*Plane Crash Islam's Work*

If this was terrorism wouldn't someone have claimed it by now?

No. No one claimed the Boston Bombing. No one claimed the Oklahoma City Bombing ( which was an Islamic terror attack with McVey and Nichols used as their front ). It happens.

I would think in a spectacular terrorist attack the group would want credit.

You know this has been a puzzle to me. If I'm a terror group like ISIS, or Al Queda, etc., the moment an incident like this happens, whether it's a mechanical failure or whatever, I would immediately publicly take credit.
I would do it just to fuck with my enemies, and create confusion and doubt, and well, terror.
Why they don't take advantage of these incidents is beyond me.

You;re not thinking long term. If you still have not used a plane that was hijacked and stored away (Malaysian plane) and are waiting for the time to use it in a spectacular terror attack in skies over America or Israel. If you still have not launched a wave of such attacks in the USA - what better way to be able to continue on - than to remain undetected?

They can take credit later on. They are not finished. That is their motive for not taking credit. Did the other planes that crashed by suicide pilot take credit? Even one? No. Egypt continues to deny it. All of them do. Yet at least one black box found from one of the crashes has the pilot shouting Allah Akbar before plane crashed. Still no one took credit. Why? Like I said, They are not finished.
(always look for motive - there has to be a motive)
Think about this for a moment. Even if the Aviation Authority knew beyond any doubt that all six of these planes downed by muslim pilots was jihad - do you think they would tell the public? No. They wouldn't. Because the money lost by the airlines industry would be catastrophic. The sad truth is the media no longer feels it is their duty to warn the people and print the truth. There is no honor in the mainstream media today including the liar Bill O'Reilly - NONE. They have all sold their souls to hell for filthy lucre'. What will it profit a man to gain the whole world only to lose his own soul?
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1. Somethings telling me Islam is behind this.

Yes, your stupidity.

Freddie------I believe that you stated that
you are----originally from the USA---making
your mother-tongue ---ENGLISH. Perhaps you have forgotten------
"your stupid"-----means 'you have someone in your possession who
is stupid' If you wish to say
YOU ARE STUPID----the contraction


Forget everything you think you know about grammar, and go back to school.
swim ----you missed the ninth grade session on

No, you're just a fucking moron. You tried to eviscerate someone over a petty grammar mistake when his grammar was correct and you are the one who was too fucking stupid to be able to correctly read what was written, and you ended up being the one with incorrect grammar!

Jesus fucking Christ, he didn't say "your stupid" he said "your stupidity"!!! If you're going to bitch about someone's grammar, you better fucking know grammar.
swim ----you missed the ninth grade session on

No, you're just a fucking moron. You tried to eviscerate someone over a petty grammar mistake when his grammar was correct and you are the one who was too fucking stupid to be able to correctly read what was written, and you ended up being the one with incorrect grammar!

Jesus fucking Christ, he didn't say "your stupid" he said "your stupidity"!!! If you're going to bitch about someone's grammar, you better fucking know grammar.

no---he wrote "your stupid"------He has done so MANY MANY times-----and after so many episodes of the same "mistake" ----I called his attention to the matter.----nice guy that I am. I never correct that kind of mistake the FIRST TIME.

considering how easy it Is to put garbage on the internet-----I will wait for something credible. I never heard of
"PUNDIT" I started to research and then gave up----
..... LATER.......

What is confirmed: the guy had not been receiving treatment for depression at a German clinic.

considering how easy it Is to put garbage on the internet-----I will wait for something credible. I never heard of
"PUNDIT" I started to research and then gave up----
..... LATER.......

What is confirmed: the guy had not been receiving treatment for depression at a German clinic.

interesting but not exciting-----anti depressants have
unpleasant side effects
Sorry bout that,

1. "Not looking good for your stupid idea so far." Inbreed said…..
2. No one crashes a plane load of people into a fucking mountain because they are depressed, get fucking real.
3. This mutha fuka is a fucking muslim.

Sorry bout that,

1. "Not looking good for your stupid idea so far." Inbreed said…..
2. No one crashes a plane load of people into a fucking mountain because they are depressed, get fucking real.
3. This mutha fuka is a fucking muslim.


Depression not only sometimes----but almost always----includes ANGER
Sorry bout that,

What now, Indo? Muslim convert was depressed and crashed plane? Muslim convert crashes plane in work place violence incident? Which one? Or have you something else in mind?

1. Yeah how will these fucking losers spin this shit???
2. Don't waste your fucking time, fucking muslim ass kissers!!!!

What now, Indo? Muslim convert was depressed and crashed plane? Muslim convert crashes plane in work place violence incident? Which one? Or have you something else in mind?
What now, Indo? Muslim convert was depressed and crashed plane? Muslim convert crashes plane in work place violence incident? Which one? Or have you something else in mind?

What Muslim convert?
A few idiotic right wing sites aren't evidence unless David Duke is the top man.

The real story.
The man had mental illness, and crashed the thing because he was off his rocker.

Sadly, the right wing fucking idiots on here are similar to the pilot in that they are also sick bastards.
Sorry bout that,

1. "Not looking good for your stupid idea so far." Inbreed said…..
2. No one crashes a plane load of people into a fucking mountain because they are depressed, get fucking real.
3. This mutha fuka is a fucking muslim.


He was a born and raised christer
Sorry bout that,

1. The Free World, that is free from islam better wake the fuck up soon, you dumb fucks have let a muslim into the oval office, how amateurish.
2. Don't be surprised when they federal governments starts to round everyone up losers.
3. Only thing that they underestimate is those in America who have guns.


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