Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

If you can't feed 4 people on 650.00 a month then there is something wrong with you. I spend less then that and don't have SNAP.

So you really think you can feed a family of four on $17.00 a day? Really?

If Medicaid sucks so bad. Why did Obamacare force everyone to sign up for benefits??

which wasn't the point I was arguing. But that's okay, we know you're "Special".

All corporations and Gov jobs offer maternity leave and FMLA (paid). Even fast good chains such as McDonalds and Starbucks offer paid leave. Only way you wouldn't qualify is if your probationary period was not over.

Really? Let's look at that claim.

The sad state of benefits for new moms on the job - The Washington Post

In 2008, 16 percent of those companies that offer paid maternity leave promised to fully pay women their prior salaries while they were out; in 2014, that number is just 9 percent.
Seeing the justification liberals have for selling these body parts it's easy to understand how the nazis could engage in medical experimentation. Now the American medical community giving black men syphilis so they could be studied sounds reasonable.
The Nazi preoccupation with perfect children and carefully manipulated breeding led to the atrocities that the Nazis are now famous for. It wasn't their POLITICS that made the Nazis disgusting, it was their statist progressivism.
It's all a moot point. Walker will completely defund Planned Parenthood, once he's sworn in.
A: He will not win. B: If he does, that would have to be passed by Congress and the Senate. C: There are no federal funds that go to PP that are used in abortion services so, if he guts that funding, it will only mean less services to women for cancer screening and birth control. The great reduction we have seen in teen pregnancies and abortions will suddenly reverse as women lose access to those non-abortion services.

It's been a long time coming that they need to separate the services.

Giving women access to cancer screenings is not planned parenthood.
The Nazi preoccupation with perfect children and carefully manipulated breeding led to the atrocities that the Nazis are now famous for. It wasn't their POLITICS that made the Nazis disgusting, it was their statist progressivism.

YOu realize abortion was a crime in Nazi Germany, punishable by death, right?
Well yea, you can't have people offing your own master race, they needed their superior soldiers for world domination. What was ok was euthinizing their mentally challenged for fiscal reasons. Why did we encourage 98% of abortions... For fiscal reasons. If socialism is in control the less people there are the more there is to go around for everyone else. And if your best logical arguments are made up of name calling, and anyone who opposes my view must be a retard, then yea I guess we're done talking
I don't think that any laws were broken.

However, the bad press is probably the bigger story.
It's illegal to alter treatment to accommodate obtaining tissue to sell....and both pp butchers, nocatola and 'i wanna lamboughini' described doing just that.
I don't think that any laws were broken.

However, the bad press is probably the bigger story.
It's illegal to alter treatment to accommodate obtaining tissue to sell....and both pp butchers, nocatola and 'i wanna lamboughini' described doing just that.
To which law do you refer?

You know that she specifically states it is illegal in the video but is not averse to making the suggestion to the doctor, right?
These people should be closed down and locked up:evil:

Absolutely. CMP is an unethical and needs to be investigated for illegal activity.

What, exactly, do you think that they need to be investigated for?

Getting video of PP affiliates trying to sell tissue?

Abortion Providers Should Take Legal Action Against the Center for Medical Progress Here s Why

CMP videotaped the conversations with Dr. Deborah Nucatola and Dr. Mary Gatter while they were each engaged in private discussions in restaurants. Nucatola’s conversation took place in California; although the location of Gatter’s is as yet unknown, she lives and works in California, which suggests that her meeting was also in the state. This fact is incredibly important, because it’s very likely that CMP violated California’s two-party consent wiretapping law.
I don't think that any laws were broken.

However, the bad press is probably the bigger story.
It's illegal to alter treatment to accommodate obtaining tissue to sell....and both pp butchers, nocatola and 'i wanna lamboughini' described doing just that.
To which law do you refer?

You know that she specifically states it is illegal in the video but is not averse to making the suggestion to the doctor, right?
Do you not know the specific law being violated?
I don't think that any laws were broken.

However, the bad press is probably the bigger story.
It's illegal to alter treatment to accommodate obtaining tissue to sell....and both pp butchers, nocatola and 'i wanna lamboughini' described doing just that.
To which law do you refer?

You know that she specifically states it is illegal in the video but is not averse to making the suggestion to the doctor, right?
Do you not know the specific law being violated?
42 U.S. Code 289g 2 - Prohibitions regarding human fetal tissue US Law LII Legal Information Institute

(a) Purchase of tissue
It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly acquire, receive, or otherwise transfer any human fetal tissue for valuable consideration if the transfer affects interstate commerce.

It is illegal to sell fetal tissue for profit. It sounds really really bad when you state you need a new lambo at the end of the financial discussion. i do not understand why she was so idiotic anyway - who negotiate a HIGHER price for themselves - that should have warned her to end the conversation there. Not only possibly negotiating illegal deals but also an idiot.
These people should be closed down and locked up:evil:

Absolutely. CMP is an unethical and needs to be investigated for illegal activity.

What, exactly, do you think that they need to be investigated for?

Getting video of PP affiliates trying to sell tissue?

Abortion Providers Should Take Legal Action Against the Center for Medical Progress Here s Why

CMP videotaped the conversations with Dr. Deborah Nucatola and Dr. Mary Gatter while they were each engaged in private discussions in restaurants. Nucatola’s conversation took place in California; although the location of Gatter’s is as yet unknown, she lives and works in California, which suggests that her meeting was also in the state. This fact is incredibly important, because it’s very likely that CMP violated California’s two-party consent wiretapping law.

Amazing that they catch a rather disgusting and illegal act with an undercover camera from a MAJOR institution and you want to prosecute those that are doing the taping because it might put that institution in a bad light.

People like you make me sick and they are the core problem with the laws like the one you cite – you not only condone illegal activities but you want to ensure that they CANNOT BE EXPOSED AS WELL. IOW, you back over corruption.
they catch a rather disgusting and illegal act with an undercover camera

Eating salad, drinking wine, and talking shop (unsettling for some people I know) with someone is not illegal. However taping a conversation without the other persons consent is illegal in California.

you not only condone illegal activities but

Still it is not illegal to donate tissue or for PP to act as a collection agent for research firms.
I don't think that any laws were broken.

However, the bad press is probably the bigger story.
It's illegal to alter treatment to accommodate obtaining tissue to sell....and both pp butchers, nocatola and 'i wanna lamboughini' described doing just that.
To which law do you refer?

You know that she specifically states it is illegal in the video but is not averse to making the suggestion to the doctor, right?
I love the whole "lowballing" part of the conversation. Especially the part where she says she wants a Lamborghini.

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