Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!

wow are they in the wrong business

>>Family cord blood banks charge a first-year processing fee that ranges from about $1,400 to $2,300, plus annual storage costs of about $115 to $150. The banks offer payment plans, ranging from no-interest installments paid over a few months to longer-term financing with interest.<<
Ah...... But do they get HALF A BILLION DOLLARS a year from Federal grants?????

grants are not for tissue, but for serving the medical needs of women

No, they are given so the DNC and selected politicians can get back campaign donations! ...a few FAKE republican's also!

Planned Parenthood Contributions to Federal Candidates ... Money in Politics -- See Who s Giving Who s Getting/pacs/pacgot.php?cmte=C00314617&cycle=2008
... and donations to PACs, ... Planned Parenthood. Summary; ... Select a Cycle: House Total to Democrats: $256,176 Total to Republicans: $10,000; Recipient ...
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!
What are the huge profits...sorry, HUGE PROFITS...that PP has been making?
Do you have any figures?
$30-$50 a part doesn't seem much by the time you take off the time to rip it from the tiny body, wrap it blood-soaked rags,callously toss it in an envelope and jam a stamp on it.
I wouldn't think there would be much change from all that.

Well genius, using just ONE abortion at $30 a head (undoubtedly it is much more for one aborted baby can supply brain, heart, liver, kidney's, and other parts, BUT $30 times 330,000 dead is just about $10 Million, now tell me that $10 million, on the very lowest side, isn't worth doing it for PP for the year!
Where do you get 330,000 from?

You couldn't look it up...too hard, or it pisses you off to find out I'm right, as usual!

No, it amuses me that you're so retarded. :lol:
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!
What are the huge profits...sorry, HUGE PROFITS...that PP has been making?
Do you have any figures?
$30-$50 a part doesn't seem much by the time you take off the time to rip it from the tiny body, wrap it blood-soaked rags,callously toss it in an envelope and jam a stamp on it.
I wouldn't think there would be much change from all that.
Well, there's the change you get from the woman...and the change you get from the government...and on top of that, up to a couple hundred for the parts...

That's a substantial chunk. So apparently you, like most baby killers, don't understand how to gauge a profit, or why there is a conflict of interest in getting more money for older dead babies. Don't worry, your heroes at planned parenthood have got it all figured out.
You know, it would have been much shorter if you'd just typed "No, I have no evidence".
Except that's not what I meant, and that's certainly not true.

"Three Planned Parenthood Federation of America clinics in Florida were ordered to stop performing second-trimester abortions after an investigation found they didn’t have the proper licenses, the state Agency for Health Care Administration said Wednesday.
"The investigation also found one clinic that wasn't keeping proper logs relating to fetal remains, according to the agency.

Florida Investigation of Planned Parenthood Clinics Finds Deficiencies - WSJ
Before I open and read much profit does it say that PP are making by tearing apart these tiny babies and mailing their bits around the country?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!
What are the huge profits...sorry, HUGE PROFITS...that PP has been making?
Do you have any figures?
$30-$50 a part doesn't seem much by the time you take off the time to rip it from the tiny body, wrap it blood-soaked rags,callously toss it in an envelope and jam a stamp on it.
I wouldn't think there would be much change from all that.

Well genius, using just ONE abortion at $30 a head (undoubtedly it is much more for one aborted baby can supply brain, heart, liver, kidney's, and other parts, BUT $30 times 330,000 dead is just about $10 Million, now tell me that $10 million, on the very lowest side, isn't worth doing it for PP for the year!
Where do you get 330,000 from?

You couldn't look it up...too hard, or it pisses you off to find out I'm right, as usual!

No, it amuses me that you're so retarded. :lol:
Yes, your LOW 2 digit IQ always laughs when my 3 digit IQ bitch slaps you on the forum! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!

wow are they in the wrong business

>>Family cord blood banks charge a first-year processing fee that ranges from about $1,400 to $2,300, plus annual storage costs of about $115 to $150. The banks offer payment plans, ranging from no-interest installments paid over a few months to longer-term financing with interest.<<
Do you not understand the difference between harvesting baby organs, and using umbilical cord blood? One of these miracles requires a living child. The other a dead one. Think think think.

stem cells and fetal cells are almost identical, neutral cells that don't have an IQ yet for what they will become.

They are not "harvesting" organs. Tissue that would otherwise be disposed of as worm food to incinerated can be donated by the women for medical research use.

What are the similarities and differences between embryonic and adult stem cells Stem Cell Information
Myths and Misconceptions About Stem Cell Research California s Stem Cell Agency
I enjoy posting these from the terminally ill politicians of the left on abortion...especially this one who will be the Democratic candidate for president!

Unrepentant Baby Killers of the Reactionary Left

World Net Daily ^ | 8/12/2015 | Daniel Greenfield
Senator Elizabeth Warren shrilly denounced efforts to defund Planned Parenthood for trafficking in baby parts. "Do you have any idea what year it is?" she demanded. "Did you fall down, hit your head, and think you woke up in the 1950's or the 1890's?” Warren ought to know. She used to be a Republican, then she hit her head and has been stuck in 1848 ever since. But to understand why some people might have a problem with her favorite racist mass murdering organization, let’s try a visit back to 1926 instead. That was the year that the founder of...
"If you are anti-Planned Parenthood, your children may not be vaccinated! Punish the non-believers!"
So, you've changed your position in one post?
I see your pea sized brain can't handle 2 thoughts on the same subject as most moronic baby killer can't! Now tell us, what medical miracle has come out of USED BABY PARTS over the last decade, that we know of, PP has been selling off and making HUGE PROFITS from these body parts.....330,000 DEAD BABY a year. makes TONS of $30-$50 human baby parts!

wow are they in the wrong business

>>Family cord blood banks charge a first-year processing fee that ranges from about $1,400 to $2,300, plus annual storage costs of about $115 to $150. The banks offer payment plans, ranging from no-interest installments paid over a few months to longer-term financing with interest.<<
Do you not understand the difference between harvesting baby organs, and using umbilical cord blood? One of these miracles requires a living child. The other a dead one. Think think think.

stem cells and fetal cells are almost identical, neutral cells that don't have an IQ yet for what they will become.

They are not "harvesting" organs. Tissue that would otherwise be disposed of as worm food to incinerated can be donated by the women for medical research use.

What are the similarities and differences between embryonic and adult stem cells Stem Cell Information
Myths and Misconceptions About Stem Cell Research California s Stem Cell Agency

So do you ever feel scummy when faced with the fact that you lie to promote baby killing, and to hide the disgusting trade in dead baby meat that the killing facilitates?
What are the huge profits...sorry, HUGE PROFITS...that PP has been making?
Do you have any figures?
$30-$50 a part doesn't seem much by the time you take off the time to rip it from the tiny body, wrap it blood-soaked rags,callously toss it in an envelope and jam a stamp on it.
I wouldn't think there would be much change from all that.

Well genius, using just ONE abortion at $30 a head (undoubtedly it is much more for one aborted baby can supply brain, heart, liver, kidney's, and other parts, BUT $30 times 330,000 dead is just about $10 Million, now tell me that $10 million, on the very lowest side, isn't worth doing it for PP for the year!
Where do you get 330,000 from?

You couldn't look it up...too hard, or it pisses you off to find out I'm right, as usual!

No, it amuses me that you're so retarded. :lol:
Yes, your LOW 2 digit IQ always laughs when my 3 digit IQ bitch slaps you on the forum! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:

You're such an idiot, you possibly do think you bitch slap me. :cuckoo:

Here's a perfect example.... you idiotically claimed PP is making no less than $10m a year on selling dead baby pieces.

A) that's insanely retarded as it relies on the notion that they're selling pieces from every baby aborted.

B) that's unbelievably stupid since it's based on them having zero costs.

As usual, vagisil ... thanks for playing! :mm:
Last edited:
I'm not going to rehash the scientific and medical facts yet again in this post (or maybe it was another post, but who cares) when it is clear /you/ made up your mind on how it "should be" based upon /your personal/ beliefs. Go hunt out my previous many many posts on this subject if you want to evidence any curiosity about what I base my beliefs on.

Bottom line is that my beliefs differ from yours and you are not automatically right because you say so. Neither am I, which is why I said, change the law, don't lie about it.

The court happens to believe /my/ opinion is right at this time. If they change that opinion then so be it, but they're sure as fuck not going to do so based on videos that they've already ruled were /lies/ - that would be why they fucking banned putting anymore out.

Welcome to America, where the majority and law rule, not /your/ feelings alone. Yes?
Lying baby killer....the majority despises PP and the abortion game, and the courts did not "rule" that the videos were lies.

Lying to protect the sacred right of infanticide and abuse of women. You are a stellar person indeed....

Further more, you aren't going to *rehash* the science and the fact because the science and the facts don't support the disgusting practice. Science and facts work against you, so I can understand your reluctance to *rehash* what never existed in the first place. At least not on your side.

Yea your right, I'm just a fucking baby killer satan worshipper ~rolls eyes~

Ya'll chose to ignore the facts I did present regarding different medical camps idea of "when life began" because they didn't fit ya'lls agenda and have now segwayed into becoming unreasonable. Liberal tactics, why you think they'd work here I have no idea but w/e.

We'll see if I give a shit enough to go find the medical communities thoughts for you to ignore, yet again, later. At the moment I don't feel like it, sorry.

Actually, we're not talking about when life begins. We're talking about Planned Parenthood fabricating medical records, engaging in gruesome and illegal practices, and harvesting dead babies for profit...and whether or not they should be subsidized by the feds when they are breaking the law in the most egregious manner.

Separate. Issues.

Is that so, well then explain why the court has barred these videos from being displayed because they found them to be misleading? Are you arguing that the courts are in on this conspiracy theory to help PP make money off aborted fetal tissue?

No, I'm saying you are either baldfaced lying, or you just don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The court made no such "ruling".

Considering I never used the word "ruling" what-so-ever, who is the one bald faced lying here?

Tell me why the court banned them from releasing the other videos then?
"...abortion practitioner Caroline Hoke was accused of over-billing Medicaid an estimated $430,380 for mostly undocumented services. Hoke was the state’s fourth highest billing Medicaid physician, asking the taxpayers to fork over $3.9 million to her from 2009-2011 as she served as the Medical Director for Planned Parenthood of Illinois."

Planned Parenthood Must Pay 2 Million Settlement After Killing Woman in Abortion
Why no answer.... are you too embarrassed to reveal your sources?

Earlier, you claimed a majority are against PP. What is your source that makes that claim? Why won't you share it so we can all laugh at it?
"...abortion practitioner Caroline Hoke was accused of over-billing Medicaid an estimated $430,380 for mostly undocumented services. Hoke was the state’s fourth highest billing Medicaid physician, asking the taxpayers to fork over $3.9 million to her from 2009-2011 as she served as the Medical Director for Planned Parenthood of Illinois."

Planned Parenthood Must Pay 2 Million Settlement After Killing Woman in Abortion
That's a disgrace, I hope she's suitably punished.
"...abortion practitioner Caroline Hoke was accused of over-billing Medicaid an estimated $430,380 for mostly undocumented services. Hoke was the state’s fourth highest billing Medicaid physician, asking the taxpayers to fork over $3.9 million to her from 2009-2011 as she served as the Medical Director for Planned Parenthood of Illinois."

Planned Parenthood Must Pay 2 Million Settlement After Killing Woman in Abortion
Why no answer.... are you too embarrassed to reveal your sources?

Earlier, you claimed a majority are against PP. What is your source that makes that claim? Why won't you share it so we can all laugh at it?
I'm still waiting for answers to a couple of questions from her as well.
One was about Hitler and the other about the profit that PP make from selling 'baby' parts.
I'm glad I've got something else to do while I wait.
God damn even I underestimated the evil of the left.

You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.

Call me when the lying left start fact checking, I'll be over here not holding my breath for that to happen.

Is that when you're gonna start fact checking? Because you swallowed that bullshit accusation pretty quickly. And without any evidence to back the claim up.

You genuinely don't care if the accusation is true, do you?

I'm perfectly fine making up lies about the left, blatant lies. After all the left has been lying about the right for decades, its time they got a dose of their own medicine.

Then there we go. Not only do you not care if the claim is true, you'll gladly lie.

That tells us all we need to know about you.

The left dragged politics into the gutter with their incessant lies, half truths, spin. I see no reason why we shouldn't play by the same rules to level the playing field.
I'm not going to rehash the scientific and medical facts yet again in this post (or maybe it was another post, but who cares) when it is clear /you/ made up your mind on how it "should be" based upon /your personal/ beliefs. Go hunt out my previous many many posts on this subject if you want to evidence any curiosity about what I base my beliefs on.

Bottom line is that my beliefs differ from yours and you are not automatically right because you say so. Neither am I, which is why I said, change the law, don't lie about it.

The court happens to believe /my/ opinion is right at this time. If they change that opinion then so be it, but they're sure as fuck not going to do so based on videos that they've already ruled were /lies/ - that would be why they fucking banned putting anymore out.

Welcome to America, where the majority and law rule, not /your/ feelings alone. Yes?
Lying baby killer....the majority despises PP and the abortion game, and the courts did not "rule" that the videos were lies.

Lying to protect the sacred right of infanticide and abuse of women. You are a stellar person indeed....

Further more, you aren't going to *rehash* the science and the fact because the science and the facts don't support the disgusting practice. Science and facts work against you, so I can understand your reluctance to *rehash* what never existed in the first place. At least not on your side.
Where do you get your "stats" from? In a recent Rasmussen poll, respondents favor Planned Parenthood by a margin of 53% to 37%.

63% of voters or more, depending on poll, are opposed to defunding PP
Well genius, using just ONE abortion at $30 a head (undoubtedly it is much more for one aborted baby can supply brain, heart, liver, kidney's, and other parts, BUT $30 times 330,000 dead is just about $10 Million, now tell me that $10 million, on the very lowest side, isn't worth doing it for PP for the year!
Where do you get 330,000 from?

You couldn't look it up...too hard, or it pisses you off to find out I'm right, as usual!

No, it amuses me that you're so retarded. :lol:
Yes, your LOW 2 digit IQ always laughs when my 3 digit IQ bitch slaps you on the forum! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::321:

You're such an idiot, you possibly do think you bitch slap me. :cuckoo:

Here's a perfect example.... you idiotically claimed PP is making no less than $10m a year on selling dead baby pieces.

A) that's insanely retarded as it relies on the notion that they're selling piece from every baby aborted.

B) that's unbelievably stupid since it's based on them having zero costs.

As usual, vagisil ... thanks for playing! :mm:

Well, IQ challenged, I went with the LOW valuation, the high valuation ismuch more $150 and up, so even with many less specimens, the rate of return is tremendous...You're so easy! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.

Call me when the lying left start fact checking, I'll be over here not holding my breath for that to happen.

Is that when you're gonna start fact checking? Because you swallowed that bullshit accusation pretty quickly. And without any evidence to back the claim up.

You genuinely don't care if the accusation is true, do you?

I'm perfectly fine making up lies about the left, blatant lies. After all the left has been lying about the right for decades, its time they got a dose of their own medicine.

Then there we go. Not only do you not care if the claim is true, you'll gladly lie.

That tells us all we need to know about you.

The left dragged politics into the gutter with their incessant lies, half truths, spin. I see no reason why we shouldn't play by the same rules to level the playing field.

You've already admitted you're a blatant liar. I really can't trust anything you say.
You realize that the accusation is complete horseshit, right? don't really care if its true, do you? You're not going to question the claim or fact check a thing, are you? You're just gonna nod.

Call me when the lying left start fact checking, I'll be over here not holding my breath for that to happen.

Is that when you're gonna start fact checking? Because you swallowed that bullshit accusation pretty quickly. And without any evidence to back the claim up.

You genuinely don't care if the accusation is true, do you?

I'm perfectly fine making up lies about the left, blatant lies. After all the left has been lying about the right for decades, its time they got a dose of their own medicine.

Then there we go. Not only do you not care if the claim is true, you'll gladly lie.

That tells us all we need to know about you.

The left dragged politics into the gutter with their incessant lies, half truths, spin. I see no reason why we shouldn't play by the same rules to level the playing field.
never argue with a (liar) - they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

IOW, if you want to play using what you think is the democrat handbook you are guaranteed to lose - they are better at being democrats than you are.
"...abortion practitioner Caroline Hoke was accused of over-billing Medicaid an estimated $430,380 for mostly undocumented services. Hoke was the state’s fourth highest billing Medicaid physician, asking the taxpayers to fork over $3.9 million to her from 2009-2011 as she served as the Medical Director for Planned Parenthood of Illinois."

Planned Parenthood Must Pay 2 Million Settlement After Killing Woman in Abortion
Why no answer.... are you too embarrassed to reveal your sources?

Earlier, you claimed a majority are against PP. What is your source that makes that claim? Why won't you share it so we can all laugh at it?
I'm still waiting for answers to a couple of questions from her as well.
One was about Hitler and the other about the profit that PP make from selling 'baby' parts.
I'm glad I've got something else to do while I wait.
Seems to me, she's embarrassed by what she posts.

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