PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Violating people's constitutional rights is not enforcing the law. The Constitution would be better off without you in this country.

Dear ButtheadBee,

Illegal Aliens invading our country HAVE NO Constitutional rights, but the Law DOES have an obligation to enforce our laws. Three Cheers to Joe and hope for MORE LIKE HIM to bust you illegals once and for all OUT OF MY COUNTRY. You want to come here? Apply for citizenship or a Visa, then we can talk. Until then, DROP DEAD.


He was picking up American citizens and demanding to see their papers. This is something out of Nazi Germany. The Supreme Court says he cannot do that. Joe is a criminal and a NAZI as YOU are. I want YOU OUT OF MY COUNTRY NAZI!! You can DROP DEAD!!
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

Are you that passionate when Obama and Clinton pardoned criminals or is the just an outrage because you disagree with a Presidents politics?

Does the merit or propriety of Trump pardoning Arpaio have ANYTHING to do with how some poster viewed some other pardon?

How a poster viewed the pardons of previous presidents can be evidence of whether the outrage about this particular pardon might be based more on opposition to Trump than belief that the pardon is a particularly bad thing.

Arpaio was convicted of a minor offense. Presidents since Washington have been granting pardons, often to people convicted of far more severe crimes. If someone has never before cared about presidential pardons, it brings up the question of why it is such a big deal now.

So if a poster comes along who says that Trump was wrong to pardon Arpaio, AND that poster also says that Obama was wrong to pardon so and so, AND Clinton was wrong to pardon so and so,

that proves that Trump was in fact wrong to pardon Arpaio?
Trump just keeps racking up Win after Win after Win, despite having the entire establishment arrayed against him.
The only "wins" he's getting has been making small, individual, unilateral decisions that anyone in that chair could make.

The big stuff? Repeal & Replace? Tax Reform? The Wall? Trade? Race Relations? Not so much.
Because the Congressional caucuses of both parties are led by mental midgets.

McConnel and Schumer are more to blame for the failure (so far) to replace/repair Obamacare.
Holy crap Jim, I swear, the wingers are losing their minds more by the fucking day.

Communication is crucial, but seriously, how do you communicate with a loon?
Both John McCain and Jeff Flake join the left in trashing Trump for pardoning Sheriff Joe Arpaio, which means Trump made the right decision.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.
He didn't follow the law in pardoning that Arizona piece of shit. The law said that racist fucker should do time and the racist fucker in the White House stopped that.
Please point out the law he didn't follow. I laughed when I asked that question.

Once again, Mexican is not a race. What in the world is wrong with you people?

Hispanics are a ethnic group. That is who Arpaio was targeting. Picking them up off the street and demanding their papers is illegal.
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

Are you that passionate when Obama and Clinton pardoned criminals or is the just an outrage because you disagree with a Presidents politics?

Does the merit or propriety of Trump pardoning Arpaio have ANYTHING to do with how some poster viewed some other pardon?

How a poster viewed the pardons of previous presidents can be evidence of whether the outrage about this particular pardon might be based more on opposition to Trump than belief that the pardon is a particularly bad thing.

Arpaio was convicted of a minor offense. Presidents since Washington have been granting pardons, often to people convicted of far more severe crimes. If someone has never before cared about presidential pardons, it brings up the question of why it is such a big deal now.

So if a poster comes along who says that Trump was wrong to pardon Arpaio, AND that poster also says that Obama was wrong to pardon so and so, AND Clinton was wrong to pardon so and so,

that proves that Trump was in fact wrong to pardon Arpaio?

It shows consistency, why would it be okay to pardon a Marc Rich a Scooter Libby and not Arpaio who's crime was much less?
The Dirty Democratic Party is full of racist Aztlan Nationalist who want to change American into a latino country
Joe was convicted because he wouldn't obey a judge's order to
NOT enforce the law.

That's why these illegals have stopped coming here now. At least,
not coming in droves.

Border Patrol doesn't follow Obama's directive of detain and release.
They detain or boot them back across. Ain't none of this releasing

He was convicted because he violated the 4th Amendment. He was NOT enforcing the law.
Have you also noticed that the Racist Democratic Party does everything that they can to enable their racist invasion of illegal aliens?
Trump pardons a good cop, Joe Arpaio. Obama pardons Chelsea Manning & FALN terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

Are you that passionate when Obama and Clinton pardoned criminals or is the just an outrage because you disagree with a Presidents politics?

Does the merit or propriety of Trump pardoning Arpaio have ANYTHING to do with how some poster viewed some other pardon?

How a poster viewed the pardons of previous presidents can be evidence of whether the outrage about this particular pardon might be based more on opposition to Trump than belief that the pardon is a particularly bad thing.

Arpaio was convicted of a minor offense. Presidents since Washington have been granting pardons, often to people convicted of far more severe crimes. If someone has never before cared about presidential pardons, it brings up the question of why it is such a big deal now.

So if a poster comes along who says that Trump was wrong to pardon Arpaio, AND that poster also says that Obama was wrong to pardon so and so, AND Clinton was wrong to pardon so and so,

that proves that Trump was in fact wrong to pardon Arpaio?

It shows consistency, why would it be okay to pardon a Marc Rich a Scooter Libby and not Arpaio who's crime was much less?

Because he was a law enforcement official who violated the constitutional rights of American citizens. He believed he was above the Constitution and above the law.
All countries have immigration laws.
There is nothing racist about enforcing immigration laws.
The Corrupt Democratic Party constantly trying to stop the enforcement of our immigration laws is what's RACIST.
Because he was a law enforcement official who violated the constitutional rights of American citizens. He believed he was above the Constitution and above the law.

He cut through the B.S. red tape to enforce our laws. So far as Im concerned that person should has come with a Presidential Medal of Freedom attached to it.
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

Are you that passionate when Obama and Clinton pardoned criminals or is the just an outrage because you disagree with a Presidents politics?

Does the merit or propriety of Trump pardoning Arpaio have ANYTHING to do with how some poster viewed some other pardon?

How a poster viewed the pardons of previous presidents can be evidence of whether the outrage about this particular pardon might be based more on opposition to Trump than belief that the pardon is a particularly bad thing.

Arpaio was convicted of a minor offense. Presidents since Washington have been granting pardons, often to people convicted of far more severe crimes. If someone has never before cared about presidential pardons, it brings up the question of why it is such a big deal now.
The issue isn’t the severity of the offense but its nature.

Arpaio exhibited brazen contempt for the rule of law – something that cannot be pardoned with regard to a law enforcement officer sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

And that includes laws enacted pursuant to the Constitution, in this case Federal immigration laws and how those laws are to be implemented as determined by the courts.

Arpaio wasn’t required to like or approve of Federal immigration laws, or the rulings of Federal courts, but he was required to obey those laws and court rulings.

Moreover, Arpaio was motivated to ignore the rule of law by an unwarranted animus toward Hispanic immigrants – immigrants entitled to Constitutional protections: to a presumption of innocence and to the right of due process of the law, all disregarded by Arpaio with hateful contempt.

Consequently, the condemnation of Trump’s pardon is perfectly appropriate – separate and apart from Trump.
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

No moron......he was enforcing the law.....and you left wing nut jobs can't stand a left wing, social justice warrior, pretending to be a judge, denied him a jury trial and pronounced a sentence on him.....moron.
How the fuck can a judge deny a man, a jury of his peers anyhow? Sounds like Joes Conviction was the product of a kangaroo court. Well President Trump!

A judge can cite a individual for contempt of court. It does not require a jury. You cite a irrelevancy to justify depriving citizens of their constitutional rights.
No one was deprived. And if they were; tbat wohld be a federal case. If it was a federal civil rigbts case, it would have gone to jury. Interesting to see how excited you libs get at the thought of jailing your political enemies withoit due process. Very telling of your fascistic ways. Just one of the many reasons your kind have been systematically voted out of office...

Anyone who disagrees is a liberal. Justin Amash is a conservative and he disagrees. I am excited because I am a constitutional conservative. We should be very concerned when a law enforcement official believes he is above the law and openly violates the Constitution. You are the LIBERAL because you believe in constitutional rights for those you support but not for anyone else.
Pino? Cheeto?

How many more juvenile names can the left come up with? Are they consulting 5th graders for insults?

Calling people childish names is not only fun, but profitable

Lying Ted, Little Marco, Crooked Hillary, Miss Piggy, Miss Housekeeping
Because he was a law enforcement official who violated the constitutional rights of American citizens. He believed he was above the Constitution and above the law.

He cut through the B.S. red tape to enforce our laws. So far as Im concerned that person should has come with a Presidential Medal of Freedom attached to it.

You think the Constitution is BS red tape? You clearly are in-American as you do not believe in the Constitution.
Trump has pardoned a man who was literally, to the letter, convicted of racism.

No one should be surprised that Trump the racist would choose to let a racist off the hook.


Yes, I know, 'literally' is a bad word. Give me a better one to say the same thing I'm saying there.

How about "Completely unrelated"? Much more accurate

What was Arpaio convicted of? Apparently you have no clue.


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