PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

"PINO" is recycling at its best.

Obama was president-in-name only (having been foreign born as evidenced by his foreign student free-riding) but most chose to express it not in hash tag style...rather as simply applying wholly appropriate quotation marks.

"President" Barrrrrrry Oh-what-the-fuck.

Go back to Stormfront sparky, we see your pointy hat...

Apparently you didn't get the notice?

Google and the other anti-free speech corporations shut that site down after Charlotteville.
The unhinged left wing nuts on fake news think The Donald made it official because of the Hurricane. :cuckoo: The Donald said he was going to do it at the Phoenix rally.

The left is cracking down on free speech on the streets and on the net, burning books in the form of statue removal, spewing fake news and hate against whitey. The left is essentially the new Nazi party.
Arpaio was persectued for doing God's work in killing Mexican babies and kicking puppies.

I love how Trump has made all the communist cheating voter-fraud democrats more ass hurt than an Uganda rape victim.


Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.
Joe is just an old man who is harmless, it's no big deal. Shit bags like yourself should just fucking shut up and quit looking like pussy whipped bitches... lol

The alt right, kkk, fascist sliime is never ever harmless.

If that were true, pino trump would not be trashing the US.
It's a non-issue, Joe was not convicted with a jury. The charges were shit
The Dept of Justice handled the prosecution...
I like this old guy. Joe Aripio. Like Tom Tancredo. What is wrong with enforcing immigration laws? Comon' here, fair is fair. The cosmic introspective REALLY? It's like asking what is wrong with tax frauds or child beaters and liberals put illegals on the same plane as legal legitimate immigrants . What an insult. What a lie.
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.
Joe is just an old man who is harmless, it's no big deal. Shit bags like yourself should just fucking shut up and quit looking like pussy whipped bitches... lol

The alt right, kkk, fascist sliime is never ever harmless.

If that were true, pino trump would not be trashing the US.
It's a non-issue, Joe was not convicted with a jury. The charges were shit
The Dept of Justice handled the prosecution...
Yeah under Obama. Fuck Obama
So now the former Sheriff of Maricopa County is in the KKK? Oh man they have lost it now...

You know the drill. If they don't like you, you're a nazi, in the KKK, hate black people and Hispanics, eat puppies for breakfast, wear white after Labor Day, and fart in polite company. Yes, it's really stupid, yes it's moronic and sophomoric, yes it's far better suited to the playground than to adult conversation, but it's what they do. I guess they just need to feel better about themselves.

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Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.
Joe is just an old man who is harmless, it's no big deal. Shit bags like yourself should just fucking shut up and quit looking like pussy whipped bitches... lol

The alt right, kkk, fascist sliime is never ever harmless.

If that were true, pino trump would not be trashing the US.
It's a non-issue, Joe was not convicted with a jury. The charges were shit
The Dept of Justice handled the prosecution...
Yeah under Obama. Fuck Obama
He's not my type but you go ahead..
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

Dems introduce legislation to keep Stephen Miller and Seb Gorka from getting paid

:rolleyes-41: Well one is gone, Miller next.
They are dropping faster than they can write up and vote on bills. lololol
Trump must be getting very nervous with all the neonazis he employed.. Feeling the heat from his public condemnation with Charlottesville
Remember when pino trump wondered if he could pardon his own crimes?

Will he try?

Will he peremptorily pardon his spawn?
What a great noble thing to do in giving Joe Arpaio a pardon. Joe deserves it. He's a true American Patriot who exposed Obama having a fraudulent birth certificate after a lengthy investigation. President Trump is to be commended for this act of patriotism.
...and there was no jury conviction. So the charges were not credible

Clearly you have no clue what you are talking about. He violated a court order. That is a crime. Go to a courthouse and harangue the judge. See what happens.

The old fart is like 85 years old or so ... Wouldn't mind if he dropped dead tomorrow.

So, who will the pino pardon next? His own sons?
Remind me of the crime that Joe Arpaio commited? It seemed like a rather flimsy accusation based on profiling or something.

You say profiling is flimsy? When you harass American citizens because of their ethnicity, that is disgusting racism. Remember Japanese-Americans who were interned for being Japanese. Arpaio is a vile person and a good little Nazi.

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