Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

The procedure described by Nucatola intact dilation and extraction...aka partial-birth abortion, outlawed in 2003.
It's not just about selling parts.
And regarding poor black ppl, remember it's the left who pays them not to work and who pays them to have children
...while taking their money to kill those same children. It's a nice racket.

False. It's conservatives who refuse to raise the minimum wage. It's conservatives who vote against maternity leave, and job guaranties. It's conservatives who oppose single payer health insurance, family leave, subsidized daycare and other real time benefits which would help poor working families. And it's conservatives who recently cut SNAP benefits, most of which go to families with children.
And regarding poor black ppl, remember it's the left who pays them not to work and who pays them to have children
...while taking their money to kill those same children. It's a nice racket.

False. It's conservatives who refuse to raise the minimum wage. It's conservatives who vote against maternity leave, and job guaranties. It's conservatives who oppose single payer health insurance, family leave, subsidized daycare and other real time benefits which would help poor working families. And it's conservatives who recently cut SNAP benefits, most of which go to families with children.
We're going to be $20 trillion in debt by the time Obama leaves office. We can't afford endlessly increasing benefits.
And regarding poor black ppl, remember it's the left who pays them not to work and who pays them to have children
...while taking their money to kill those same children. It's a nice racket.

False. It's conservatives who refuse to raise the minimum wage. It's conservatives who vote against maternity leave, and job guaranties. It's conservatives who oppose single payer health insurance, family leave, subsidized daycare and other real time benefits which would help poor working families. And it's conservatives who recently cut SNAP benefits, most of which go to families with children.
And the left pays them not to work. Then makes money off their dead babies.
And regarding poor black ppl, remember it's the left who pays them not to work and who pays them to have children
...while taking their money to kill those same children. It's a nice racket.

False. It's conservatives who refuse to raise the minimum wage. It's conservatives who vote against maternity leave, and job guaranties. It's conservatives who oppose single payer health insurance, family leave, subsidized daycare and other real time benefits which would help poor working families. And it's conservatives who recently cut SNAP benefits, most of which go to families with children.

Read my sig...You leftist think that since your intentions are good, all those government programs you listed and many many more are the only solutions. We waste more money creating and funding the bureaucracy than actually helping anyone. You leftists are something. You create all these government programs, which costs tons of money, Then you want to slaughter those who you are going to need, to pay for it...:cuckoo:
And regarding poor black ppl, remember it's the left who pays them not to work and who pays them to have children
...while taking their money to kill those same children. It's a nice racket.

False. It's conservatives who refuse to raise the minimum wage. It's conservatives who vote against maternity leave, and job guaranties. It's conservatives who oppose single payer health insurance, family leave, subsidized daycare and other real time benefits which would help poor working families. And it's conservatives who recently cut SNAP benefits, most of which go to families with children.

Read my sig...You leftist think that since your intentions are good, all those government programs you listed and many many more are the only solutions. We waste more money creating and funding the bureaucracy than actually helping anyone. You leftists are something. You create all these government programs, which costs tons of money, Then you want to slaughter those who you are going to need, to pay for it...:cuckoo:
The point isn't whether or not a fetus may become a person. It's whether the family it will be born into can care for another child.

It still comes back to 80% of all abortions happen for financial reasons. With no maternity leave, low minimum wages, no job guarantees, low income women are having abortions.

And others have no right to tell them they must have a child they cannot afford.
So your putting fiscal reasons ahed of existing life? So did nazi Germany, we can't afford to take care of our mentally challenged (nor do they have good genes) so we will euthanize them. If we could hypothetically make a test to show us wether or not a child will become autistic while it's in womb (take in mind all the money it takes to care for an autistic child) should we start aborting those children. What about parents with Huntington's disease? Shall they're offspring be aborted too? You seem to think that a person is a person is a valid argument when it pertains to your political flavor, but dismiss it when it goes against and fiscal reasons take over.

And joeb, republicans want black people poor? What political party has been in power in Detroit, Philly, Chicago, Baltimore, and pretty much any city you can think of for the last 20 to 40 years. Wow democratic policies have worked wonders for Detroit , 40 years strong and running. Oh not to mention this tidbit, who has been president for the last 7 years, and how much has our black population improved.
Republicans want black people to be rich! Then maybe they could take care of whites for a while!
Oh and joeb, to quote the fearless founder and hero of Planned parenthood, who we continue to name roads after in democratic cities, I give you Margaret Sanger and her views on black people
We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

End quote:
I got many more wonderful quotes from this wonderful self proclaimed progressive
You're as backwards boy, the leftist love poor black people. that way people like Obama can use them divide and conquer. blacks and poor whites for that matter have done far worst under the likes of Barack Hussein Obama and the leftist trash.

Said like a typical person who would be a parasite in their community.

Back to the topic, we don't slaughter babies because we think they aren't worth shit, because they may be poor, which appears to be the leftist position

Who is this "we". The only people terminating pregnancies are the women who have them. When you volunteer to have a fetus put in your body, then you have a say in the matter.
And regarding poor black ppl, remember it's the left who pays them not to work and who pays them to have children
...while taking their money to kill those same children. It's a nice racket.

You know, you Klan bayitches need to make up your minds. Are blacks having too many babies or too many abortions. Let me know when you figure it out
Republicans want black people to be rich! Then maybe they could take care of whites for a while!

yup. Republicans totally want that. That's why they are cutting scholarships, cutting affirmative action, cutting assistance... because they want the to be rich and pull themselves up by their bootstraps just like George W. and Mitt Romney did.
Read my sig...You leftist think that since your intentions are good, all those government programs you listed and many many more are the only solutions. We waste more money creating and funding the bureaucracy than actually helping anyone. You leftists are something. You create all these government programs, which costs tons of money, Then you want to slaughter those who you are going to need, to pay for it...

Hey, if you want to cut governmetn spending, the hundreds of billions we spend propping up the Zionist Entity would be a great place to start...

Are those government programs the "only" solutions? No. Do they work? Yes. Have other countries, including Israel, made the welfare state work? Yup.

It's funny you want the American Taxpayer to pay for Socialism in Israel but no America.
Oh and joeb, to quote the fearless founder and hero of Planned parenthood, who we continue to name roads after in democratic cities, I give you Margaret Sanger and her views on black people

Guy, if you are going to keep repeating these falsely attributed quotes, there's really no point in talking to you other than the way I'd talk to a Special Needs Child whose flinging his poop into the punch bowl.

Stop that, Corky. Just stop it, Corky.
Oh and joeb, to quote the fearless founder and hero of Planned parenthood, who we continue to name roads after in democratic cities, I give you Margaret Sanger and her views on black people

Guy, if you are going to keep repeating these falsely attributed quotes, there's really no point in talking to you other than the way I'd talk to a Special Needs Child whose flinging his poop into the punch bowl.

Stop that, Corky. Just stop it, Corky.

Most definitely Margaret Sanger quote, learn your history. I will cite it for you (
Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Also described in Linda Gordon’sWoman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America.New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.)
Should you really be surprised from someone who wrote love letters to hitler? Here's some more Sanger quotes:

Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.
(Wonder what dysgenic people she's talking about?)

[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.

I got more if you need and can cite all

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