PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Before the pardon Arpaio said "pardon or no pardon.. I will be with Trump till the end! LOYALTY!
Scumbag sheriff never served time.

Scumbag sheriff never showed remorse.

Dumbass PINO never got recommendation from Pardon attorney or DOJ.

This is a PINO pardon of a lawless man who wore a badge.

Fuck this country and it's goddamn PINO.

We suck.
Really? So were you so annoyed when Obama broke the law routinely? Or, when Obama covered up the truth about Benghazi and allowed true patriots to die? Or, when Hillary Clinton fleeced the world for money using her office "Secretary of State" as a front? Really dude get a life .... go elsewhere and enjoy yourself maybe you would be happier in Greece or some other socialist country.
Trump has pardoned a man who was literally, to the letter, convicted of racism.

No one should be surprised that Trump the racist would choose to let a racist off the hook.

But of course it was bull shit from an 0bama appointed left wing judge.
sure :rolleyes:

Either he is just doing a 'test run' on pardoning, to see how his minions accept it and then he's gonna pardon his family and friends when criminally charged...


He's sending a message to those being investigated in the Russian election scandal ''to keep their mouths shut'', do not worry about your criminal charges to come, don't let Mueller break you and squeal, I will PARDON you!

Wow, what an intricate fantasy you have woven for yourself. Like a security blanket, I'll be it not only keeps you warm but protects you from the truth boogeyman under the bed and in the closet.
The old fart is like 85 years old or so ... Wouldn't mind if he dropped dead tomorrow.

So, who will the pino pardon next? His own sons?

I don't know how old you are but the same applies to you and anyone you're close to.

If you call Trump PINO, what should be call Hillary? I don't know what letters you'd use, but it would be for Bitch that thought she couldn't lose but lost to someone she considered an idiot.
The upside is Trump knows he's running out of time and he's doing everything he can to cause havoc and piss off everyone who made fun of him.

He's a child.
TRUMP is a true Patriot.... America First. Think of it... President Trump volunteered without pay to try and get our country back. Why would a billionaire submit himself to such an enormous task when he could simply enjoy his life and riches ? You did know he donates his pay didn't you? Please educate yourself on facts instead of Fake News.
What a great noble thing to do in giving Joe Arpaio a pardon. Joe deserves it. He's a true American Patriot who exposed Obama having a fraudulent birth certificate after a lengthy investigation. President Trump is to be commended for this act of patriotism.
...and there was no jury conviction. So the charges were not credible

Clearly you have no clue what you are talking about. He violated a court order. That is a crime. Go to a courthouse and harangue the judge. See what happens.

The old fart is like 85 years old or so ... Wouldn't mind if he dropped dead tomorrow.

So, who will the pino pardon next? His own sons?
Remind me of the crime that Joe Arpaio commited? It seemed like a rather flimsy accusation based on profiling or something.

You say profiling is flimsy? When you harass American citizens because of their ethnicity, that is disgusting racism. Remember Japanese-Americans who were interned for being Japanese. Arpaio is a vile person and a good little Nazi.
So FDR was a Nazi too!
Thread has been cleaned of some 40 off topic flaming/trolling derailments and off topic attacks. Warnings and infractions have been handed out.

Let's see if we can discuss the topic...
Interesting since the OP is a flaming troll lying about the Sheriff. The filtering method of the moderators certainly is confusing.
Trump just keeps racking up Win after Win after Win, despite having the entire establishment arrayed against him.
The only "wins" he's getting has been making small, individual, unilateral decisions that anyone in that chair could make.

The big stuff? Repeal & Replace? Tax Reform? The Wall? Trade? Race Relations? Not so much.

Not true. You set an artificial standard, then you use that standard that you made up, to prove your point.

He has accomplished quite a lot of things that are clearly wins:

1. 4.4% Unemployment rate
2. A budget surplus as of April 2017
3. The Stock Market
4. Consumer confidence
5. Got 32 bills passed through Congress
6. Neil Gorsuch
7. Decreased border crossings
8. Got NK to back down
9. The Dakota pipeline
10. Killed the TPP

In his first 7 months of his term, with obstruction in every way by the left. He's winning, we are all winning, except that is, the America-hating left.
Mexico pay for the wall? He gave that up the first week
Repeal and Replace Obamacare? FAIL
Tax reform? pipe dream
Build a first rate staff? Most were fired or quit
Great Dealmaker? haven't seen one yet
The upside is Trump knows he's running out of time and he's doing everything he can to cause havoc and piss off everyone who made fun of him.

He's a child.
TRUMP is a true Patriot.... America First. Think of it... President Trump volunteered without pay to try and get our country back. Why would a billionaire submit himself to such an enormous task when he could simply enjoy his life and riches ? You did know he donates his pay didn't you? Please educate yourself on facts instead of Fake News.
Make me President and I will work for free too
"THAT MOTHERFUCKER!!! the utterly repulsive President pardons a vicious racial profiler who has caused death and misery for years. #IMPEACH!" - Crazy Bette Middler
Here's what Trump needs to do:

1. Make Arpaio Chief of Staff to have him bring in all his people. This will keep the left and MSM going bat-shit crazy and focusing on the KKK/Nazi/Racist/Ass-hurt bullshit narratives they love to masturbate to.

2. Kick the press out of the WH. That will keep the MSM and left even more busy in the throws of ass-hurtedness.

3. Audit the Federal Reserve. This is likely to get him assassinated, but this is the right place to apply pressure to the elite global establishment.

4. Hire 3,000 more SS to protect himself and call in military support around the White House. Gonna need it if he audits the Fed.

5. Make it clear he will back off on the Fed audit and/or not publish any findings if he gets everything he wants from all legislators.
Way to go Trump, you drive them crazy daily!!!!

And that's a lot more important than the US Constitution, right?

You RWNJs never think any further than the end of your own nose.
The constitution gives the president (Trump) the authority to grant pardons.
Interesting that he complains about activist judges and then acts as an activist President overruling the courts
Yes, be acted as an activist president to "overrule" an activist judge. Overrule is in quotes because granting a pardon isn't technically overruling, but it's the same effect.
The old fart is like 85 years old or so ... Wouldn't mind if he dropped dead tomorrow.

So, who will the pino pardon next? His own sons?
Where does this "pino" shit come from? What is it supposed to signify?

They are trying to claim Trump is the President in name only.

It's Just the latest attempt to deny the reality of Novembers election
Here's what Trump needs to do:

1. Make Arpaio Chief of Staff to have him bring in all his people. This will keep the left and MSM going bat-shit crazy and focusing on the KKK/Nazi/Racist/Ass-hurt bullshit narratives they love to masturbate to.

2. Kick the press out of the WH. That will keep the MSM and left even more busy in the throws of ass-hurtedness.

3. Audit the Federal Reserve. This is likely to get him assassinated, but this is the right place to apply pressure to the elite global establishment.

4. Hire 3,000 more SS to protect himself and call in military support around the White House. Gonna need it if he audits the Fed.

5. Make it clear he will back off on the Fed audit and/or not publish any findings if he gets everything he wants from all legislators.
In other words, commit suicide.

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