Pizza as a vegetable....

First, I'll say that I don't understand why the federal government is setting regulations on school menus in the first place. It should be left to the states.

At the same time, I think the Republicans should have better bones to pick with Obama than this. And it's disturbing to think that now the salt industry is successfully lobbying Congress. Really? The salt industry? Good job GOP, we don't have jobs, but at least we've got Pizza, and plenty of salt.

Why does anyone need to regulate a school lunch down to the level of having to decide what is a vegetable or not?

Here are my school lunch regulations.

1. Candy is not an entree
2. Vegetables are the things the kids will leave on the tray at the end of lunch.
3. Look at what oscar meyer does for lunchables and try to copy that, but add something like a taco or a burger once a week.
4. For item 4 cut down on the salt by like 50%
First, I'll say that I don't understand why the federal government is setting regulations on school menus in the first place. It should be left to the states.

At the same time, I think the Republicans should have better bones to pick with Obama than this. And it's disturbing to think that now the salt industry is successfully lobbying Congress. Really? The salt industry? Good job GOP, we don't have jobs, but at least we've got Pizza, and plenty of salt.

Why does anyone need to regulate a school lunch down to the level of having to decide what is a vegetable or not?

Here are my school lunch regulations.

1. Candy is not an entree
2. Vegetables are the things the kids will leave on the tray at the end of lunch.
3. Look at what oscar meyer does for lunchables and try to copy that, but add something like a taco or a burger once a week.
4. For item 4 cut down on the salt by like 50%

Ive got a better idea.... let them bring one from home!
Why does anyone need to regulate a school lunch down to the level of having to decide what is a vegetable or not?

I agree. The Obama administration should not be worrying about school lunch menus in the first place. But the GOP is stupid to make this a battle ground. Do we have a budget yet? No. But we've kept pizza by calling it a veggie.

Here are my school lunch regulations.

1. Candy is not an entree
2. Vegetables are the things the kids will leave on the tray at the end of lunch.
3. Look at what oscar meyer does for lunchables and try to copy that, but add something like a taco or a burger once a week.
4. For item 4 cut down on the salt by like 50%

I can live with that.
On Tuesday, Congress decided that pizza is a vegetable. I have to imagine that this news instilled confusion in many Americans, as many Americans are (a) familiar with pizza, (b) familiar with vegetables and (c) sane.

But, to provide specifics that will in no way dispel your lingering thoughts that we are governed by morons but at least allow you some anthropological insight into how a group of morons who have been given permission to sit in a fancy room in Washington, D.C., and grunt at each other actually think, here is their thinking: Pizza is a vegetable for the purposes of determining what goes into public school lunches by virtue of the fact that pizza traditionally includes a schmear of tomato paste. (Botanically speaking, tomatoes are actually fruit, but we're going to have to just let that slide.)

At any rate, you may still be wondering how it came to pass that Congress arrived at the conclusion that pizza could count as a serving of vegetables. Wonder no more! Congress was guided along this path by lobbyists. And lobbyists can do all sorts of things, by magic! (Except provide nutritious lunches for children.)

How Pizza Became A Vegetable Through The Magic Of Influence-Peddling

I'm happy they are just getting fed. If we left it to Republicans, it would be "let them starve" or "let them eat cake".

S.C. Lt. Gov. Andre Bauer (GOP) Compares Helping Poor to Feeding Stray Animals
This is probably the most useful thing the current congress has ever done.

And I'm not sure I'm exaggerating.

No, I'm pretty sure it was reaffirm "In God We Trust". We really needed to spend taxpayer time on that. It helped make "jobs".
First, I'll say that I don't understand why the federal government is setting regulations on school menus in the first place. It should be left to the states.

At the same time, I think the Republicans should have better bones to pick with Obama than this. And it's disturbing to think that now the salt industry is successfully lobbying Congress. Really? The salt industry? Good job GOP, we don't have jobs, but at least we've got Pizza, and plenty of salt.
The feds do have a say in this via the school lunch program which is funded through the Dept. of Agriculture.

Granted there are a few good thing coming out this legislation, a little less salt and bit more whole grains. I guess the salt people just didn't spend enough on lobbyists. It's amazing that congressman would approve feeding kids, 30% of which are overweight, pizza and french fries. I wonder if ketchup is still a vegetable. Congress declared it a vegetable in the 1980's.
First, I'll say that I don't understand why the federal government is setting regulations on school menus in the first place. It should be left to the states.

At the same time, I think the Republicans should have better bones to pick with Obama than this. And it's disturbing to think that now the salt industry is successfully lobbying Congress. Really? The salt industry? Good job GOP, we don't have jobs, but at least we've got Pizza, and plenty of salt.
The feds do have a say in this via the school lunch program which is funded through the Dept. of Agriculture.

Granted there are a few good thing coming out this legislation, a little less salt and bit more whole grains. I guess the salt people just didn't spend enough on lobbyists. It's amazing that congressman would approve feeding kids, 30% of which are overweight, pizza and french fries. I wonder if ketchup is still a vegetable. Congress declared it a vegetable in the 1980's.

I would like to open the petition to name congress a vegetable.
First, I'll say that I don't understand why the federal government is setting regulations on school menus in the first place. It should be left to the states.

At the same time, I think the Republicans should have better bones to pick with Obama than this. And it's disturbing to think that now the salt industry is successfully lobbying Congress. Really? The salt industry? Good job GOP, we don't have jobs, but at least we've got Pizza, and plenty of salt.
The feds do have a say in this via the school lunch program which is funded through the Dept. of Agriculture.

Granted there are a few good thing coming out this legislation, a little less salt and bit more whole grains. I guess the salt people just didn't spend enough on lobbyists. It's amazing that congressman would approve feeding kids, 30% of which are overweight, pizza and french fries. I wonder if ketchup is still a vegetable. Congress declared it a vegetable in the 1980's.

Pizza and french fries in proper portions will not make you fat. At least most kids will eat them, and you can do things to make them as healthy as possible. Give them a plate of tofu and bean sprouts, and they probably will go home hungry, and eat whatever cheetos and cookies are lying around.

Its a combination of the crap they get at home, and the current lack of physical activity by today's kids that is far more to blame.
First, I'll say that I don't understand why the federal government is setting regulations on school menus in the first place. It should be left to the states.

At the same time, I think the Republicans should have better bones to pick with Obama than this. And it's disturbing to think that now the salt industry is successfully lobbying Congress. Really? The salt industry? Good job GOP, we don't have jobs, but at least we've got Pizza, and plenty of salt.
The feds do have a say in this via the school lunch program which is funded through the Dept. of Agriculture.

Granted there are a few good thing coming out this legislation, a little less salt and bit more whole grains. I guess the salt people just didn't spend enough on lobbyists. It's amazing that congressman would approve feeding kids, 30% of which are overweight, pizza and french fries. I wonder if ketchup is still a vegetable. Congress declared it a vegetable in the 1980's.

I would like to open the petition to name congress a vegetable.
I think about 90% of the public would sign it.
So...... since we're reclassifying food groups does this officially reclassify tube steak as a fruit? :eusa_eh:

First, I'll say that I don't understand why the federal government is setting regulations on school menus in the first place. It should be left to the states.

At the same time, I think the Republicans should have better bones to pick with Obama than this. And it's disturbing to think that now the salt industry is successfully lobbying Congress. Really? The salt industry? Good job GOP, we don't have jobs, but at least we've got Pizza, and plenty of salt.
The feds do have a say in this via the school lunch program which is funded through the Dept. of Agriculture.

Granted there are a few good thing coming out this legislation, a little less salt and bit more whole grains. I guess the salt people just didn't spend enough on lobbyists. It's amazing that congressman would approve feeding kids, 30% of which are overweight, pizza and french fries. I wonder if ketchup is still a vegetable. Congress declared it a vegetable in the 1980's.

Pizza and french fries in proper portions will not make you fat. At least most kids will eat them, and you can do things to make them as healthy as possible. Give them a plate of tofu and bean sprouts, and they probably will go home hungry, and eat whatever cheetos and cookies are lying around.

Its a combination of the crap they get at home, and the current lack of physical activity by today's kids that is far more to blame.
A director of school district food service once explained to me the three priorities of food service.
1) At least break even each year.
2) Meet the FDA requirements for a balance lunch to keep from loosing any federal funding
3) Minimize food waste. That really pisses off board members.

Nutrition was never a consideration as long as it met federal guidelines which is what Congress is working on aided by food industry lobbyists.
So...... since we're reclassifying food groups does this officially reclassify tube steak as a fruit? :eusa_eh:

"Please don't touch me plumbs"

[ame=]the duchess and the dirtwater fox - goldie hawn's plums - YouTube[/ame]
If ketchup can be a vegetable, why not pizza?
According to congress it is, provided it has two tablespoons of tomato paste, neglecting the fact that a tomato is a fruit. I guess they thought declaring pizza a vegetable sounds better than declaring it a fruit.
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Now that I think of it, pizza has all 4 food groups - bread, dairy, meat and vegetables.

I wonder if my mom would have bought that argument growing up.
Now that I think of it, pizza has all 4 food groups - bread, dairy, meat and vegetables.

I wonder if my mom would have bought that argument growing up.

Pizza can be great food! If you spend the dough for GOOD pizza!

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Mod Pun! :lol:

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