PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

If this pardon advocates lawlessness, doesn't every pardon advocate lawlessness? After all, the very nature of a pardon is to forgive someone for a crime they commit.
People who are pardoned, are people who were wrongfully convicted.

Arpaio, was not wrongfully convicted.
Well that's not true. There is no consideration whatsoever of the guilt or innocence or wrongful conviction for a pardon.
Who says all pardons are people who were wrongfully convicted? There is no rule that limits the president to only pardoning those who were wrongfully convicted.

Have you looked at just the close to 900 pardons granted by the last 3 presidents and concluded that each one was granted because the person was wrongfully convicted?

Did Bill Clinton pardon his brother of a prior drug conviction because he had been wrongly convicted? Did Mark Rich not commit tax fraud?

Was every person on this list wrongfully convicted? Pardons Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2017) | PARDON | Department of Justice
How about this list? Pardons Granted by President George W. Bush (2001-2009) | PARDON | Department of Justice
Or this one? Pardons Granted by President William J. Clinton (1993-2001) | PARDON | Department of Justice

And that's just the last 3 presidents. Pardons have been granted since Washington.

I don't know where you get the idea that all pardons are granted to people who were wrongfully convicted.
Maybe I didn't think that one through enough.

I'll make up for it here. None of you have mentioned the worst pardon in history...

...Ford's pardon of Nixon.
So did everybody that Obama pardoned.

Do you agree with me that Obama is an asshole?
Obama's a politician. And politicians are assholes. So, in that sense, yes, I agree with you.

At least the people Obama pardoned, had done some of their time.

BTW, Obama's pardons weren't as bad as Clinton's.
Arpaio is 85 years old. 6 months is a big portion of his remaining life.

Not to mention its a rather hard sentence for a first time offender to get maximum jail time. Unless there is some mandatory minimum in play he should have been looking at probation with no jail time.
Who says all pardons are people who were wrongfully convicted? There is no rule that limits the president to only pardoning those who were wrongfully convicted.

Have you looked at just the close to 900 pardons granted by the last 3 presidents and concluded that each one was granted because the person was wrongfully convicted?

Did Bill Clinton pardon his brother of a prior drug conviction because he had been wrongly convicted? Did Mark Rich not commit tax fraud?

Was every person on this list wrongfully convicted? Pardons Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2017) | PARDON | Department of Justice
How about this list? Pardons Granted by President George W. Bush (2001-2009) | PARDON | Department of Justice
Or this one? Pardons Granted by President William J. Clinton (1993-2001) | PARDON | Department of Justice

And that's just the last 3 presidents. Pardons have been granted since Washington.

I don't know where you get the idea that all pardons are granted to people who were wrongfully convicted.
Maybe I didn't think that one through enough.

I'll make up for it here. None of you have mentioned the worst pardon in history...

...Ford's pardon of Nixon.
How is that the worst? Clinton did worse and got off Scot free.
Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist
Congressman Ruben Gallego criticized Donald Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio and laments the damage and disregard Donald Trump has wrought on the rule and laws that are the foundation of American society. Duration: 7:24
Arizona Rep. Gallego: 'Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist': Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist
Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist
Congressman Ruben Gallego criticized Donald Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio and laments the damage and disregard Donald Trump has wrought on the rule and laws that are the foundation of American society. Duration: 7:24
Arizona Rep. Gallego: 'Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist': Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist
Your actual objection is that Arpaio is a Republican. If he was a Dim, you wouldn't give a shit.
Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist
Congressman Ruben Gallego criticized Donald Trump for pardoning Joe Arpaio and laments the damage and disregard Donald Trump has wrought on the rule and laws that are the foundation of American society. Duration: 7:24
Arizona Rep. Gallego: 'Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist': Rep Gallego: Trump is a racist and he's pardoning another racist

When progressives lose control of the argument, accuse others of racism or being stupid. Very predictable
As Soledad O'Brien just pointed out on Twitter, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And once you accept a pardon you no longer can plead the fifth. He is only pardoned for criminal acts, and that admission of guilt will be used in civil cases against him.
Bullshit. It's admission of nothing. Arpaio doesn't even have the choice of whether to accept it or not.
Wrong. It's an admission of guilt. You don't know how this works do you ass lick? Let me help you out. The criminal Arpaio hasn't been sentenced yet in this unprecedented political move in which the pardon powers of the president were never intended. It is complete undermining of the criminal justice system which is an impeachable offense in an of itself. The criminal Apaios lawyers have signaled they will accept the pardon which makes it an admission of guilt. The criminal Arpaio is now open to hundreds if not thousands of civil suits which the criminal Trump cannot pardon. The criminal Arpaio will now spend what is left of his worthless life in civil court of which many rulings will go against him and he is not young enough or rich enough to ever get out from under them. Let's see how well he holds up to years of torture at 85 years old by Latino people who will now be a part of his dreams every night when he goes to bed. Oh yeah? It will be a real shame if some of the wrong people find out exactly where he is on any given night, and there is a lapse in security for just a minute. Pardon that asshole.

You are confused Moon Bat. That is to be expected because most Moon Bats live in a constant state of confusion.

Arpaio was railroad by a filthy ass Obama appointed illegal alien loving judge. That judge who is a great example of the Liberal scum of America. A judge that had somehow or another made it through law school and passed a bar exam without ever reading or understanding the Constitution. Joe asked for a jury trial and was denied. It is in the Bill of Rights, The 6th Amendment to be specific. You and that judge should look it up. Any "crime" that the Obama administration said he committed was illegal because he was not allowed his Constitutional rights.

It is a good thing that Joe rounded up all those filthy ass illegals. He should get a medal for doing it. God bless him for doing his job. God damn Obama and his Libtard thugs for punishing him for doing the right thing. Thank god Trump corrected it. Trump has a lot of work to do to undo all the damage done by that Obama asshole.

As I mentioned previously in this thread, the Supreme Court ruled decades ago that the right to a jury trial does not apply to petty crimes. In Cheff v Schnackenberg in 1966, in Baldwin v New York, in 1970, and in Duncan v Louisiana in 1968, the court ruled "that there is a category of petty crimes or offenses which is not subject to the Sixth Amendment jury trial provision [n31] and should not be subject to the Fourteenth Amendment jury trial requirement here applied to the States" (Duncan v Louisiana).

Unfortunately, the right to a jury trial has not applied to "petty crimes" for many years now.

Baldwin v. New York 399 U.S. 66 (1970)
Duncan v. Louisiana
Cheff v. Schnackenberg 384 U.S. 373 (1966)

There may well be other USSC cases which decided that petty crimes do not fall under sixth amendment protection before these.
The traitorous asshole was not pardoned. His/her/it's sentence was commuted by a transsexual loving Obama. Despicable, isn't it?
Manning was just as much a hero and patriot as Daniel Elsberg.

I doubt if that asshole Obama gave a shit about Manning's treason. Manning's treason was a direct affront to Obama's escalation of the war in Afghanistan and Obama didn't seem to care about that. . It is obvious his sentence was commuted because he was a transsexual and Obama is famous for kissing the ass of the LGBT community.
Who says all pardons are people who were wrongfully convicted? There is no rule that limits the president to only pardoning those who were wrongfully convicted.

Have you looked at just the close to 900 pardons granted by the last 3 presidents and concluded that each one was granted because the person was wrongfully convicted?

Did Bill Clinton pardon his brother of a prior drug conviction because he had been wrongly convicted? Did Mark Rich not commit tax fraud?

Was every person on this list wrongfully convicted? Pardons Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2017) | PARDON | Department of Justice
How about this list? Pardons Granted by President George W. Bush (2001-2009) | PARDON | Department of Justice
Or this one? Pardons Granted by President William J. Clinton (1993-2001) | PARDON | Department of Justice

And that's just the last 3 presidents. Pardons have been granted since Washington.

I don't know where you get the idea that all pardons are granted to people who were wrongfully convicted.
Maybe I didn't think that one through enough.

I'll make up for it here. None of you have mentioned the worst pardon in history...

...Ford's pardon of Nixon.

I don't know that that was the worst pardon in history, but perhaps. I certainly haven't looked at all of the many pardons that have been granted. :p
As Soledad O'Brien just pointed out on Twitter, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And once you accept a pardon you no longer can plead the fifth. He is only pardoned for criminal acts, and that admission of guilt will be used in civil cases against him.
Bullshit. It's admission of nothing. Arpaio doesn't even have the choice of whether to accept it or not.
Wrong. It's an admission of guilt. You don't know how this works do you ass lick? Let me help you out. The criminal Arpaio hasn't been sentenced yet in this unprecedented political move in which the pardon powers of the president were never intended. It is complete undermining of the criminal justice system which is an impeachable offense in an of itself. The criminal Apaios lawyers have signaled they will accept the pardon which makes it an admission of guilt. The criminal Arpaio is now open to hundreds if not thousands of civil suits which the criminal Trump cannot pardon. The criminal Arpaio will now spend what is left of his worthless life in civil court of which many rulings will go against him and he is not young enough or rich enough to ever get out from under them. Let's see how well he holds up to years of torture at 85 years old by Latino people who will now be a part of his dreams every night when he goes to bed. Oh yeah? It will be a real shame if some of the wrong people find out exactly where he is on any given night, and there is a lapse in security for just a minute. Pardon that asshole.

You are confused Moon Bat. That is to be expected because most Moon Bats live in a constant state of confusion.

Arpaio was railroad by a filthy ass Obama appointed illegal alien loving judge. That judge who is a great example of the Liberal scum of America. A judge that had somehow or another made it through law school and passed a bar exam without ever reading or understanding the Constitution. Joe asked for a jury trial and was denied. It is in the Bill of Rights, The 6th Amendment to be specific. You and that judge should look it up. Any "crime" that the Obama administration said he committed was illegal because he was not allowed his Constitutional rights.

It is a good thing that Joe rounded up all those filthy ass illegals. He should get a medal for doing it. God bless him for doing his job. God damn Obama and his Libtard thugs for punishing him for doing the right thing. Thank god Trump corrected it. Trump has a lot of work to do to undo all the damage done by that Obama asshole.

As I mentioned previously in this thread, the Supreme Court ruled decades ago that the right to a jury trial does not apply to petty crimes. In Cheff v Schnackenberg in 1966, in Baldwin v New York, in 1970, and in Duncan v Louisiana in 1968, the court ruled "that there is a category of petty crimes or offenses which is not subject to the Sixth Amendment jury trial provision [n31] and should not be subject to the Fourteenth Amendment jury trial requirement here applied to the States" (Duncan v Louisiana).

Unfortunately, the right to a jury trial has not applied to "petty crimes" for many years now.

Baldwin v. New York 399 U.S. 66 (1970)
Duncan v. Louisiana
Cheff v. Schnackenberg 384 U.S. 373 (1966)

There may well be other USSC cases which decided that petty crimes do not fall under sixth amendment protection before these.
Yet, all the snowflakes claim illegal aliens are entitled to a jury trial.
Who says all pardons are people who were wrongfully convicted? There is no rule that limits the president to only pardoning those who were wrongfully convicted.

Have you looked at just the close to 900 pardons granted by the last 3 presidents and concluded that each one was granted because the person was wrongfully convicted?

Did Bill Clinton pardon his brother of a prior drug conviction because he had been wrongly convicted? Did Mark Rich not commit tax fraud?

Was every person on this list wrongfully convicted? Pardons Granted by President Barack Obama (2009-2017) | PARDON | Department of Justice
How about this list? Pardons Granted by President George W. Bush (2001-2009) | PARDON | Department of Justice
Or this one? Pardons Granted by President William J. Clinton (1993-2001) | PARDON | Department of Justice

And that's just the last 3 presidents. Pardons have been granted since Washington.

I don't know where you get the idea that all pardons are granted to people who were wrongfully convicted.
Maybe I didn't think that one through enough.

I'll make up for it here. None of you have mentioned the worst pardon in history...

...Ford's pardon of Nixon.
How is that the worst? Clinton did worse and got off Scot free.

Clinton wasn't pardoned. How is that relevant?
Snowflakes / Democrats believe the only people who should be spared going to jail are lying, corrupt, constitution / law-violating, seditious, treasonous, national security-endangering, criminally sexually deviant, tertorist/criminal/illegal-supporting PsOS liberal Democrats.
As Soledad O'Brien just pointed out on Twitter, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And once you accept a pardon you no longer can plead the fifth. He is only pardoned for criminal acts, and that admission of guilt will be used in civil cases against him.
Bullshit. It's admission of nothing. Arpaio doesn't even have the choice of whether to accept it or not.
Wrong. It's an admission of guilt. You don't know how this works do you ass lick? Let me help you out. The criminal Arpaio hasn't been sentenced yet in this unprecedented political move in which the pardon powers of the president were never intended. It is complete undermining of the criminal justice system which is an impeachable offense in an of itself. The criminal Apaios lawyers have signaled they will accept the pardon which makes it an admission of guilt. The criminal Arpaio is now open to hundreds if not thousands of civil suits which the criminal Trump cannot pardon. The criminal Arpaio will now spend what is left of his worthless life in civil court of which many rulings will go against him and he is not young enough or rich enough to ever get out from under them. Let's see how well he holds up to years of torture at 85 years old by Latino people who will now be a part of his dreams every night when he goes to bed. Oh yeah? It will be a real shame if some of the wrong people find out exactly where he is on any given night, and there is a lapse in security for just a minute. Pardon that asshole.

You are confused Moon Bat. That is to be expected because most Moon Bats live in a constant state of confusion.

Arpaio was railroad by a filthy ass Obama appointed illegal alien loving judge. That judge who is a great example of the Liberal scum of America. A judge that had somehow or another made it through law school and passed a bar exam without ever reading or understanding the Constitution. Joe asked for a jury trial and was denied. It is in the Bill of Rights, The 6th Amendment to be specific. You and that judge should look it up. Any "crime" that the Obama administration said he committed was illegal because he was not allowed his Constitutional rights.

It is a good thing that Joe rounded up all those filthy ass illegals. He should get a medal for doing it. God bless him for doing his job. God damn Obama and his Libtard thugs for punishing him for doing the right thing. Thank god Trump corrected it. Trump has a lot of work to do to undo all the damage done by that Obama asshole.

As I mentioned previously in this thread, the Supreme Court ruled decades ago that the right to a jury trial does not apply to petty crimes. In Cheff v Schnackenberg in 1966, in Baldwin v New York, in 1970, and in Duncan v Louisiana in 1968, the court ruled "that there is a category of petty crimes or offenses which is not subject to the Sixth Amendment jury trial provision [n31] and should not be subject to the Fourteenth Amendment jury trial requirement here applied to the States" (Duncan v Louisiana).

Unfortunately, the right to a jury trial has not applied to "petty crimes" for many years now.

Baldwin v. New York 399 U.S. 66 (1970)
Duncan v. Louisiana
Cheff v. Schnackenberg 384 U.S. 373 (1966)

There may well be other USSC cases which decided that petty crimes do not fall under sixth amendment protection before these.
Yet, all the snowflakes claim illegal aliens are entitled to a jury trial.

Um, OK? I'm not sure who you are talking about. :)

However, if the sentence in a case against an illegal alien is considered serious rather than petty, that could well fall under sixth amendment protection.
As Soledad O'Brien just pointed out on Twitter, accepting a pardon is an admission of guilt. And once you accept a pardon you no longer can plead the fifth. He is only pardoned for criminal acts, and that admission of guilt will be used in civil cases against him.
Bullshit. It's admission of nothing. Arpaio doesn't even have the choice of whether to accept it or not.
Wrong. It's an admission of guilt. You don't know how this works do you ass lick? Let me help you out. The criminal Arpaio hasn't been sentenced yet in this unprecedented political move in which the pardon powers of the president were never intended. It is complete undermining of the criminal justice system which is an impeachable offense in an of itself. The criminal Apaios lawyers have signaled they will accept the pardon which makes it an admission of guilt. The criminal Arpaio is now open to hundreds if not thousands of civil suits which the criminal Trump cannot pardon. The criminal Arpaio will now spend what is left of his worthless life in civil court of which many rulings will go against him and he is not young enough or rich enough to ever get out from under them. Let's see how well he holds up to years of torture at 85 years old by Latino people who will now be a part of his dreams every night when he goes to bed. Oh yeah? It will be a real shame if some of the wrong people find out exactly where he is on any given night, and there is a lapse in security for just a minute. Pardon that asshole.

You are confused Moon Bat. That is to be expected because most Moon Bats live in a constant state of confusion.

Arpaio was railroad by a filthy ass Obama appointed illegal alien loving judge. That judge who is a great example of the Liberal scum of America. A judge that had somehow or another made it through law school and passed a bar exam without ever reading or understanding the Constitution. Joe asked for a jury trial and was denied. It is in the Bill of Rights, The 6th Amendment to be specific. You and that judge should look it up. Any "crime" that the Obama administration said he committed was illegal because he was not allowed his Constitutional rights.

It is a good thing that Joe rounded up all those filthy ass illegals. He should get a medal for doing it. God bless him for doing his job. God damn Obama and his Libtard thugs for punishing him for doing the right thing. Thank god Trump corrected it. Trump has a lot of work to do to undo all the damage done by that Obama asshole.

As I mentioned previously in this thread, the Supreme Court ruled decades ago that the right to a jury trial does not apply to petty crimes. In Cheff v Schnackenberg in 1966, in Baldwin v New York, in 1970, and in Duncan v Louisiana in 1968, the court ruled "that there is a category of petty crimes or offenses which is not subject to the Sixth Amendment jury trial provision [n31] and should not be subject to the Fourteenth Amendment jury trial requirement here applied to the States" (Duncan v Louisiana).

Unfortunately, the right to a jury trial has not applied to "petty crimes" for many years now.

Baldwin v. New York 399 U.S. 66 (1970)
Duncan v. Louisiana
Cheff v. Schnackenberg 384 U.S. 373 (1966)

There may well be other USSC cases which decided that petty crimes do not fall under sixth amendment protection before these.

I am sorry but you are confused Moon Bat.

The 6th Amendment creates an entitlement to a jury trial for any crime. The court allows that petty crimes may be settled out of the jury system as a means for convenience but that doesn't mean that an individual can be denied a jury trial if they insist on it. You are as ignorant of the Constitution as the Obama appointed judge, aren't you? You don't even understand the word "should" do you. "Should" is not the same as "will", is it?

Joe demand a jury trial and was denied it by a filthy ass Obama appointed Libtard judge that was hell bent on denying him justice because Joe was making waves for Obama's illegals immigration policy. As an American you should be appalled by that travesty of justice. Of course being a Moon Bat you don't think that a sheriff should have been allowed to enforce the laws of the US, do you? You wanted those filthy ass illegals to walk, didn't you? You wanted them to walk so that they could vote for the Democrats, didn't you? That is despicable, isn't it?

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