*Plane Crash Islam's Work*

If this was terrorism wouldn't someone have claimed it by now?

No. No one claimed the Boston Bombing. No one claimed the Oklahoma City Bombing ( which was an Islamic terror attack with McVey and Nichols used as their front ). It happens.

Excellent - please post the evidence to prove your claim.

I already have. Some months ago on this very board. Look up all of my posts in past year and you'll find it. You need the time out anyhow. It will do you good.
If this was terrorism wouldn't someone have claimed it by now?

No. No one claimed the Boston Bombing. No one claimed the Oklahoma City Bombing ( which was an Islamic terror attack with McVey and Nichols used as their front ). It happens.

I would think in a spectacular terrorist attack the group would want credit.

Depends upon the season they are in. If they are planning more of them? No. They would not want the people to know. This is the 6th plane to go down by suicide. THINK. Who took down planes & committed suicide on 9/11, Gravity?

(at least one of those planes they had the voice recording of the Musim pilot shouting Allah Akbar on the black box - no one has taken credit for that downed plane crash either)
I'm thinking the guy was a Muslim convert, Frank. They seem to be the ones doing the lone wolf style jihadist attacks and this is a good example of it. But to be honest - I am expecting any time now that they will claim this guy was a Protestant Christian or a Jew. One or the other. With the incredible power and control the Anti-Christ Vatican has in the political arena - news media (both in Europe and throughout the world) - I cannot imagine them missing this opportunity to claim it was a Protestant. They will stoop to using anything to further their agenda against Protestants worldwide. This is a golden opportunity for them. THEY WON'T MISS IT. GUARANTEED.

And what did the news consider news about this story? That his mother was an organist at a "Protestant Church". Europe is in denial today.
Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz tore up sick note for day he crashed jet Daily Mail Online

Following a search of Lubitz's Dusseldorf apartment, investigators today revealed they had found old torn-up sick leave notes, current ones and one issued for the day of the disaster.

Prosecutors said the finds indicate Lubitz may have had a medical condition which he kept secret from his employers, budget airline Germanwings.

They said have found no suicide note or claim of responsibility and no evidence of a political or religious motivation.

I apologise for making the OP look like a fucking moron, but he was doing quite a good job of that by himself.

The OP was just going with the odds, and in this rare case the odds didn't pay off.
This isn't the first time a pilot has taken down a plane intentionally - they call it a suicidal mission but are careful not to reveal the religion of the pilot. I believe if it comes out atht Andreas Lubitz was a Muslim

The few extra words don't help you in your quest to look any less stupid.

Personal attacks are not permitted on USMB, Indo. If you cannot control your emotions, find another thread. Don't embarrass yourself.

Since when? New rule? :)
I do not believe six planes have been downed due to pilot committing suicide - without their having been a common denominator. There is no precedent for it prior to 9/11. You'll have to do better than that. I do not believe everything I read. Neither should you, Digital Drifter.
The news is from German news sites....they are just linking to it ...thought I saw a BBC one too.
If this was terrorism wouldn't someone have claimed it by now?

No. No one claimed the Boston Bombing. No one claimed the Oklahoma City Bombing ( which was an Islamic terror attack with McVey and Nichols used as their front ). It happens.

I would think in a spectacular terrorist attack the group would want credit.

You know this has been a puzzle to me. If I'm a terror group like ISIS, or Al Queda, etc., the moment an incident like this happens, whether it's a mechanical failure or whatever, I would immediately publicly take credit.
I would do it just to fuck with my enemies, and create confusion and doubt, and well, terror.
Why they don't take advantage of these incidents is beyond me.
Wildman, this is the truth they are most likely not going to report on Fox, CNN and other networks. Thank you so very much for posting the link. Here is a clip from your link:
GERMAN NEWS REPORT Co-Pilot of Germanwings Airbus Was MUSLIM CONVERT Hero of Islamic State The Gateway Pundit#!

— STAYED AT Bremen Mosque
Police have reportedly found an “item of significance” at the apartment of the co-pilot who crashed the Germanwing passenger plane into the Alps this week.
The item was NOT a suicide note.
If it walks like a duck...........
What now, Indo? Muslim convert was depressed and crashed plane? Muslim convert crashes plane in work place violence incident? Which one? Or have you something else in mind?

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