PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

The upside is Trump knows he's running out of time and he's doing everything he can to cause havoc and piss off everyone who made fun of him.

He's a child.
TRUMP is a true Patriot.... America First. Think of it... President Trump volunteered without pay to try and get our country back. Why would a billionaire submit himself to such an enormous task when he could simply enjoy his life and riches ? You did know he donates his pay didn't you? Please educate yourself on facts instead of Fake News.

He is lining his pockets with taxpayer dollars. Even when he goes golfing, taxpayers pay for rental of his golf carts. You need to educate yourself on the facts.
No, the taxpayers only pay the rental for the carts the secret service uses.
As Soledad O'Brien just pointed out on Twitter, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And once you accept a pardon you no longer can plead the fifth. He is only pardoned for criminal acts, and that admission of guilt will be used in civil cases against him.
Bullshit. It's admission of nothing. Arpaio doesn't even have the choice of whether to accept it or not.
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

Is that like that Obama asshole that commuted the sentence of a transsexual traitor?

He picked people of certain ethnic origins off the street and demanded they prove their immigration status. As Rep Justin Amash pointed out, this violates their 4th Amendment rights.

Oh Boo Hoo. It is called profiling.

The Israelis do it. That is how they stay alive. They are very effective and this saves them the madness WE have at our airports where we profile EVERYBODY, including little children, the handicapped in wheelchairs, old grannies and cancer patients.

New York did it, they merely stopped suspicious people and asked for ID. It cut way down on crime and got a lot of bad people OFF THE STREETS.

The State Police do it when they have a police stop just to check cars. It deters a lot of crime.

The border Patrol do it. They target various cars to deter illegals and stop a lot of bad guys.

If you are just an average Joe, then you have nothing to worry over. The cops are out there trying to keep you safe. They just need a moment of your time and I would be glad to comply. If you are an illegal, then you have everything to worry about and no rights were violated because as an illegal alien, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS. Even after the wall gets built, the only really effective way to combat illegal immigration is to make the risk of coming here WORSE than the reward.

Since the President is the highest Law Enforcement Officer in the nation, if he says Arpaio is innocent of all charges, he is innocent. Case closed.
You think the Constitution is BS red tape? You clearly are in-American as you do not believe in the Constitution.

I believe thst ANY law or policy that reduces the ability of LEOs to arrest, DAs to prosecute and the DOC to execute criminals is immoral and shoild be ignored.
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

Are you that passionate when Obama and Clinton pardoned criminals or is the just an outrage because you disagree with a Presidents politics?

Does the merit or propriety of Trump pardoning Arpaio have ANYTHING to do with how some poster viewed some other pardon?

How a poster viewed the pardons of previous presidents can be evidence of whether the outrage about this particular pardon might be based more on opposition to Trump than belief that the pardon is a particularly bad thing.

Arpaio was convicted of a minor offense. Presidents since Washington have been granting pardons, often to people convicted of far more severe crimes. If someone has never before cared about presidential pardons, it brings up the question of why it is such a big deal now.

So if a poster comes along who says that Trump was wrong to pardon Arpaio, AND that poster also says that Obama was wrong to pardon so and so, AND Clinton was wrong to pardon so and so,

that proves that Trump was in fact wrong to pardon Arpaio?

Of course not.

However, people have been saying that this pardon hurts the constitution, that is emboldens racists or white supremacists, things of that nature. If people making those sorts of claims don't think the same measures apply to previous pardons, it shows a lack of consistency and could be indicative of a desire to denigrate Trump, rather than an actual belief about the repercussions of this particular pardon.
The upside is Trump knows he's running out of time and he's doing everything he can to cause havoc and piss off everyone who made fun of him.

He's a child.
TRUMP is a true Patriot.... America First. Think of it... President Trump volunteered without pay to try and get our country back. Why would a billionaire submit himself to such an enormous task when he could simply enjoy his life and riches ? You did know he donates his pay didn't you? Please educate yourself on facts instead of Fake News.

He is lining his pockets with taxpayer dollars. Even when he goes golfing, taxpayers pay for rental of his golf carts. You need to educate yourself on the facts.
No, the taxpayers only pay the rental for the carts the secret service uses.

Trump owns the carts so part of the money goes into his pocket. Taxpayers pay for rents at Trump properties when he goes on vacation. In addition, he apparently is funneling RNC money into his pockets by holding events at Trump properties.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.
He didn't follow the law in pardoning that Arizona piece of shit. The law said that racist fucker should do time and the racist fucker in the White House stopped that.
Please point out the law he didn't follow. I laughed when I asked that question.

Once again, Mexican is not a race. What in the world is wrong with you people?

Hispanics are a ethnic group. That is who Arpaio was targeting. Picking them up off the street and demanding their papers is illegal.

Thank you, not a race but an ethnicity, now I hope those calling him racist will stop, ha another joke.

Let me ask you something. If crimes were committed by those of Latin decent why would you look for someone not of Latin decent?
You think the Constitution is BS red tape? You clearly are in-American as you do not believe in the Constitution.

I believe thst ANY law or policy that reduces the ability of LEOs to arrest, DAs to prosecute and the DOC to execute criminals is immoral and shoild be ignored.

You do not believe in the Constitution. The Constitution safeguards people's rights and if it inconveniences law enforcement then it is tough.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.
He didn't follow the law in pardoning that Arizona piece of shit. The law said that racist fucker should do time and the racist fucker in the White House stopped that.
Please point out the law he didn't follow. I laughed when I asked that question.

Once again, Mexican is not a race. What in the world is wrong with you people?

Hispanics are a ethnic group. That is who Arpaio was targeting. Picking them up off the street and demanding their papers is illegal.

Thank you, not a race but an ethnicity, now I hope those calling him racist will stop, ha another joke.

Let me ask you something. If crimes were committed by those of Latin decent why would you look for someone not of Latin decent?

The fact is that Arpaio violated their constitutional rights by picking them up for committing no crime and asking for their papers. This is not Nazi Germany.
Wow, PINO everywhere on this board now.

If you're an American citizen, he's your PINO, whether you admit it or not.
Just like Obama was a BINO.

Sorry, can't help posting idiocy in responds to idiocy. (not you)
You do not believe in the Constitution. The Constitution safeguards people's rights and if it inconveniences law enforcement then it is tough.

I don't believe in Rights, Inalienable or Government granted. Death is the only guarantee in life. Right and Wrong are the only irrefutable concepts in life. Anything thst prevents the implementation of Righteousness and defeat of Wrongness cannot be acceptable, by definition.
Joe's only "crime" was enforcing the immigration laws of the Federal government, which he was authorized to do. Those dipshits in the illegal alien loving Obama administration couldn't stand anybody protecting this country.

Without the illegal alien voters and the filthy ass welfare queens the Democrats would be hard put to get more than 20% of the vote and that is why they went after Sheriff Joe.

Thank god that asshole Obama isn't President anymore and we have someone in the White House that understands illegal aliens are breaking the law and appreciates someone like Joe who also knows that.

Trump has a lot of work ahead of him fixing all the things that Obama broke.
The upside is Trump knows he's running out of time and he's doing everything he can to cause havoc and piss off everyone who made fun of him.

He's a child.
TRUMP is a true Patriot.... America First. Think of it... President Trump volunteered without pay to try and get our country back. Why would a billionaire submit himself to such an enormous task when he could simply enjoy his life and riches ? You did know he donates his pay didn't you? Please educate yourself on facts instead of Fake News.

He is lining his pockets with taxpayer dollars. Even when he goes golfing, taxpayers pay for rental of his golf carts. You need to educate yourself on the facts.
No, the taxpayers only pay the rental for the carts the secret service uses.

Trump owns the carts so part of the money goes into his pocket. Taxpayers pay for rents at Trump properties when he goes on vacation. In addition, he apparently is funneling RNC money into his pockets by holding events at Trump properties.
RNC money isn't government money, so there's no issue there. If they want to patronize Trump's businesses, they are free to do so.

Apparently you believe Trump should fund all of the SS's expenses. Since when has any president ever done that? The SS is paying the going rate for a product or service. Trump is not violating the law by doing business as he normally does, no matter who the customer is.
As Soledad O'Brien just pointed out on Twitter, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And once you accept a pardon you no longer can plead the fifth. He is only pardoned for criminal acts, and that admission of guilt will be used in civil cases against him.
Bullshit. It's admission of nothing. Arpaio doesn't even have the choice of whether to accept it or not.
Wrong. It's an admission of guilt. You don't know how this works do you ass lick? Let me help you out. The criminal Arpaio hasn't been sentenced yet in this unprecedented political move in which the pardon powers of the president were never intended. It is complete undermining of the criminal justice system which is an impeachable offense in an of itself. The criminal Apaios lawyers have signaled they will accept the pardon which makes it an admission of guilt. The criminal Arpaio is now open to hundreds if not thousands of civil suits which the criminal Trump cannot pardon. The criminal Arpaio will now spend what is left of his worthless life in civil court of which many rulings will go against him and he is not young enough or rich enough to ever get out from under them. Let's see how well he holds up to years of torture at 85 years old by Latino people who will now be a part of his dreams every night when he goes to bed. Oh yeah? It will be a real shame if some of the wrong people find out exactly where he is on any given night, and there is a lapse in security for just a minute. Pardon that asshole.
Joe was convicted because he wouldn't obey a judge's order to
NOT enforce the law.

That's why these illegals have stopped coming here now. At least,
not coming in droves.

Border Patrol doesn't follow Obama's directive of detain and release.
They detain or boot them back across. Ain't none of this releasing

He was convicted because he violated the 4th Amendment. He was NOT enforcing the law.

Violations of the fourth amendment don't result in criminal charges against the gov actor
Joe got in trouble for seeking to enforce laws on the books that Barry did not want enforced so they manufactured a way that he was illegally preventing illegality
Trump has now rightfully corrected that
Lib kids wearing Jammie's to school and swim trunks and flip flops to work are not ruling via feelings anymore
Americans have woke up and are not in a sentiment slumber anymore but rather want laws enforced and want America First
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

Are you that passionate when Obama and Clinton pardoned criminals or is the just an outrage because you disagree with a Presidents politics?

Does the merit or propriety of Trump pardoning Arpaio have ANYTHING to do with how some poster viewed some other pardon?

How a poster viewed the pardons of previous presidents can be evidence of whether the outrage about this particular pardon might be based more on opposition to Trump than belief that the pardon is a particularly bad thing.

Arpaio was convicted of a minor offense. Presidents since Washington have been granting pardons, often to people convicted of far more severe crimes. If someone has never before cared about presidential pardons, it brings up the question of why it is such a big deal now.
The issue isn’t the severity of the offense but its nature.

Arpaio exhibited brazen contempt for the rule of law – something that cannot be pardoned with regard to a law enforcement officer sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

And that includes laws enacted pursuant to the Constitution, in this case Federal immigration laws and how those laws are to be implemented as determined by the courts.

Arpaio wasn’t required to like or approve of Federal immigration laws, or the rulings of Federal courts, but he was required to obey those laws and court rulings.

Moreover, Arpaio was motivated to ignore the rule of law by an unwarranted animus toward Hispanic immigrants – immigrants entitled to Constitutional protections: to a presumption of innocence and to the right of due process of the law, all disregarded by Arpaio with hateful contempt.

Consequently, the condemnation of Trump’s pardon is perfectly appropriate – separate and apart from Trump.

Do you think every other convicted criminal who has received a presidential pardon exhibited respect for the rule of law?

I don't know if any other law enforcement officers have received pardons. If that is what you think makes this particularly egregious, that may be a valid argument.

However, I am not arguing in favor of Arpaio's pardon. Instead, I am questioning whether those who are describing this pardon as some sort of horrible action have felt that way about any other presidential pardons (of which there have been many).
Most pardons are for people who broke the law. Joe was enforcing laws that a pineapple judge in Hawaii did not like so they jailed him

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