PINO trump just pardoned kkk, alt right Arpaio

Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

go spit in the wind you lying dirt bag. This has nothing to do with the kkk jerks. He deserved a pardon for being railroaded by an illegal immigrant loving BO justice department that would not vet out criminals coming into the country and by the sleaze bag with the name George Soros attached to it.

He does not deserve a pardon. He ignored a court order. Clearly Trump does not believe in the rule of law. You are a criminal and nothing else.
It's illegal to order a sheriff to stop doing his job.

A sheriff is not charged with enforcing immigration law. The Supreme Court laid out what non-federal law enforcement can do. They cannot pull people off the street and ask them for their immigration status. Arpaio was breaking the law.

Look at his history.

There was not a time when arpaio did not break the law.

He also bragged he was kkk. His atty is kkk. He's even called kkkKobach.

The pino is alt right, kkk, nazi, fascist and is turning the US into a banana republic with him as its emperor.
Interesting timing.

PINO is lying slime but now we know for sure that he embraces all things alt right and kkk.

go spit in the wind you lying dirt bag. This has nothing to do with the kkk jerks. He deserved a pardon for being railroaded by an illegal immigrant loving BO justice department that would not vet out criminals coming into the country and by the sleaze bag with the name George Soros attached to it.

He does not deserve a pardon. He ignored a court order. Clearly Trump does not believe in the rule of law. You are a criminal and nothing else.
It's illegal to order a sheriff to stop doing his job.

A sheriff is not charged with enforcing immigration law. The Supreme Court laid out what non-federal law enforcement can do. They cannot pull people off the street and ask them for their immigration status. Arpaio was breaking the law.

Look at his history.

There was not a time when arpaio did not break the law.

He also bragged he was kkk. His atty is kkk. He's even called kkkKobach.

The pino is alt right, kkk, nazi, fascist and is turning the US into a banana republic with him as its emperor.
Whats a pino?
Well...he's POTUS, regardless. Some of y'all are gonna have to deal with it..kinda like many had to deal with Obama for 8 years. It was not pleasant, had to be done. Same thing.
The old fart is like 85 years old or so ... Wouldn't mind if he dropped dead tomorrow.

So, who will the pino pardon next? His own sons?
May need to, but that's ok, everyone knows Joe is a convicted racist asshole. Prolly wind up as a Fux News, Breitbart or Daily Stormer "contributor".
And you continue to sound like a pussy whipped bitch
I'm actually ok with uncle Joe being a racist convicted dick, but thanks. sorry about Sebastian.
Funny he was not convicted with a jury... The charges were shit. :fu:
I swear. These new words cropping up are like some of y'all are still at recess in grammar school..thinking shit up. Jeez.
The old fart is like 85 years old or so ... Wouldn't mind if he dropped dead tomorrow.

So, who will the pino pardon next? His own sons?
May need to, but that's ok, everyone knows Joe is a convicted racist asshole. Prolly wind up as a Fux News, Breitbart or Daily Stormer "contributor".
And you continue to sound like a pussy whipped bitch
I'm actually ok with uncle Joe being a racist convicted dick, but thanks. sorry about Sebastian.
Funny he was not convicted with a jury... The charges were shit. :fu:
i predict that in two weeks,,,nancy pelosi will pardon adolf hitler.
Well...he's POTUS, regardless. Some of y'all are gonna have to deal with it..kinda like many had to deal with Obama for 8 years. It was not pleasant, had to be done. Same thing.
Deal with it, hell, I think it's great. The world is getting an honest look at the insanity of american society on parade ... daily. I say we all just kick back and enjoy the first season of Reality America.
Well...he's POTUS, regardless. Some of y'all are gonna have to deal with it..kinda like many had to deal with Obama for 8 years. It was not pleasant, had to be done. Same thing.

No, Gracie its not.

And you know it.

Every single one of you RWNJs KNOWS that pino trump is NOT doing any of what he said he would and you also know he has attacked every single thing you RWNJs SAY you support and care about.

Military, POWs, vets, children, handicapped, elderly, Gold Start families and on and on and on. Most of all, he has attacked the US Constitution - like pardoning arpaio as well as all the other things he done to weaken the constitution.

You are defending the indefensible.
The old fart is like 85 years old or so ... Wouldn't mind if he dropped dead tomorrow.

So, who will the pino pardon next? His own sons?
May need to, but that's ok, everyone knows Joe is a convicted racist asshole. Prolly wind up as a Fux News, Breitbart or Daily Stormer "contributor".
And you continue to sound like a pussy whipped bitch
I'm actually ok with uncle Joe being a racist convicted dick, but thanks. sorry about Sebastian.
Funny he was not convicted with a jury... The charges were shit. :fu:
i predict that in two weeks,,,nancy pelosi will pardon adolf hitler.
Nonsense! She can't pardon herself!
Orange Racist One pardons former Racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio! WOW A true Racist LOVE Klan!

Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio
President Donald Trump has pardoned controversial sheriff Joe Arpaio of his conviction for criminal contempt, the White House said Friday night.

CNN reported Wednesday that the White House had prepared the papers for Trump's final
Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio - CNNPolitics

FFS!.. Our DOPer Party in full Bloom!
You people are so dishonest it is surprising that any left wing liar holds office. As defined by the government being Mexican is not a race it is ethnicity. Now for a small fee I will explain to you what that means. I would do it for nothing but trying to explain anything to a liberal is pretty damn impossible.

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