*Plane Crash Islam's Work*

I had thought about it, Chesswarsnow. I found it interesting that the WH came out with a statement shortly after the crash that there was no sign of it having been a terrorist attack. I found that to be a very premature statement and wondered why the rush to dismiss that possibility. At this point, anything is possible.

I agree Jeri, very premature of them to come out with such an announcement without being aware of any details. This is political correctness, that is all it is.
He certainly took his opportunity. But if the captain had left the cockpit at a later stage of the flight, the co pilot could have brought down the plane on top of a densely populated area.

you are assuming that his motive was "KILL PEOPLE"------it is my personal opinion that he may
have not been so motivated---and was simply motivated
to end his own life------as to the others-----he just did not
care. The psychic pain of very depressed people is----very intense. I may be wrong in this case------I am
presenting a VERY POSSIBLE scenario

I'm not assuming anything. I was merely pointing out that, depressed or not, he still had to have a window of opportunity. Provided by the captain leaving the cockpit. If it had occurred later, the catastrophe could have been even more horrific.

The German press are reporting a former girl friend coming out with tales of plans for a future heinous deed for which he would be remembered forever.

Ok stuff is coming out. I am not surprised. It is a great tragedy and I am merely considering possibilities------I am not concluding anything----just considering plausible possibilities based on the data available so far-------suicide is nothing new

Suicide murder is rare. Suicide is usually a solitary event.

There have been six suicide /murder by airline pilot in the skies in recent history. I do not consider that extremely rare, Mindful. I consider that to be a pattern that no one wants to have a look at.

please note that in at least one of these crashes they found the black box recording with the Pilot screaming Allah Akbar before crash - still they refused to call it a terrorist attack. More than likely the reason they won't do it is that people would no longer travel by airplane and the airline industry would come to a standstill.

And because they don't want to hurt anyone's feelings because we all know that is not politically correct. :D
The Germans are known for getting to the bottom of a story. It was the German intell - that broke the story on Putin years ago - the story of his beating his wife - etc. They have highly trained people for tracking down a story. They reported a couple of days ago he had converted to Islam and they named the Mosque he attended. That he boasted to his ex about his plans is not surprising. Again, I do not believe this man crashed a plane and murdered 150 people over depression. I believe it was jihad and the reason was Islam. Converts tend to be more radical for some reason. Nothing more dangerous than religious zealotry. Which is why Jesus was so blunt with the religious zealots of his day - the Pharisees - and today - we've got the Pope and the Roman Vatican as a perfect example of religious zealotry - false religious system. Islam too.
Jeremiah usually starts her weekend :booze:binge around this time every saturday morning. ..... :lol: :lol:

Is that the best you've got? :D

I had thought about it, Chesswarsnow. I found it interesting that the WH came out with a statement shortly after the crash that there was no sign of it having been a terrorist attack. I found that to be a very premature statement and wondered why the rush to dismiss that possibility. At this point, anything is possible.
BOBO has issued a directive that in case any Islamist might possibly be involved in any act of terror the spokeswoman are to immediately claim no connection between Islam and terrorism.
I had thought about it, Chesswarsnow. I found it interesting that the WH came out with a statement shortly after the crash that there was no sign of it having been a terrorist attack. I found that to be a very premature statement and wondered why the rush to dismiss that possibility. At this point, anything is possible.

I agree Jeri, very premature of them to come out with such an announcement without being aware of any details. This is political correctness, that is all it is.
That is true and they are putting the lives of the public at risk which tells us that their main concern here is their own livelihood and not the lives of those they are supposed to be "informing" and "protecting". It is a very sad state of affairs.
So, it turns out the guy was loony tunes, and hid evidence of his loonyness from the airline so he could kill himself and hundreds of other people.

Shit happens.

Six times? Really? This is the sixth such incident. On at least one black box is the recording of the pilot shouting Allah Akbar! What should we call that one? Work place violence, Percy? You need to wake up.
The Germans are known for getting to the bottom of a story. It was the German intell - that broke the story on Putin years ago - the story of his beating his wife - etc. They have highly trained people for tracking down a story. They reported a couple of days ago he had converted to Islam and they named the Mosque he attended. That he boasted to his ex about his plans is not surprising. Again, I do not believe this man crashed a plane and murdered 150 people over depression. I believe it was jihad and the reason was Islam. Converts tend to be more radical for some reason. Nothing more dangerous than religious zealotry. Which is why Jesus was so blunt with the religious zealots of his day - the Pharisees - and today - we've got the Pope and the Roman Vatican as a perfect example of religious zealotry - false religious system. Islam too.
Jeremiah usually starts her weekend :booze:binge around this time every saturday morning. ..... :lol: :lol:

People notice that which intimidates them. Don't be afraid Sunni-----she does not use Islamic techniques.
Speaking of weekend , sunni---what was the theme
of yesterday's khutbah jumaat feces fling?
The story of his being a convert to Islam by the German authorities

No - that was shit right wing sites. Please don't lie to make your point - it makes you look like a fucking idiot.

Once again - quote fully, Indo, not partially. The story from Wildman - was that he was a convert to Islam and they named the mosque he attended. Do not attack me for informing you and do not tell me what an idiot looks like. I know full well what an idiot looks like and I am no one's idiot. Thank you.
So, it turns out the guy was loony tunes, and hid evidence of his loonyness from the airline so he could kill himself and hundreds of other people.

Shit happens.


You don't know anything except what the media is reporting to you, the details are still VERY sketchy if you ask me.
We will see.

I am assuming what is on the flight recorders is being reported factually. Usually that information is raw and can't be spun when independent investigations are conducted.

The Germans are known for getting to the bottom of a story. It was the German intell - that broke the story on Putin years ago - the story of his beating his wife - etc. They have highly trained people for tracking down a story. They reported a couple of days ago he had converted to Islam and they named the Mosque he attended. That he boasted to his ex about his plans is not surprising. Again, I do not believe this man crashed a plane and murdered 150 people over depression. I believe it was jihad and the reason was Islam. Converts tend to be more radical for some reason. Nothing more dangerous than religious zealotry. Which is why Jesus was so blunt with the religious zealots of his day - the Pharisees - and today - we've got the Pope and the Roman Vatican as a perfect example of religious zealotry - false religious system. Islam too.
Jeremiah usually starts her weekend :booze:binge around this time every saturday morning. ..... :lol: :lol:

People notice that which intimidates them. Don't be afraid Sunni-----she does not use Islamic techniques.
Speaking of weekend , sunni---what was the theme
of yesterday's khutbah jumaat feces fling?

What does Islam use to control their people? Fear and intimidation, Rosie. The Nicolaitans - the very name - defined is controllers (religious zealots)- of the people Nico - laity (lay people). This is precisely how the Roman Vatican operates today and it is precisely how their golden child (their new Nazi brigade) - Islamists - operate today. Augustine's indoctrination of Mohammad was a smashing success.
So, it turns out the guy was loony tunes, and hid evidence of his loonyness from the airline so he could kill himself and hundreds of other people.

Shit happens.


You don't know anything except what the media is reporting to you, the details are still VERY sketchy if you ask me.
We will see.

I am assuming what is on the flight recorders is being reported factually. Usually that information is raw and can't be spun when independent investigations are conducted.


If the liberal media finds out he was actually a Muslim, they will try to gloss over that fact anyways.
So, it turns out the guy was loony tunes, and hid evidence of his loonyness from the airline so he could kill himself and hundreds of other people.

Shit happens.


You don't know anything except what the media is reporting to you, the details are still VERY sketchy if you ask me.
We will see.

I am assuming what is on the flight recorders is being reported factually. Usually that information is raw and can't be spun when independent investigations are conducted.

If you read the original news story - they said that they are not going to permit the recordings to be heard - only by a certain few and just who decides who that is? Would you let the criminal conduct his own investigation? What else could you call it when the airlines knew full well there had already been 5 such incidents in the skies - yet they permit this guy to get into the cockpit and fly 150 people? Really? Listen up. This investigation should be completely independent of any persons associated with the airline business - and that includes the aviation authority which has been criminally negligent in my opinion.
So, it turns out the guy was loony tunes, and hid evidence of his loonyness from the airline so he could kill himself and hundreds of other people.

Shit happens.


You don't know anything except what the media is reporting to you, the details are still VERY sketchy if you ask me.
We will see.

I am assuming what is on the flight recorders is being reported factually. Usually that information is raw and can't be spun when independent investigations are conducted.


If the liberal media finds out he was actually a Muslim, they will try to gloss over that fact anyways.

Liberals do not have a monopoly on media. Not yet any way...

So, it turns out the guy was loony tunes, and hid evidence of his loonyness from the airline so he could kill himself and hundreds of other people.

Shit happens.


You don't know anything except what the media is reporting to you, the details are still VERY sketchy if you ask me.
We will see.

I am assuming what is on the flight recorders is being reported factually. Usually that information is raw and can't be spun when independent investigations are conducted.


If the liberal media finds out he was actually a Muslim, they will try to gloss over that fact anyways.

Glossing over is better than that old idiot
standby----"HE PERVERTED THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM". I wonder when
those "marverlous teachings" were not
"perverted" -----I read the Koran----clearly,
based on that idiot excuse, even muhummad
'perverted' the 'noble' teachings of islam-----
where is this mysterious form of islam?
So, it turns out the guy was loony tunes, and hid evidence of his loonyness from the airline so he could kill himself and hundreds of other people.

Shit happens.


You don't know anything except what the media is reporting to you, the details are still VERY sketchy if you ask me.
We will see.

I am assuming what is on the flight recorders is being reported factually. Usually that information is raw and can't be spun when independent investigations are conducted.


If the liberal media finds out he was actually a Muslim, they will try to gloss over that fact anyways.

Liberals do not have a monopoly on media. Not yet any way...


I disagree with that statement. I think most in the media are liberal, hold liberal views and, oftentimes, abide by political correctness that our president espouses. They will release the "controversial" information but tend to gloss it over a lot of times, even to the point of injecting their own opinions. With the exception of my local news channels. They seem to just "read the news" and not inject their own opinions. I think the media is a tool of the government, TBH.
So, it turns out the guy was loony tunes, and hid evidence of his loonyness from the airline so he could kill himself and hundreds of other people.

Shit happens.


You don't know anything except what the media is reporting to you, the details are still VERY sketchy if you ask me.
We will see.

I am assuming what is on the flight recorders is being reported factually. Usually that information is raw and can't be spun when independent investigations are conducted.

If you read the original news story - they said that they are not going to permit the recordings to be heard - only by a certain few and just who decides who that is? Would you let the criminal conduct his own investigation? What else could you call it when the airlines knew full well there had already been 5 such incidents in the skies - yet they permit this guy to get into the cockpit and fly 150 people? Really? Listen up. This investigation should be completely independent of any persons associated with the airline business - and that includes the aviation authority which has been criminally negligent in my opinion.

The conspiracy theories forum is two doors down the hall, on your left.

So, it turns out the guy was loony tunes, and hid evidence of his loonyness from the airline so he could kill himself and hundreds of other people.

Shit happens.


You don't know anything except what the media is reporting to you, the details are still VERY sketchy if you ask me.
We will see.

I am assuming what is on the flight recorders is being reported factually. Usually that information is raw and can't be spun when independent investigations are conducted.


If the liberal media finds out he was actually a Muslim, they will try to gloss over that fact anyways.

Glossing over is better than that old idiot
standby----"HE PERVERTED THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM". I wonder when
those "marverlous teachings" were not
"perverted" -----I read the Koran----clearly,
based on that idiot excuse, even muhummad
'perverted' the 'noble' teachings of islam-----
where is this mysterious form of islam?

Well, there is one thing you and I can agree on.

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