Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

So you're perfectly fine with it?

Absent them breaking any laws, you're okay with them dissecting babies and selling the parts like an Auto Salvage Yard?

You're down with that?

Of course you are, you're a scum of the earth dimocrap.

You mean salvaging the donated tissue for scientific research, yeah sure, better than burning it for electricity don't you think?

It's illegal....not that hard to grasp

Not if certain guidelines and procedures are followed--normally outlined by the very laws your favorite politicians claimed makes it illegal.

Think about it--If what you said was true, then the video I showed you is evidence of a conspiracy. Yet the good doctor has not faced any charges and is still in her position.

Strange, is it not?

Gov Jindal is launching an investigation and has asked the FBI for their assistance, charges may very well be pending.

The story broke in 2000!

oh shit- really? 15 years ago an dno charges? :lol:

You do know that a woman can have a full term baby, NOT FETUS, baby's neck slit while in the process of giving birth, if she doesn't like it's hair color, right? A viable baby that is partially out of the woman's body, and is breathing and alive on it own. Slit a puppy's neck and watch the outrage. Killing children is ok though, especially if you can sell it's parts.


Really now?

I'd like to see some evidence to support this.
I went and looked at this video

.....and I am trying to find out what was illegal. Everything PP discussed was on the up and up. Also, I don't think this is any different from obtaining organs from a cadaver or organ donor.

Is it because we are talking about fetus that we should be outraged? Just wondering.

Did the unborn give consent to have his/her body donated? You can't take organs without explicit consent, and even then the family can stop it.

The fetus isn't a person.

African slaves were once considered less human than their white counterparts. Did it make them less human?

A fetus isn't a person.

Are you going to grant personhood to sperm now?
When I saw the title of this thread I knew that some worthless scum sucking piece of lying CON$ervoFascist shit would post this photoshopped picture.

Here is the original:

Lol the picture did look doctored lol. But her quotes aren't photoshopped nor is her kkk connections lol. And calling me a fascist anx not Sanger is a big LOL

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The law seems clear enough....

(a) Purchase of tissue
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.
(b) Solicitation or acceptance of tissue as directed donation for use in transplantation
It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit or knowingly acquire, receive, or accept a donation of human fetal tissue for the purpose of transplantation of such tissue into another person if the donation affects interstate commerce, the tissue will be or is obtained pursuant to an induced abortion, and—
(1) the donation will be or is made pursuant to a promise to the donating individual that the donated tissue will be transplanted into a recipient specified by such individual;
(2) the donated tissue will be transplanted into a relative of the donating individual; or
(3) the person who solicits or knowingly acquires, receives, or accepts the donation has provided valuable consideration for the costs associated with such abortion.
(c) Solicitation or acceptance of tissue from fetuses gestated for research purposes
It shall be unlawful for any person or entity involved or engaged in interstate commerce to—
(1) solicit or knowingly acquire, receive, or accept a donation of human fetal tissue knowing that a human pregnancy was deliberately initiated to provide such tissue; or
(2) knowingly acquire, receive, or accept tissue or cells obtained from a human embryo or fetus that was gestated in the uterus of a nonhuman animal.

42 U.S. Code 289g 2 - Prohibitions regarding human fetal tissue US Law LII Legal Information Institute

Have a lawyer explain it to you.

My husband is an attorney, he says if this is true PP is so fugged

It's true. They're already calling for a criminal investigation and Jindal is on it.

That doesn't make it true.
When I saw the title of this thread I knew that some worthless scum sucking piece of lying CON$ervoFascist shit would post this photoshopped picture.

Here is the original:

Lol it did look photoshopped to me but her quotes and kkk connections aren't photoshopped lol and calling me a fascist and not Sanger is a Big LOL :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The evidence is overwhelming. There are photos of her giving speeches to the KKK

Provide it then.

All you will do is claim it's a photoshop. Google Sanger, KKK, speech it will pop up
Yeah, easy prediction for the lying scum to make because it WAS PHOTOSHOPPED!
Wow you sound hysterical.
The truth always sounds hysterical to worthless lying scum!
Someone needs a breather lol

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" The costs to which Ferraro alludes would not apply in abortions, since that is a paid-for procedure by the mother. Transportation costs would almost certainly not apply on a body-part basis either, especially with the wide disparities of price noted by PP’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola in the video.
"The context of the video was clearly not reimbursement for transportation of random tissue. Nucatola talks extensively about the demand for specific body parts in relation to price. “A lot of people want liver,” Nucatola states, and then explains how they train their staff to perform these abortions so that PP clinics can harvest organs to meet specific demand, and then make the sale. At one point, Nucatola even talks about body parts being on a “menu.”

Planned Parenthood responds Nucatola s just talking about reimbursements Update Jindal orders LA probe halt to PP license Update Unedited 3-hour video added Hot Air

You're talking about a claim of supposedly hours and hours of investigative evidence, original sources and testimony that only produced one 8-minute, heavily edited video.

Why is it they don't show the entire unedited video?
So what's happened recently to renew interest in this?
Give up, baby killer.

I could, but I think I'll ask again: why is this suddenly getting such renewed attention?

Got a pretty good idea your answer is gonna be something like, "Give up, baby killer".

It's never been released before. And it's not from 2000, liar. So give up, baby killer.

You're not answering the question and I'm guessing it's not because you don't understand it.

The "question" such as it was was already addressed. Go peddle baby killing elsewhere, scum. Coyote is around here somewhere. Maybe you two can go in together and pick up some commissions for the pregnant girls you drag in.


That's all you can come up with.

You do know that a woman can have a full term baby, NOT FETUS, baby's neck slit while in the process of giving birth, if she doesn't like it's hair color, right? A viable baby that is partially out of the woman's body, and is breathing and alive on it own. Slit a puppy's neck and watch the outrage. Killing children is ok though, especially if you can sell it's parts.


Really now?

I'd like to see some evidence to support this.

Yeah, really now. Here is congressional testimony of 1 nurse who lived it.
She had no reason to lie. You can google the full report, lest you cry context, context, but it was a bit long to post, so the question is:
Was she lying? If so why?
And only a idiot would use snopes.soros or factcheck.soros as the end all of truthfulness. That works only if you are one of those gullible stupid Americans he's so found of...

Here’s a little bit from Stanek’s testimony before Congress:

One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down’s syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him and she did not have time to hold him. I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived. He was about 22 weeks old, weighed about a half a pound, and was about 10 inches long, about the size of my hand. He was too weak to move very much, expending any energy that he had trying to breathe. Toward the end of his life he was so quiet that I couldn’t tell if he was still alive unless I held him up to the light to see if his little heart was still beating through his chest wall. After he was pronounced dead, we folded his little arms across his chest, tied his hands together with a string, wrapped him in a tiny shroud, and carried him to the hospital morgue where all of our other dead patients go
Dr. Joseph Melnick was convicted of infanticide and unlawful abortion after the death of 32-week infant girl (3 lb, 9 oz) born during an abortion Melnick performed on a 13-year-old girl at what was then West Park Hospital, Philadelphia, in 1984. The nursing supervisor testified that "Baby Girl Smith" showed signs of life and gasped and moaned following the abortion, others in room pointed out infant's condition and requested that Melnick aid the infant. The nursing supervisor attempted CPR on the baby, detecting a heartbeat. She found a death certificate filled out by Melnick stating that the infant was stillborn. She tore up the death certificate, whereupon Mewlnick filled out a birth certificate for the infant. Another doctor ordered resuscitation, but the baby died after 90 minutes. Melnick indicated on medical records that he observed "agonal breathing" in the infant, which he defined for the judge as "It's the last effort a human being makes to sustain life." After the judge asked him three times he admitted that agonal breathing would not be observed in a stillborn infant. An autopsy found that the infant had a full head of hair, and skin typical of a term infant. Melnick allegedly admitted, "After the fact, it occurred to me that I had miscalculated." He also admitted that when the patient insisted that she was four months pregnant, Melnick noted the size of the infant and told her "if that's true, your baby would have been 18 pounds at birth." Melnick's defense claimed that the prosecution was based on "frustration raised over the abortion issue" rather than the evidence, and that a conviction would have "chilling effect" on other doctors' willinglness to perform abortions. (LA Times Magazine 1-7-90; Houston Chronicle 6-13-89; United Press International 10-3-84; Associated Press 3-16-89, 5-13-89, 6-12-89, 12-20-89
When I saw the title of this thread I knew that some worthless scum sucking piece of lying CON$ervoFascist shit would post this photoshopped picture.

Here is the original:

When I saw the title of this thread I knew that some worthless scum sucking piece of lying CON$ervoFascist shit would post this photoshopped picture.

Here is the original:

Are you just upset about the picture or do you challenge the entire idea that she spoke at KKK rallies?

Are you just upset about the picture or do you challenge the entire idea that she spoke at KKK rallies?


Can you guys manage the truth for once?

She did not speak at "KKK Rallies". She gave a talk, on birth control, one time, to the women's auxiliary of the KKK. The effing picture isn't even a well done photoshop.

Margaret Sanger - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
In 1926, Sanger gave a lecture on birth control to the women's auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey.[47] She described it as "one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing," and added that she had to use only "the most elementary terms, as though I were trying to make children understand."[47] Sanger's talk was well received by the group, and as a result, "a dozen invitations to similar groups were proffered."[47]

You do know that a woman can have a full term baby, NOT FETUS, baby's neck slit while in the process of giving birth, if she doesn't like it's hair color, right? A viable baby that is partially out of the woman's body, and is breathing and alive on it own. Slit a puppy's neck and watch the outrage. Killing children is ok though, especially if you can sell it's parts.


Really now?

I'd like to see some evidence to support this.

Yeah, really now. Here is congressional testimony of 1 nurse who lived it.
She had no reason to lie. You can google the full report, lest you cry context, context, but it was a bit long to post, so the question is:
Was she lying? If so why?
And only a idiot would use snopes.soros or factcheck.soros as the end all of truthfulness. That works only if you are one of those gullible stupid Americans he's so found of...

Here’s a little bit from Stanek’s testimony before Congress:

One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down’s syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him and she did not have time to hold him. I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived. He was about 22 weeks old, weighed about a half a pound, and was about 10 inches long, about the size of my hand. He was too weak to move very much, expending any energy that he had trying to breathe. Toward the end of his life he was so quiet that I couldn’t tell if he was still alive unless I held him up to the light to see if his little heart was still beating through his chest wall. After he was pronounced dead, we folded his little arms across his chest, tied his hands together with a string, wrapped him in a tiny shroud, and carried him to the hospital morgue where all of our other dead patients go

Factcheck and snopes are both decent sources. You just don't like it because they don't agree with you.

I'm asking for evidence of your claim: "... a full term baby, NOT FETUS, baby's neck slit while in the process of giving birth, if she doesn't like it's hair color, right?..."
Dr. Joseph Melnick was convicted of infanticide and unlawful abortion after the death of 32-week infant girl (3 lb, 9 oz) born during an abortion Melnick performed on a 13-year-old girl at what was then West Park Hospital, Philadelphia, in 1984. The nursing supervisor testified that "Baby Girl Smith" showed signs of life and gasped and moaned following the abortion, others in room pointed out infant's condition and requested that Melnick aid the infant. The nursing supervisor attempted CPR on the baby, detecting a heartbeat. She found a death certificate filled out by Melnick stating that the infant was stillborn. She tore up the death certificate, whereupon Mewlnick filled out a birth certificate for the infant. Another doctor ordered resuscitation, but the baby died after 90 minutes. Melnick indicated on medical records that he observed "agonal breathing" in the infant, which he defined for the judge as "It's the last effort a human being makes to sustain life." After the judge asked him three times he admitted that agonal breathing would not be observed in a stillborn infant. An autopsy found that the infant had a full head of hair, and skin typical of a term infant. Melnick allegedly admitted, "After the fact, it occurred to me that I had miscalculated." He also admitted that when the patient insisted that she was four months pregnant, Melnick noted the size of the infant and told her "if that's true, your baby would have been 18 pounds at birth." Melnick's defense claimed that the prosecution was based on "frustration raised over the abortion issue" rather than the evidence, and that a conviction would have "chilling effect" on other doctors' willinglness to perform abortions. (LA Times Magazine 1-7-90; Houston Chronicle 6-13-89; United Press International 10-3-84; Associated Press 3-16-89, 5-13-89, 6-12-89, 12-20-89

Irish - you need to provide links for your quotes.
" The costs to which Ferraro alludes would not apply in abortions, since that is a paid-for procedure by the mother. Transportation costs would almost certainly not apply on a body-part basis either, especially with the wide disparities of price noted by PP’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola in the video.
"The context of the video was clearly not reimbursement for transportation of random tissue. Nucatola talks extensively about the demand for specific body parts in relation to price. “A lot of people want liver,” Nucatola states, and then explains how they train their staff to perform these abortions so that PP clinics can harvest organs to meet specific demand, and then make the sale. At one point, Nucatola even talks about body parts being on a “menu.”

Planned Parenthood responds Nucatola s just talking about reimbursements Update Jindal orders LA probe halt to PP license Update Unedited 3-hour video added Hot Air

You're talking about a claim of supposedly hours and hours of investigative evidence, original sources and testimony that only produced one 8-minute, heavily edited video.

Why is it they don't show the entire unedited video?

They have....go find it...3 hours long...
This story is all over the internet, PP will bite it on this one. You own it libs

Best comment so far.... "Weird how clumps of cells magically become "intact livers and hearts" once it's time for Planned Parenthood to harvest that baby for cash."
Stil fucking lying, a Lassie?
Issues like gay marriage and abortion and just the dead skunk issues the Dems like to throw around. Last time it was their "War on Women".

Walker has alot of class and isn't stupid enough to let himself fall into those traps. He actually side-stepped a couple questions while being interviewed on FOX News last night, by stating it was too early to weigh in on the subject before he had more information.
The right used these issues as wedge issues in the past. Now that the nation has decided the Democrats are right, they are going to try to ignore them. Why should Walker be permitted to not tell us what he will do on these two issues? He has advanced draconian anti-abortion legislation in his state; laws that treat women like children. Those actions are entirely relevant to whether or not he should get a person's vote.

What's "draconian" about having an expectant mother to have an ultra-sound before having an abortion? Is defunding an organization started by a self-admitted racist who sought to reduce the population of blacks "draconian"? And how does any bill Walker passed treat woman like "children"? His own Lt. Governor is a woman, are you saying Walker hates women? His concealed carry law gives women the same right to defend themselves, as men. Besides, what difference does it make what he does? You're not going to vote for him or any other Republican, you're going to waste your vote on "Hillary/Sanders/Biden/Insert Communist of your choice here."
That was one of the provisions. The law that requires that doctors have admitting privileges is absolutely designed to make it more difficult for women to have a perfectly legal procedure. There is no reason for this law other than to interfere with the right of a woman to have access to abortion. There is no medical reason to require an ultrasound. None. It is a law that suggests that women are really not aware of what the are doing when they decide to have an abortion. It is a violation of their rights to force them to undergo any kind of medical procedure. As for the idiotic comments about guns, was it unlawful from women to carry a concealed weapon before while it was legal for men? What a moronic example. And your comments about Planned parenthood mimic the same lies that other of your ilk spread. I have voted for Republicans.. for the US Senate, for Congress and for Governor of my state. I will not vote for Walker because of his far right views; views that are out of touch with the American public.
I don't know how much of that is pandering to idiot righties...but the anti abortion issue, above all others, is rank with hysteria and ignorance. And unusually enough, not from both sides. It's a rare example of righties being wrong about everything on one issue

Conservatives are not anti-abortion. While we believe abortion is basically the murder of an unborn human being, there are special cases where abortion is justified.

Conservatives mainly have an issue with taxpayer-funded abortions, or the forcing of religious-based medical facilities to perform them.

We also believe it's up to each individual state to define abortion policies, not one broad policy dictated by the federal government. After all, abortion is a violation of that unborn person's Constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Sadly, those on the left consider an unborn child to be no more than a "growth" which can be removed and tossed in a trash can.
There are no taxpayer funded abortions and no religious hospital has ever been forced to perform them. Idiot.
The right used these issues as wedge issues in the past. Now that the nation has decided the Democrats are right, they are going to try to ignore them. Why should Walker be permitted to not tell us what he will do on these two issues? He has advanced draconian anti-abortion legislation in his state; laws that treat women like children. Those actions are entirely relevant to whether or not he should get a person's vote.

What's "draconian" about having an expectant mother to have an ultra-sound before having an abortion? Is defunding an organization started by a self-admitted racist who sought to reduce the population of blacks "draconian"? And how does any bill Walker passed treat woman like "children"? His own Lt. Governor is a woman, are you saying Walker hates women? His concealed carry law gives women the same right to defend themselves, as men. Besides, what difference does it make what he does? You're not going to vote for him or any other Republican, you're going to waste your vote on "Hillary/Sanders/Biden/Insert Communist of your choice here."
That was one of the provisions. The law that requires that doctors have admitting privileges is absolutely designed to make it more difficult for women to have a perfectly legal procedure. There is no reason for this law other than to interfere with the right of a woman to have access to abortion. There is no medical reason to require an ultrasound. None. It is a law that suggests that women are really not aware of what the are doing when they decide to have an abortion. It is a violation of their rights to force them to undergo any kind of medical procedure. As for the idiotic comments about guns, was it unlawful from women to carry a concealed weapon before while it was legal for men? What a moronic example. And your comments about Planned parenthood mimic the same lies that other of your ilk spread. I have voted for Republicans.. for the US Senate, for Congress and for Governor of my state. I will not vote for Walker because of his far right views; views that are out of touch with the American public.
I don't know how much of that is pandering to idiot righties...but the anti abortion issue, above all others, is rank with hysteria and ignorance. And unusually enough, not from both sides. It's a rare example of righties being wrong about everything on one issue

Conservatives are not anti-abortion. While we believe abortion is basically the murder of an unborn human being, there are special cases where abortion is justified.

Conservatives mainly have an issue with taxpayer-funded abortions, or the forcing of religious-based medical facilities to perform them.

We also believe it's up to each individual state to define abortion policies, not one broad policy dictated by the federal government. After all, abortion is a violation of that unborn person's Constitutional right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Sadly, those on the left consider an unborn child to be no more than a "growth" which can be removed and tossed in a trash can.
There are no taxpayer funded abortions and no religious hospital has ever been forced to perform them. Idiot.

There are anti-abortion protesters outside of several Catholic hospitals I know of, fucktard. Maybe you should spend less time watching the Daily Show and MSNBC and take a look around you.

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