PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio


Say what you will about the Imperial Cheeto...

He DOES know how to make an impression...

In this case...

Making damned sure that Illegal Aliens and culturally-suicidal LibTards get the message...

The message being...

"Our country... our borders... our laws... our choice to enforce... don't like that?... eat $hit and die... bon appetit..."

I was actually thinking about the precedents he is setting for the next Democrat President, and Democrat majority in Congress.
I can't see that happening until the democrats stop lying, cheating, stealing, using the media, and ignoring the BoR's.
While ignoring his fuhrer's 1000 plus lies since Jan.
Analysis | President Trump’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000
It's been proven countless times that he media, where all your "news" comes from is unreliable at best, and at worst down right dishonest.
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

go spit in the wind you lying dirt bag. This has nothing to do with the kkk jerks. He deserved a pardon for being railroaded by an illegal immigrant loving BO justice department that would not vet out criminals coming into the country and by the sleaze bag with the name George Soros attached to it.

He does not deserve a pardon. He ignored a court order. Clearly Trump does not believe in the rule of law. You are a criminal and nothing else.
Racists love racist Joe.
You can count them in this thread.

The trump election and the crap he pulls every single day have shown us, have proven, once and for all that the right does not care about all the things they give lip service to.

Military, vets, POWs, handicapped, Gold Star families, women, children and mostly, the US Constitution. Read this board and you see that the trump fans despise these groups and the individuals that make up those groups.

The RWNJs can never again say they put their country first.

They are truly the most despicable group of people imaginable.


Say what you will about the Imperial Cheeto...

He DOES know how to make an impression...

In this case...

Making damned sure that Illegal Aliens and culturally-suicidal LibTards get the message...

The message being...

"Our country... our borders... our laws... our choice to enforce... don't like that?... eat $hit and die... bon appetit..."

I was actually thinking about the precedents he is setting for the next Democrat President, and Democrat majority in Congress.
I can't see that happening until the democrats stop lying, cheating, stealing, using the media, and ignoring the BoR's.
While ignoring his fuhrer's 1000 plus lies since Jan.
Analysis | President Trump’s list of false and misleading claims tops 1,000
It's been proven countless times that he media, where all your "news" comes from is unreliable at best, and at worst down right dishonest.
Anyone who tells the truth about your serial sex offender Russian whore or quotes him accurately are fake news.
I know how you bottom feeders think.,
The old fart is like 85 years old or so ... Wouldn't mind if he dropped dead tomorrow.

So, who will the pino pardon next? His own sons?
Remind me of the crime that Joe Arpaio commited? It seemed like a rather flimsy accusation based on profiling or something.
What I read is that he wouldn't stop rounding up illegals and jughead didn't like it because too many liberals cried about Joe doing his job, so a kangaroo court railroaded him.
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

go spit in the wind you lying dirt bag. This has nothing to do with the kkk jerks. He deserved a pardon for being railroaded by an illegal immigrant loving BO justice department that would not vet out criminals coming into the country and by the sleaze bag with the name George Soros attached to it.

He does not deserve a pardon. He ignored a court order. Clearly Trump does not believe in the rule of law. You are a criminal and nothing else.
It's illegal to order a sheriff to stop doing his job.
Racists love racist Joe.
You can count them in this thread.

The trump election and the crap he pulls every single day have shown us, have proven, once and for all that the right does not care about all the things they give lip service to.

Military, vets, POWs, handicapped, Gold Star families, women, children and mostly, the US Constitution. Read this board and you see that the trump fans despise these groups and the individuals that make up those groups.

The RWNJs can never again say they put their country first.

They are truly the most despicable group of people imaginable.

Worse people on earth. No doubt about it..
When you vote for a racist low life... you prove you're also one..

But fortunately their numbers are sinking like a stone with each disgusting thing their fuhrer does and says..
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.
Joe is just an old man who is harmless, it's no big deal. Shit bags like yourself should just fucking shut up and quit looking like pussy whipped bitches... lol

The alt right, kkk, fascist sliime is never ever harmless.

If that were true, pino trump would not be trashing the US.
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.
Joe is just an old man who is harmless, it's no big deal. Shit bags like yourself should just fucking shut up and quit looking like pussy whipped bitches... lol

The alt right, kkk, fascist sliime is never ever harmless.

If that were true, pino trump would not be trashing the US.
It's a non-issue, Joe was not convicted with a jury. The charges were shit

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