PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Trump just keeps racking up Win after Win after Win, despite having the entire establishment arrayed against him.

The Democrats and their hired thugs and now useless media hacks are toast now, less than zero credibility, and now it's time for Trump to start cleaning house in the GOP swamp, protecting patriots like Arpaio and sending the globalist flunkies like Ryan and McConnell back to their mommies' basements.
The Sheriff Arpaio issue just proves once again that the racist and corrupt Democratic Party regards white voters as it's enemy. That is why they demand open borders and block voter ID laws.
The Sheriff Arpaio issue just proves once again that the racist and corrupt Democratic Party regards white voters as it's enemy. That is why they demand open borders and block voter ID laws.

Well, specifically they're intent on demonizing white proles; it's class warfare they're conducting. Both the DNC and GOP leadership don't like any demographic that interferes with labor racketeering and off-shoring and money laundering scams. Blacks and American latinos are mostly stupid and easy to manipulate into cutting their own throats, so they're not a problem for either Party, just those uppity white proles who don't know their place.
Progressives are hilarious. They're telling us that they proudly align themselves with Mao and Stalin, but not the Democrat founded and run KKK.
I'm sure the illegal alien vote had a record turnout, and all kinds of Mexican and South American drug gangs got them to the polls.
No moron......he was enforcing the law.....and you left wing nut jobs can't stand a left wing, social justice warrior, pretending to be a judge, denied him a jury trial and pronounced a sentence on him.....moron.

Pulling over people because they are Hispanic to check their papers is not enforcing the law. It's racial profiling and it's against the law, and Sheriff Nazi ignored several injunctions to cut that shit out.
So to all you Republicans who flaunt the word Un-American. The president of the United States, just used his prerogative of pardoning to excuse someone who openly, blatantly and knowingly defied the fourth amendment and got convicted for it. It's legal, but its also a direct assault on the founding fathers who envisiont the judicial as the ultimate protectors of the constitution. What does the rule of law mean when a president pardons his allies because he feels the constitution can be tossed when he doesn't agree with it?

You do remember when he said the constitution was outdated don't you?
I swear. These new words cropping up are like some of y'all are still at recess in grammar school..thinking shit up. Jeez.

They were sent out to play and not let back in.

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Scumbag sheriff never served time.

Scumbag sheriff never showed remorse.

There was no reason to be remorseful.

Dumbass PINO never got recommendation from Pardon attorney or DOJ.

Didn't need it.

This is a PINO pardon of a lawless man who wore a badge.

No, it's a pardon of a cop, doing his job. But you all hate cops and think they are all bad.

Fuck this country and it's goddamn PINO.

Well, we know you hate America, you always have and we have always known that.

No, you suck. You just happen to be here.

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