PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

He picked people of certain ethnic origins off the street and demanded they prove their immigration status. As Rep Justin Amash pointed out, this violates their 4th Amendment rights.

Oh Boo Hoo. It is called profiling.

The Israelis do it. That is how they stay alive. They are very effective and this saves them the madness WE have at our airports where we profile EVERYBODY, including little children, the handicapped in wheelchairs, old grannies and cancer patients.

New York did it, they merely stopped suspicious people and asked for ID. It cut way down on crime and got a lot of bad people OFF THE STREETS.

The State Police do it when they have a police stop just to check cars. It deters a lot of crime.

The border Patrol do it. They target various cars to deter illegals and stop a lot of bad guys.

If you are just an average Joe, then you have nothing to worry over. The cops are out there trying to keep you safe. They just need a moment of your time and I would be glad to comply. If you are an illegal, then you have everything to worry about and no rights were violated because as an illegal alien, YOU HAVE NO RIGHTS. Even after the wall gets built, the only really effective way to combat illegal immigration is to make the risk of coming here WORSE than the reward.

Since the President is the highest Law Enforcement Officer in the nation, if he says Arpaio is innocent of all charges, he is innocent. Case closed.

The old "if you haven't done anything wrong, you don't have to worry about a loss of freedom or worry about government intrusion" argument.

A pardon does not make the person innocent. It grants forgiveness.
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.
PINO is a good acronym for Trump.

Don PINO sounds like a mob boss.

And he cares about the rule of law about as much as a mob boss.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.

Trump believes laws don't apply to him. That's why he's been involved in over 3,000 law suits, including the Trump University law suits. It's why his family charity foundation has been shut down, and why American banks stopped lending him money.

It's not surprising that Trump would pardon Arpaio since Arpaio thinks the law doesn't apply to him either. Birds of a feather. It will end badly for Trump.
That's wrong, you dumb-as-dirt douche bag. Lawsuits in the construction industry are just part of doing business. All businesses get sued. That's why they have insurance. The leftwing attempt to make this into some kind of moral issue only shows how pathetic, desperate and stupid you are.

I worked for construction industry lawyers. Law suits are NOT part of any honest contractors' business. They are common with dishonest contractors though. Honest contractors consistently say that they make more money staying out of court and getting more work done.

A law suit drains resources from the work a company does. They drain cash to pay lawyers and executive time better spent on new projects. Dishonest contractors use law suits to bully subtrades into taking less money for their work, and to hide their inability to pay for work completed.

If you believe that Trump got involved in these suits in the "ordinary course of business", you're just as stupid as the people who signed up for his Trump University scam.
As Soledad O'Brien just pointed out on Twitter, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And once you accept a pardon you no longer can plead the fifth. He is only pardoned for criminal acts, and that admission of guilt will be used in civil cases against him.
Bullshit. It's admission of nothing. Arpaio doesn't even have the choice of whether to accept it or not.
Wrong. It's an admission of guilt. You don't know how this works do you ass lick? Let me help you out. The criminal Arpaio hasn't been sentenced yet in this unprecedented political move in which the pardon powers of the president were never intended. It is complete undermining of the criminal justice system which is an impeachable offense in an of itself. The criminal Apaios lawyers have signaled they will accept the pardon which makes it an admission of guilt. The criminal Arpaio is now open to hundreds if not thousands of civil suits which the criminal Trump cannot pardon. The criminal Arpaio will now spend what is left of his worthless life in civil court of which many rulings will go against him and he is not young enough or rich enough to ever get out from under them. Let's see how well he holds up to years of torture at 85 years old by Latino people who will now be a part of his dreams every night when he goes to bed. Oh yeah? It will be a real shame if some of the wrong people find out exactly where he is on any given night, and there is a lapse in security for just a minute. Pardon that asshole.

Simmer, it's gonna be OK...
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.
PINO is a good acronym for Trump.

Don PINO sounds like a mob boss.

And he cares about the rule of law about as much as a mob boss.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.

Trump believes laws don't apply to him. That's why he's been involved in over 3,000 law suits, including the Trump University law suits. It's why his family charity foundation has been shut down, and why American banks stopped lending him money.

It's not surprising that Trump would pardon Arpaio since Arpaio thinks the law doesn't apply to him either. Birds of a feather. It will end badly for Trump.
That's wrong, you dumb-as-dirt douche bag. Lawsuits in the construction industry are just part of doing business. All businesses get sued. That's why they have insurance. The leftwing attempt to make this into some kind of moral issue only shows how pathetic, desperate and stupid you are.

I worked for construction industry lawyers. Law suits are NOT part of any honest contractors' business. They are common with dishonest contractors though. Honest contractors consistently say that they make more money staying out of court and getting more work done.

A law suit drains resources from the work a company does. They drain cash to pay lawyers and executive time better spent on new projects. Dishonest contractors use law suits to bully subtrades into taking less money for their work, and to hide their inability to pay for work completed.

If you believe that Trump got involved in these suits in the "ordinary course of business", you're just as stupid as the people who signed up for his Trump University scam.

Trump is not a contractor.
PINO is a good acronym for Trump.

Don PINO sounds like a mob boss.

And he cares about the rule of law about as much as a mob boss.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.

Trump believes laws don't apply to him. That's why he's been involved in over 3,000 law suits, including the Trump University law suits. It's why his family charity foundation has been shut down, and why American banks stopped lending him money.

It's not surprising that Trump would pardon Arpaio since Arpaio thinks the law doesn't apply to him either. Birds of a feather. It will end badly for Trump.
That's wrong, you dumb-as-dirt douche bag. Lawsuits in the construction industry are just part of doing business. All businesses get sued. That's why they have insurance. The leftwing attempt to make this into some kind of moral issue only shows how pathetic, desperate and stupid you are.

I worked for construction industry lawyers. Law suits are NOT part of any honest contractors' business. They are common with dishonest contractors though. Honest contractors consistently say that they make more money staying out of court and getting more work done.

A law suit drains resources from the work a company does. They drain cash to pay lawyers and executive time better spent on new projects. Dishonest contractors use law suits to bully subtrades into taking less money for their work, and to hide their inability to pay for work completed.

If you believe that Trump got involved in these suits in the "ordinary course of business", you're just as stupid as the people who signed up for his Trump University scam.

Trump is not a contractor.

Are you saying he doesn't build things?
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.

Trump believes laws don't apply to him. That's why he's been involved in over 3,000 law suits, including the Trump University law suits. It's why his family charity foundation has been shut down, and why American banks stopped lending him money.

It's not surprising that Trump would pardon Arpaio since Arpaio thinks the law doesn't apply to him either. Birds of a feather. It will end badly for Trump.
That's wrong, you dumb-as-dirt douche bag. Lawsuits in the construction industry are just part of doing business. All businesses get sued. That's why they have insurance. The leftwing attempt to make this into some kind of moral issue only shows how pathetic, desperate and stupid you are.

I worked for construction industry lawyers. Law suits are NOT part of any honest contractors' business. They are common with dishonest contractors though. Honest contractors consistently say that they make more money staying out of court and getting more work done.

A law suit drains resources from the work a company does. They drain cash to pay lawyers and executive time better spent on new projects. Dishonest contractors use law suits to bully subtrades into taking less money for their work, and to hide their inability to pay for work completed.

If you believe that Trump got involved in these suits in the "ordinary course of business", you're just as stupid as the people who signed up for his Trump University scam.

Trump is not a contractor.

Are you saying he doesn't build things?

Trump doesn't build anything... he hires people to build things. He's a developer, far different from a contractor.
As Soledad O'Brien just pointed out on Twitter, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And once you accept a pardon you no longer can plead the fifth. He is only pardoned for criminal acts, and that admission of guilt will be used in civil cases against him.
Bullshit. It's admission of nothing. Arpaio doesn't even have the choice of whether to accept it or not.
Wrong. It's an admission of guilt. You don't know how this works do you ass lick? Let me help you out. The criminal Arpaio hasn't been sentenced yet in this unprecedented political move in which the pardon powers of the president were never intended. It is complete undermining of the criminal justice system which is an impeachable offense in an of itself. The criminal Apaios lawyers have signaled they will accept the pardon which makes it an admission of guilt. The criminal Arpaio is now open to hundreds if not thousands of civil suits which the criminal Trump cannot pardon. The criminal Arpaio will now spend what is left of his worthless life in civil court of which many rulings will go against him and he is not young enough or rich enough to ever get out from under them. Let's see how well he holds up to years of torture at 85 years old by Latino people who will now be a part of his dreams every night when he goes to bed. Oh yeah? It will be a real shame if some of the wrong people find out exactly where he is on any given night, and there is a lapse in security for just a minute. Pardon that asshole.

You are confused Moon Bat. That is to be expected because most Moon Bats live in a constant state of confusion.

Arpaio was railroad by a filthy ass Obama appointed illegal alien loving judge. That judge who is a great example of the Liberal scum of America. A judge that had somehow or another made it through law school and passed a bar exam without ever reading or understanding the Constitution. Joe asked for a jury trial and was denied. It is in the Bill of Rights, The 6th Amendment to be specific. You and that judge should look it up. Any "crime" that the Obama administration said he committed was illegal because he was not allowed his Constitutional rights.

It is a good thing that Joe rounded up all those filthy ass illegals. He should get a medal for doing it. God bless him for doing his job. God damn Obama and his Libtard thugs for punishing him for doing the right thing. Thank god Trump corrected it. Trump has a lot of work to do to undo all the damage done by that Obama asshole.
That's funny considering he actually follows the law whereas your douche bag messiah ignored it.
He didn't follow the law in pardoning that Arizona piece of shit. The law said that racist fucker should do time and the racist fucker in the White House stopped that.
Please point out the law he didn't follow. I laughed when I asked that question.

Once again, Mexican is not a race. What in the world is wrong with you people?

Hispanics are a ethnic group. That is who Arpaio was targeting. Picking them up off the street and demanding their papers is illegal.

Thank you, not a race but an ethnicity, now I hope those calling him racist will stop, ha another joke.

Let me ask you something. If crimes were committed by those of Latin decent why would you look for someone not of Latin decent?

The fact is that Arpaio violated their constitutional rights by picking them up for committing no crime and asking for their papers. This is not Nazi Germany.

Actually the police can walk up to anyone and ask for their name and ID

The question to ask is whether this is an investigation or not. If it isn't you can refuse to comply. If it is you need to comply, though a judge will make them show they had reasonable suspicion to do so if you challenge them in pre trial motions
Trump just keeps racking up Win after Win after Win, despite having the entire establishment arrayed against him.
The only "wins" he's getting has been making small, individual, unilateral decisions that anyone in that chair could make.

The big stuff? Repeal & Replace? Tax Reform? The Wall? Trade? Race Relations? Not so much.
Because the Congressional caucuses of both parties are led by mental midgets.

McConnel and Schumer are more to blame for the failure (so far) to replace/repair Obamacare.

Well, some here just don't know about the branches, and only have Obama and some Federal judges acting unilaterally to go by, and they think that's all that needs to be done, the Prez just telling us all how it is, so naturally Mac has a problem sorting it all out.
As Soledad O'Brien just pointed out on Twitter, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And once you accept a pardon you no longer can plead the fifth. He is only pardoned for criminal acts, and that admission of guilt will be used in civil cases against him.
Bullshit. It's admission of nothing. Arpaio doesn't even have the choice of whether to accept it or not.
Wrong. It's an admission of guilt. You don't know how this works do you ass lick? Let me help you out. The criminal Arpaio hasn't been sentenced yet in this unprecedented political move in which the pardon powers of the president were never intended. It is complete undermining of the criminal justice system which is an impeachable offense in an of itself. The criminal Apaios lawyers have signaled they will accept the pardon which makes it an admission of guilt. The criminal Arpaio is now open to hundreds if not thousands of civil suits which the criminal Trump cannot pardon. The criminal Arpaio will now spend what is left of his worthless life in civil court of which many rulings will go against him and he is not young enough or rich enough to ever get out from under them. Let's see how well he holds up to years of torture at 85 years old by Latino people who will now be a part of his dreams every night when he goes to bed. Oh yeah? It will be a real shame if some of the wrong people find out exactly where he is on any given night, and there is a lapse in security for just a minute. Pardon that asshole.

You are confused Moon Bat. That is to be expected because most Moon Bats live in a constant state of confusion.

Arpaio was railroad by a filthy ass Obama appointed illegal alien loving judge. That judge who is a great example of the Liberal scum of America. A judge that had somehow or another made it through law school and passed a bar exam without ever reading or understanding the Constitution. Joe asked for a jury trial and was denied. It is in the Bill of Rights, The 6th Amendment to be specific. You and that judge should look it up. Any "crime" that the Obama administration said he committed was illegal because he was not allowed his Constitutional rights.

It is a good thing that Joe rounded up all those filthy ass illegals. He should get a medal for doing it. God bless him for doing his job. God damn Obama and his Libtard thugs for punishing him for doing the right thing. Thank god Trump corrected it. Trump has a lot of work to do to undo all the damage done by that Obama asshole.

What ended up being amusing in the obamaland, is that the best they could do is a misdemeanor charge with a maximum possible sentence of 6 months. How many days will liberal hysteria last?

I predict that liberal hysteria will last longer than any possible maximum sentence.
Trump takes a massive political hit for a petty partisan pardon.
Oh noes!

Trump has destroyed himself for the 759th gazzillion time!

Yes! And don't forget these Social Justice Warriors are also believers in that Big Giant Palestinian Genocide, the one where the poor victimized squatters were practically wiped off the face of the earth from a population of 300,000 or so to their current paltry 6,000,000 now, and the Big Giant Russian Election Hack, where Putin broke into the ballots and gave Hillary 3,000,000 more votes than Trump in order to collude with Trump!

You know, Stuff!!!!.
Trump just keeps racking up Win after Win after Win, despite having the entire establishment arrayed against him.
The only "wins" he's getting has been making small, individual, unilateral decisions that anyone in that chair could make.

The big stuff? Repeal & Replace? Tax Reform? The Wall? Trade? Race Relations? Not so much.
Because the Congressional caucuses of both parties are led by mental midgets.

McConnel and Schumer are more to blame for the failure (so far) to replace/repair Obamacare.

Well, some here just don't know about the branches, and only have Obama and some Federal judges acting unilaterally to go by, and they think that's all that needs to be done, the Prez just telling us all how it is, so naturally Mac has a problem sorting it all out.
Did I say something that was incorrect?

If Repeal & Replace, Tax Reform, The Wall, Trade and Race Relations had all been Trump accomplishments, you'd be singing his praises.

So, what is incorrect?
Please point out the law he didn't follow. I laughed when I asked that question.

Once again, Mexican is not a race. What in the world is wrong with you people?
How about the Constitution? He pardoned a prick who took the law into his own hands and deliberately violated a court order. This pardon is advocating lawlessness. That it doesn't matter what the courts say, it's okay to break the law, if your heart is in the right place.

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