Plague of Sex Scandals -- aint no coincidence.

Your Best Guess at WHO is Coordinating the Daily Leak of Sex Scandals.

  • Harvey Weinstein --- Revenge for watching his empire crumble

  • High Placed Source in the FBI --- Wrong doings getting too close to home. Remember J. Edgar Hoover?

  • Hillary Clinton -- Had a fondness for late night reading of FBI files in the WH quarters

  • They are all ratting others out as they get nailed.

  • Bill O'Reilly -- an arrogant vindictive guy who got nailed way before all this broke..

  • Donald Trump -- Got abused by the Big Brother collection system. Taking it for test drive. LOL !

Results are only viewable after voting.
Well it is a rant, that's for sure. You are still angry after all these years, and you seem to completely dismiss the validity of all and any complaints about sexual harassment in the work place. I think probably some of them are over done, like the one that was made against you. But a lot of them, probably most, have validity. If men are touching women's bottoms or breasts or kissing them also embracing them, without a clear invitation to do so, they is clearly inappropriate. And I do know as a woman who worked for over 40 years, that if you complain about something, you put yourself in jeopardy for being labeled a trouble maker and even losing your job or not getting any promotions. I think there is validity in this situation, all the reporting. Hopefully it will cause a change to occur in how people treat each other in the work place.

The point of the post you quoted is that I don't believe that this current situatin is a result of any kind of conspiracy. I think it is a natural event in the evolutionary process of society. Years ago putting in place the right to make such complaints ws part of that evolution, but it has not been successful. Maybe now more will happen to make things better for all concerned.

I posted also, maybe in another thread, that I think training needs to take place for all to understand thoroughly how to behave toward each other. I know there is sexual harassment training in many businesses now, but apparently it is not that successful. What should be done is re-evaluate what is being taught and improve upon it. This current situation will shake people up a lot, which should also help.

I always thought Matt |Lauer was a good guy, but saw a video yesterday in which Katie Couric said he pinched her on the butt all the time. This was from an interview years ago when they worked together on the morning show. She had never made a complaint about it. That's what happens a lot probably, and men just go on and on doing stuff like that.

In your rant you essentially blame the women for either encouraging or allowing the behavior. Or both. Do you seriously think that Katie Couric encouraged that kind of attention from Matt Lauer? Why didn't she complain? I don't know, but one thing that comes to mind is she would be seen as a complainer and not a 'team player.' Labels which can cause you big problems at work.

If "Eat me" is gonna trigger a lawsuit, we're gonna need a LIST of phrases that are banned from the workplace.

For ME? I prefer settling this other ways than calling "Eat Me" -- sexual harrassment. MAYBE -- if it's chronic and accompanied by illustrations. :badgrin: That demeans the meaning of the term..
Let's be serious here. 'Eat me' is a totally inappropriate way for a supervisor to talk to a subordinate. Any supervisor who talks to a subordinate that way should be reprimanded. Once I had one tell me to 'get the hell out of my office' when she thought I was disagreeing with her; she was misunderstanding what I was saying. I was totally shocked to be spoken to that way. By that time I'd been working for over 20 years and had never had a supervisor talk to me that way. I could have reported her, but I let it go. However, though I worked with her appropriately from then on, she did not have any support or confidnce from me other than what was necessary.

Supervisors should work to get along amicably with all co-workers and treat them with respect even if they seem out of line. Saying 'eat me' to one should result in at least a reprimand.

As a supervisor or manager whatcha gonna do if an employee pulls that on you? Two guys? Two girls? It's not sexual actually.. And it leads to an official LIST of banned phrases now considered "sexual assault". We best tred carefully here.

And remember the NFL argument that some were using. That although it's a WORKPLACE, that freedom of offensive speech and protests should be allowed.
but with the NFL, the argument wasn't on whether they should be allowed to kneel during the anthem... because of free speech and all....

They WERE ALLOWED to kneel, and there was no existing NFL rule to stop the kneeling....and NFL owners made no move to change it....

The argument came from the people who did not like the NFL's position as the private owners, to allow it....these people wanted to force their position and opinion of the kneeling players being suspended or penalized... on to the owners.... :D
maybe behind the scenes it's FOX news revenge for what happened to them with Roger Ailes and Bill O'Reilly and others at Fox?
Well it is a rant, that's for sure. You are still angry after all these years, and you seem to completely dismiss the validity of all and any complaints about sexual harassment in the work place. I think probably some of them are over done, like the one that was made against you. But a lot of them, probably most, have validity. If men are touching women's bottoms or breasts or kissing them also embracing them, without a clear invitation to do so, they is clearly inappropriate. And I do know as a woman who worked for over 40 years, that if you complain about something, you put yourself in jeopardy for being labeled a trouble maker and even losing your job or not getting any promotions. I think there is validity in this situation, all the reporting. Hopefully it will cause a change to occur in how people treat each other in the work place.

The point of the post you quoted is that I don't believe that this current situatin is a result of any kind of conspiracy. I think it is a natural event in the evolutionary process of society. Years ago putting in place the right to make such complaints ws part of that evolution, but it has not been successful. Maybe now more will happen to make things better for all concerned.

I posted also, maybe in another thread, that I think training needs to take place for all to understand thoroughly how to behave toward each other. I know there is sexual harassment training in many businesses now, but apparently it is not that successful. What should be done is re-evaluate what is being taught and improve upon it. This current situation will shake people up a lot, which should also help.

I always thought Matt |Lauer was a good guy, but saw a video yesterday in which Katie Couric said he pinched her on the butt all the time. This was from an interview years ago when they worked together on the morning show. She had never made a complaint about it. That's what happens a lot probably, and men just go on and on doing stuff like that.

In your rant you essentially blame the women for either encouraging or allowing the behavior. Or both. Do you seriously think that Katie Couric encouraged that kind of attention from Matt Lauer? Why didn't she complain? I don't know, but one thing that comes to mind is she would be seen as a complainer and not a 'team player.' Labels which can cause you big problems at work.
You are still angry after all these years,
Darling, that couldn't be any farther from the truth!
How you came to that conclusion, with the back story
I provided, and nothing to support as much, is beyond me

First of all, that was 20 years ago...
I would never allow something so ridiculous, so trivial,
to live rent free in my head and consume me, still, 20 years later

It never amounted to anything...
with no other complaints of sexual harassment
it was removed from my file after a year

I knew, when I told him to eat me,
I was telling him to fuck did he

It was a dick move and he knew it...He apologized
Besides, he knew, he didn't want to bring out the bitch in me

Sexual innuendos and flirtatious banter,
became our norm at work, from that point on
and you seem to completely dismiss the validity of all and any complaints about sexual harassment in the work place.
I most certainly do not!

I dismiss the validity of sexual harassment
after waiting years to report as much,
against a co worker, within the company
you remained working at, regardless.

I dismiss the validity of fear being reasonable
I think probably some of them are over done, like the one that was made against you.
Some..try most
If men are touching women's bottoms or breasts or kissing them also embracing them, without a clear invitation to do so, they is clearly inappropriate.
Boobs and butt, I agree but...I, myself, am a loving,
affectionate, kissing(pecks), hugging, I love you, gal

It was just this past summer, for the first time,
one of my managers told me, after giving her a hug,
like I had done countless times before....

something along the lines of...
you're a nice woman... you don't mean no harm
its really not professional to hug me...

I immediately apologized...I was taken aback
she immediately responded... you don't have to apologize
I just don't think its professional or appropriate

To which I responded... I didn't know you felt that way
I'm sorry I made you feel uncomfortable..., when I see her, I hug her, by hugging myself
And I do know as a woman who worked for over 40 years, that if you complain about something, you put yourself in jeopardy for being labeled a trouble maker and even losing your job or not getting any promotions.
And, I know, after working for the past 34 years,
having lost 2 jobs, within the past 5 years, for opening my mouth,
I don't give a fuck whose toes I'm stepping on,
at least I know I did what was right and told the truth....

Doing what's right only bothers those
who are doing what's wrong

I'm not going to take someone else's blame
or pick up the slack and turn a blind eye

Doing what's right trumps everything else

Why would I, or anyone, want to work for a company,
that places improprieties above standards and work ethics?

I place importance on self respect, hard work and character...
not promotions or whether I'll lose a job or being labeled

They lost a good, hard worker, which is rare these days...
I found a better job and didn't lose anything
I always thought Matt |Lauer was a good guy, but saw a video yesterday in which Katie Couric said he pinched her on the butt all the time. This was from an interview years ago when they worked together on the morning show. She had never made a complaint about it. That's what happens a lot probably, and men just go on and on doing stuff like that.
In your rant you essentially blame the women for either encouraging or allowing the behavior. Or both. Do you seriously think that Katie Couric encouraged that kind of attention from Matt Lauer? Why didn't she complain? I don't know, but one thing that comes to mind is she would be seen as a complainer and not a 'team player.' Labels which can cause you big problems at work.
And, there you have it

Silence speaks loudly
Well it is a rant, that's for sure. You are still angry after all these years, and you seem to completely dismiss the validity of all and any complaints about sexual harassment in the work place. I think probably some of them are over done, like the one that was made against you. But a lot of them, probably most, have validity. If men are touching women's bottoms or breasts or kissing them also embracing them, without a clear invitation to do so, they is clearly inappropriate. And I do know as a woman who worked for over 40 years, that if you complain about something, you put yourself in jeopardy for being labeled a trouble maker and even losing your job or not getting any promotions. I think there is validity in this situation, all the reporting. Hopefully it will cause a change to occur in how people treat each other in the work place.

The point of the post you quoted is that I don't believe that this current situatin is a result of any kind of conspiracy. I think it is a natural event in the evolutionary process of society. Years ago putting in place the right to make such complaints ws part of that evolution, but it has not been successful. Maybe now more will happen to make things better for all concerned.

I posted also, maybe in another thread, that I think training needs to take place for all to understand thoroughly how to behave toward each other. I know there is sexual harassment training in many businesses now, but apparently it is not that successful. What should be done is re-evaluate what is being taught and improve upon it. This current situation will shake people up a lot, which should also help.

I always thought Matt |Lauer was a good guy, but saw a video yesterday in which Katie Couric said he pinched her on the butt all the time. This was from an interview years ago when they worked together on the morning show. She had never made a complaint about it. That's what happens a lot probably, and men just go on and on doing stuff like that.

In your rant you essentially blame the women for either encouraging or allowing the behavior. Or both. Do you seriously think that Katie Couric encouraged that kind of attention from Matt Lauer? Why didn't she complain? I don't know, but one thing that comes to mind is she would be seen as a complainer and not a 'team player.' Labels which can cause you big problems at work.

If "Eat me" is gonna trigger a lawsuit, we're gonna need a LIST of phrases that are banned from the workplace.

For ME? I prefer settling this other ways than calling "Eat Me" -- sexual harrassment. MAYBE -- if it's chronic and accompanied by illustrations. :badgrin: That demeans the meaning of the term..
Let's be serious here. 'Eat me' is a totally inappropriate way for a supervisor to talk to a subordinate. Any supervisor who talks to a subordinate that way should be reprimanded. Once I had one tell me to 'get the hell out of my office' when she thought I was disagreeing with her; she was misunderstanding what I was saying. I was totally shocked to be spoken to that way. By that time I'd been working for over 20 years and had never had a supervisor talk to me that way. I could have reported her, but I let it go. However, though I worked with her appropriately from then on, she did not have any support or confidnce from me other than what was necessary.

Supervisors should work to get along amicably with all co-workers and treat them with respect even if they seem out of line. Saying 'eat me' to one should result in at least a reprimand.

As a supervisor or manager whatcha gonna do if an employee pulls that on you? Two guys? Two girls? It's not sexual actually.. And it leads to an official LIST of banned phrases now considered "sexual assault". We best tred carefully here.
What a supervisor does is go high, not low. Someone who is supervising others needs to maintain self discipline, If she can't do that, she shouldn't be a supervisor. It doesn't matter if it is a problem between 2 men, 2 women or a man and a woman.
What a supervisor does is go high, not low. Someone who is supervising others needs to maintain self discipline, If she can't do that, she shouldn't be a supervisor.
I wasn't the supervisor, I was the babysitter with tenure,
I got the job done and done right
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.

It could be natural. I’m sure since the #metoo campaign litigators have been combing through the staffs of public figures fishing for the next pay day. When they find something they might just be waiting for the right time to release the news so it doesn’t get washed away in the background.

I definitely suspected Lauer once all this started coming out. I remember years ago when I was in maybe 9th grade or so, there was a segment with attractive and well endowed women. And I noticed lauer just gawking at this girl, and looking down her shirt, getting extra touchy feely with her (not copping feels) hand on the back, side hugs, things like that. Being a dumb and naive teen at the time I thought, “ women don’t actually notice us gawking at them like that.” Until my mom saw it, and she started freaking out and going “oh my god, look at the way he’s staring at her, eww he’s a creep.” And then I was like oh shit they do notice it haha. Anyway if he was bold enough to think he’d get away with that on widely watched national tv....well I had my suspicions.
Well it is a rant, that's for sure. You are still angry after all these years, and you seem to completely dismiss the validity of all and any complaints about sexual harassment in the work place. I think probably some of them are over done, like the one that was made against you. But a lot of them, probably most, have validity. If men are touching women's bottoms or breasts or kissing them also embracing them, without a clear invitation to do so, they is clearly inappropriate. And I do know as a woman who worked for over 40 years, that if you complain about something, you put yourself in jeopardy for being labeled a trouble maker and even losing your job or not getting any promotions. I think there is validity in this situation, all the reporting. Hopefully it will cause a change to occur in how people treat each other in the work place.

The point of the post you quoted is that I don't believe that this current situatin is a result of any kind of conspiracy. I think it is a natural event in the evolutionary process of society. Years ago putting in place the right to make such complaints ws part of that evolution, but it has not been successful. Maybe now more will happen to make things better for all concerned.

I posted also, maybe in another thread, that I think training needs to take place for all to understand thoroughly how to behave toward each other. I know there is sexual harassment training in many businesses now, but apparently it is not that successful. What should be done is re-evaluate what is being taught and improve upon it. This current situation will shake people up a lot, which should also help.

I always thought Matt |Lauer was a good guy, but saw a video yesterday in which Katie Couric said he pinched her on the butt all the time. This was from an interview years ago when they worked together on the morning show. She had never made a complaint about it. That's what happens a lot probably, and men just go on and on doing stuff like that.

In your rant you essentially blame the women for either encouraging or allowing the behavior. Or both. Do you seriously think that Katie Couric encouraged that kind of attention from Matt Lauer? Why didn't she complain? I don't know, but one thing that comes to mind is she would be seen as a complainer and not a 'team player.' Labels which can cause you big problems at work.

If "Eat me" is gonna trigger a lawsuit, we're gonna need a LIST of phrases that are banned from the workplace.

For ME? I prefer settling this other ways than calling "Eat Me" -- sexual harrassment. MAYBE -- if it's chronic and accompanied by illustrations. :badgrin: That demeans the meaning of the term..
Let's be serious here. 'Eat me' is a totally inappropriate way for a supervisor to talk to a subordinate. Any supervisor who talks to a subordinate that way should be reprimanded. Once I had one tell me to 'get the hell out of my office' when she thought I was disagreeing with her; she was misunderstanding what I was saying. I was totally shocked to be spoken to that way. By that time I'd been working for over 20 years and had never had a supervisor talk to me that way. I could have reported her, but I let it go. However, though I worked with her appropriately from then on, she did not have any support or confidnce from me other than what was necessary.

Supervisors should work to get along amicably with all co-workers and treat them with respect even if they seem out of line. Saying 'eat me' to one should result in at least a reprimand.

As a supervisor or manager whatcha gonna do if an employee pulls that on you? Two guys? Two girls? It's not sexual actually.. And it leads to an official LIST of banned phrases now considered "sexual assault". We best tred carefully here.

And remember the NFL argument that some were using. That although it's a WORKPLACE, that freedom of offensive speech and protests should be allowed.
but with the NFL, the argument wasn't on whether they should be allowed to kneel during the anthem... because of free speech and all....

They WERE ALLOWED to kneel, and there was no existing NFL rule to stop the kneeling....and NFL owners made no move to change it....

The argument came from the people who did not like the NFL's position as the private owners, to allow it....these people wanted to force their position and opinion of the kneeling players being suspended or penalized... on to the owners.... :D

Actually the kneeling expression was prohibited in the NFLgameday procedures. It called for standing with their helmets in the hands. And yet some of the same people who defend that workplace violation are the 1st to start down a long ugly road towards speech and interactions in the workplace. Perhaps by power of Law and the State.
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.
It's a Panndora's box of Pandoras.
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.
I salute you for putting this into Conspiracy Theory. Too bad there's no "Conspiracy-Theory Light" category.
Well it is a rant, that's for sure. You are still angry after all these years, and you seem to completely dismiss the validity of all and any complaints about sexual harassment in the work place. I think probably some of them are over done, like the one that was made against you. But a lot of them, probably most, have validity. If men are touching women's bottoms or breasts or kissing them also embracing them, without a clear invitation to do so, they is clearly inappropriate. And I do know as a woman who worked for over 40 years, that if you complain about something, you put yourself in jeopardy for being labeled a trouble maker and even losing your job or not getting any promotions. I think there is validity in this situation, all the reporting. Hopefully it will cause a change to occur in how people treat each other in the work place.

The point of the post you quoted is that I don't believe that this current situatin is a result of any kind of conspiracy. I think it is a natural event in the evolutionary process of society. Years ago putting in place the right to make such complaints ws part of that evolution, but it has not been successful. Maybe now more will happen to make things better for all concerned.

I posted also, maybe in another thread, that I think training needs to take place for all to understand thoroughly how to behave toward each other. I know there is sexual harassment training in many businesses now, but apparently it is not that successful. What should be done is re-evaluate what is being taught and improve upon it. This current situation will shake people up a lot, which should also help.

I always thought Matt |Lauer was a good guy, but saw a video yesterday in which Katie Couric said he pinched her on the butt all the time. This was from an interview years ago when they worked together on the morning show. She had never made a complaint about it. That's what happens a lot probably, and men just go on and on doing stuff like that.

In your rant you essentially blame the women for either encouraging or allowing the behavior. Or both. Do you seriously think that Katie Couric encouraged that kind of attention from Matt Lauer? Why didn't she complain? I don't know, but one thing that comes to mind is she would be seen as a complainer and not a 'team player.' Labels which can cause you big problems at work.

If "Eat me" is gonna trigger a lawsuit, we're gonna need a LIST of phrases that are banned from the workplace.

For ME? I prefer settling this other ways than calling "Eat Me" -- sexual harrassment. MAYBE -- if it's chronic and accompanied by illustrations. :badgrin: That demeans the meaning of the term..
Let's be serious here. 'Eat me' is a totally inappropriate way for a supervisor to talk to a subordinate. Any supervisor who talks to a subordinate that way should be reprimanded. Once I had one tell me to 'get the hell out of my office' when she thought I was disagreeing with her; she was misunderstanding what I was saying. I was totally shocked to be spoken to that way. By that time I'd been working for over 20 years and had never had a supervisor talk to me that way. I could have reported her, but I let it go. However, though I worked with her appropriately from then on, she did not have any support or confidnce from me other than what was necessary.

Supervisors should work to get along amicably with all co-workers and treat them with respect even if they seem out of line. Saying 'eat me' to one should result in at least a reprimand.

As a supervisor or manager whatcha gonna do if an employee pulls that on you? Two guys? Two girls? It's not sexual actually.. And it leads to an official LIST of banned phrases now considered "sexual assault". We best tred carefully here.

And remember the NFL argument that some were using. That although it's a WORKPLACE, that freedom of offensive speech and protests should be allowed.
but with the NFL, the argument wasn't on whether they should be allowed to kneel during the anthem... because of free speech and all....

They WERE ALLOWED to kneel, and there was no existing NFL rule to stop the kneeling....and NFL owners made no move to change it....

The argument came from the people who did not like the NFL's position as the private owners, to allow it....these people wanted to force their position and opinion of the kneeling players being suspended or penalized... on to the owners.... :D

Actually the kneeling expression was prohibited in the NFLgameday procedures. It called for standing with their helmets in the hands. And yet some of the same people who defend that workplace violation are the 1st to start down a long ugly road towards speech and interactions in the workplace. Perhaps by power of Law and the State.
actually it was not specifically prohibited with penalty for doing it AND none of the NFL team owners who created the rules came out and said their rules prohibited it and those players must stand or be penalized in some way...

the owners could choose to change their rules for next season and add punishment for it, but the players would need to sign off on the rule change, acknowledging that they were made aware of the change and the punishment.
Around the time of Anita Hill there were ladies and women coming out of the woodwork too.

Been there before. We're there again.

But these are TIMED releases. Like one or two a day for over a week now. How do random unassociated people get that effect?

Not everything is a goddamn conspiracy, Dale. Women are simply feeling the safety in numbers effect and feel more comfortable telling their story. That's all.
Monkey see; monkey do.

At the end of the day the Democrat body count will far exceed that of any other group.

But only because the Democrat Party Monkey Count is greater than any other's. I mean, who else ever had a King Monkey Wannabe?
I blame Richard Nixon. The guy was a real Dick.


Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.

They are not coordinated. As you did not provide this obviously correct answer as a choice in the poll, I could not vote.
While I agree all the recent sex scandals are coordinated, (no way they aren't) the poll is teh suck!

Not sure what the objective is, but I'm sure there's one hiding someplace.
While I agree all the recent sex scandals are coordinated, (no way they aren't) the poll is teh suck!

Not sure what the objective is, but I'm sure there's one hiding someplace.

What an absurd claim. And exactly who is somehow communicating with a bunch of unrelated people to unveil their personal stories on social media? And how does this person know whom to contact, since the stories are previously unknown? Please, regale us with some hilarious bullshit, we could all use a hearty laugh.
Guess this HAS to go in Conspiracy or I have to Ban myself. :biggrin: But SERIOUSLY.. Does anyone believe that all these daily outrages are not coordinated? They are not being triggered by the alleged victims for the most part. They are being laid on the desks of these peoples bosses. And they STARTED back around Harvey Weinstein. Today --- we get Matt Lauer and for god's sake -- Garrison Keillor from NPR.. By my count (and I leave Roy Moore because it doesn't fit the celebrity category and is obviously a political inspiration) there's about 12 now. ALL timed to break in fairly CONTROLLED way, so not many collide.

I've got some very STRONG suspicions here.. Which I'll put into a Poll to make it entertaining. And then explain in thread WHY they are on "on my list". You can ridicule this. Present any reasonable ALTERNATIVE explanation for the timing and choreography of the releases or seriously investigate yourself. But there is NO WAY in Hades --- this is just spontaneous and uncoordinated.
No, it isn't a conspiracy. Reportage of current events is like a surfer riding a wave, haven't you noticed? It's episodic. a few days or weeks from now, there will be a different episode in this weird saga our media likes to unfold upon our awareness.Sexual harassment has always been an issue. All this awareness now might change things, who knows?
While I agree all the recent sex scandals are coordinated, (no way they aren't) the poll is teh suck!

Not sure what the objective is, but I'm sure there's one hiding someplace.

What an absurd claim. And exactly who is somehow communicating with a bunch of unrelated people to unveil their personal stories on social media? And how does this person know whom to contact, since the stories are previously unknown? Please, regale us with some hilarious bullshit, we could all use a hearty laugh.

GFY, and you don't deserve to have Robert Johnson on your avatar.

Laughing now, laughing boy? Robert Johnson would smack your leftist ass silly(er)

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