Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

God damn even I underestimated the evil of the left.

You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.

Call me when the lying left start fact checking, I'll be over here not holding my breath for that to happen.

Its already been fact checked, you idiot.

You really are a dunce.
Would the anti-PP/abortion crowd pledge to refuse any treatment that has been developed using fetal tissue?
You loons always want to heap all this special stuff on us.."If you believe this, then you MUST do this..." "If you believe this, then you must NOT do this..."

No, we will continue to use vaccinations. But we will continue to object to harvesting dead babies to produce it.
Your commitment to your morality is admirable.
Would the anti-PP/abortion crowd pledge to refuse any treatment that has been developed using fetal tissue?

You believe that flavour enhancers are medical treatments?!
Well, that explains a lot.

Well then genius, growing body parts on mice? Anyone ever get a mouse nose?
Are we still talking about flavour enhancers here?
It's difficult to tell since you seem to use them interchangeably with medical research.
God damn even I underestimated the evil of the left.

You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.

Call me when the lying left start fact checking, I'll be over here not holding my breath for that to happen.

Is that when you're gonna start fact checking? Because you swallowed that bullshit accusation pretty quickly. And without any evidence to back the claim up.

You genuinely don't care if the accusation is true, do you?

I'm perfectly fine making up lies about the left, blatant lies. After all the left has been lying about the right for decades, its time they got a dose of their own medicine.
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!
God damn even I underestimated the evil of the left.

You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.

Call me when the lying left start fact checking, I'll be over here not holding my breath for that to happen.

Is that when you're gonna start fact checking? Because you swallowed that bullshit accusation pretty quickly. And without any evidence to back the claim up.

You genuinely don't care if the accusation is true, do you?

I'm perfectly fine making up lies about the left, blatant lies. After all the left has been lying about the right for decades, its time they got a dose of their own medicine.

Then there we go. Not only do you not care if the claim is true, you'll gladly lie.

That tells us all we need to know about you.
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!

wow are they in the wrong business

>>Family cord blood banks charge a first-year processing fee that ranges from about $1,400 to $2,300, plus annual storage costs of about $115 to $150. The banks offer payment plans, ranging from no-interest installments paid over a few months to longer-term financing with interest.<<
Would the anti-PP/abortion crowd pledge to refuse any treatment that has been developed using fetal tissue?
You loons always want to heap all this special stuff on us.."If you believe this, then you MUST do this..." "If you believe this, then you must NOT do this..."

No, we will continue to use vaccinations. But we will continue to object to harvesting dead babies to produce it.
Your commitment to your morality is admirable.
My morality requires I protect life. I will not deny life vaccinations that are already created. And I will not take life to create them. It's too subtle for baby killers to understand. In fact, the whole "life is sacred" thing befuddles them.
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!

wow are they in the wrong business

>>Family cord blood banks charge a first-year processing fee that ranges from about $1,400 to $2,300, plus annual storage costs of about $115 to $150. The banks offer payment plans, ranging from no-interest installments paid over a few months to longer-term financing with interest.<<
Ah...... But do they get HALF A BILLION DOLLARS a year from Federal grants?????
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!

wow are they in the wrong business

>>Family cord blood banks charge a first-year processing fee that ranges from about $1,400 to $2,300, plus annual storage costs of about $115 to $150. The banks offer payment plans, ranging from no-interest installments paid over a few months to longer-term financing with interest.<<
Do you not understand the difference between harvesting baby organs, and using umbilical cord blood? One of these miracles requires a living child. The other a dead one. Think think think.
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!
It's not hard to find medical treatments...sorry, I forgot who I'm talking to, I meant to address you in words you understand...I mean "flavour enhancers" that have been researched and developed using fetal tissue.
Vaccines have been one of the chief public benefits of fetal tissue research. Vaccines for hepatitis A, German measles, chickenpox and rabies, for example, were developed using cell lines grown from tissue from two elective abortions, one in England and one in Sweden, that were performed in the 1960s.

German measles, also known as rubella, “caused 5,000 spontaneous abortions a year prior to the vaccine,” said Dr. Paul Offit, an infectious-disease specialist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “We wouldn’t have saved all those lives had it not been for those cells.”

Fetal tissue was “absolutely critical” to the development of a potential Ebola vaccine that has shown promise, said Dr. Carrie Wolinetz, an associate director at NIH, which last year handed out $76 million for work involving fetal tissue, or 0.2 percent of the agency’s research budget.
Scientists say fetal tissue remains essential for vaccines and developing treatments
God damn even I underestimated the evil of the left.

You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.

Call me when the lying left start fact checking, I'll be over here not holding my breath for that to happen.

Its already been fact checked, you idiot.

You really are a dunce.
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!
It's not hard to find medical treatments...sorry, I forgot who I'm talking to, I meant to address you in words you understand...I mean "flavour enhancers" that have been researched and developed using fetal tissue.
Vaccines have been one of the chief public benefits of fetal tissue research. Vaccines for hepatitis A, German measles, chickenpox and rabies, for example, were developed using cell lines grown from tissue from two elective abortions, one in England and one in Sweden, that were performed in the 1960s.

German measles, also known as rubella, “caused 5,000 spontaneous abortions a year prior to the vaccine,” said Dr. Paul Offit, an infectious-disease specialist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “We wouldn’t have saved all those lives had it not been for those cells.”

Fetal tissue was “absolutely critical” to the development of a potential Ebola vaccine that has shown promise, said Dr. Carrie Wolinetz, an associate director at NIH, which last year handed out $76 million for work involving fetal tissue, or 0.2 percent of the agency’s research budget.
Scientists say fetal tissue remains essential for vaccines and developing treatments
Ah...a non-biased PBS article about how we need to kill save babies.

You realize that is EXACTLY the same argument the Nazis used to justify killing innocents, right?
I'm noticing no leftists are rushing in to the defense of this
They'll find a way.

One of them did, failed miserably but he usually fails miserably
When Snopes is the only rebuttal you have, you know you've got nothing.

There is simply no way to spin this as bias. Read the snopes claim - it is certainly more credible than the original cited article to say the least and it resoundingly refutes the blanket assertions made by the OP.

It is apparent that those refusing to acknowledge the points brought up WANT to be disillusioned into believing this tripe. I cannot imagine why though.
Those companies would be suing if it were not true. You just don't like the fact that they were exposed. You're the one trying to spin it.
No, the facts do not state otherwise and the claim that they would be suing is asinine.

If it were the NY times, then they might as there are real pockets there and actual influence. The OP's source though, no real money and no real readership. They also are essentially an op ed - there is almost nothing that can be sued. Do you also believe that the national enquirer stories about bat boy are true because of no lawsuits? Of course not and they actually do get a lot of readers. If they were to sue the false story would get a lot more attention as well and yet the same people that believe it now would shout about liberal judges blocking the truth. We know - it has been done here a dozen times before.

The first amendment allows VERY wide license, particularly with an internet that is nigh impossible to regulate.

It boils down to believing whatever yo read on the net simply because you agree with it. You should read things on the net with a MUCH more skeptical mind - there is FAR more bullshit than there is truth on the net.
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!
What are the huge profits...sorry, HUGE PROFITS...that PP has been making?
Do you have any figures?
$30-$50 a part doesn't seem much by the time you take off the time to rip it from the tiny body, wrap it blood-soaked rags,callously toss it in an envelope and jam a stamp on it.
I wouldn't think there would be much change from all that.
Shit, it has been more than two years since I heard this bullshit. And now here it is again. I'm just going to post exactly what I posted back in 2013.

Here is how it works.

Way back in 1972, a fetus was aborted in the Netherlands. Inside that fetus were some itty bitty kidney cells. Those itty bitty kidneys cells have been cultured and descendant cells have been grown from them.

Whatever cells Senomyx used are who knows how many generations removed from the original cells. Senomyx is the actual company which created the flavor enhancers used by Pepsi.

Senomyx is not the only company which uses this line of cells. Many vaccines, drugs, and tasty foods have been developed through the use of these cells.

Anyway, Senomyx then forced the cells to take up tiny pieces of DNA from an adenovirus.

The result is new cells which are not human in any way, but which have a weird and serendipitous characteristic. They have receptors shaped identically to certain taste receptors you have in your mouth.

A receptor is like a keyhole. And the flavor molecule is like a key. The trick is to create a flavor molecule that fits in the receptor.

If the flavor enhancer fits in the artificially created receptor, then it will fit into the taste receptors in your mouth.

(cue Weird Science by Oingo Boingo)

So if you drink Pepsi with those flavor enhancers, you are not consuming the fetal cells. Nor are you consuming their descendants. Nor are you consuming bits of adenovirus. You are consuming flavor enhancers which fit perfectly in your mouth.
Thank you G.

Very succinct and easy to understand.
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!
It's not hard to find medical treatments...sorry, I forgot who I'm talking to, I meant to address you in words you understand...I mean "flavour enhancers" that have been researched and developed using fetal tissue.
Vaccines have been one of the chief public benefits of fetal tissue research. Vaccines for hepatitis A, German measles, chickenpox and rabies, for example, were developed using cell lines grown from tissue from two elective abortions, one in England and one in Sweden, that were performed in the 1960s.

German measles, also known as rubella, “caused 5,000 spontaneous abortions a year prior to the vaccine,” said Dr. Paul Offit, an infectious-disease specialist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “We wouldn’t have saved all those lives had it not been for those cells.”

Fetal tissue was “absolutely critical” to the development of a potential Ebola vaccine that has shown promise, said Dr. Carrie Wolinetz, an associate director at NIH, which last year handed out $76 million for work involving fetal tissue, or 0.2 percent of the agency’s research budget.
Scientists say fetal tissue remains essential for vaccines and developing treatments

Let's see, suppose you are right and 5000 lives were saved at the cost of 330,000 lives! Sounds like a DEAL to me! A POTENTIAL EBOLA vaccine.... that has gotten $76 MILLION in government grants....which is only .2% of the research budget.... Do you realize how much of a GOV'T GRANT that research budget is? And just how much of that grant was SENT BACK TO THE DNC for a DONATION???? Do you know how to spell corruption? Copy it down!
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!
It's not hard to find medical treatments...sorry, I forgot who I'm talking to, I meant to address you in words you understand...I mean "flavour enhancers" that have been researched and developed using fetal tissue.
Vaccines have been one of the chief public benefits of fetal tissue research. Vaccines for hepatitis A, German measles, chickenpox and rabies, for example, were developed using cell lines grown from tissue from two elective abortions, one in England and one in Sweden, that were performed in the 1960s.

German measles, also known as rubella, “caused 5,000 spontaneous abortions a year prior to the vaccine,” said Dr. Paul Offit, an infectious-disease specialist at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. “We wouldn’t have saved all those lives had it not been for those cells.”

Fetal tissue was “absolutely critical” to the development of a potential Ebola vaccine that has shown promise, said Dr. Carrie Wolinetz, an associate director at NIH, which last year handed out $76 million for work involving fetal tissue, or 0.2 percent of the agency’s research budget.
Scientists say fetal tissue remains essential for vaccines and developing treatments
Ah...a non-biased PBS article about how we need to kill save babies.

You realize that is EXACTLY the same argument the Nazis used to justify killing innocents, right?
No. I didn't know that.
I'd love some might change my mind.
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!
What are the huge profits...sorry, HUGE PROFITS...that PP has been making?
Do you have any figures?
$30-$50 a part doesn't seem much by the time you take off the time to rip it from the tiny body, wrap it blood-soaked rags,callously toss it in an envelope and jam a stamp on it.
I wouldn't think there would be much change from all that.

Well genius, using just ONE abortion at $30 a head (undoubtedly it is much more for one aborted baby can supply brain, heart, liver, kidney's, and other parts, BUT $30 times 330,000 dead is just about $10 Million, now tell me that $10 million, on the very lowest side, isn't worth doing it for PP for the year!

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