PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Trump just keeps racking up Win after Win after Win, despite having the entire establishment arrayed against him.
The only "wins" he's getting has been making small, individual, unilateral decisions that anyone in that chair could make.

The big stuff? Repeal & Replace? Tax Reform? The Wall? Trade? Race Relations? Not so much.
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He illegally targeted immigrants and minorities.

No, illegal immigrants. It's not illegal to target illegals who are illegal.

He was in contempt of court.

The court was wrong.

Usually presidents pardon people after they served at least 5 years of their sentence.

He shouldn't have to spend one second behind bars.

Every time I don't think Trump can sink any lower he continues to dig deeper..

And coming from you, that means Trump is right.

Someone asked me today how is Trump a racist....
Let this be example #584

That's because you are too stupid to understand the real definition of racism. Pretty much standard stupid for a lefty.
He illegally targeted immigrants and minorities..
He was in contempt of court.
Usually presidents pardon people after they served at least 5 years of their sentence.

Every time I don't think Trump can sink any lower he continues to dig deeper..

Someone asked me today how is Trump a racist....
Let this be example #584

Lies are all the left has.
Ex-Obama official called Trump "dumbass" in Spanish after Arpaio pardon

Just dropping this here, from a well-regarded SCourt insider:

"In Burdick v United States the Supreme Court declared that the act of pardon constitutes an imputation of guilt and the acceptance of a pardon constitutes an admission of guilt.

So I don't want to hear another word about how ****ing innocent or persecuted Arpaio was.

By accepting this pardon, he has fully and freely confessed his guilt." - Safiel

Things you tell yourself to get up every day and face the mirror.
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

No moron......he was enforcing the law.....and you left wing nut jobs can't stand a left wing, social justice warrior, pretending to be a judge, denied him a jury trial and pronounced a sentence on him.....moron.
How the fuck can a judge deny a man, a jury of his peers anyhow? Sounds like Joes Conviction was the product of a kangaroo court. Well President Trump!

Why not let the appeals courts determine that?
Trump has pardoned a man who was literally, to the letter, convicted of racism.

No one should be surprised that Trump the racist would choose to let a racist off the hook.
Trump, has just issued an executive pardon the most controversial racist in the country, Sheriff Joe O-Piggo!! We all know the guy wasn't gonna spend a day in jail, but the Duck, with his tiny little itching fingers had to throw his fellow Nazi following gang, their weekend signing shit!!

We have before us perhaps the most devastating weather headed to our coast, we just got off yet another horrible nightmare with Trump last week and here he goes again.....Lawd, will this guy ever start acting like a human being, instead of this pandering idiot to 39% of the country?

Latino's for Trump, ready to visit Arizona?

It's always interesting to watch how the left, especially racist assholes like you, start with complete lies and build this entire fantasy world around it. the interesting thing about yours here is how you are setting up to add the lies you will invent about Trump and the hurricane.
It's incredible. Profiling is what we all do, we all look at situations and the facts and put them together and assess them in a fitting matter. It's too bad THAT those facts offend people, but you can't afford to overlook them because of fickle politics and sentiments.
So a county cop should enforce federal law he has no jurisdiction in?

Federal law covers his county, dickhead.
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

No moron......he was enforcing the law.....and you left wing nut jobs can't stand a left wing, social justice warrior, pretending to be a judge, denied him a jury trial and pronounced a sentence on him.....moron.
How the fuck can a judge deny a man, a jury of his peers anyhow? Sounds like Joes Conviction was the product of a kangaroo court. Well President Trump!

Why not let the appeals courts determine that?
No need to further the legal process... His rights were violated, at the go. Ergo; there's nothing to appeal. The judge in this case however should without question, be facing some serious charges.
Trump has pardoned a man who was literally, to the letter, convicted of racism.

No one should be surprised that Trump the racist would choose to let a racist off the hook.
Rounding up illegals is not racism, and that fact that you claim that only bolsters the picture of the America hating left.
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

Dems introduce legislation to keep Stephen Miller and Seb Gorka from getting paid

:rolleyes-41: Well one is gone, Miller next.
They are dropping faster than they can write up and vote on bills. lololol
No one can say this is an effective presidency and not a completely dysfunctional clusterfuck.

It is an effective presidency fighting the dysfunctional clusterfuck that is Washington.
Trump has pardoned a man who was literally, to the letter, convicted of racism.

No one should be surprised that Trump the racist would choose to let a racist off the hook.
Racism isn't a crime. So as you aptly pointed out that racism is what he's been convicted of... The judges illegal verdict is null, and void. That's without even mentioning the judge in this case literally inventing his own "due process".
It's incredible. Profiling is what we all do, we all look at situations and the facts and put them together and assess them in a fitting matter. It's too bad THAT those facts offend people, but you can't afford to overlook them because of fickle politics and sentiments.
So a county cop should enforce federal law he has no jurisdiction in?

Federal law covers his county, dickhead.
So I can go out and do law enforcement on the federal level as I'm a local cop?? Yeah that works..

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