Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

America Needs a Code for Babies,” 27 Mar 1934

Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.

April 1932 Birth Control Review, pg. 108

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12.

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Hitler's remedy for the "perpetually pregnant" was gas. Sanger's was control of the wombs of others.

This shows that in 1922, people already understood Margaret's motives and she was seeking to sugarcoat things in order to get them to go along. In later years, she toned it down and only talked about helping women because that was what people wanted to hear. I think she was radical and wished to reduce the population of blacks and religious people.

No, she didn't want the word to go out that she was a racist and had to take steps to convince people otherwise. I think many liberals today love the idea of a cleaner race and many admit to wanting population control.
You think......and yet either no evidence or made up evidence.
A business that sells a "commodity" will go out of business unless they can supply to meet the demand. Selling body parts means they need bodies. The more lucrative the more incentive. Teachers are taking kids out of school and sending them to the commodity gathering factory while you think your child is in class.
And we subsidize it.

What is this "business" you speak of?

PP's profits are in the millions each year. They are a business and they make money. Yet, the Dems like to give them more money to make sure they won't go out of business.

Really? Who besides RW nutbags such as yourself calls them a "business"?

"Planned Parenthood, whose top doctor was caught on video discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies, has received more than $27 million from taxpayers this year."

Washington Free Beacon

Sounds like quite a lucrative business to me.

IOW, it's just a wingnut thing.

(Which I already knew, but it's good to get confirmation)
" The costs to which Ferraro alludes would not apply in abortions, since that is a paid-for procedure by the mother. Transportation costs would almost certainly not apply on a body-part basis either, especially with the wide disparities of price noted by PP’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola in the video.
"The context of the video was clearly not reimbursement for transportation of random tissue. Nucatola talks extensively about the demand for specific body parts in relation to price. “A lot of people want liver,” Nucatola states, and then explains how they train their staff to perform these abortions so that PP clinics can harvest organs to meet specific demand, and then make the sale. At one point, Nucatola even talks about body parts being on a “menu.”

Planned Parenthood responds Nucatola s just talking about reimbursements Update Jindal orders LA probe halt to PP license Update Unedited 3-hour video added Hot Air
A business that sells a "commodity" will go out of business unless they can supply to meet the demand. Selling body parts means they need bodies. The more lucrative the more incentive. Teachers are taking kids out of school and sending them to the commodity gathering factory while you think your child is in class.
And we subsidize it.

What is this "business" you speak of?

PP's profits are in the millions each year. They are a business and they make money. Yet, the Dems like to give them more money to make sure they won't go out of business.

Really? Who besides RW nutbags such as yourself calls them a "business"?

"Planned Parenthood, whose top doctor was caught on video discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies, has received more than $27 million from taxpayers this year."

Washington Free Beacon

Sounds like quite a lucrative business to me.

IOW, it's just a wingnut thing.

(Which I already knew, but it's good to get confirmation)

Yes, a left wingnut, baby killing for profit thing. I'm glad to accommodate you.
"The reporter posing as a buyer asks Nucatola why he can’t just coordinate the sales with the national office. “We have a Litigation and Law Department which just really doesn’t want us to be the middle people for this issue right now,” and that their lawyers consider it “too touchy” for the national office. “But I will tell you that behind these closed doors,” Nucatola explains further, “these conversations are happening with the affiliates.”

You guys skip over section c so readily, I wonder why?

You're an idiot, do you think Senators and Governors are getting involved if this wasn't serious? Good grief

Like they wouldn't knowingly use such a truthiness moment to further their careers?

You've become annoying in defense of the baby killing body snatchers

You're still wrapped up in truthiness. I know, deep down in your gut, it feel like the truth doesn't it?
"This is about illegal trafficking in aborted babies, and what Nucatola describes is an organized strategy to cover it up. Congress should demand an immediate investigation into this practice."

"They tell mothers that it’s just a “clump of cells” being removed, but then sell them as human organs to the highest bidders. Talk about cognitive dissonance."

Planned Parenthood responds Nucatola s just talking about reimbursements Update Jindal orders LA probe halt to PP license Update Unedited 3-hour video added Hot Air
You guys skip over section c so readily, I wonder why?

You're an idiot, do you think Senators and Governors are getting involved if this wasn't serious? Good grief

Like they wouldn't knowingly use such a truthiness moment to further their careers?

You've become annoying in defense of the baby killing body snatchers

You're still wrapped up in truthiness. I know, deep down in your gut, it feel like the truth doesn't it?

You're pretty much an annoying idiot, annoying idiots annoy me
What is this "business" you speak of?

PP's profits are in the millions each year. They are a business and they make money. Yet, the Dems like to give them more money to make sure they won't go out of business.

Really? Who besides RW nutbags such as yourself calls them a "business"?

"Planned Parenthood, whose top doctor was caught on video discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies, has received more than $27 million from taxpayers this year."

Washington Free Beacon

Sounds like quite a lucrative business to me.

IOW, it's just a wingnut thing.

(Which I already knew, but it's good to get confirmation)

Yes, a left wingnut, baby killing for profit thing. I'm glad to accommodate you.

Except it's really not.
Thing is, Go to a surgeon with a problem, and he'll try to convince you that you need surgery. Go to a dealer to get your wrecked car fixed and they'll tell you that you need a new car. Go to planned parenthood and they'll tell you you need an abortion.

Go to school and the nurse will give you a pregnancy test, and 5 minutes after you find out you are pregnant, you're on your way to the abortion clinic. If it is lucrative to sell what that confused child is carrying, do you think she's going to get a plan for parenthood, or a gown and stirrups?

And how many of those herded children will grow up to regret the school's/gov./pp decision? How about removing the parents of the child from the decision? If they had done something like that to one of my girls without my permission, I can't eventell you what my response would have been.
You sound idiotic. A school nurse cant even suggest a child go to get an abortion.
You guys skip over section c so readily, I wonder why?

You're an idiot, do you think Senators and Governors are getting involved if this wasn't serious? Good grief

Like they wouldn't knowingly use such a truthiness moment to further their careers?

You've become annoying in defense of the baby killing body snatchers

You're still wrapped up in truthiness. I know, deep down in your gut, it feel like the truth doesn't it?

You're pretty much an annoying idiot, annoying idiots annoy me

so what happened when a similar undercover video found a similar thing in 2000.

I can find Congress addressing it, but not much else.

20/20 Exposes Trafficking In Fetal Body Parts - National ...
National Right to Life Committee
The smoldering controversy over the harvesting of fetal body parts burst into flames ... 20/20 cast new light on the shadowy world of abortion clinics, body part ... in its February 26, 2000, edition, quoted pro-abortion militant Congressman He

Today in Congress - The Washington Post
The Washington Post
Mar 9, 2000 - 2123 RHOB. "Fetal Tissue: Is It Being Bought and Sold in Violation of Federal Law?" 2322 RHOB. Commerce--10 a.m. Telecommunications, .
I went and looked at this video

.....and I am trying to find out what was illegal. Everything PP discussed was on the up and up. Also, I don't think this is any different from obtaining organs from a cadaver or organ donor.

Is it because we are talking about fetus that we should be outraged? Just wondering.

Er, no. Selling baby parts is illegal. As is partial birth abortion, which she stated they were doing, and described how they were doing. In detail.

PS...I will remember that you stated once upon a time that the video was cool. Like the next time you claim that PP would never consider engaging in harvesting body parts or performing illegal abortions.

It sounds like this is the same as organ donation after death and requires prior consent of the pregnant woman after she chosen an abortion. It doesn't sound like anyone is getting paid for it. Is it any different than organ donation in an adult?

You're a liar. It isn't organ donation, and the partial birth abortion being described as the method to extract and kill the babies is ILLEGAL.

Because you say so....


So you're a liar. Ok, no surprise there.

It says very clearly at the beginning of this video that the story they're reporting that the story is from the year 2000.

Have there been any recent developments that have spurred this new interest in such an old story?

It says very clearly at the beginning of this video that the story they're reporting that the story is from the year 2000.

Have there been any recent developments that have spurred this new interest in such an old story?

That would explain why its not on any of the major news sites Even Fox is not touching this.
PP's profits are in the millions each year. They are a business and they make money. Yet, the Dems like to give them more money to make sure they won't go out of business.

Really? Who besides RW nutbags such as yourself calls them a "business"?

"Planned Parenthood, whose top doctor was caught on video discussing the sale of body parts from aborted babies, has received more than $27 million from taxpayers this year."

Washington Free Beacon

Sounds like quite a lucrative business to me.

IOW, it's just a wingnut thing.

(Which I already knew, but it's good to get confirmation)

Yes, a left wingnut, baby killing for profit thing. I'm glad to accommodate you.

Except it's really not.
$27 million in income from the feds says otherwise.

On top of the nice juicy $$$ they get from the poor victimized women themselves.
No Federal Law Broken In Sale of Fetal Body Parts, US ...
Cybercast News Service
Jul 7, 2008 - Miles Jones, the owner of Opening Lines, a West Frankfort, Ill., company involved in the sale of fetal body parts to researchers, had been placed ...

Witness: no knowledge of fetal tissue sales -
Witness no knowledge of fetal tissue sales -
Mar 10, 2000 -

"The National Institutes of Health has set $100 as that allowable price, a flat fee per transaction. The committee's GOP majority said there appeared to be no federal enforcement of the law barring profiteering. Republicans who spoke during the hearing said, however, they were not attempting to ban research using fetal tissue, a battle that had been fought in previous years.

Committee Democrats produced an affidavit Alberty had given on Jan. 20 for a breach-of-contract suit brought by his former employer that contradicted many of the statements he made on the TV program. Alberty told the committee the statements he gave in the affidavit were the correct version of his experience while working for Anatomic Gift in an unidentified city in Kansas. In the affidavit, Alberty said that contrary to some of his testimony on the show, he had no personal knowledge that the fetal tissue he collected was being sold for profit, knew of no instances in which a physician altered an abortion procedure for the sole purpose of obtaining fetal tissue and knew of only one instance in which he believed a fetus being dissected for tissue had reached viability.

Alberty also said in the affidavit that he still believed a woman should have the right to an abortion and in donation of fetal tissue for medical research."

So it seems there is fee limit in what is charged, and the problem is if there is a profit involved,

It says very clearly at the beginning of this video that the story they're reporting that the story is from the year 2000.

Have there been any recent developments that have spurred this new interest in such an old story?

That would explain why its not on any of the major news sites Even Fox is not touching this.

Kinda like that "soldiers found WMDs in Iraq" story that still pops up every now and then.

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