Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel

First, go to a flat tax or another easier tax system...get rid of most of the IRS...get rid of the Dept. of Education and allow the states to keep that money...or more importantly the tax payers.....that would be the start....get rid of the grants for humanities or whatever that is called...stop most foreign aid to enemies of this an audit on all government agencies...reign them in and cut their staff an initial 10% and then dig in and see how much more you can cut them.....cut back on congressional staff and perks.....

The list would be endless.......mention some and I'll let you know...

Phase out Social Security into another, more effective system...encourage people to save their own money for retirement......

Get rid of the post office...let the private sector handle it...........

You answered half of the question, what might be the cost-deficits?

Don't know...not an accountant...I do know that 10% across the board all government agencies is more than safe....and then we see what else we can cut....the IRS is only needed for a complex tax code....enforcement of an easier tax code would need less people...and less attacking of conservative groups.....

Let me help:

  • Unemployment will spike, not only will the 10% of government employees lose their job, so will the baker, the butcher and the sandwich maker.
  • Unemployed government workers have mortgages, many will lose their homes
  • Home values will drop, impacting those who are deeply in debt
  • Loan agents, Real Estate Agents and others in the home industry will be impacted
  • Real estate investors will lose equity, and will try to sell before they go underwater
  • The unemployed will default on car loans, bankers will stop making loans
  • The value of commercial real estate will drop, as empty space grows it will begin impacting the jobs of leasing agents, window washers and custodians - more stress on state and local government
  • Shops on Main St. America will be empty
  • Local government will lose revenue, more government jobs will be eliminated
How do you create a Recession? Cut jobs - we are a consumer driven economy. Don't be fooled by the Limbaughs', the only thing that trickles down is misery.

You're deliberately ignoring the fact that the taxpayers will all have more money in their pay checks, which means more spending and more jobs.
First, go to a flat tax or another easier tax system...get rid of most of the IRS...get rid of the Dept. of Education and allow the states to keep that money...or more importantly the tax payers.....that would be the start....get rid of the grants for humanities or whatever that is called...stop most foreign aid to enemies of this an audit on all government agencies...reign them in and cut their staff an initial 10% and then dig in and see how much more you can cut them.....cut back on congressional staff and perks.....

The list would be endless.......mention some and I'll let you know...

Phase out Social Security into another, more effective system...encourage people to save their own money for retirement......

Get rid of the post office...let the private sector handle it...........

You answered half of the question, what might be the cost-deficits?

Don't know...not an accountant...I do know that 10% across the board all government agencies is more than safe....and then we see what else we can cut....the IRS is only needed for a complex tax code....enforcement of an easier tax code would need less people...and less attacking of conservative groups.....

Let me help:

  • Unemployment will spike, not only will the 10% of government employees lose their job, so will the baker, the butcher and the sandwich maker.
  • Unemployed government workers have mortgages, many will lose their homes
  • Home values will drop, impacting those who are deeply in debt
  • Loan agents, Real Estate Agents and others in the home industry will be impacted
  • Real estate investors will lose equity, and will try to sell before they go underwater
  • The unemployed will default on car loans, bankers will stop making loans
  • The value of commercial real estate will drop, as empty space grows it will begin impacting the jobs of leasing agents, window washers and custodians - more stress on state and local government
  • Shops on Main St. America will be empty
  • Local government will lose revenue, more government jobs will be eliminated
How do you create a Recession? Cut jobs - we are a consumer driven economy. Don't be fooled by the Limbaughs', the only thing that trickles down is misery.

Sorry.....phase it in....attrition......

So you are saying that we must accept a government that can only grow and expand, and can never be cut.....local government won't be sending money to washington for the washington politicians to wet their beaks and then send little bit back to the original local governments...just leave it in the community.....

Governemnt is not a business.......cut cut cut......and that money will be put back into the economy, the economy will grow and the facists from the IRS can become internal auditors at real companies.......
First, go to a flat tax or another easier tax system...get rid of most of the IRS...get rid of the Dept. of Education and allow the states to keep that money...or more importantly the tax payers.....that would be the start....get rid of the grants for humanities or whatever that is called...stop most foreign aid to enemies of this an audit on all government agencies...reign them in and cut their staff an initial 10% and then dig in and see how much more you can cut them.....cut back on congressional staff and perks.....

The list would be endless.......mention some and I'll let you know...

Phase out Social Security into another, more effective system...encourage people to save their own money for retirement......

Get rid of the post office...let the private sector handle it...........

You answered half of the question, what might be the cost-deficits?

Don't know...not an accountant...I do know that 10% across the board all government agencies is more than safe....and then we see what else we can cut....the IRS is only needed for a complex tax code....enforcement of an easier tax code would need less people...and less attacking of conservative groups.....

Let me help:

  • Unemployment will spike, not only will the 10% of government employees lose their job, so will the baker, the butcher and the sandwich maker.
  • Unemployed government workers have mortgages, many will lose their homes
  • Home values will drop, impacting those who are deeply in debt
  • Loan agents, Real Estate Agents and others in the home industry will be impacted
  • Real estate investors will lose equity, and will try to sell before they go underwater
  • The unemployed will default on car loans, bankers will stop making loans
  • The value of commercial real estate will drop, as empty space grows it will begin impacting the jobs of leasing agents, window washers and custodians - more stress on state and local government
  • Shops on Main St. America will be empty
  • Local government will lose revenue, more government jobs will be eliminated
How do you create a Recession? Cut jobs - we are a consumer driven economy. Don't be fooled by the Limbaughs', the only thing that trickles down is misery.

You're deliberately ignoring the fact that the taxpayers will all have more money in their pay checks, which means more spending and more jobs.

You really believe one cost-benefit will mitigate the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs? Come on, grow up and think.
First, go to a flat tax or another easier tax system...get rid of most of the IRS...get rid of the Dept. of Education and allow the states to keep that money...or more importantly the tax payers.....that would be the start....get rid of the grants for humanities or whatever that is called...stop most foreign aid to enemies of this an audit on all government agencies...reign them in and cut their staff an initial 10% and then dig in and see how much more you can cut them.....cut back on congressional staff and perks.....

The list would be endless.......mention some and I'll let you know...

Phase out Social Security into another, more effective system...encourage people to save their own money for retirement......

Get rid of the post office...let the private sector handle it...........

You answered half of the question, what might be the cost-deficits?

Don't know...not an accountant...I do know that 10% across the board all government agencies is more than safe....and then we see what else we can cut....the IRS is only needed for a complex tax code....enforcement of an easier tax code would need less people...and less attacking of conservative groups.....

Let me help:

  • Unemployment will spike, not only will the 10% of government employees lose their job, so will the baker, the butcher and the sandwich maker.
  • Unemployed government workers have mortgages, many will lose their homes
  • Home values will drop, impacting those who are deeply in debt
  • Loan agents, Real Estate Agents and others in the home industry will be impacted
  • Real estate investors will lose equity, and will try to sell before they go underwater
  • The unemployed will default on car loans, bankers will stop making loans
  • The value of commercial real estate will drop, as empty space grows it will begin impacting the jobs of leasing agents, window washers and custodians - more stress on state and local government
  • Shops on Main St. America will be empty
  • Local government will lose revenue, more government jobs will be eliminated
How do you create a Recession? Cut jobs - we are a consumer driven economy. Don't be fooled by the Limbaughs', the only thing that trickles down is misery.

You're deliberately ignoring the fact that the taxpayers will all have more money in their pay checks, which means more spending and more jobs.

You really believe one cost-benefit will mitigate the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs? Come on, grow up and think.

Yes. Every dollar that isn't paid out to a tick on the ass of society is a dollar the a taxpayer can spend on goods and services, thereby creating just as many jobs. If the tick on the ass of society doesn't have a job, so much the better. Why would we want people to become useless parasites? They are contributing nothing to the welfare of their fellow men. Without a government check they will have to get a real job and produce something of value.
First, go to a flat tax or another easier tax system...get rid of most of the IRS...get rid of the Dept. of Education and allow the states to keep that money...or more importantly the tax payers.....that would be the start....get rid of the grants for humanities or whatever that is called...stop most foreign aid to enemies of this an audit on all government agencies...reign them in and cut their staff an initial 10% and then dig in and see how much more you can cut them.....cut back on congressional staff and perks.....

The list would be endless.......mention some and I'll let you know...

Phase out Social Security into another, more effective system...encourage people to save their own money for retirement......

Get rid of the post office...let the private sector handle it...........

You answered half of the question, what might be the cost-deficits?

Don't know...not an accountant...I do know that 10% across the board all government agencies is more than safe....and then we see what else we can cut....the IRS is only needed for a complex tax code....enforcement of an easier tax code would need less people...and less attacking of conservative groups.....

Let me help:

  • Unemployment will spike, not only will the 10% of government employees lose their job, so will the baker, the butcher and the sandwich maker.
  • Unemployed government workers have mortgages, many will lose their homes
  • Home values will drop, impacting those who are deeply in debt
  • Loan agents, Real Estate Agents and others in the home industry will be impacted
  • Real estate investors will lose equity, and will try to sell before they go underwater
  • The unemployed will default on car loans, bankers will stop making loans
  • The value of commercial real estate will drop, as empty space grows it will begin impacting the jobs of leasing agents, window washers and custodians - more stress on state and local government
  • Shops on Main St. America will be empty
  • Local government will lose revenue, more government jobs will be eliminated
How do you create a Recession? Cut jobs - we are a consumer driven economy. Don't be fooled by the Limbaughs', the only thing that trickles down is misery.

You're deliberately ignoring the fact that the taxpayers will all have more money in their pay checks, which means more spending and more jobs.

You really believe one cost-benefit will mitigate the loss of hundreds of thousands of jobs? Come on, grow up and think.

Yes absolutely. I don't know why this is difficult for you.

Every single dollar paid out in a government job, must be stolen from the economy somewhere else.... PLUS MORE.

Every dollar taken from my check, has to pass person to person throughout the government, and everyone has to have their cut.

By the time it reaches one government employee, they are getting likely 70¢ for every dollar taken from my check. The IRS has to be paid. The treasury has to be paid. Multi-layers of government bureaucracy has to be paid, and then one guy at the BMV, get's $25,000 a year.

So yes, absolutely. Another $25,000 plus more poured back into the economy.... by simply not stealing it from the people working.... will create millions of jobs. Absolutely it will.
why complain about unions; whiners on the Right?

The money unions donate to political causes isn't their money. That's why.
So, neither is money donated to political Causes by owners or management without voluntary signatories that, that is what Profit is to be Used for with their Labor.

I have no idea what the hell the above is supposed to signify.

Management represents the owners. Deciding how company funds are spent is its responsibility. Labor has no say in how company funds are spent, just as your neighbor has no say in how you spend your pay check. They have no legitimate claim on it.

thank you; i knew you didn't have a clue or a Cause.

Why should a Firm have any say in how union funds are collected or spent?
A firm doesn't care how the dues are collected or spent, let the union and the employees work it out and leave the firm out of it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

The Firm is doing payroll anyway. Why complain about one thing and not another unless for arbitrary and capricious reasons.
so what; you only have an unsubstantiated opinion that is full of fallacy, not any form of rebuttal; clueless and Causeless, Person on the Right.

What right does any third party have to intrude an arrangement made by two other parties? Does your neighbor have a right to agree to the terms of your mortgage?
They are already doing payroll; it really is that simple; Person on the Right.

You're the one who is simple.
yes, but not full of fallacy.
Payroll deduction still cost in time and money. Money has to be collected and the distributed. It takes time, they pay employees for their time, it cost money.

A bank provides the same service free to its customers. Simply have the bank set up the monthly dues to be taken out. The firm is happy the union member countries s happy and the union is happy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Firm has to do it anyway.
"Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel"

Such is the unwarranted hatred of unions and government employees serving the public exhibited by most on the right, that conservatives would actually seek to attack organized labor and working Americans with the force of Federal law is reprehensible.

Again, so much for 'small government' republicans.

and People wonder why our middle class is shrinking and why jobs are moving overseas.
the right doesn't have a problem with that right now; their passion of the moment is to "screw over" unions.
That's sort of like "screwing over" a thief by taking away his stolen loot.
unions have more Informed Consent than Firms. :p

The firm doesn't consent to anything the union imposes on it, except in the sense that a the victim of a mugging consents to turning over his wallet to the mugger.
Collective bargaining is a form of democracy in action; only the Right objects to representation for Labor as the least wealthy.

No...I don't mind them collectively the private sector...where both sides have an incentive for keeping the business alive.....but public sector unions...not so much.....they are a money laundering scheme for greedy politicians and their democrat allies in the unions....the politicians set the pay and benefits of the democrat unions, then the unions kick back money from those salaries to the corrupt politicians...and the ones getting screwed...the tax payer....and they are killing states with this collusion......

Hostess did it on a for-profit basis.
According to Republicans, it's NOT OK for an auto deduction which costs nothing, but IT IS OK to use your cell phone to pay, and PAY A FEE.

I LOVE IT.....screw workers and suck your contributors all at once! YOU GO REPUBLICANS!!!!!!

Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel News The Advocate Baton Rouge Louisiana

Sounds like a good idea. They should ban tax withholdings from pay checks at the same time. It gives people the false impression that employers are paying for these things, and not the workers.

Make them write a check or debit their bank account separately. Then they might think about why they are burdened with these costs in the first place.
it may be too much equality for the Right to bear.

I do not understand your comment. How is equality related to who debits your bank account? It is either a two party transaction, or a three party transaction. The money ends up in the same place in either case. In fact, an argument can be made that it is more efficient and more affordable to eliminate the third party entirely.

Edit add....the banks make more money with a three party transaction...hmmm
Last edited:
First, go to a flat tax or another easier tax system...get rid of most of the IRS...get rid of the Dept. of Education and allow the states to keep that money...or more importantly the tax payers.....that would be the start....get rid of the grants for humanities or whatever that is called...stop most foreign aid to enemies of this an audit on all government agencies...reign them in and cut their staff an initial 10% and then dig in and see how much more you can cut them.....cut back on congressional staff and perks.....

The list would be endless.......mention some and I'll let you know...

Phase out Social Security into another, more effective system...encourage people to save their own money for retirement......

Get rid of the post office...let the private sector handle it...........

You answered half of the question, what might be the cost-deficits?

Don't know...not an accountant...I do know that 10% across the board all government agencies is more than safe....and then we see what else we can cut....the IRS is only needed for a complex tax code....enforcement of an easier tax code would need less people...and less attacking of conservative groups.....

Let me help:

  • Unemployment will spike, not only will the 10% of government employees lose their job, so will the baker, the butcher and the sandwich maker.
  • Unemployed government workers have mortgages, many will lose their homes
  • Home values will drop, impacting those who are deeply in debt
  • Loan agents, Real Estate Agents and others in the home industry will be impacted
  • Real estate investors will lose equity, and will try to sell before they go underwater
  • The unemployed will default on car loans, bankers will stop making loans
  • The value of commercial real estate will drop, as empty space grows it will begin impacting the jobs of leasing agents, window washers and custodians - more stress on state and local government
  • Shops on Main St. America will be empty
  • Local government will lose revenue, more government jobs will be eliminated
How do you create a Recession? Cut jobs - we are a consumer driven economy. Don't be fooled by the Limbaughs', the only thing that trickles down is misery.

Government jobs are a liability... not an asset. Those would-be workers produce NOTHING... . They are what is otherwise known as DEAD WEIGHT.

There is no downside to cutting the US Federal Government by 90%. Beside the US Military, the US federal government should not even register as a single percentage point of US workers.
What right does any third party have to intrude an arrangement made by two other parties? Does your neighbor have a right to agree to the terms of your mortgage?
They are already doing payroll; it really is that simple; Person on the Right.

You're the one who is simple.
yes, but not full of fallacy.
Payroll deduction still cost in time and money. Money has to be collected and the distributed. It takes time, they pay employees for their time, it cost money.

A bank provides the same service free to its customers. Simply have the bank set up the monthly dues to be taken out. The firm is happy the union member countries s happy and the union is happy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The Firm has to do it anyway.

Because it costs extra, every step costs money. So even though you don't think. It costs money through payroll.

A bank provides it free to the customer, why the instance on having a firm take time and money to be involved in a transaction that the business has no part of?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
According to Republicans, it's NOT OK for an auto deduction which costs nothing, but IT IS OK to use your cell phone to pay, and PAY A FEE.

I LOVE IT.....screw workers and suck your contributors all at once! YOU GO REPUBLICANS!!!!!!

Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel News The Advocate Baton Rouge Louisiana

Sounds like a good idea. They should ban tax withholdings from pay checks at the same time. It gives people the false impression that employers are paying for these things, and not the workers.

Make them write a check or debit their bank account separately. Then they might think about why they are burdened with these costs in the first place.
it may be too much equality for the Right to bear.

I do not understand your comment. How is equality related to who debits your bank account? It is either a two party transaction, or a three party transaction. The money ends up in the same place in either case. In fact, an argument can be made that it is more efficient and more affordable to eliminate the third party entirely.

Edit add....the banks make more money with a three party transaction...hmmm

I have read that too. The banks are compensated for processing government money. More than they would a market price, obviously because they would have to compete with private market options, where as the government doesn't have a "market". They just sign the contract with whoever has a connection with the political party in charge at the time.
According to Republicans, it's NOT OK for an auto deduction which costs nothing, but IT IS OK to use your cell phone to pay, and PAY A FEE.

I LOVE IT.....screw workers and suck your contributors all at once! YOU GO REPUBLICANS!!!!!!

Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel News The Advocate Baton Rouge Louisiana

Sounds like a good idea. They should ban tax withholdings from pay checks at the same time. It gives people the false impression that employers are paying for these things, and not the workers.

Make them write a check or debit their bank account separately. Then they might think about why they are burdened with these costs in the first place.
it may be too much equality for the Right to bear.

I do not understand your comment. How is equality related to who debits your bank account? It is either a two party transaction, or a three party transaction. The money ends up in the same place in either case. In fact, an argument can be made that it is more efficient and more affordable to eliminate the third party entirely.

Edit add....the banks make more money with a three party transaction...hmmm
it is the Right that is complaining about that form of Informed Consent.
According to Republicans, it's NOT OK for an auto deduction which costs nothing, but IT IS OK to use your cell phone to pay, and PAY A FEE.

I LOVE IT.....screw workers and suck your contributors all at once! YOU GO REPUBLICANS!!!!!!

Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel News The Advocate Baton Rouge Louisiana

Sounds like a good idea. They should ban tax withholdings from pay checks at the same time. It gives people the false impression that employers are paying for these things, and not the workers.

Make them write a check or debit their bank account separately. Then they might think about why they are burdened with these costs in the first place.
it may be too much equality for the Right to bear.

I do not understand your comment. How is equality related to who debits your bank account? It is either a two party transaction, or a three party transaction. The money ends up in the same place in either case. In fact, an argument can be made that it is more efficient and more affordable to eliminate the third party entirely.

Edit add....the banks make more money with a three party transaction...hmmm
it is the Right that is complaining about that form of Informed Consent.

It's not consent when the government forces you, numskull.
According to Republicans, it's NOT OK for an auto deduction which costs nothing, but IT IS OK to use your cell phone to pay, and PAY A FEE.

I LOVE IT.....screw workers and suck your contributors all at once! YOU GO REPUBLICANS!!!!!!

Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel News The Advocate Baton Rouge Louisiana

Sounds like a good idea. They should ban tax withholdings from pay checks at the same time. It gives people the false impression that employers are paying for these things, and not the workers.

Make them write a check or debit their bank account separately. Then they might think about why they are burdened with these costs in the first place.
it may be too much equality for the Right to bear.

I do not understand your comment. How is equality related to who debits your bank account? It is either a two party transaction, or a three party transaction. The money ends up in the same place in either case. In fact, an argument can be made that it is more efficient and more affordable to eliminate the third party entirely.

Edit add....the banks make more money with a three party transaction...hmmm
it is the Right that is complaining about that form of Informed Consent.

It's not consent when the government forces you, numskull.
it is arbitrary and capricious when you only complain about unions, skullnum.
Sounds like a good idea. They should ban tax withholdings from pay checks at the same time. It gives people the false impression that employers are paying for these things, and not the workers.

Make them write a check or debit their bank account separately. Then they might think about why they are burdened with these costs in the first place.
it may be too much equality for the Right to bear.

I do not understand your comment. How is equality related to who debits your bank account? It is either a two party transaction, or a three party transaction. The money ends up in the same place in either case. In fact, an argument can be made that it is more efficient and more affordable to eliminate the third party entirely.

Edit add....the banks make more money with a three party transaction...hmmm
it is the Right that is complaining about that form of Informed Consent.

It's not consent when the government forces you, numskull.
it is arbitrary and capricious when you only complain about unions, skullnum.

Wrong. Unions are based on compulsion, not voluntary transactions.
it may be too much equality for the Right to bear.

I do not understand your comment. How is equality related to who debits your bank account? It is either a two party transaction, or a three party transaction. The money ends up in the same place in either case. In fact, an argument can be made that it is more efficient and more affordable to eliminate the third party entirely.

Edit add....the banks make more money with a three party transaction...hmmm
it is the Right that is complaining about that form of Informed Consent.

It's not consent when the government forces you, numskull.
it is arbitrary and capricious when you only complain about unions, skullnum.

Wrong. Unions are based on compulsion, not voluntary transactions.
in other words, anything non-voluntary; why Only complain about unions.
I do not understand your comment. How is equality related to who debits your bank account? It is either a two party transaction, or a three party transaction. The money ends up in the same place in either case. In fact, an argument can be made that it is more efficient and more affordable to eliminate the third party entirely.

Edit add....the banks make more money with a three party transaction...hmmm
it is the Right that is complaining about that form of Informed Consent.

It's not consent when the government forces you, numskull.
it is arbitrary and capricious when you only complain about unions, skullnum.

Wrong. Unions are based on compulsion, not voluntary transactions.
in other words, anything non-voluntary; why Only complain about unions.

Hmmm, because belonging to a union and agreeing to be unionised are non-voluntary.

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