Pioneers built America

"Tell me about Ohio..."

Colonel William Crawford endured a horrific death at the hands of his Indian captors. According to one eyewitness account, he was tied to a post and had to walk on a path of hot embers. At a distance too far away to kill him, "seventy shots" of powder were fired into his flesh. Indians then cut off his ears, prodded him with burning sticks, and tossed hot embers at him. [He] continued in the extremities of pain for an hour and three quarters or two hours longer . . . when at last, being almost totally exhausted, he laid down on his belly; they then scalped him .. An old squaw got a board, took a parcel of coals and ashes and laid them on his back and head, after he had been scalped.

Burning of Colonel William Crawford

Colonel Crawford then raised himself up on the bones of his feet and began to walk around the post; they next put a burning stick to him as usual, but he seemed more insensible of pain than before." Crawford finally died from his wounds, but not before begging those around him to end his misery with a bullet.
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Some schools ban Indian mascots. Others ban pioneers. Both are “offensive.” This seems contradictory, but there’s a link. Both remind whites that our country was not “built by immigrants.” Pioneers and conquerors built it, and to do so they had to defeat warrior tribes, not meek victims.

A Nation of Pioneers, Not Immigrants - American Renaissance
Yeah, it was stolen and genocided onto by euro colonizers who are still attempting to do the same to the entire planet.
An Indian was the symbol where I went to middle school and a Trojan was the symbol where I went to high school.

God bless you always!!!

Holly (class of 2000)

P.S. Believe it or not, the name of my junior high was Turkey Foot middle school because it was on a road named Turkey Foot road. :D :D :D
The reason why Spain gave land grants to American Settlers in Texas was because the could not get Mexicans to settle in Texas.
In Libby MT the mascot was the Loggers. In Corvallis MT it was the Blue Devils. In Frenchtown MT it was the Broncs, and in Simms MT it was the Tigers.

Moved around a lot, as I was orphaned at 8.
Nothing new here. From the day the first Homo Sapien left Africa, the history of the human race has been populations on the move and one population displacing another. The difference today is that there is no place left to go.

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