Plan to ban automatic deduction of public employee union dues clears House panel

involuntary deductions happen; why only a problem with the democracy that resulted in a union with dues requirements; Person on the Right?

The right only is concerned when the voluntary impose the will and expense on the disenfranchised minority to propagate their hidden agenda to bring down the middle and working class the burden on the involuntary. But we will talk about it after the Democrats war on the worker.
It almost seems as if the Right is willing to sacrifice Labor for the sake of Capitalists who already have capital.

It is politics such as this which give some of the least wealthy pause to suspend class warfare regarding a wealthy notion that only "fools and horses" should Have to work.

The real problem here has more to do with the unions lack of what is known as common sense that would lead them to know when it's time to keep there powder dry. This is one of those times.
it seems like just another arbitrary and capricious and frivolous in legal venues political gambit by the right under illusion of freewill.
involuntary deductions happen; why only a problem with the democracy that resulted in a union with dues requirements; Person on the Right?

The right only is concerned when the voluntary impose the will and expense on the disenfranchised minority to propagate their hidden agenda to bring down the middle and working class the burden on the involuntary. But we will talk about it after the Democrats war on the worker.
It almost seems as if the Right is willing to sacrifice Labor for the sake of Capitalists who already have capital.

It is politics such as this which give some of the least wealthy pause to suspend class warfare regarding a wealthy notion that only "fools and horses" should Have to work.

The real problem here has more to do with the unions lack of what is known as common sense that would lead them to know when it's time to keep there powder dry. This is one of those times.

I have no issues with unions at all,mid that is what is chosen, I'm good. I have no issue with union dues being taken out of private companies payroll deduction plan.

I have no issue with collective bargaining in private business.

Public sector collective bargaining holds the taxpayer over a barrel. FDR didn't like collective bargaining in the public sector either, for the same reason.

I have an issue with the government withholding union dues at the taxpayers expense. If the union wants to cover the cost, that's good.

My dad's union went on strike because they wanted a 5% increase in pay and the company wanted a 3%. They finally settled 8 months later at 4%. He said no one won, he lost, more pay in eight months than he ever would ever make up. He voted for the contract and honored the picket line. But like he said, the union was stupid.
It is politics such as this which give some of the least wealthy pause to suspend class warfare regarding a wealthy notion that only "fools and horses" should Have to work.

Is it me or does this guy make no sense?
In any Case, promoting the general welfare is in our preamble, should we feel any need to quibble this technical point in any legal venue.

The devil there being in the details. From whom do we take and to whom do we give it (minus the handling fees, of course)? A democracy is fun and just until it is used by the majority to tyrannize the minority at which time it becomes an ineptocracy:
- a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers
In any Case, promoting the general welfare is in our preamble, should we feel any need to quibble this technical point in any legal venue.

The devil there being in the details. From whom do we take and to whom do we give it (minus the handling fees, of course)? A democracy is fun and just until it is used by the majority to tyrannize the minority at which time it becomes an ineptocracy:
- a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or even try are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers
if we have to quibble; promoting the general welfare must be an investment and produce a positive multiplier effect on our economy to prove it.
Again, you are a drama queen. There is an amount of time that the employer pays for for balancing, reconciling and distributing the money.

It's 2015. Payroll is all electronic.

The employee logs in and out and pay is distributed by those logs. Payday is one button.
Being paid with Tax Dollars is a whole different world. The funds are limited. You have to know that going in. If you're not happy, go get a job in the Private Sector. I'll even support your right to form a Union there. If you're gonna work for Taxpayers, you'll get no Union. You'll have to deal with that, or move onto the Private Sector.

You're saying that government employees should have less rights because of whom they work?
Again, you are a drama queen. There is an amount of time that the employer pays for for balancing, reconciling and distributing the money.

It's 2015. Payroll is all electronic.

The employee logs in and out and pay is distributed by those logs. Payday is one button.

Who figures and balance union dues? You need an accountant or a bookkeeper at the very least. Unless you are an idiot owner and takes the union's membership bill as being honest.
Or change it because why does the government collect for unions?

They aren't. In this example government is distributing a voluntary deduction authorized by the employee which cost the government ZERO in time or money.
Wrong, every transaction is authorized and approved. This takes time and time is taxpayer money. I would expect a business owner to figure that out. It is obvious you are not.
Being paid with Tax Dollars is a whole different world. The funds are limited. You have to know that going in. If you're not happy, go get a job in the Private Sector. I'll even support your right to form a Union there. If you're gonna work for Taxpayers, you'll get no Union. You'll have to deal with that, or move onto the Private Sector.

You're saying that government employees should have less rights because of whom they work?

Working for the government is not a right, it is a working agreement, you have no right to a government job. Again, I question your knowledge of business owner. Working is not a right, it is an agreement between two parties.

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