snowflakes hate him and want to put him in prison, don't ya know. It had nothing to do with the facts or the law.
The hypocrisy is galactic. "We love Arpaio because he's tough on crime and forces convicted criminals to serve hard time." "We don't want Arpaio to serve his time for being convicted of a crime."

There's certainly some truth in that. Arpaio has gotten a lot of press and praise for being tough on crime.
There is nothing contrary to 'law and order' regarding pardons.

Yes there is. Arpaio has shown no remorse. In addition, the normal process was circumvented. Pardons are not created to shield people from the consequences of their unlawful behavior. A crooked President pardons a crooked sheriff.

Um that's exactly what pardons are for
Trump, has just issued an executive pardon the most controversial racist in the country, Sheriff Joe O-Piggo!! We all know the guy wasn't gonna spend a day in jail, but the Duck, with his tiny little itching fingers had to throw his fellow Nazi following gang, their weekend signing shit!!

We have before us perhaps the most devastating weather headed to our coast, we just got off yet another horrible nightmare with Trump last week and here he goes again.....Lawd, will this guy ever start acting like a human being, instead of this pandering idiot to 39% of the country?

Latino's for Trump, ready to visit Arizona?

It's always interesting to watch how the left, especially racist assholes like you, start with complete lies and build this entire fantasy world around it. the interesting thing about yours here is how you are setting up to add the lies you will invent about Trump and the hurricane.
Fuck off and get a life.
Trump has pardoned a man who was literally, to the letter, convicted of racism.

No one should be surprised that Trump the racist would choose to let a racist off the hook.
Rounding up illegals is not racism, and that fact that you claim that only bolsters the picture of the America hating left.
Mike between you and the rest of these right winged nuts, Trump is right down there with ants and low lifes/
Violating people's constitutional rights is not enforcing the law. The Constitution would be better off without you in this country.

Dear ButtheadBee,

Illegal Aliens invading our country HAVE NO Constitutional rights, but the Law DOES have an obligation to enforce our laws. Three Cheers to Joe and hope for MORE LIKE HIM to bust you illegals once and for all OUT OF MY COUNTRY. You want to come here? Apply for citizenship or a Visa, then we can talk. Until then, DROP DEAD.
Anyone who is in our country has constitutional rights
Violating people's constitutional rights is not enforcing the law. The Constitution would be better off without you in this country.

Dear ButtheadBee,

Illegal Aliens invading our country HAVE NO Constitutional rights, but the Law DOES have an obligation to enforce our laws. Three Cheers to Joe and hope for MORE LIKE HIM to bust you illegals once and for all OUT OF MY COUNTRY. You want to come here? Apply for citizenship or a Visa, then we can talk. Until then, DROP DEAD.
Anyone who is in our country has constitutional rights
They have a right to a hearing and a bus ticket to Tijuana.
Trump just keeps racking up Win after Win after Win, despite having the entire establishment arrayed against him.
The only "wins" he's getting has been making small, individual, unilateral decisions that anyone in that chair could make.

The big stuff? Repeal & Replace? Tax Reform? The Wall? Trade? Race Relations? Not so much.
Because the Congressional caucuses of both parties are led by mental midgets.

McConnel and Schumer are more to blame for the failure (so far) to replace/repair Obamacare.
Joe was convicted because he wouldn't obey a judge's order to
NOT enforce the law.

That's why these illegals have stopped coming here now. At least,
not coming in droves.

Border Patrol doesn't follow Obama's directive of detain and release.
They detain or boot them back across. Ain't none of this releasing
So a sheriff in Arizona tries to uphold federal laws and the left has a cow. Nothing new, pardon the guy and move on.
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

Are you that passionate when Obama and Clinton pardoned criminals or is the just an outrage because you disagree with a Presidents politics?

Published on Dec 15, 2016
They found the source document! Game Over! This was all orchestrated! Trump knew this was coming and that’s why he stayed out of it! Arpaio was one of the first people Trump met with when he announced he was running. Jerry Corsi of WND showed Arpaio things that shocked him. This is just the tip of the iceberg folks. Arpaio’s goal is not to expose everything he has, but to just get it in the hands of Congress and the State Department.

Arpaio Drops Nuclear Bomb On Obama!

Just as the Feds under Obama orchestrated getting the Sheriff out of office? To me it is a crazy situation, the Feds under Obama were upset with Arizona and the sheriff for upholding federal laws that the Feds didn't enforce. The sheriff was railroaded and a President pardoned him, no different than the thousands upon thousands of pardons handout by Presidents over the last two centuries.
What makes it a "lawless system"?
Well lets start with his right to a jury trial going *POOF*!

Unfortunately, from what I can gather, that is actually acceptable under the law. I was unaware, but apparently the USSC ruled (in Baldwin v New York) that "petty crimes" can be tried without a jury. Petty crimes would involve crimes with a maximum sentence of less than 6 months. Baldwin v. New York 399 U.S. 66 (1970)

That would seem to make it not a lawless system, but a system with shitty laws. :dunno:

I don't know what the rationale would be to decide that not all criminal cases get the right to a jury trial, since the sixth amendment seems to pretty clearly indicate all of them have that right.

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