Pirates & Parties


May 31, 2009
I believe the only reason that these tea parties have not been stopped by the government is because they don’t want to cause any people to be unhappy with their governing skills beyond what they already are. If they stopped the parties they would have people rioting and the government would fall. Does it deserve to stand any longer if it doesn’t reflect the ideals of the people but the ideals of the government officials? The attack by pirates on the American merchant marine ship was caused by people believing that are country is weak. What have we done to prove them wrong? All we did was let the hostages take care of themselves. We could have helped them and possibly have taken care of the captain and let everyone come home, but maybe we are weak. What Will it end with have we lost the war before it started?
The attack by pirates on the American merchant marine ship was caused by people believing that are country is weak.

no my son. the attack came because even black people need to eat and AK-47s are cheaper than food in some parts of the world.
The Somalian folks have found a weakness in the governments and the police agents in the strait, and have taken advantage of it.. They are nothing more than modern day pirates, and should be shot on sight, but there is no law enforcement agent in that area of the world. They know that, so are instigating unlawful rule of the area for financial gain. Where is the UN when it comes to instigations such as this? I say arm the ships with 50 caliber guns and shoot the pirates out of the water.
IThe attack by pirates on the American merchant marine ship was caused by people believing that are country is weak.

No it wasn't you fucking moron. It was caused by another country being weak, namely the one those fucks came from. Frig off

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