Pit bulls are safe around children!

I've lived with pitbulls and, if they're raised with love, they are the most loving animals out there.

They're not evil, but misunderstood. It is the owner who abuses the dogs that is to blame here.
You cant claim abuse, with zero evidence to support the claim.

This is exactly what im talking about. This post is what every owner says before his dog mauls someone, then when they attack they are so shocked, despite the fact that they are notorious for doing so.

I agree. It's like saying you can keep a bomb in your house and as long as you treat it properly, there is no problem, but if something goes wrong k-boom and someone is dead or seriously injured. The love of pitbulls is completely irrational. The breed needs to be made extinct.
One thing I have read about pitbulls is that, though other dogs bite, and perhaps as often as pitbulls, when a pitbull attacks, it is more likely to end in death, especially when they attack a child or elderly person.

In the 9-year period from 2005 to 2013, pit bulls killed 176 Americans and accounted for 62% of the total recorded deaths (283). Combined, pit bulls and rottweilers accounted for 74% of these deaths
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You should take that inverted pentagram off your avatar you little weakass pussy. You ain't foolin' nobody
What exactly do you think my avatar means to me? :lol:

I'm going to guess, from the Nature of your postings, that the inverted pentagram bears no actual Sinister meaning to you. I doubt you have any reason to use it as a symbol of Power or Man's primal Nature either.

I know what it means to me, my associates, and most who willingly don that symbol.

Many things. Many things that I do not see in you.

Enlighten me to what meaning you find in that avatar. It is one of my favorite symbols, and I cannot yet see any reason why you would bring to it such shame. Such dishonor. Such disrespect.
It means nothing to me, because im an atheist. :lol:
What exactly do you think my avatar means to me? :lol:

I'm going to guess, from the Nature of your postings, that the inverted pentagram bears no actual Sinister meaning to you. I doubt you have any reason to use it as a symbol of Power or Man's primal Nature either.

I know what it means to me, my associates, and most who willingly don that symbol.

Many things. Many things that I do not see in you.

Enlighten me to what meaning you find in that avatar. It is one of my favorite symbols, and I cannot yet see any reason why you would bring to it such shame. Such dishonor. Such disrespect.
It means nothing to me, because im an atheist. :lol:

And I know plenty of Athiests who have great reasons for using this symbol. The one thing we all have in common, spiritual and non spiritual alike, is that those of us who who bear the inverted pentagram use that symbol to express something really fucking deep.

Not you though. Not Fraudboy.

Maybe you thought you would appear tough, or maybe you really didn't even think about it. It really doesn't matter.

You are pathetic. You are disgusting. You are weak. You are lifeless and dull.

You are nothing but a scared little Mundane.
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I've lived with pitbulls and, if they're raised with love, they are the most loving animals out there.

They're not evil, but misunderstood. It is the owner who abuses the dogs that is to blame here.

I thought the very same thing, right up to the moment my pitbull attacked and tried to kill me.

What did I do to provoke the attack? My wife dusted the furniture in the dining room and left his walking leash on the floor. I pick up the leash...
How many times are we going to see these stories of people being mauled by pit bulls? You always hear the same thing from pit bull enthusiasts, "it depends on how they are raised. My pit bull is as gentle as can be!". Its funny how the owners of the pit bulls that attack people always say "I cant believe it, my pit bulls played with my children." Well guess what, this kid was around these pit bulls before without incident, then suddenly one day these "peaceful" dogs killed a child and mauled his pregnant mother.

These dogs are ticking time bombs, therefore they aren't fit for domestication. They should be outlawed!

Police identify boy, 4, killed in dog attack

The vast majority of pit bulls are harmless, and will not bite children.
I agree. It's like saying you can keep a bomb in your house and as long as you treat it properly, there is no problem, but if something goes wrong k-boom and someone is dead or seriously injured. The love of pitbulls is completely irrational. The breed needs to be made extinct.

I don't agree. You cannot get rid of an entire breed simply because the dog MIGHT attack. You are tarring the entire breed with the same brush. You cannot do that people, so why is it okay to do it to animals?
There are over 300 breeds of dogs. Of the dog attacks that occur in the US and end in death, 62% are attacks by pit bulls. One breed out of 300 breeds causing 62% of all deaths. And you still believe they are a safe dog to have, especially to have around children? Most deaths that occur from dog attacks are of the elderly or children. One breed out of 300+ breeds. Think about it.

The World Canine Organization is best known by its French title Fédération Cynologique Internationale which is abbreviated FCI. It is the largest registry of dog breeds that is internationally accepted. At the time of this writing the FCI recognizes 339 breeds of dogs which are divided into 10 groups based upon the dog’s purpose or function or upon its appearance or size.
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There are over 300 breeds of dogs. Of the dog attacks that occur in the US and end in death, 62% are attacks by pit bulls. One breed out of 300 breeds causing 62% of all deaths. And you still believe they are a safe dog to have, especially to have around children? Most deaths that occur from dog attacks are of the elderly or children. One breed out of 300+ breeds. Think about it.

The World Canine Organization is best known by its French title Fédération Cynologique Internationale which is abbreviated FCI. It is the largest registry of dog breeds that is internationally accepted. At the time of this writing the FCI recognizes 339 breeds of dogs which are divided into 10 groups based upon the dog’s purpose or function or upon its appearance or size.
How Many Breeds of Dogs Are There in the World? | Psychology Today

Put it this way. You could have 100 pit bulls living in a house with a small child. Is every one of those dogs going to attack the child? Of course not.
Pitt bulls should be kept away from small children. I know this may seem unfair to the many Pitt bulls that harm no one. However, Pitt bulls are bred to be compact killing machines. If a beagle unpredictably snaps a attacks a child there is usually little harm that a band-aid and a hug and kiss from mom will not fix. When a Pitt bull snaps and attacks a child it can often mean death to the child.

Also, small children often do stupid things that might provoke an animal.
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Bears and tigers are wild animals.

Pitbulls are domesticated, and the ones that become aggressive were trained to be that way through abuse and fear from bad owners.

Definitely apples and oranges, Godboy. Pitbulls raise with love and affection are incredibly loyal, loving, sweet, playful, and smart. If you raise them well, they will love you. I love it when they tuck their little butts in and dash around to play. :D

If they are so safe, why is it that every time we hear about a toddler being mauled to death, a pit bull is always involved?

First of all, that is simply not the case.

Second of all, the chances of a dog being called a pitbull when it is not is fairly high.
Pick the Pit - Can you find the Pitbull?

Third, with the increased popularity of organized dogfighting over the past few decades, the number of unstable and poorly socialized pitbulls is growing.

And lastly, the issue with pits is less about their temper and more about a few physical characteristics. Their jaw strength is much greater than many common pet breeds, and their tolerance for pain is also much greater. So if one does attack, the damage tends to be greater than attacks from other breeds. Pits are not the most likely to bite or attack. They don't even make the top 10. But the sensationalistic media is prone to make it seem as though pits are a timebomb, when nothing could be further from the truth.
If they are so safe, why is it that every time we hear about a toddler being mauled to death, a pit bull is always involved?

evidently the only thing you listen to is stories about pitbulls killing toddlers. how do you explain all the pit bulls that don't kill toddlers?
The point is, Pit Bulls kill the most of any breed

The problem with that claim is the source of the facts and figures. Many people who want to see the pit banned use the CDC's report as evidence.

But they conveniently ignore the CDC's own warnings concerning the validity of their statistics. Where did the CDC obtain their statistics? From some far-reaching study? No, mostly from media reports.

"Some of the most frequently cited statistics come from the Center for Disease Control’s Special Report on fatal human dog attacks between 1979 and 1998. The report attributes a third of the fatalities between 1981 – 1992 to “pit-bull type dogs,” but what the other side fails to include is that the report comes with many warnings about its “statistics”:

• First, let’s look at where the CDC and other studies get their information: You guessed it – largely from media accounts. Of course, the media reports on pit bull-related incidents far more than those involving other types of dogs, a fact clearly detailed in the Canine Research Council’s publication, “The Pit Bull Placebo,” and the ASPCA’s “Pit Bull Bias in the Media.” Another commonly cited source, the anti-pit bull website Dogsbite.org, also sites studies that use press accounts to compile their numbers.

• Aside from the fact the collection methods were faulty, the CDC study notes that guessing a dog’s breed is just that, a guess. And what’s more, people are influenced by a dog’s reputation and may attribute breed to a dog involved in an incident based on that rather than any real knowledge. To quote the report: “… to the extent that attacks by 1 breed are more newsworthy than those by other breeds, our methods may have resulted in differential ascertainment of fatalities by breed. … ecause identification of a dog’s breed may be subjective (even experts may disagree on a breed of a particular dog), DBRF [dog bite related fatalities] may be differentially ascribed to breeds with a reputation for aggression.” It gets muddier from there, considering that “pit-bull type dogs” are not a breed at all but a type encompassing several breeds and mixes that resemble those breeds. This means you have a very loose category of dogs that it’s easy for people to miss-identify.

• Sites like Dogsbite.org like to claim that pit bulls only make up 5 percent of the total dog population in the United States and are therefore “attacking” at a much higher rate than other dogs, but the truth is that there are no accurate statistics kept on the total number of dogs in this country, let alone dogs by type. The CDC clearly states this on its website: “There is currently no accurate way to identify the number of dogs of a particular breed, and consequently no measure to determine which breeds are more likely to bite or kill.” And while it’s anyone’s guess exactly how many pit bull type dogs there are in this country, it’s clear from looking around most cities, neighborhoods and shelters that dogs labeled as pit bulls are far more common than 5 percent.

• Of course, there are even more factors to consider. The CDC study begins at the same time pit bulls’ “Evolution of a Bad Rap” started. Prior to that, according to “The Pit Bull Placebo,” pit bulls were nowhere to be found on bite lists. “In a 10-year span, from 1966 – 1975, there is only one documented case of a fatal dog attack in the United States by a dog which could even remotely be identified as a ‘Pit bull,’ ” writes the book’s author, Karen Delise. (And there are no incidents to date of a spayed/neutered indoor family pit bull ever having killed anyone.)"

Once again, "In a 10-year span, from 1966 – 1975, there is only one documented case of a fatal dog attack in the United States by a dog which could even remotely be identified as a ‘Pit bull,’ ” writes the book’s author, Karen Delise. (And there are no incidents to date of a spayed/neutered indoor family pit bull ever having killed anyone.)" Is anyone here claiming that there were no pitbulls prior to 1975??
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I've lived with pitbulls and, if they're raised with love, they are the most loving animals out there.

They're not evil, but misunderstood. It is the owner who abuses the dogs that is to blame here.
You cant claim abuse, with zero evidence to support the claim.

This is exactly what im talking about. This post is what every owner says before his dog mauls someone, then when they attack they are so shocked, despite the fact that they are notorious for doing so.

I agree. It's like saying you can keep a bomb in your house and as long as you treat it properly, there is no problem, but if something goes wrong k-boom and someone is dead or seriously injured. The love of pitbulls is completely irrational. The breed needs to be made extinct.

Absolute nonsense based solely on sensationalistic press clippings and lies.
There are over 300 breeds of dogs. Of the dog attacks that occur in the US and end in death, 62% are attacks by pit bulls. One breed out of 300 breeds causing 62% of all deaths. And you still believe they are a safe dog to have, especially to have around children? Most deaths that occur from dog attacks are of the elderly or children. One breed out of 300+ breeds. Think about it.

The World Canine Organization is best known by its French title Fédération Cynologique Internationale which is abbreviated FCI. It is the largest registry of dog breeds that is internationally accepted. At the time of this writing the FCI recognizes 339 breeds of dogs which are divided into 10 groups based upon the dog’s purpose or function or upon its appearance or size.
How Many Breeds of Dogs Are There in the World? | Psychology Today

Repeating nonsense does not make it true.

Please tell us the source of how many pitbulls there are in the US?? The CDC has stated that the is no reputable source for the number of dogs in general, to say nothing of that number broken down by breeds.

And please tell us what expert identified the dog as a pitbull? As has been shown numerous times, people are notoriously bad at identifying dog breeds, and the media attention to the pitbulls makes them a likely scapegoat.
Pitt bulls should be kept away from small children. I know this may seem unfair to the many Pitt bulls that harm no one. However, Pitt bulls are bred to be compact killing machines. If a beagle unpredictably snaps a attacks a child there is usually little harm that a band-aid and a hug and kiss from mom will not fix. When a Pitt bull snaps and attacks a child it can often mean death to the child.

Also, small children often do stupid things that might provoke an animal.

Finally, someone addresses the actual hazards. Thank you.
There are over 300 breeds of dogs. Of the dog attacks that occur in the US and end in death, 62% are attacks by pit bulls. One breed out of 300 breeds causing 62% of all deaths. And you still believe they are a safe dog to have, especially to have around children? Most deaths that occur from dog attacks are of the elderly or children. One breed out of 300+ breeds. Think about it.

The World Canine Organization is best known by its French title Fédération Cynologique Internationale which is abbreviated FCI. It is the largest registry of dog breeds that is internationally accepted. At the time of this writing the FCI recognizes 339 breeds of dogs which are divided into 10 groups based upon the dog’s purpose or function or upon its appearance or size.
How Many Breeds of Dogs Are There in the World? | Psychology Today

Repeating nonsense does not make it true.

Please tell us the source of how many pitbulls there are in the US?? The CDC has stated that the is no reputable source for the number of dogs in general, to say nothing of that number broken down by breeds.

And please tell us what expert identified the dog as a pitbull? As has been shown numerous times, people are notoriously bad at identifying dog breeds, and the media attention to the pitbulls makes them a likely scapegoat.

You are the one repeating nonsense. Why would anyone in their right mind defend these dogs? They kill children and the elderly. They attack other adults as well. There are over 300 other breeds to choose from. Why on Earth do we need these dogs at all? They need to be eliminated. They serve no useful purpose. Only pathetic people who for some incomprehensible reason want to defend these dogs say they can't be identified. The number of pit bulls is estimated, like any other dog breed, so your argument there is ludicrous. The fact they are identifiable is obvious. It's the argument of the desperate who say they are confused with other breeds.

This is no different than those who defend the proliferation of guns in America. Every time there is a massacre, rational people say we need gun control. All the gun nuts say we don't. Every time a pit bull kills a child or elderly person, rational people say we need to get rid of pit bulls, while pit bull nuts say they are sweet and gentle animals.
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Pitt bulls should be kept away from small children. I know this may seem unfair to the many Pitt bulls that harm no one. However, Pitt bulls are bred to be compact killing machines. If a beagle unpredictably snaps a attacks a child there is usually little harm that a band-aid and a hug and kiss from mom will not fix. When a Pitt bull snaps and attacks a child it can often mean death to the child.

Also, small children often do stupid things that might provoke an animal.

Finally, someone addresses the actual hazards. Thank you.

Oh, I see. It's the victim's fault. And women who get raped deserve it because of the way they dress, act, or where they go alone any time of day or night.

Yeah. Right. It is the fault of the victim.

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