Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

I can make a ton of pictures that agree with my opinion as well. Doesn't mean anything, except to idiots who are easily swayed and controlled.
Speaking for yourself again...I see!





God damn even I underestimated the evil of the left.

You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.
Actually I'm pretty sure I speak for most people who are pro-choice, just like you speak for people who are anti-abortion. Your opinion has more weight than mine because?
God damn even I underestimated the evil of the left.

You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.

Call me when the lying left start fact checking, I'll be over here not holding my breath for that to happen.
Tell us again Republicans how there is no war on women!!

Ehrmagerd, you found an accusation article from AddictingInfo! We must get right on . . . not giving a fat rat's furry asscrack.

Piss off with your partisan bullshit websites.
Try refuting the information instead of attacking the source. But I understand why you have to do that. It's all you have.

Dipshit, it's not "information". That's the problem. Someone should have told you that just because something's on the Internet, that doesn't make it true, doesn't make it serious, and doesn't obligate me to treat it like real news and refute it. You might as well have cited The Onion and insisted I "refute" it.

So take your demands for respect and stuff them where the sun don't shine. You want respect, earn it by citing actual sources, not any bullshit you find lying around.

My, my...... you do sound as though you are becoming unhinged! So you saying that it's not true that some women are having trouble accessing cancer screening in states that have defunded PP? I provided a source that says that they are having problems. If you don't like it, not my problem. Lets see your source that says it is NOT true

Only a liberal could view being dismissed as a fucking moron as a win. I guess y'all would have to, since a) you never accomplish anything else, and b) it happens so often.

What I'm actually saying, Progressive Pathetic, is that unlike you, I require a REAL source of news before I even pay attention, let alone get my panties in a ruffle. There is no point in time at which I am going to use the reliability of Addicting-fucking-Info as a debate parameter. I would sooner debate a "fact" reported by the National Inquirer.

"I provided a source that said it." Big whoop-de-fucking-hairy-do. I could provide a source that says eating green beans makes you shit Martians, but that doesn't make it true or worthy of debate.

If you don't like being laughed at, that's not MY problem. If you want other people to do your homework for you, that's ALSO not my problem. It is not my job to try to prove a negative, or to waste my time researching AddictingInfo like they're worthy of notice. Produce a real news source, or we'll just assume that you're full of shit and move on to a real grown-up.

Either way, this argument about how to argue is over. Real source, or surrender. Your next post will be one or the other. Up to you.

Why is it necessary for you to be so damned nasty. You seem to be in a blind rage to the point where you can't see or hear anything that contradicts what you want to believe. Every time that something is presented that conflicts with your biased views, you become even more unnerved. You didn't like my last source, try this on for size:

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Four experts in the field of human tissue procurement told us the price range discussed in the video — $30 to $100 per patient — represents a reasonable fee. “There’s no way there’s a profit at that price,” said Sherilyn J. Sawyer, the director of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s “biorepository.”

At one point in the unedited video (which was also released by the group), Nucatola says: “Affiliates are not looking to make money by doing this. They’re looking to serve their patients and just make it not impact their bottom line.”

Nucatola also says, “No one’s going to see this as a money making thing.” And at another point, she says, “Our goal, like I said, is to give patients the option without impacting our bottom line. The messaging is this should not be seen as a new revenue stream, because that’s not what it is.”

We also asked experts in the use of human tissue for research about the potential for profit. Sherilyn J. Sawyer, the director of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s “biorepository,” told us that “there’s no way there’s a profit at that price.” She continued in an email:

Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee.

There is much more but you get the idea.
The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).

"“If we alter our process, and we are able to obtain intact fetal cadavers, we can make it part of the budget that any dissections are this, and splitting the specimens into different shipments is this. It’s all just a matter of line items.

" “I think everyone realizes, especially because my department contributes so much to the bottom line of our organization here, you know we’re one of the largest affiliates, our Research Department is the largest in the United States. Larger than any the other affiliates’ combined.” In a Texas Senate hearing on July 29, former Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast clinic director Abby Johnson estimated that the affiliate had previously made up to $120,000 per month off of aborted fetal tissue."

Ginde responds to the buyer’s suggestion of paying per body part harvested, rather than a standard flat fee for the entire case: “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.
The sale or purchase of human fetal tissue is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S.C. 289g-2). Federal law also requires that no alteration in the timing or method of abortion be done for the purposes of fetal tissue collection (42 U.S.C. 289g-1).
Ginde also suggests ways for Planned Parenthood to cover-up its criminal and public relations liability for the sale of aborted body parts. “Putting it under ‘research’ gives us a little bit of an overhang over the whole thing,” Ginde remarks. “If you have someone in a really anti state who’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught.

Blog The Center for Medical Progress
Did you miss post 1995 above?
I don't care enough to go look.
I'm not going to rehash the scientific and medical facts yet again in this post (or maybe it was another post, but who cares) when it is clear /you/ made up your mind on how it "should be" based upon /your personal/ beliefs. Go hunt out my previous many many posts on this subject if you want to evidence any curiosity about what I base my beliefs on.

Bottom line is that my beliefs differ from yours and you are not automatically right because you say so. Neither am I, which is why I said, change the law, don't lie about it.

The court happens to believe /my/ opinion is right at this time. If they change that opinion then so be it, but they're sure as fuck not going to do so based on videos that they've already ruled were /lies/ - that would be why they fucking banned putting anymore out.

Welcome to America, where the majority and law rule, not /your/ feelings alone. Yes?
Lying baby killer....the majority despises PP and the abortion game, and the courts did not "rule" that the videos were lies.

Lying to protect the sacred right of infanticide and abuse of women. You are a stellar person indeed....

Further more, you aren't going to *rehash* the science and the fact because the science and the facts don't support the disgusting practice. Science and facts work against you, so I can understand your reluctance to *rehash* what never existed in the first place. At least not on your side.
Ehrmagerd, you found an accusation article from AddictingInfo! We must get right on . . . not giving a fat rat's furry asscrack.

Piss off with your partisan bullshit websites.
Try refuting the information instead of attacking the source. But I understand why you have to do that. It's all you have.

Dipshit, it's not "information". That's the problem. Someone should have told you that just because something's on the Internet, that doesn't make it true, doesn't make it serious, and doesn't obligate me to treat it like real news and refute it. You might as well have cited The Onion and insisted I "refute" it.

So take your demands for respect and stuff them where the sun don't shine. You want respect, earn it by citing actual sources, not any bullshit you find lying around.

My, my...... you do sound as though you are becoming unhinged! So you saying that it's not true that some women are having trouble accessing cancer screening in states that have defunded PP? I provided a source that says that they are having problems. If you don't like it, not my problem. Lets see your source that says it is NOT true

Only a liberal could view being dismissed as a fucking moron as a win. I guess y'all would have to, since a) you never accomplish anything else, and b) it happens so often.

What I'm actually saying, Progressive Pathetic, is that unlike you, I require a REAL source of news before I even pay attention, let alone get my panties in a ruffle. There is no point in time at which I am going to use the reliability of Addicting-fucking-Info as a debate parameter. I would sooner debate a "fact" reported by the National Inquirer.

"I provided a source that said it." Big whoop-de-fucking-hairy-do. I could provide a source that says eating green beans makes you shit Martians, but that doesn't make it true or worthy of debate.

If you don't like being laughed at, that's not MY problem. If you want other people to do your homework for you, that's ALSO not my problem. It is not my job to try to prove a negative, or to waste my time researching AddictingInfo like they're worthy of notice. Produce a real news source, or we'll just assume that you're full of shit and move on to a real grown-up.

Either way, this argument about how to argue is over. Real source, or surrender. Your next post will be one or the other. Up to you.

Why is it necessary for you to be so damned nasty. You seem to be in a blind rage to the point where you can't see or hear anything that contradicts what you want to believe. Every time that something is presented that conflicts with your biased views, you become even more unnerved. You didn't like my last source, try this on for size:

Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video Unspinning the Planned Parenthood Video

Four experts in the field of human tissue procurement told us the price range discussed in the video — $30 to $100 per patient — represents a reasonable fee. “There’s no way there’s a profit at that price,” said Sherilyn J. Sawyer, the director of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s “biorepository.”

At one point in the unedited video (which was also released by the group), Nucatola says: “Affiliates are not looking to make money by doing this. They’re looking to serve their patients and just make it not impact their bottom line.”

Nucatola also says, “No one’s going to see this as a money making thing.” And at another point, she says, “Our goal, like I said, is to give patients the option without impacting our bottom line. The messaging is this should not be seen as a new revenue stream, because that’s not what it is.”

We also asked experts in the use of human tissue for research about the potential for profit. Sherilyn J. Sawyer, the director of Harvard University and Brigham and Women’s Hospital’s “biorepository,” told us that “there’s no way there’s a profit at that price.” She continued in an email:

Sawyer, July 20: In reality, $30-100 probably constitutes a loss for [Planned Parenthood]. The costs associated with collection, processing, storage, and inventory and records management for specimens are very high. Most hospitals will provide tissue blocks from surgical procedures (ones no longer needed for clinical purposes, and without identity) for research, and cost recover for their time and effort in the range of $100-500 per case/block. In the realm of tissues for research $30-100 is completely reasonable and normal fee.

There is much more but you get the idea.
Amazing what paying off some Dr. Mengele's can buy you these days.... I believe I saw something else where SCIENTISTS were BOUGHT OFF to say COKE would not make you fat!.... You folks really are this stupid, when your OWN, by mistake, tell us what really is happening with hidden cameras! But you people also believe Hillary didn't lie, and that B.J. never got a blow job under the White House desk!
Would the anti-PP/abortion crowd pledge to refuse any treatment that has been developed using fetal tissue?
You loons always want to heap all this special stuff on us.."If you believe this, then you MUST do this..." "If you believe this, then you must NOT do this..."

No, we will continue to use vaccinations. But we will continue to object to harvesting dead babies to produce it.
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
God damn even I underestimated the evil of the left.

You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.

Call me when the lying left start fact checking, I'll be over here not holding my breath for that to happen.

Its already been fact checked, you idiot.
God damn even I underestimated the evil of the left.

You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.

Call me when the lying left start fact checking, I'll be over here not holding my breath for that to happen.

Is that when you're gonna start fact checking? Because you swallowed that bullshit accusation pretty quickly. And without any evidence to back the claim up.

You genuinely don't care if the accusation is true, do you?

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