Planet Found in Habitable Zone Around Nearest Star

I'm 45 now. I live a pretty hard lifestyle. I do what I want, drink what I want, smoke what I want, fuck what I want, do the drugs that I want. I'm built like a tank too. That's good when you are young and in sports but not when you are old. Those guys have heart attacks. I doubt I'll see retirement age too to be honest with you. LOL. But boy did I have a fun life.
I have no problem with this. Just do society a favor, when your lifestyle catches up to you, please clean up your own mess. Don't become another liberal sponge on those still trying to live.
Considering I probably won't live past my 40's, 85 may as well be older than Methuselah.
I used to think that too. Imagine my pleasant surprise to not only live to 50, but to now be 60, in good health, fairly well-to-do and happy.
Considering I probably won't live past my 40's, 85 may as well be older than Methuselah.
I used to think that too. Imagine my pleasant surprise to not only live to 50, but to now be 60, in good health, fairly well-to-do and happy.

And if I were you, I wouldn't be dying right now. lol

I appreciate the motivational attempt though, but I'm good with death. I've had a few years to get to know him.
I'm 45 now. I live a pretty hard lifestyle. I do what I want, drink what I want, smoke what I want, fuck what I want, do the drugs that I want. I'm built like a tank too. That's good when you are young and in sports but not when you are old. Those guys have heart attacks. I doubt I'll see retirement age too to be honest with you. LOL. But boy did I have a fun life.
I have no problem with this. Just do society a favor, when your lifestyle catches up to you, please clean up your own mess. Don't become another liberal sponge on those still trying to live.
In the end, we are all going to become sponges. Unless you think you and your family are going to pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars the hospitals charge when you die? I don't think you will. I think Medicare/medicade will pick up the tab. You'll just pay your $500 deductable you fucking leech.

Or should the healthcare police come in and not pay because you are too fat or because you smoked? Is that what you want? The insurance companies getting to decide who deserves medicare/medicate or the insurance to pay? Of course you fucking do. You were the same guys who wanted to fuck anyone with a pre existing condition. No surprise you're still a piece of shit.
In the end, we are all going to become sponges. Unless you think you and your family are going to pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars the hospitals charge when you die? I don't think you will. I think Medicare/medicade will pick up the tab. You'll just pay your $500 deductable you fucking leech.

Or should the healthcare police come in and not pay because you are too fat or because you smoked? Is that what you want? The insurance companies getting to decide who deserves medicare/medicate or the insurance to pay? Of course you fucking do. You were the same guys who wanted to fuck anyone with a pre existing condition. No surprise you're still a piece of shit.

1. Thanks for admitting you lied and will, indeed, become a sponge.

2. I have an exit strategy. Not only have I died before, but I've lost too many friends and relatives who strove to hang on to every lousy minute to follow their example. I don't' plan on leaving a mess for someone to clean up either.

3. Since I've been paying into SS and Medicare for 44 years+, I think it's fair I take a bit out, but unlike you, I don't plan on taking up bed space with a bunch of tubes in every orifice until I finally croak. The best defense remains to be a good offense. ;)
Sorry for derailing the conversation. Didn't mean to make a perfectly good thread about exoplanets turn into some kind of weird war of ideologies. lol
In the end, we are all going to become sponges. Unless you think you and your family are going to pay the hundreds of thousands of dollars the hospitals charge when you die? I don't think you will. I think Medicare/medicade will pick up the tab. You'll just pay your $500 deductable you fucking leech.

Or should the healthcare police come in and not pay because you are too fat or because you smoked? Is that what you want? The insurance companies getting to decide who deserves medicare/medicate or the insurance to pay? Of course you fucking do. You were the same guys who wanted to fuck anyone with a pre existing condition. No surprise you're still a piece of shit.

1. Thanks for admitting you lied and will, indeed, become a sponge.

2. I have an exit strategy. Not only have I died before, but I've lost too many friends and relatives who strove to hang on to every lousy minute to follow their example. I don't' plan on leaving a mess for someone to clean up either.

3. Since I've been paying into SS and Medicare for 44 years+, I think it's fair I take a bit out, but unlike you, I don't plan on taking up bed space with a bunch of tubes in every orifice until I finally croak. The best defense remains to be a good offense. ;)
I'm going out with a quick heart attack or annurism
Sorry for derailing the conversation. Didn't mean to make a perfectly good thread about exoplanets turn into some kind of weird war of ideologies. lol
Eventually every thread goes there. Religion hates science.
I'm going out with a quick heart attack or annurism
Difficult to do that by choice. What method do you plan to use?
Diet and exercise, or lack of.
That won't give you the timely results you think they will. Odds are, you'll be a fucking sponge lying in your own shit and piss hooked up to an O2 machine for 5-10 years before passing.

At least it will give you time to contemplate your mistakes. ;)
I'm going out with a quick heart attack or annurism
Difficult to do that by choice. What method do you plan to use?
Diet and exercise, or lack of.
That won't give you the timely results you think they will. Odds are, you'll be a fucking sponge lying in your own shit and piss hooked up to an O2 machine for 5-10 years before passing.

At least it will give you time to contemplate your mistakes. ;)
I bet you believe in jesus
Whatever weirdo who thinks he has all the answers but doesn't actually.
You? You make a false claim of living hard and dying fast, then admit you'll gladly be a sponge spending the last 10-15 years of your life hooked up to tubes in every orifice as a human sponge.

Atheists often claim theists cling to religion because they are afraid of dying, but it looks like you're equally afraid.
We use anti-matter that can get up to 20% of the speed of light, build a ship that can support 3-5 people with shielding strong enough to take the beating.


Project Valkyrie - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
at the moment the capabilityy to produce antimatter is less then 1000/th gram per year antimatter drives arent realisitc, nuclear pulse drives are
Just heard some astronauts just returned from spending a year on the international space station. We're getting there. Slowly.
Too slowly. We went from Kitty Hawk to jets and atomic bombs in 42 years. From Kitty Hawk to the Moon in 66 years. It's been 47 years since we first went to the moon and all we have for our space program is renting space on Russian capsules and startup private Low-Earth-Orbit supply rockets.

Thanks, Democrats!
the iss was mostly build by the USA and payed bythe USA, thanks spaceshutle
atheists don t hate religion, they don t belive in them, nothing to hate

atheists hate religiouse leaders who take advantage of people to make money

and destroy the minds of people
Odd that the spokesman of all atheists is on this little ol' forum! Welcome!

Disagreed. That's just as fucked up as someone saying "Christians don't hate non-believers blah, blah, blah". Obviously some people who label themselves Christians do hate others just as obviously some atheists hate theists.

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