Piss-poor conservatives could lose this election over abortion......

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
Of all the issues that we have on the table,as with previous elections,abortion is going to be the centerpiece of the election..and the current lineup simply sucks.
santorum is sooooo far a pandering leftest spender,a sheeple without convictions,except social.
let me be honest,abortion should NOT BE questioned under the following circumstances...
*life and welfare of the mother.
otherwise,it should be completely outlawed.
if people cannot have responsible sex without a burden to the us citizen by expectation of socially paid abortions,then keep your fucking legs closed.
je needs sound fiscal policy,record,and not a blanket abortion policy if he even thinks of having a shot of the election.
Nope........sorry..........it's not gonna be abortion that kills the GOP, it's gonna be their stand against birth control.

That's what's gonna kill the GOP.
Unfortunately, the GOP has taken the stance that birth control (in almost all forms) is wrong. Listen to Santorum and Romney sometime.

And..........sorry to say, but, since the sexual revolution of the 60's and early 70's, birth control is here to stay, and if anyone says that it should be stopped is gonna lose.
Nope........sorry..........it's not gonna be abortion that kills the GOP, it's gonna be their stand against birth control.

That's what's gonna kill the GOP.

It will be the out-of-touch extremism related to both issues.

Thats a personal responsibility,not a taxpayers,that i do support.

Birth control is a personal responsibility,not a governments.

Well, like Jake and a few others, you’ve got a tough row to hoe.
Nope........sorry..........it's not gonna be abortion that kills the GOP, it's gonna be their stand against birth control.

That's what's gonna kill the GOP.

It will be the out-of-touch extremism related to both issues.

February 13, 2012

"There was a time not so long ago when Catholics and other Christians weighed various moral claims to find a balance. Sometimes, the lesser of two evils was preferable.

For centuries, for example, Catholic theologians, including the greatest, Thomas Aquinas, argued that human life begins not at conception but at some point in the second trimester. For centuries the Catholic Church allowed married priests. For centuries Catholics believed that extending the end of life by extreme measures like feeding tubes was a violation of natural death, which Christians of all people should not be afraid of. But this ancient, moderate, pragmatic reasoning has been rejected by the last two popes, who have increasingly become rigid, fundamentalist, and hostile to prudential balancing acts in the real, modern world we live in. Their radical fundamentalism—so alien to the spirit of the Second Vatican Council and to so many lay Catholics—has discredited the core priorities of Christianity, failed to persuade their own flock, and led to increasing politicization. And the obsession among Catholic and evangelical leaders with an issue like contraception stands in stark contrast to their indifference to, for example, the torture in which the last administration engaged, the growing social inequality fostered by unfettered capitalism, the Christian moral imperative of universal health care, and the unjust use of the death penalty.

That’s why younger evangelicals are also alienated. They want to refocus on issues of the poor, prison rape, human trafficking, and the kind of injustices Jesus emphasized, rather than on these sexual sideshows the older generation seems so obsessed with."

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Against any form of birth control other than abstinence, against abortion, even in the case of rape and incest, for laws stating what is legal in sexual conduct between consenting adults. It is all about being a control freak. And that is the stance of the GOP in this election cycle.

They will lose big time.

The strategy should be to draw out all GOP candidates in the Congress and Senate on these issues. And make their stands a public issue in every district and state.
Nope........sorry..........it's not gonna be abortion that kills the GOP, it's gonna be their stand against birth control.

That's what's gonna kill the GOP.

What' going to kill the GOP is that the economy has made a tepid enough recovery that all the idiots who voted for Obama last time can admit to it with a straight face.


if Unemployment starts heading North again, obama doesn't have to worry about birth control or abortion, he'll have to worry about the third "recovery summer" that didn't happen.
they are pandering to the base and trying to get them riled up.

They cant win with this base or without it.

They are done.

Then we can investigate the hell out of what they have done for decades of power and reform the republican party from the top.

Its the best hope the republican party has had in decades.

They were once a decent party.

They can be that again.
Nope........sorry..........it's not gonna be abortion that kills the GOP, it's gonna be their stand against birth control.

That's what's gonna kill the GOP.

What' going to kill the GOP is that the economy has made a tepid enough recovery that all the idiots who voted for Obama last time can admit to it with a straight face.


if Unemployment starts heading North again, obama doesn't have to worry about birth control or abortion, he'll have to worry about the third "recovery summer" that didn't happen.

The only reason the GOP is picking these wedge issues like this, is because the economy IS getting better.

Otherwise, they'd still be running on "jobs, jobs, jobs and the economy", instead of worrying about birth control.
Nope........sorry..........it's not gonna be abortion that kills the GOP, it's gonna be their stand against birth control.

That's what's gonna kill the GOP.

What' going to kill the GOP is that the economy has made a tepid enough recovery that all the idiots who voted for Obama last time can admit to it with a straight face.


if Unemployment starts heading North again, obama doesn't have to worry about birth control or abortion, he'll have to worry about the third "recovery summer" that didn't happen.

The only reason the GOP is picking these wedge issues like this, is because the economy IS getting better.

Otherwise, they'd still be running on "jobs, jobs, jobs and the economy", instead of worrying about birth control.

Well, I think Obama's ham-handed handling of the insurance mandate with the Cathoic Church had a lot more to do with it than any grand plan at GOP headquarters.

And I actually agree with Obama on this one, mostly because it annoys the hell out of the Catholic Church.

Also, frankly, the economy really still does suck. If George W. Bush had gone into 2004 or Clinton into 1996 with 8.3% unemployment, the secret service would be fighting off lynch mobs.

But it's been so bad for so long under this joker we are all just kind of living with it. And the lower pay that really has been forced on us?

Obama 2012: Settle for Less.

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