Pit buls again

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My ridgebacks has never attacked anyone, though they have killed a few feral hogs, dogs and coyotes.

Yeah well, any dog that can kill a feral hog would go through a hiker or hitchhiker in a matter of seconds.....if that happens I have no sympathy if you're charged with murder.

It'll never happen. I have posted signs, beware of dog signs, no trespassing signs not to mention the hundreds of purple painted fence posts that surround my property. Anyone dies from my dogs it's all on them.

purple painted fence posts?
No, I wouldn't. If you want to make irresponsible decisions, that's on you. I wouldn't forcibly "swap" anyone's dogs, but you can give the Rambo bit a rest. It makes you sound exactly like the kind of person who gets a penis enlarger - I mean pitbull - and shouldn't.
I don't have a pit and don't need an enlarger. Owning a pit isn't irresponsible and you need to follow your own advice.
My ridgebacks has never attacked anyone, though they have killed a few feral hogs, dogs and coyotes.

Yeah well, any dog that can kill a feral hog would go through a hiker or hitchhiker in a matter of seconds.....if that happens I have no sympathy if you're charged with murder.

It'll never happen. I have posted signs, beware of dog signs, no trespassing signs not to mention the hundreds of purple painted fence posts that surround my property. Anyone dies from my dogs it's all on them.

purple painted fence posts?

Yes. Purple paint on a boundary fence post serves as a "no trespassing" notice here in Texas and perhaps other states as well.

Texas Penal Code - Section 30.05. Criminal Trespass - Texas Attorney Resources - Texas Laws

(D) the placement of identifying purple paint marks on trees or posts on the property, provided that the marks are:

(i) vertical lines of not less than eight inches in length and not less than one inch in width;
(ii) placed so that the bottom of the mark is not less than three feet from the ground or more than five feet
from the ground; and
(iii) placed at locations that are readily visible to any person approaching the property and no more than:
(a) 100 feet apart on forest land; or
(b) 1,000 feet apart on land other than forest land;
There's a few others I'd put on that list too...Rottweilers and Rhodesian Ridgebacks and Chows....all known for continuing attacks until their victim is helpless. I've been attacked by all three breeds...luckily I escaped injury but it hardened my tolerance for the cowards who own these breeds....they are intended to intimidate those who the owner can't...that's chickenshit.
Pits have been around for a long time but these attacks are fairly recent. Something changed, was it the breed? Or the dipshits that want them for the wrong reason?

I've met many at the dog park and all were friendly with rare exception. And the owner had his head up his ass. Go figure.

Never once met a unfriendly Ridgeback or Rottweiler. Of course people that take their dogs to the park are generally treating them like pets, not weapons.
My ridgebacks has never attacked anyone, though they have killed a few feral hogs, dogs and coyotes.

Yeah well, any dog that can kill a feral hog would go through a hiker or hitchhiker in a matter of seconds.....if that happens I have no sympathy if you're charged with murder.

It'll never happen. I have posted signs, beware of dog signs, no trespassing signs not to mention the hundreds of purple painted fence posts that surround my property. Anyone dies from my dogs it's all on them.

purple painted fence posts?

Yes. Purple paint on a boundary fence post serves as a "no trespassing" notice here in Texas and perhaps other states as well.

Texas Penal Code - Section 30.05. Criminal Trespass - Texas Attorney Resources - Texas Laws

(D) the placement of identifying purple paint marks on trees or posts on the property, provided that the marks are:

(i) vertical lines of not less than eight inches in length and not less than one inch in width;
(ii) placed so that the bottom of the mark is not less than three feet from the ground or more than five feet
from the ground; and
(iii) placed at locations that are readily visible to any person approaching the property and no more than:
(a) 100 feet apart on forest land; or
(b) 1,000 feet apart on land other than forest land;

Ah, I never heard of that. Look, I have no problem with guard dogs, especially in rural areas without quick police response....as long as those dogs are under restraint until there is tresspassing. It's mostly blacks and militant single women I see as the problem.....watch a person walk a dog holding it with their right hand while wearing their watch on their left wrist (indicating they're right-handed) and you know they don't know shit about handling any dog, much less a hyper-protective breed. My beef is with violent dogs who can escape confinement and attack innocents....dogs don't know property lines and don't know a purple post from a regular ol brown one.
We usually only hear about the DEATHS pitbulls cause...but attacks like this happen every day. Think what this beautiful woman has ahead of her to repair what one did to her arm and legs.

My ridgebacks has never attacked anyone, though they have killed a few feral hogs, dogs and coyotes.

Yeah well, any dog that can kill a feral hog would go through a hiker or hitchhiker in a matter of seconds.....if that happens I have no sympathy if you're charged with murder.

It'll never happen. I have posted signs, beware of dog signs, no trespassing signs not to mention the hundreds of purple painted fence posts that surround my property. Anyone dies from my dogs it's all on them.

purple painted fence posts?

Yes. Purple paint on a boundary fence post serves as a "no trespassing" notice here in Texas and perhaps other states as well.

Texas Penal Code - Section 30.05. Criminal Trespass - Texas Attorney Resources - Texas Laws

(D) the placement of identifying purple paint marks on trees or posts on the property, provided that the marks are:

(i) vertical lines of not less than eight inches in length and not less than one inch in width;
(ii) placed so that the bottom of the mark is not less than three feet from the ground or more than five feet
from the ground; and
(iii) placed at locations that are readily visible to any person approaching the property and no more than:
(a) 100 feet apart on forest land; or
(b) 1,000 feet apart on land other than forest land;

Ah, I never heard of that. Look, I have no problem with guard dogs, especially in rural areas without quick police response....as long as those dogs are under restraint until there is tresspassing. It's mostly blacks and militant single women I see as the problem.....watch a person walk a dog holding it with their right hand while wearing their watch on their left wrist (indicating they're right-handed) and you know they don't know shit about handling any dog, much less a hyper-protective breed. My beef is with violent dogs who can escape confinement and attack innocents....dogs don't know property lines and don't know a purple post from a regular ol brown one.

They're in a fence in yard almost an acre. No restraints other than the fence.

I agree all that dogs should be under control of the owner when around people. I put my dogs up when I have people over. Not because they may bite but mainly to keep them from becoming too trusting of strangers. I want them to be wary of everyone but me.
Here we go again.

California man dies, mother in critical condition after mauling by pit bulls

SACRAMENTO Calif. (Reuters) - A California man has died and his mother is in critical condition after they were mauled by pit bulls, authorities said on Wednesday.
Juan Fernandez, 59, of Modesto died after he was attacked by pit bulls in the back yard of a house in Modesto on Tuesday, the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department said. His mother, Maria Fernandez, 77, was also attacked by the dogs and was in critical condition in a local hospital, the sheriff's department said in a news release.
When deputies arrived, they saw three pit bulls mauling Juan Fernandez, and a fourth circling him, the department said.
Deputies shot and killed two of the dogs and the other two ran away at the sound of gunfire, the release said. Deputies temporarily contained them and
then searched the home and found Maria Fernandez inside, also wounded from multiple traumatic dog bites.
Deputies attempted to capture the remaining two dogs after the two people were removed from the premises, but they charged the deputies, who then shot and killed both animals.
"Both were vicious, aggressive and charged the deputies," the release said.
Authorities said the owner of the dogs was cooperating with law enforcement, but they did not say who that person was.

California man dies mother in critical condition after mauling by pit bulls - Yahoo News
All pit bulls now alive should be castrated and neutered/spayed. There should never be another generation of pit bulls on Earth. The breed needs to be eliminated.
QUOTE="ninja007, post: 9988828, member: 50321"]
Cesar Milan's pitbull (rip) says hi.

It's not the breed- its the dumbass ignorant gangsta wanna be owners- white trash or gangbangers.

bullshit yourself. Have you done any study on the subject? Have you lived among them?

Pit Bulls What s Hype What s Not[/QUOTE]
If you have a dog that requires that much supervision and training, as well as having to keep it away from people and other dogs all the time, it stands to reason it is a dangerous, uncontrollable dog. Stands to REASON. Reason and logic dictate this is a dog that should not exist because if it isn't kept under constant surveillance, isn't trained exactly right, isn't kept under control EXACTLY RIGHT, it is a killer. Stands to reason. You aren't using reason: you are using emotion. It’s like keeping sharks or Bengal Tigers in your backyard as pets. There is no reasonable purpose on Earth to have such animals as pets.
Esmeralda said:
If you have a dog that requires that much supervision and training, as well as having to keep it away from people and other dogs all the time, it stands to reason it is a dangerous, uncontrollable dog. Stands to REASON. Reason and logic dictate this is a dog that should not exist because if it isn't kept under constant surveillance, isn't trained exactly right, isn't kept under control EXACTLY RIGHT, it is a killer.
...which proves that you are clueless.
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[Anyone dies from my dogs it's all on them.

No it's not, littledick.

Yes is it peterneck

You'd find out damn quick that it's not, bigmouth. Laws do not function in accordance with your insistence.

How long have you lived under Texas law?

In Texas I have the right to kill a man if he trespasses on my property even if he is fleeing.

Case in point:

On Christmas Eve in 2009, Ezekiel Gilbert paid an escort he found on Craigslist $150 for what he thought would be sex. Instead, according to the San Antonio Express-News, 23-year-old Lenora Frago left his apartment after about 20 minutes without consummating the act. Gilbert, now 30, followed her to a car with a gun and shot her in the neck through the passenger-side window. Frago became paralyzed, and died about seven months later. Gilbert admitted to shooting her but contended that he did not intend to kill.
Gilbert was tried for murder. Last Wednesday, a Texas jury ruled that his actions were legal. That’s because Texas penal code contains an unusual provision that grants citizens the right to use deadly force to prevent someone “who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property.”

Texas A&M Professor Mark Hoekstra, who studies the effectiveness of lethal-force provisions in self-defense law, says the protection-of-property element of the deadly force law is “pretty unique to Texas.” Texas law also justifies killing to protect others’ property.

So I'm sure if someone trespassed on my property disregarding all the "no trespassing" and "beware of dog" signs, the law would protect me and not the perpetrator.
You will never find out since you are nothing but talk. So much the better for you.
Serious question: were they actually "pit bulls", or were they mutts...Like most alleged "pit bulls" the news sensationalizes? Someone local was "attacked" by a "pit bull" a while back. Except he was "attacked" (the dog bit his hand) after about ten minutes of tormenting the dog with a broom, and the "pit bull" was, from all appearances, a GSD-lab mix!
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