Pit bulls are safe around children!

Pit Bulls are a tough dog for people to own. They are dominant and worst of all capable of killing a grown man. I would say people should have to get a class on raising them before owning them. The dumb or criminally minded owners have given this outstanding breed a bad name. The retarded OP has never owned a pit bull and remains a victim of the media.

I think most Pit Bulls are probably harmless. Just like most legally owned firearms are not used illegally. Statistically they are involved in a lot of dog bites and fatalities compared to any other breed. Also, Pit Bull owners tend to not neuter their dogs at the rate of other dog owners. This should change. I'm not for taking peoples' dogs away, but they should be fixed and bred to extinction. To me that would be the humane thing to do.
Most pits are pretty tame and stable dogs. Bred to extinction? I would be against that. I think they are the best dogs in the world. They are not for everyone specifically for the reason I mentioned.

What do you do about those dogs that aren't for everyone who get it in the hands of people who are ready for them? It seems to be happening more frequently. Actually, since the Michael Vick case Pit Bull attacks are only on the rise.
I am assuming you meant "not ready for them"? I would be for requiring some sort of certificate saying you were trained how to specifically raise a pit. I know some people that do great work with adult dogs but my instincts have always told me the best dog is one that you have known and raised since it was a young pup. What is happening to pits is the same thing that happened with Dobies and German sheperds. Now Pits and Rotts are getting the vicious rap. As more people get these dogs of course the rates of bites will go up. Not too long ago more people had poodles. Guess what? They lead in the number of bites as well.

Yep, thank your for clarifying, I did mean "not ready for them".

The problem with special training is what happens when the dog gets out? it happens, who hasn't wandered a neighborhood searching for their dog a time or two? The other is Pit Bulls are notorious for not being neutered and they end up in the pound, a lot. They also are not the most adoptable dogs in the world and many of them are needlessly put to sleep. How about for all dogs it's required (like it is now) that they be neutered. if they are not then the penalties should increase. Involve vets, boarding facilities and whomever cares for dogs on a professional level. I would just say the penalty for intact Pit Bulls be a little stiffer. Before I said 6 months in jail, maybe that's for repeat offenders but why not the pocket book?

In many ways this is reminiscent of gun control. The difference being is that the owner of a gun usually has more control over it but liberals for whatever reason have a soft spot for a dog breed in spite of the evidence that they are more dangerous than other dog breeds.
I wouldnt call it special training. I would call it required training for pits/rotties and suggested training for other dog owners. Socialization is key. If your dog gets out then it wont attack someone out of fear. I cant say they wont attack other animals because they were bred to fight. Escalating penalties should be a part of it if your dog does some damage while out. There are a lot of cons that agree with me on this one subject. The dogs are really just the victims of media hype and popularity.
Dumbasses who think a particular breed should be banned, but packs of dogs running are just playing really have no business chiming in on this topic. They are the problem.

Find some statistics where dog packs are more dangerous than Pit Bulls, you can't. Anyway, posting two videos does not a point make. it is illegal for you to shoot dogs whether they are in packs or not for simply being dogs, psycho. If it were legal you would have quoted it, you tried, you failed.

Actually you doubled down when you stated it was OK to kill a single dog for merely "running". At what point are you put into a straight jacket with all of your responsibilities taken away from you?

And what of your final solution for stray dogs? You want to preemptively shoot them before they harm anyone. However with Pit Bulls who are statistically proven to be violent you just want to leave them be? By your logic you should be gunning them down in roving posses.

When are you going to retract your statement about me wanting to kill Pit Bulls?
I hate to say it but CrackGirl is semi correct for once in her life about this one specific item. Dogs are pack animals and the dynamics of a pack will effect dogs in unpredictable ways. It only takes 2 dogs to form a pack. They key off each other so if one dog attacks someone or something even a dog that was normally friendly to people will join in on the attack. Its pretty much their instincts. Its rare to see a dog that will not be effected by this instinct.
I think most Pit Bulls are probably harmless. Just like most legally owned firearms are not used illegally. Statistically they are involved in a lot of dog bites and fatalities compared to any other breed. Also, Pit Bull owners tend to not neuter their dogs at the rate of other dog owners. This should change. I'm not for taking peoples' dogs away, but they should be fixed and bred to extinction. To me that would be the humane thing to do.
Most pits are pretty tame and stable dogs. Bred to extinction? I would be against that. I think they are the best dogs in the world. They are not for everyone specifically for the reason I mentioned.

What do you do about those dogs that aren't for everyone who get it in the hands of people who are ready for them? It seems to be happening more frequently. Actually, since the Michael Vick case Pit Bull attacks are only on the rise.
I am assuming you meant "not ready for them"? I would be for requiring some sort of certificate saying you were trained how to specifically raise a pit. I know some people that do great work with adult dogs but my instincts have always told me the best dog is one that you have known and raised since it was a young pup. What is happening to pits is the same thing that happened with Dobies and German sheperds. Now Pits and Rotts are getting the vicious rap. As more people get these dogs of course the rates of bites will go up. Not too long ago more people had poodles. Guess what? They lead in the number of bites as well.

Yep, thank your for clarifying, I did mean "not ready for them".

The problem with special training is what happens when the dog gets out? it happens, who hasn't wandered a neighborhood searching for their dog a time or two? The other is Pit Bulls are notorious for not being neutered and they end up in the pound, a lot. They also are not the most adoptable dogs in the world and many of them are needlessly put to sleep. How about for all dogs it's required (like it is now) that they be neutered. if they are not then the penalties should increase. Involve vets, boarding facilities and whomever cares for dogs on a professional level. I would just say the penalty for intact Pit Bulls be a little stiffer. Before I said 6 months in jail, maybe that's for repeat offenders but why not the pocket book?

In many ways this is reminiscent of gun control. The difference being is that the owner of a gun usually has more control over it but liberals for whatever reason have a soft spot for a dog breed in spite of the evidence that they are more dangerous than other dog breeds.
I wouldnt call it special training. I would call it required training for pits/rotties and suggested training for other dog owners. Socialization is key. If your dog gets out then it wont attack someone out of fear. I cant say they wont attack other animals because they were bred to fight. Escalating penalties should be a part of it if your dog does some damage while out. There are a lot of cons that agree with me on this one subject. The dogs are really just the victims of media hype and popularity.

I keep hearing about media hype but I don't see it. I see that deceptive diagram that pro-Pit Bull people like to drag out that somehow proves Pit Bulls are hard to identify. However, in studies of dog attacks where the breed is known, Pit Bulls rank high.

I'm sure owners probably play a part of it however there are so many stories of normal people whose dogs attacked them or someone in their family. To me a slow breeding out makes the best sense and requires the destruction of no dogs (the ones that don't attack at least).
Dumbasses who think a particular breed should be banned, but packs of dogs running are just playing really have no business chiming in on this topic. They are the problem.

Find some statistics where dog packs are more dangerous than Pit Bulls, you can't. Anyway, posting two videos does not a point make. it is illegal for you to shoot dogs whether they are in packs or not for simply being dogs, psycho. If it were legal you would have quoted it, you tried, you failed.

Actually you doubled down when you stated it was OK to kill a single dog for merely "running". At what point are you put into a straight jacket with all of your responsibilities taken away from you?

And what of your final solution for stray dogs? You want to preemptively shoot them before they harm anyone. However with Pit Bulls who are statistically proven to be violent you just want to leave them be? By your logic you should be gunning them down in roving posses.

When are you going to retract your statement about me wanting to kill Pit Bulls?
I hate to say it but CrackGirl is semi correct for once in her life about this one specific item. Dogs are pack animals and the dynamics of a pack will effect dogs in unpredictable ways. It only takes 2 dogs to form a pack. They key off each other so if one dog attacks someone or something even a dog that was normally friendly to people will join in on the attack. Its pretty much their instincts. Its rare to see a dog that will not be effected by this instinct.

I'm not saying dog packs can't be dangerous. But I don't think the solution is to pick them off if their only crime is "running". Anyway, dogs often get loose when someone leaves their gate open, many households are multi-dog, two dogs running around is not a reason to freakout and shoot them, chances are they are friendly. Are you really saying multiple dogs should be shot on site?

I'm beginning to think people who like Pit Bulls have an unnatural fear of stray dogs, I suppose caution would come with the territory when you are used to Pit Bulls, is that the special handling?
Most pits are pretty tame and stable dogs. Bred to extinction? I would be against that. I think they are the best dogs in the world. They are not for everyone specifically for the reason I mentioned.

What do you do about those dogs that aren't for everyone who get it in the hands of people who are ready for them? It seems to be happening more frequently. Actually, since the Michael Vick case Pit Bull attacks are only on the rise.
I am assuming you meant "not ready for them"? I would be for requiring some sort of certificate saying you were trained how to specifically raise a pit. I know some people that do great work with adult dogs but my instincts have always told me the best dog is one that you have known and raised since it was a young pup. What is happening to pits is the same thing that happened with Dobies and German sheperds. Now Pits and Rotts are getting the vicious rap. As more people get these dogs of course the rates of bites will go up. Not too long ago more people had poodles. Guess what? They lead in the number of bites as well.

Yep, thank your for clarifying, I did mean "not ready for them".

The problem with special training is what happens when the dog gets out? it happens, who hasn't wandered a neighborhood searching for their dog a time or two? The other is Pit Bulls are notorious for not being neutered and they end up in the pound, a lot. They also are not the most adoptable dogs in the world and many of them are needlessly put to sleep. How about for all dogs it's required (like it is now) that they be neutered. if they are not then the penalties should increase. Involve vets, boarding facilities and whomever cares for dogs on a professional level. I would just say the penalty for intact Pit Bulls be a little stiffer. Before I said 6 months in jail, maybe that's for repeat offenders but why not the pocket book?

In many ways this is reminiscent of gun control. The difference being is that the owner of a gun usually has more control over it but liberals for whatever reason have a soft spot for a dog breed in spite of the evidence that they are more dangerous than other dog breeds.
I wouldnt call it special training. I would call it required training for pits/rotties and suggested training for other dog owners. Socialization is key. If your dog gets out then it wont attack someone out of fear. I cant say they wont attack other animals because they were bred to fight. Escalating penalties should be a part of it if your dog does some damage while out. There are a lot of cons that agree with me on this one subject. The dogs are really just the victims of media hype and popularity.

I keep hearing about media hype but I don't see it. I see that deceptive diagram that pro-Pit Bull people like to drag out that somehow proves Pit Bulls are hard to identify. However, in studies of dog attacks where the breed is known, Pit Bulls rank high.

I'm sure owners probably play a part of it however there are so many stories of normal people whose dogs attacked them or someone in their family. To me a slow breeding out makes the best sense and requires the destruction of no dogs (the ones that don't attack at least).
I've seen the media hype in action plenty of times. That diagram is correct. Most people cant tell what a pitbull is so I'm pretty sure plenty of those "attack by pit bull" stories are a case of mistaken identity. Often I have to realize the public simply cant recognize the difference that I see as pretty apparent. So even when the breed is supposedly "known" there is nothing really conclusive unless there is an actual DNA test.
What do you do about those dogs that aren't for everyone who get it in the hands of people who are ready for them? It seems to be happening more frequently. Actually, since the Michael Vick case Pit Bull attacks are only on the rise.
I am assuming you meant "not ready for them"? I would be for requiring some sort of certificate saying you were trained how to specifically raise a pit. I know some people that do great work with adult dogs but my instincts have always told me the best dog is one that you have known and raised since it was a young pup. What is happening to pits is the same thing that happened with Dobies and German sheperds. Now Pits and Rotts are getting the vicious rap. As more people get these dogs of course the rates of bites will go up. Not too long ago more people had poodles. Guess what? They lead in the number of bites as well.

Yep, thank your for clarifying, I did mean "not ready for them".

The problem with special training is what happens when the dog gets out? it happens, who hasn't wandered a neighborhood searching for their dog a time or two? The other is Pit Bulls are notorious for not being neutered and they end up in the pound, a lot. They also are not the most adoptable dogs in the world and many of them are needlessly put to sleep. How about for all dogs it's required (like it is now) that they be neutered. if they are not then the penalties should increase. Involve vets, boarding facilities and whomever cares for dogs on a professional level. I would just say the penalty for intact Pit Bulls be a little stiffer. Before I said 6 months in jail, maybe that's for repeat offenders but why not the pocket book?

In many ways this is reminiscent of gun control. The difference being is that the owner of a gun usually has more control over it but liberals for whatever reason have a soft spot for a dog breed in spite of the evidence that they are more dangerous than other dog breeds.
I wouldnt call it special training. I would call it required training for pits/rotties and suggested training for other dog owners. Socialization is key. If your dog gets out then it wont attack someone out of fear. I cant say they wont attack other animals because they were bred to fight. Escalating penalties should be a part of it if your dog does some damage while out. There are a lot of cons that agree with me on this one subject. The dogs are really just the victims of media hype and popularity.

I keep hearing about media hype but I don't see it. I see that deceptive diagram that pro-Pit Bull people like to drag out that somehow proves Pit Bulls are hard to identify. However, in studies of dog attacks where the breed is known, Pit Bulls rank high.

I'm sure owners probably play a part of it however there are so many stories of normal people whose dogs attacked them or someone in their family. To me a slow breeding out makes the best sense and requires the destruction of no dogs (the ones that don't attack at least).
I've seen the media hype in action plenty of times. That diagram is correct. Most people cant tell what a pitbull is so I'm pretty sure plenty of those "attack by pit bull" stories are a case of mistaken identity. Often I have to realize the public simply cant recognize the difference that I see as pretty apparent. So even when the breed is supposedly "known" there is nothing really conclusive unless there is an actual DNA test.

I don't. The dogs in that chart are either rare breeds in the United States that your average American will not come across or they present dogs that do not look like their breed. It's intentionally misleading.
Dumbasses who think a particular breed should be banned, but packs of dogs running are just playing really have no business chiming in on this topic. They are the problem.

Find some statistics where dog packs are more dangerous than Pit Bulls, you can't. Anyway, posting two videos does not a point make. it is illegal for you to shoot dogs whether they are in packs or not for simply being dogs, psycho. If it were legal you would have quoted it, you tried, you failed.

Actually you doubled down when you stated it was OK to kill a single dog for merely "running". At what point are you put into a straight jacket with all of your responsibilities taken away from you?

And what of your final solution for stray dogs? You want to preemptively shoot them before they harm anyone. However with Pit Bulls who are statistically proven to be violent you just want to leave them be? By your logic you should be gunning them down in roving posses.

When are you going to retract your statement about me wanting to kill Pit Bulls?
You are remarkably stupid. Dog parks are enclosed areas and owners are present. Not the same thing as seeing five or six dogs racing across a field, no handlers in sight. Please don't own dogs.

What are the statistics on dog pack attacks? Not that it matters, you claimed its legal to shoot a single dog as long as it's committing the crime of "running" but yet you won't do the most common sense thing and just fix your own dog, instead you're "packing" and one of those reasons is so you can shoot random dogs.

Two questions you still haven't answered.

1. When are you going to retract the lie where you said I'm for killing Pit Bulls?

2. if your dog were running around loose is it legal for your neighbors to shoot it? Should they?

Come on, psycho, answer the questions.
The laws for shooting dogs at large don't apply in city limits.

The pack that killed that little old woman were neighborhood dogs that people were feeding. No pits.

What's with your stupid demands that I do this or I do that? First you were too stupid to follow the link and demanded the statute. I gave you that and you demanded I provide the text. I did that and you didn't understand it, and now you're demanding statistics on packs vs pit deaths? You're a fucking illiterate lunatic. I seriously hope you don't have dogs because you aren't competent to handle them. I doubt you are competent to read hair conditioner directions. You've probably been conditioning your hair with Jergens hand lotion your entire life because you can't be bothered to read past the "J" on the label.
Can you identify the Boxer?

Dumbasses who think a particular breed should be banned, but packs of dogs running are just playing really have no business chiming in on this topic. They are the problem.

Find some statistics where dog packs are more dangerous than Pit Bulls, you can't. Anyway, posting two videos does not a point make. it is illegal for you to shoot dogs whether they are in packs or not for simply being dogs, psycho. If it were legal you would have quoted it, you tried, you failed.

Actually you doubled down when you stated it was OK to kill a single dog for merely "running". At what point are you put into a straight jacket with all of your responsibilities taken away from you?

And what of your final solution for stray dogs? You want to preemptively shoot them before they harm anyone. However with Pit Bulls who are statistically proven to be violent you just want to leave them be? By your logic you should be gunning them down in roving posses.

When are you going to retract your statement about me wanting to kill Pit Bulls?
I hate to say it but CrackGirl is semi correct for once in her life about this one specific item. Dogs are pack animals and the dynamics of a pack will effect dogs in unpredictable ways. It only takes 2 dogs to form a pack. They key off each other so if one dog attacks someone or something even a dog that was normally friendly to people will join in on the attack. Its pretty much their instincts. Its rare to see a dog that will not be effected by this instinct.

I'm not saying dog packs can't be dangerous. But I don't think the solution is to pick them off if their only crime is "running". Anyway, dogs often get loose when someone leaves their gate open, many households are multi-dog, two dogs running around is not a reason to freakout and shoot them, chances are they are friendly. Are you really saying multiple dogs should be shot on site?

I'm beginning to think people who like Pit Bulls have an unnatural fear of stray dogs, I suppose caution would come with the territory when you are used to Pit Bulls, is that the special handling?
I agree. I would never shoot a dog unless it was seriously attacking me or a child. Most dogs have a healthy fear of humans if not trained to attack them. I only agree that the two or more dogs can be potentially dangerous. That caution comes from dealing with all types of dogs. The difference with pits is that they are capable of a sustained attack where other dogs would stop attacking due to being winded or harmed. Pits have an extremely high pain tolerance and a lazer like focus once they set their minds to do something.
Btw, genius...ppl who are for breed bans are for destroying the breed. The way it works...once the ban is in place, and you are cited for having the breed, you have x amount of days to get rid of the dog. If you don't, it's seized and euthanized. I'm not retracting my statement because you're so fucking stupid you don't even know what a breed ban consists of. I doubt you read to the end of that sentence, either. You read the first three words and said "ok I'm in!" like a true retard.
Can you identify the Boxer?

All those dogs at one time or another have been called pit bulls by people that were attacked. There was a case that grabbed national headlines and people called the dogs pits when they were really Cane Corsos if I recall correctly. These dogs look like gigantic pit bulls.
The laws for shooting dogs at large don't apply in city limits.

Great, can you quote the law that does apply where you live? So far it's been a state law that specifically mentions the chasing of livestock, I would assume livestock isn't common in most cities. I don't think you know what you're talking about, actually it's quite obvious.

[quoe]The pack that killed that little old woman were neighborhood dogs that people were feeding. No pits.[/quote]

And? Are you saying we should kill all the Pit Bulls to? I can show you videos of those attacks as well, gruesome.

What's with your stupid demands that I do this or I do that? First you were too stupid to follow the link and demanded the statute. I gave you that and you demanded I provide the text. I did that and you didn't understand it, and now you're demanding statistics on packs vs pit deaths? You're a fucking illiterate lunatic. I seriously hope you don't have dogs because you aren't competent to handle them. I doubt you are competent to read hair conditioner directions. You've probably been conditioning your hair with Jergens hand lotion your entire life because you can't be bothered to read past the "J" on the label.

Little demand like retracting the lie you told about my stance? I think I'm in my right.

Also, you made the case it's OK to shoot dogs for doing nothing more than be dogs so, why not yours if it got out?

I do have a dog, I've had dogs all my life and I've said and done nothing to demonstrate I'm incompetent. I'm only questioning your ridiculous argument.
The laws for shooting dogs at large don't apply in city limits.

Great, can you quote the law that does apply where you live? So far it's been a state law that specifically mentions the chasing of livestock, I would assume livestock isn't common in most cities. I don't think you know what you're talking about, actually it's quite obvious.

[quoe]The pack that killed that little old woman were neighborhood dogs that people were feeding. No pits.

And? Are you saying we should kill all the Pit Bulls to? I can show you videos of those attacks as well, gruesome.

What's with your stupid demands that I do this or I do that? First you were too stupid to follow the link and demanded the statute. I gave you that and you demanded I provide the text. I did that and you didn't understand it, and now you're demanding statistics on packs vs pit deaths? You're a fucking illiterate lunatic. I seriously hope you don't have dogs because you aren't competent to handle them. I doubt you are competent to read hair conditioner directions. You've probably been conditioning your hair with Jergens hand lotion your entire life because you can't be bothered to read past the "J" on the label.

Little demand like retracting the lie you told about my stance? I think I'm in my right.

Also, you made the case it's OK to shoot dogs for doing nothing more than be dogs so, why not yours if it got out?

I do have a dog, I've had dogs all my life and I've said and done nothing to demonstrate I'm incompetent. I'm only questioning your ridiculous argument.[/QUOTE]
There's so much stupid in that post, lol. You have a gift for getting things backwards, don't you....Boxer is no. 14
Can you identify the Boxer?

All those dogs at one time or another have been called pit bulls by people that were attacked. There was a case that grabbed national headlines and people called the dogs pits when they were really Cane Corsos if I recall correctly. These dogs look like gigantic pit bulls.
Actually the two dogs were Presa Canarios but same thing. They were mistakenly identified as "large pit bulls" by our local news media.

And why the fuck would I look up dog at large statutes for "the city" I live in now? What does that have to do with anything????
Can you identify the Boxer?

All those dogs at one time or another have been called pit bulls by people that were attacked. There was a case that grabbed national headlines and people called the dogs pits when they were really Cane Corsos if I recall correctly. These dogs look like gigantic pit bulls.

The point of the diagram is to make the person looking the chart go "Hmm, I can't pick out the Pit Bull". They do this by showing dogs of breeds that are very rare in the US and look similar to a Pit Bull or common dogs in the US that look nothing like their breed. The Boxer for example looks nothing like a real Boxer. In the diagram above they alos do not show the bodies of many dogs because they look nothing like a Pit Bull.

Here is an article on the subect:
The TRUTH About Pit Bulls: Find the Pit Bull
Find the Pit Bull

After hearing from someone who was frustrated that "grown men with children are still asking, 'but how can you identify a pit bull?'" and wondering if BSL is feasible because pit bulls are shape shifting , I decided to break down the "Find the Pit Bull" test. The fact that the pit bull community has now decided they can identify the headless corpse of a puppy as a pit bull kind of has taken the wind out of my sails, but I persevere anyway.
Find the Pit Bull
Click on the title to go to the original. Click on image to make it larger.

Key: 1. Boxer 2. Dogue de Bordeaux 3. Alapaha Blue Bull Dog 4. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 5. Vizsla 6. Rhodesian Ridgeback 7. Dogo Argentino 8. Chocolate Labrador Retriever 9. Bullmastiff 10. Jack Russell Terrier 11. Fila Brasileiro 12. Rottweiler 13. Presa Canario 14. American Bulldog 15. Cane Corso 16. American Pit Bull Terrier 17. Patterdale Terrier 18. Olde English Bulldogge 19. Catahoula 20. Bull Terrier 21. Black Mouth Cur 22. Alano Espanol 23. Boerboel 24. Ca de Bou 25. Thai Ridgeback
The "Find the Pit Bull" test pretends to show us that pit bulls are virtually impossible to distinguish from other breeds. The test is intended to deceive. In short, the creator uses scarce to rare breeds that are related to the pit bull's ancestry, juvenile dogs or dogs that are atypical of the breed and pretends that using one photo is the same as seeing the actual dog. The pit bull they use as an example of a typical pit bull is a puppy, for crying out loud!
The long answer:
To trick the viewer, the creator uses the following techniques:
A. Uses photos that do not show relative size.
B. Uses photos that do not show the whole dog when body type is much different than a bully breed.
C. Uses photos of juvenile dogs that have not developed their breed specific characteristics or size.
D. Uses photos of dog breeds that are rare to non-existant in the United States making it very unlikely that the general public or animal control officers have encountered or ever will encounter these breeds
E. Inclusion of many examples of similar dogs of three breed types that are known to have been used to develop the pit bull - terriers, bulldogs and mastiffs. The last two are also themselves closely related to each other.
F. Uses photos that show an atypical or less common type of a breed.
G. Uses poor photos that don't show distinguishing characteristics of the breed or that create the illusion the breed has pit bull characteristics.
The question is: Can Animal Control Officers distinguish the breeds in the photos if presented with the actual dogs?
BOXER photos:

1. BOXER - A, B, C, E, F The first german registered BOXER was half english white bulldog. However, during the 20th century, breeders have created a decidedly distinct and unique looking dog. The BOXER in the quiz is the less common white color and the dog is a young puppy. In addition, the angle of this photo does not show the characteristic scooped break in the nose bridge.
Conclusion: In real life, an animal control officer would have no problem distinguishing a BOXER from a pit bull.

2. DOGUE DE BORDEAUX - A, B, E This is the french version of the large mastiff dog. Both bulldogs and pit bulls have been bred to mastiffs for size since the 19th century. These french mastiffs have been bred for great size (minimum 110 pounds) and a very distinctive look for most of the 20th century.
Conclusion: Animal control officers would have no problem distinguishing a DOGUE DE BORDEAUX in real life because of their size and differing body and head features.

3. ALAPAHA BLUE BULLDOG - D, E - The ALAPAHA BLUE BULLDOG is a mix of bulldog and pit bull and is described as "a well-developed, exaggerated bulldog with a broad head and natural drop ears."William Chester is described as an "Ol Pit-Bull Man" who bred alapahas that were often man aggressive. Chester's old family silver dollar recipe: catahoula x american pit bull terrier x mountain bulldog. It is absolutely true that it is often impossible to distinguish an ALAPAHA BLUE BULLDOG from an american bulldog or from an american pit bull terrier precisely because these bulldogs are a pit bull mix.
Conclusion: Any city seeking to establish BSL with regards to pit bulls should craft their legislation so that it covers all the variations of the american bulldog because american bulldogs are nothing more than a pit bull mix that have inherited physical, temperamental and behavioral traits of the pit bull.

4. GREATER SWISS MOUNTAIN DOG. A, B,D, G As you can see a photo was purposely used that hides the muzzle length of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog and does not show the body at all. Also note the fixity of the color pattern in the GREATER SWISS MOUNTAIN DOG that is both characteristic and distinguishing.
Conclusion:Animal control officers would have no problem distinguishing a GREATER SWISS MOUNTAIN DOG in real life because of their size and differing body and head types.
Photos of VIZSLAS:

5. VIZSLA - G - Often described as looking like a red Weimeraner. They look nothing like a pit bull except that they are colored like a "red nose" pit bull. The VIZSLA rescue association was made aware that some rescues are trying to pass off red nose pit bulls as VIZSLA mixes and they were not happy about it.

Conclusion: The ridge is a dead giveaway for the dogs that possess it. And even without the ridge, the body type and ears are very different than a pit bull. Animal Control officers who see this dog in real life will have no problem distinguishing it from a pit bull.

7. DOGO ARGENTINO - A, D, E. This is considered the Argentine version of the mastiff, but it is much more closely related to the pit bull and other fighting dogs than other mastiff breeds are. 19th century bull terriers (the pit fighting dogs of the 19th century) were bred with mastiffs and bulldogs to create the fighting dog of cordoba. That is virtually the same mix of dogs that created the pit bull breeds. From the fighting dog of cordoba breeders created the larger DOGO ARGENTINO as a big game hunting dog by breeding with the great dane, pointer, bull terrier, english bulldog, dogue de bordeaux, boxer, and pyrenean mastiff. However, DOGO ARGENTINOS have also been used as fighting dogs. DOGO ARGENTINOS are in general larger, with heavier legs, and slightly smaller jaw muscles than pit bulls. Tia Torres claims she was asked to provide a white pit bull for an advertising campaign and she used this DOGO ARGENTINO for that job. Here is a man bragging that DOGO ARGENTINOS have a bite second only to the pit bull.
Conclusion: It is indeed difficult to distinguish a DOGO ARGENTINO from a pit bull because these dogs were both bred using the same foundation stock for exactly the same purpose. Any community considering BSL should write their description so that it covers DOGO ARGENTINOS despite the dogo's relative scarcity.

8. CHOCOLATE LABRADOR RETRIEVER - A, B, G - Conclusion: Animal Control when faced with arguably the most common pet dog of the 20th and 21st century will see the water dog's characteristic double coat and otter tail in no time.


9. BULLMASTIFF - A, E These dogs weigh between 110 and 130 pounds.
Conclusion: Animal Control can tell the difference between the BULLMASTIFF and a pit bull in real life.

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Can you identify the Boxer?

All those dogs at one time or another have been called pit bulls by people that were attacked. There was a case that grabbed national headlines and people called the dogs pits when they were really Cane Corsos if I recall correctly. These dogs look like gigantic pit bulls.
Actually the two dogs were Presa Canarios but same thing. They were mistakenly identified as "large pit bulls" by our local news media.


Right, now, how often does it happen? Or are we blowing one story out of proportion? There are studies of dog attack fatalities where they got the dog, it's not like they get away.
Can you identify the Boxer?

All those dogs at one time or another have been called pit bulls by people that were attacked. There was a case that grabbed national headlines and people called the dogs pits when they were really Cane Corsos if I recall correctly. These dogs look like gigantic pit bulls.
Actually the two dogs were Presa Canarios but same thing. They were mistakenly identified as "large pit bulls" by our local news media.

I have a friend who brought a pair of these up from...Chile or Argentina, I don't remember which. They were wonderful dogs.
The laws for shooting dogs at large don't apply in city limits.

Great, can you quote the law that does apply where you live? So far it's been a state law that specifically mentions the chasing of livestock, I would assume livestock isn't common in most cities. I don't think you know what you're talking about, actually it's quite obvious.

The pack that killed that little old woman were neighborhood dogs that people were feeding. No pits.

And? Are you saying we should kill all the Pit Bulls to? I can show you videos of those attacks as well, gruesome.

No, I already told you, mandatory sterilization. I'm not interested in killing Pit Bulls unless they attack, I've already told you this.
What's with your stupid demands that I do this or I do that? First you were too stupid to follow the link and demanded the statute. I gave you that and you demanded I provide the text. I did that and you didn't understand it, and now you're demanding statistics on packs vs pit deaths? You're a fucking illiterate lunatic. I seriously hope you don't have dogs because you aren't competent to handle them. I doubt you are competent to read hair conditioner directions. You've probably been conditioning your hair with Jergens hand lotion your entire life because you can't be bothered to read past the "J" on the label.

Little demand like retracting the lie you told about my stance? I think I'm in my right.

Also, you made the case it's OK to shoot dogs for doing nothing more than be dogs so, why not yours if it got out?

I do have a dog, I've had dogs all my life and I've said and done nothing to demonstrate I'm incompetent. I'm only questioning your ridiculous argument.
There's so much stupid in that post, lol. You have a gift for getting things backwards, don't you....Boxer is no. 14[/QUOTE]

Ok. Humor me.

You are now saying it's legal to shoot stray dogs for "running" in rural Oregon. Says who? You're last source (which was pulling teeth) from you showed no such thing.

Lastly, do your neighbors have the right to shoot your dog if it get loose and is trotting down the street? According to you ,yes.
Can you identify the Boxer?

All those dogs at one time or another have been called pit bulls by people that were attacked. There was a case that grabbed national headlines and people called the dogs pits when they were really Cane Corsos if I recall correctly. These dogs look like gigantic pit bulls.

The point of the diagram is to make the person looking the chart go "Hmm, I can't pick out the Pit Bull". They do this by showing dogs of breeds that are very rare in the US and look similar to a Pit Bull or common dogs in the US that look nothing like their breed. The Boxer for example looks nothing like a real Boxer. In the diagram above they alos do not show the bodies of many dogs because they look nothing like a Pit Bull.

Here is an article on the subect:
The TRUTH About Pit Bulls: Find the Pit Bull
Find the Pit Bull

After hearing from someone who was frustrated that "grown men with children are still asking, 'but how can you identify a pit bull?'" and wondering if BSL is feasible because pit bulls are shape shifting , I decided to break down the "Find the Pit Bull" test. The fact that the pit bull community has now decided they can identify the headless corpse of a puppy as a pit bull kind of has taken the wind out of my sails, but I persevere anyway.
Find the Pit Bull
Click on the title to go to the original. Click on image to make it larger.

Key: 1. Boxer 2. Dogue de Bordeaux 3. Alapaha Blue Bull Dog 4. Greater Swiss Mountain Dog 5. Vizsla 6. Rhodesian Ridgeback 7. Dogo Argentino 8. Chocolate Labrador Retriever 9. Bullmastiff 10. Jack Russell Terrier 11. Fila Brasileiro 12. Rottweiler 13. Presa Canario 14. American Bulldog 15. Cane Corso 16. American Pit Bull Terrier 17. Patterdale Terrier 18. Olde English Bulldogge 19. Catahoula 20. Bull Terrier 21. Black Mouth Cur 22. Alano Espanol 23. Boerboel 24. Ca de Bou 25. Thai Ridgeback
The "Find the Pit Bull" test pretends to show us that pit bulls are virtually impossible to distinguish from other breeds. The test is intended to deceive. In short, the creator uses scarce to rare breeds that are related to the pit bull's ancestry, juvenile dogs or dogs that are atypical of the breed and pretends that using one photo is the same as seeing the actual dog. The pit bull they use as an example of a typical pit bull is a puppy, for crying out loud!
The long answer:
To trick the viewer, the creator uses the following techniques:
A. Uses photos that do not show relative size.
B. Uses photos that do not show the whole dog when body type is much different than a bully breed.
C. Uses photos of juvenile dogs that have not developed their breed specific characteristics or size.
D. Uses photos of dog breeds that are rare to non-existant in the United States making it very unlikely that the general public or animal control officers have encountered or ever will encounter these breeds
E. Inclusion of many examples of similar dogs of three breed types that are known to have been used to develop the pit bull - terriers, bulldogs and mastiffs. The last two are also themselves closely related to each other.
F. Uses photos that show an atypical or less common type of a breed.
G. Uses poor photos that don't show distinguishing characteristics of the breed or that create the illusion the breed has pit bull characteristics.
The question is: Can Animal Control Officers distinguish the breeds in the photos if presented with the actual dogs?
BOXER photos:

1. BOXER - A, B, C, E, F The first german registered BOXER was half english white bulldog. However, during the 20th century, breeders have created a decidedly distinct and unique looking dog. The BOXER in the quiz is the less common white color and the dog is a young puppy. In addition, the angle of this photo does not show the characteristic scooped break in the nose bridge.
Conclusion: In real life, an animal control officer would have no problem distinguishing a BOXER from a pit bull.

2. DOGUE DE BORDEAUX - A, B, E This is the french version of the large mastiff dog. Both bulldogs and pit bulls have been bred to mastiffs for size since the 19th century. These french mastiffs have been bred for great size (minimum 110 pounds) and a very distinctive look for most of the 20th century.
Conclusion: Animal control officers would have no problem distinguishing a DOGUE DE BORDEAUX in real life because of their size and differing body and head features.

3. ALAPAHA BLUE BULLDOG - D, E - The ALAPAHA BLUE BULLDOG is a mix of bulldog and pit bull and is described as "a well-developed, exaggerated bulldog with a broad head and natural drop ears."William Chester is described as an "Ol Pit-Bull Man" who bred alapahas that were often man aggressive. Chester's old family silver dollar recipe: catahoula x american pit bull terrier x mountain bulldog. It is absolutely true that it is often impossible to distinguish an ALAPAHA BLUE BULLDOG from an american bulldog or from an american pit bull terrier precisely because these bulldogs are a pit bull mix.
Conclusion: Any city seeking to establish BSL with regards to pit bulls should craft their legislation so that it covers all the variations of the american bulldog because american bulldogs are nothing more than a pit bull mix that have inherited physical, temperamental and behavioral traits of the pit bull.

4. GREATER SWISS MOUNTAIN DOG. A, B,D, G As you can see a photo was purposely used that hides the muzzle length of the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog and does not show the body at all. Also note the fixity of the color pattern in the GREATER SWISS MOUNTAIN DOG that is both characteristic and distinguishing.
Conclusion:Animal control officers would have no problem distinguishing a GREATER SWISS MOUNTAIN DOG in real life because of their size and differing body and head types.
Photos of VIZSLAS:

5. VIZSLA - G - Often described as looking like a red Weimeraner. They look nothing like a pit bull except that they are colored like a "red nose" pit bull. The VIZSLA rescue association was made aware that some rescues are trying to pass off red nose pit bulls as VIZSLA mixes and they were not happy about it.

Conclusion: The ridge is a dead giveaway for the dogs that possess it. And even without the ridge, the body type and ears are very different than a pit bull. Animal Control officers who see this dog in real life will have no problem distinguishing it from a pit bull.

7. DOGO ARGENTINO - A, D, E. This is considered the Argentine version of the mastiff, but it is much more closely related to the pit bull and other fighting dogs than other mastiff breeds are. 19th century bull terriers (the pit fighting dogs of the 19th century) were bred with mastiffs and bulldogs to create the fighting dog of cordoba. That is virtually the same mix of dogs that created the pit bull breeds. From the fighting dog of cordoba breeders created the larger DOGO ARGENTINO as a big game hunting dog by breeding with the great dane, pointer, bull terrier, english bulldog, dogue de bordeaux, boxer, and pyrenean mastiff. However, DOGO ARGENTINOS have also been used as fighting dogs. DOGO ARGENTINOS are in general larger, with heavier legs, and slightly smaller jaw muscles than pit bulls. Tia Torres claims she was asked to provide a white pit bull for an advertising campaign and she used this DOGO ARGENTINO for that job. Here is a man bragging that DOGO ARGENTINOS have a bite second only to the pit bull.
Conclusion: It is indeed difficult to distinguish a DOGO ARGENTINO from a pit bull because these dogs were both bred using the same foundation stock for exactly the same purpose. Any community considering BSL should write their description so that it covers DOGO ARGENTINOS despite the dogo's relative scarcity.

8. CHOCOLATE LABRADOR RETRIEVER - A, B, G - Conclusion: Animal Control when faced with arguably the most common pet dog of the 20th and 21st century will see the water dog's characteristic double coat and otter tail in no time.


9. BULLMASTIFF - A, E These dogs weigh between 110 and 130 pounds.
Conclusion: Animal Control can tell the difference between the BULLMASTIFF and a pit bull in real life.

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The boxer was the first dog in the lineup but it was a puppy. I think you have to be some kind of stupid to mix up some of the dogs with pits but again I am talking from the point of view of someone that is extremely familiar with the breed. I have seen people freak out over boxers thinking they are pits or calm down when I let them think my pit is a boxer. Most people cannot tell the difference between say an American Bulldog and a pit. The dog on the new Little Rascals was actually a American Bulldog. and not a pit. American Bulldogs are extremely popular.


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