Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

So you're perfectly fine with it?

Absent them breaking any laws, you're okay with them dissecting babies and selling the parts like an Auto Salvage Yard?

You're down with that?

Of course you are, you're a scum of the earth dimocrap.

You mean salvaging the donated tissue for scientific research, yeah sure, better than burning it for electricity don't you think?

It's illegal....not that hard to grasp

Not if certain guidelines and procedures are followed--normally outlined by the very laws your favorite politicians claimed makes it illegal.

Think about it--If what you said was true, then the video I showed you is evidence of a conspiracy. Yet the good doctor has not faced any charges and is still in her position.

Strange, is it not?

Gov Jindal is launching an investigation and has asked the FBI for their assistance, charges may very well be pending.
Oh, I'm sure he plan on apologizing on the board if nothing comes of it?

Something has already come of it.

"Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal announced Tuesday he is directing his state’s Department of Health and Hospitals to launch an investigation into Planned Parenthood."

"“This same organization is seeking to open an abortion clinic in New Orleans,” he continued. “I have instructed Louisiana’s Department of Health and Hospitals to conduct an immediate investigation into this alleged evil and illegal activity and to not issue any licenses until this investigation is complete. I am also asking the FBI to assist DHH in investigating this alleged criminal activity by this organization.”

Jindal Announces Planned Parenthood Investigation Halts Licenses for New Abortion Clinic - Breitbart

The FBI doesn't give a shit, but meh.
It stands if I ask it again: why the renewed interest in this subject?
To re-stoke public opinion against the practice.
I could, but I think I'll ask again: why is this suddenly getting such renewed attention?

Got a pretty good idea your answer is gonna be something like, "Give up, baby killer".

It's never been released before. And it's not from 2000, liar. So give up, baby killer.

You're not answering the question and I'm guessing it's not because you don't understand it.

The "question" such as it was was already addressed. Go peddle baby killing elsewhere, scum. Coyote is around here somewhere. Maybe you two can go in together and pick up some commissions for the pregnant girls you drag in.
Stop being dramatic and answer the question.

She won't because she knows the answer and won't admit it.

g5000 is right when he says this is to re-stoke public opinion against the practice but it's also to get raving RW nutbags such as KG all stoked up in general. If this isn't any different than the example given from 2000, then nothing is likely to come of it, as unsavory as it is.
It's already been answered. You ask a question that presumes that this is an *old* issue from 2000, and the video is from 2000. We established that you were lying.

So let's move on, hmmm?
It stands if I ask it again: why the renewed interest in this subject?
To re-stoke public opinion against the practice.
It's never been released before. And it's not from 2000, liar. So give up, baby killer.

You're not answering the question and I'm guessing it's not because you don't understand it.

The "question" such as it was was already addressed. Go peddle baby killing elsewhere, scum. Coyote is around here somewhere. Maybe you two can go in together and pick up some commissions for the pregnant girls you drag in.
Stop being dramatic and answer the question.

She won't because she knows the answer and won't admit it.

g5000 is right when he says this is to re-stoke public opinion against the practice but it's also to get raving RW nutbags such as KG all stoked up in general. If this isn't any different than the example given from 2000, then nothing is likely to come of it, as unsavory as it is.
It's already been answered. You ask a question that presumes that this is an *old* issue from 2000, and the video is from 2000. We established that you were lying.

So let's move on, hmmm?

We established that I was wrong and I already admitted that myself and yet you keep harping on that one thing. It's ok, we've already established the answer anyway, and it's understandable why you won't answer it.
Fox News showed some of the undercover video, such as where a senior PP doctor and director talks about how she and other doctors kill the babies in such a way as to harvest the heart, the lungs, and other vital organs. Absolutely sickening.

And don't hold your breath waiting for modern pro-slavery apologists, aka the pro-abortion crowd, to express any concern, much less condemnation, of this shocking disclosure.
So, the GOP need an issue that bad. How about we ask ol' Trump what he thinks about it?

Then the GOP will drown in 2 out of control wedge issues. Quit while you are ahead.

In the female Doctor Mengele from Planned Parenthood, we see another classic example of mental compartmentalism which become necessary in order to prevent massive cognitive dissonance.

The pro-choice crowd always tries to divert the abortion issue into something about a woman's vagina, and yet in this video we see it is unmistakably about the destruction of a human body. The pro-choice crowd wants us to focus on the vagina and avert our eyes from the real issue just a few inches above.

They deny the humanity of the fetus, and yet this butcher speaks in terms of "livers" and "lungs" and "extremities" and the head.

And then they have the audacity to claim they are helping to save lives when in fact they are ENDING a million lives a year!

Positively schizophrenic.

Actually, I go further than that. I assume that both sperm and egg are alive. The fertilized egg is alive. The fetus is alive.

However, I argue that the mother, being the only known creator of the egg, fertilized egg, and the fetus, has the right to destroy the lifeform she created.

My argument is not the same as most pro-choice.

Now the only way to save lives is to make life saving breakthrough in research. Abortions,in themselves, save no lives.
It stands if I ask it again: why the renewed interest in this subject?
To re-stoke public opinion against the practice.
You're not answering the question and I'm guessing it's not because you don't understand it.

The "question" such as it was was already addressed. Go peddle baby killing elsewhere, scum. Coyote is around here somewhere. Maybe you two can go in together and pick up some commissions for the pregnant girls you drag in.
Stop being dramatic and answer the question.

She won't because she knows the answer and won't admit it.

g5000 is right when he says this is to re-stoke public opinion against the practice but it's also to get raving RW nutbags such as KG all stoked up in general. If this isn't any different than the example given from 2000, then nothing is likely to come of it, as unsavory as it is.
It's already been answered. You ask a question that presumes that this is an *old* issue from 2000, and the video is from 2000. We established that you were lying.

So let's move on, hmmm?

We established that I was wrong and I already admitted that myself and yet you keep harping on that one thing. It's ok, we've already established the answer anyway, and it's understandable why you won't answer it.

No, I didn't keep harping on it, you're the one who keeps demanding I answer "the question"...which is "why are you suddenly interested in this old story". You admitted that it isn't an old story and we've established it's not an old story. So quit demanding I answer the question "why the re-surgence of interest in the old story".

Good grief. It's like they give you baby killers stupid pills.
I just thought of something.

When Trump made those statements about illegals,Jindal was mute for over a week....

But within 1 day, Jindal responds like he is always on the ball.....hmmmm.
Maybe it's because he doesn't give a shit about the criminal illegals who are killing people right and left? Ya think?

He eventually replied and denounced Trump. So I guess that goes against what you think about Jindal.
I just thought of something.

When Trump made those statements about illegals,Jindal was mute for over a week....

But within 1 day, Jindal responds like he is always on the ball.....hmmmm.
Maybe it's because he doesn't give a shit about the criminal illegals who are killing people right and left? Ya think?

He eventually replied and denounced Trump. So I guess that goes against what you think about Jindal.
Not really. I just don't see how that relates to this issue atall.


Ok, now we have something that's not a wingnut source.

Interesting tidbits:

The center's leader, David Daleiden, has written anti-abortion literature for The Weekly Standard and is referenced on the pro-life website of Jill Stanek. Files uploaded by Daleiden to Scribd include "Prayers for the day," which Daleiden describes as "one way to structure your prayer life throughout the day that some people may find helpful."

So they're reporting on something put forth by a wingnut. Ok...

Tissue donation is different than the harvesting of human organs for sale, though some do consider the two equally controversial, as in the case of Daleiden's organization. In the video, which has been edited, Nucatola discusses body parts and tissue as they are needed for research. "We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact," she is heard saying, though due to editing, the context is not entirely clear.

This sounds horrible in its flippancy, can't deny that. Illegal, though...?

At no point in the video does Nucatola say Planned Parenthood actually sells body parts, fetal or otherwise, though the center has claimed Planned Parenthood is involved in the "illegal trafficking of aborted fetal parts." Similarly, she does not admit to selling tissue, either personally or through the organization.

Planned Parenthood has rejected Daleiden's claims and video. Eric Ferrero, the organization's vice president of communications, offered this statement:

In health care, patients sometimes want to donate tissue to scientific research that can help lead to medical breakthroughs, such as treatments and cures for serious diseases. Women at Planned Parenthood who have abortions are no different. At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does -- with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood. In some instances, actual costs, such as the cost to transport tissue to leading research centers, are reimbursed, which is standard across the medical field.

A well funded group established for the purpose of damaging Planned Parenthood’s mission and services has promoted a heavily edited, secretly recorded videotape that falsely portrays Planned Parenthood’s participation in tissue donation programs that support lifesaving scientific research. Similar false accusations have been put forth by opponents of abortion services for decades. These groups have been widely discredited and their claims fall apart on closer examination, just as they do in this case.

So PP has no problem giving a response, but...

Daleiden didn't respond to Newsweek's request for comment.

Ok, now we have something that's not a wingnut source.

Interesting tidbits:

The center's leader, David Daleiden, has written anti-abortion literature for The Weekly Standard and is referenced on the pro-life website of Jill Stanek. Files uploaded by Daleiden to Scribd include "Prayers for the day," which Daleiden describes as "one way to structure your prayer life throughout the day that some people may find helpful."

So they're reporting on something put forth by a wingnut. Ok...

Tissue donation is different than the harvesting of human organs for sale, though some do consider the two equally controversial, as in the case of Daleiden's organization. In the video, which has been edited, Nucatola discusses body parts and tissue as they are needed for research. "We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact," she is heard saying, though due to editing, the context is not entirely clear.

This sounds horrible in its flippancy, can't deny that. Illegal, though...?

At no point in the video does Nucatola say Planned Parenthood actually sells body parts, fetal or otherwise, though the center has claimed Planned Parenthood is involved in the "illegal trafficking of aborted fetal parts." Similarly, she does not admit to selling tissue, either personally or through the organization.

Planned Parenthood has rejected Daleiden's claims and video. Eric Ferrero, the organization's vice president of communications, offered this statement:

In health care, patients sometimes want to donate tissue to scientific research that can help lead to medical breakthroughs, such as treatments and cures for serious diseases. Women at Planned Parenthood who have abortions are no different. At several of our health centers, we help patients who want to donate tissue for scientific research, and we do this just like every other high-quality health care provider does -- with full, appropriate consent from patients and under the highest ethical and legal standards. There is no financial benefit for tissue donation for either the patient or for Planned Parenthood. In some instances, actual costs, such as the cost to transport tissue to leading research centers, are reimbursed, which is standard across the medical field.

A well funded group established for the purpose of damaging Planned Parenthood’s mission and services has promoted a heavily edited, secretly recorded videotape that falsely portrays Planned Parenthood’s participation in tissue donation programs that support lifesaving scientific research. Similar false accusations have been put forth by opponents of abortion services for decades. These groups have been widely discredited and their claims fall apart on closer examination, just as they do in this case.

So PP has no problem giving a response, but...

Daleiden didn't respond to Newsweek's request for comment.
Basically Jindall is grandstanding. This will go away after the election if not sooner. Mark my words.
It stands if I ask it again: why the renewed interest in this subject?
To re-stoke public opinion against the practice.
The "question" such as it was was already addressed. Go peddle baby killing elsewhere, scum. Coyote is around here somewhere. Maybe you two can go in together and pick up some commissions for the pregnant girls you drag in.
Stop being dramatic and answer the question.

She won't because she knows the answer and won't admit it.

g5000 is right when he says this is to re-stoke public opinion against the practice but it's also to get raving RW nutbags such as KG all stoked up in general. If this isn't any different than the example given from 2000, then nothing is likely to come of it, as unsavory as it is.
It's already been answered. You ask a question that presumes that this is an *old* issue from 2000, and the video is from 2000. We established that you were lying.

So let's move on, hmmm?

We established that I was wrong and I already admitted that myself and yet you keep harping on that one thing. It's ok, we've already established the answer anyway, and it's understandable why you won't answer it.

No, I didn't keep harping on it, you're the one who keeps demanding I answer "the question"...which is "why are you suddenly interested in this old story". You admitted that it isn't an old story and we've established it's not an old story. So quit demanding I answer the question "why the re-surgence of interest in the old story".

Good grief. It's like they give you baby killers stupid pills.

It's ok, we already have our answer anyway.
Asc, I don't know what proof you need. It's like wanting me to prove what Abraham Lincoln said. I wasn't there. But excerpts of her many many speeches, by people that were there, all say the same thing. She wasn't shy about her position. Research the despot, and you'll see for yourself.

The evidence is overwhelming. There are photos of her giving speeches to the KKK
Yeah, PHOTOSHOPPED photos. Like everything that comes from the Right, it is a premeditated LIE!
Asc, I don't know what proof you need. It's like wanting me to prove what Abraham Lincoln said. I wasn't there. But excerpts of her many many speeches, by people that were there, all say the same thing. She wasn't shy about her position. Research the despot, and you'll see for yourself.

The evidence is overwhelming. There are photos of her giving speeches to the KKK

Provide it then.

All you will do is claim it's a photoshop. Google Sanger, KKK, speech it will pop up
Yeah, easy prediction for the lying scum to make because it WAS PHOTOSHOPPED!
PP already makes millions each year performing abortions. They also get millions in tax dollars, which is odd considering they are a business that sees a profit.

In the past, we've seen video proof of them helping prostitution 'businesses' and it's been proven that they don't offer the services that the left claims. They do abortions. If you need other care, they refer you elsewhere.

Now it looks like they are illegally selling body parts from aborted fetuses. Not surprising. They like making money and they've been given a pass on past deceitful and illegal practices.

If this were a conservative organization, the DOJ and IRS would be all over them. They would have been investigated and shut down years ago. Instead, they slide by because they support the left's agenda. As Margaret Sanger put it when she started it, the goal of PP is to exterminate the negro population. I don't see any change today considering that millions of minority babies are aborted each year.

Another tape showing the nefarious goals of Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood Caught Trying To Sell Aborted Baby Body Parts
Do you have a credible link of Sanger stating the goal of PP was to exterminate Blacks?

She was a eugenicist so here are what they were talking about interspersed with some of her views on it. The interesting part is at around 1:20.

To re-stoke public opinion against the practice.
Stop being dramatic and answer the question.

She won't because she knows the answer and won't admit it.

g5000 is right when he says this is to re-stoke public opinion against the practice but it's also to get raving RW nutbags such as KG all stoked up in general. If this isn't any different than the example given from 2000, then nothing is likely to come of it, as unsavory as it is.
It's already been answered. You ask a question that presumes that this is an *old* issue from 2000, and the video is from 2000. We established that you were lying.

So let's move on, hmmm?

We established that I was wrong and I already admitted that myself and yet you keep harping on that one thing. It's ok, we've already established the answer anyway, and it's understandable why you won't answer it.

No, I didn't keep harping on it, you're the one who keeps demanding I answer "the question"...which is "why are you suddenly interested in this old story". You admitted that it isn't an old story and we've established it's not an old story. So quit demanding I answer the question "why the re-surgence of interest in the old story".

Good grief. It's like they give you baby killers stupid pills.

It's ok, we already have our answer anyway.

You had your answer ages ago, but pretended you didn't.

And who is "we"?

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