Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

Nobody said you did, in fact I said the opposite. Egyptians believed in gods, and built the pyramids. Newton, Einstein believed in god, doesn't mean they're dumb people that deserve to be mocked. Keep on generalizing and mock the people who don't agree with you, after all you can't be wrong so they must be dumb. I'm sure no one else in history hasn't thought that way

Einstein was an atheist, and, yes, religious assholes deserved to be mocked at every opportunity.
JoeB requires more proof then that... Just ask him.

NOpe, this i just don't care about. I really don't care what PP does with its medical waste.
Is a human in a vegetative state medical waste?

Shhhh... He is trying to be controversial.

Naw, just putting your hypocrisy in the proper context.

When you guys start giving a crap about real poor kids, just the ones in this country and not around the world, then I will take your mewling about what happens to the medical waste seriously.

Nobody said you did, in fact I said the opposite. Egyptians believed in gods, and built the pyramids. Newton, Einstein believed in god, doesn't mean they're dumb people that deserve to be mocked. Keep on generalizing and mock the people who don't agree with you, after all you can't be wrong so they must be dumb. I'm sure no one else in history hasn't thought that way

Einstein was an atheist, and, yes, religious assholes deserved to be mocked at every opportunity.
Einstein was not an atheist, letters of his that we're recently auctioned off proved that. It was only ever speculated, but I guess if it fits your view just run with it, w out verifying.
Did Albert Einstein Believe in God or Not

How he believed in God. The letters didn’t show that Einstein did believe in God, but rather how he believed in God.

(That’s a textbook example of taking something out of context to suit your needs.)

So what did Einstein have to say in his letters about God?

“I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one,” he wrote to a man who corresponded with him on the subject twice in the 1940s. “You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist. … I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being.”

So… if Einstein lived today, he’d say he’s not a “New Atheist.” He wouldn’t be trying to convince you to shed your faith. Instead, he’d follow the Neil deGrasse Tysonapproach to religion, which is to say he’d stay away from labels… but even he’d admit the idea of a Christian God who listens to your prayers and watches over your life is just flat-out ridiculous.
Is a human in a vegetative state medical waste?

are you trying to sound smart, because you are failing miserably.
Makeup a
JoeB requires more proof then that... Just ask him.

NOpe, this i just don't care about. I really don't care what PP does with its medical waste.
Is a human in a vegetative state medical waste?
its a common conversation in medical ethics of what do we classify a vegetative state as. But I'll take a different approach recently taken. Are you fine with aborting a fetus at 25 weeks?
its a common conversation in medical ethics of what do we classify a vegetative state as. But I'll take a different approach recently taken. Are you fine with aborting a fetus at 25 weeks?

I think it would depend on the circumstances.

If the fetus had something like brittle bone syndrome or spina-bifida or Down Syndrome, then I'd have no problem with an abortion at that point. If the pregnancy was a serious threat tot he mother and there was no way to save the fetus, I'd have no problem.

If she just caught her husband screwing the Nanny and she didn't want to have a kid with him, I'd have more of a problem with it, but I don't think that actually happens that often.
Did Albert Einstein Believe in God or Not

How he believed in God. The letters didn’t show that Einstein did believe in God, but rather how he believed in God.

(That’s a textbook example of taking something out of context to suit your needs.)

So what did Einstein have to say in his letters about God?

“I have repeatedly said that in my opinion the idea of a personal God is a childlike one,” he wrote to a man who corresponded with him on the subject twice in the 1940s. “You may call me an agnostic, but I do not share the crusading spirit of the professional atheist. … I prefer an attitude of humility corresponding to the weakness of our intellectual understanding of nature and of our own being.”

So… if Einstein lived today, he’d say he’s not a “New Atheist.” He wouldn’t be trying to convince you to shed your faith. Instead, he’d follow the Neil deGrasse Tysonapproach to religion, which is to say he’d stay away from labels… but even he’d admit the idea of a Christian God who listens to your prayers and watches over your life is just flat-out ridiculous.
You have no clue what I believe about god. Never gave one word to that, and by your admission Einstein was agnostic, I hope you know what that word means. I think it's foolish to dismiss a whole group of people as stupid because of your personal bias. People who have done a lot of good that seems to go un-noticed, by people who want to blame all the problems of the world on religion.
its a common conversation in medical ethics of what do we classify a vegetative state as. But I'll take a different approach recently taken. Are you fine with aborting a fetus at 25 weeks?

I think it would depend on the circumstances.

If the fetus had something like brittle bone syndrome or spina-bifida or Down Syndrome, then I'd have no problem with an abortion at that point. If the pregnancy was a serious threat tot he mother and there was no way to save the fetus, I'd have no problem.

If she just caught her husband screwing the Nanny and she didn't want to have a kid with him, I'd have more of a problem with it, but I don't think that actually happens that often.
Well my next question is what's the difference at 18 weeks, 16 weeks, when does it start becoming wrong to do? And whose defining that, our lawmakers?
You need those kids to support the welfare state you love so much..And when your miserable ass is on your death bed you wont be railing against G-d

Yeah, I probably will. There is no God. I figured that out when my mom was on her deathbed and all the prayers and fake lotions from Saint's tombs and rosaries didn't save her.

But to the point. We don't need to have an irresponsible birth rate to support a welfare state.

What we actually need to do is stop shipping all our jobs to India and China and Mexico.

With the Labor Participation Rate at record lows, the problem is not that we don't have enough people. We have plenty, and we can import more if we really need them.

The bigger point is that the planet can't sustain this level of population growth. This was the point I was trying to get across to you but you were too busy seeing red to process.

Funny you support killing American babies but you have no problem with shipping in poor uneducated people from other countries:uhoh3:
You need those kids to support the welfare state you love so much..And when your miserable ass is on your death bed you wont be railing against G-d

Yeah, I probably will. There is no God. I figured that out when my mom was on her deathbed and all the prayers and fake lotions from Saint's tombs and rosaries didn't save her.

But to the point. We don't need to have an irresponsible birth rate to support a welfare state.

What we actually need to do is stop shipping all our jobs to India and China and Mexico.

With the Labor Participation Rate at record lows, the problem is not that we don't have enough people. We have plenty, and we can import more if we really need them.

The bigger point is that the planet can't sustain this level of population growth. This was the point I was trying to get across to you but you were too busy seeing red to process.

People die when it is their time,If you're bitter because of that, then that's on you
What on earth does the history of abortion have to do with what he said...or this thread? Speak to the issue....racketeering, murder, exploitation...the bloody history your proud of is irrelevant.

Are you some kind of retard where you think repeating the same thing over and over again makes you a point?

It's what the thread is about. This isn't a 'killing babies is cool' thread. It's a thread about crimes Pp is committing per herr doktor.

No, it's about the lies conservatives will tell to try to shut down abortion providers. Especially safe abortion providers like PP.

Anti-abortion hate groups will stop at nothing to ensure that a woman must risk her life to obtain an abortion. They will bomb, kill, lie, harass and intimidate and then pretend they're just being moral.

KG is a prime example of one of these so-called Christians.
What on earth does the history of abortion have to do with what he said...or this thread? Speak to the issue....racketeering, murder, exploitation...the bloody history your proud of is irrelevant.

Are you some kind of retard where you think repeating the same thing over and over again makes you a point?

It's what the thread is about. This isn't a 'killing babies is cool' thread. It's a thread about crimes Pp is committing per herr doktor.

No, it's about the lies conservatives will tell to try to shut down abortion providers. Especially safe abortion providers like PP.

Anti-abortion hate groups will stop at nothing to ensure that a woman must risk her life to obtain an abortion. They will bomb, kill, lie, harass and intimidate and then pretend they're just being moral.

KG is a prime example of one of these so-called Christians.

Dragonlady is okay with criminal abuse and exploitation of pregnant women. She's okay with raping them using ultrasound if it results in saleable baby pieces.
What on earth does the history of abortion have to do with what he said...or this thread? Speak to the issue....racketeering, murder, exploitation...the bloody history your proud of is irrelevant.

Are you some kind of retard where you think repeating the same thing over and over again makes you a point?

It's what the thread is about. This isn't a 'killing babies is cool' thread. It's a thread about crimes Pp is committing per herr doktor.

No, it's about the lies conservatives will tell to try to shut down abortion providers. Especially safe abortion providers like PP.

Anti-abortion hate groups will stop at nothing to ensure that a woman must risk her life to obtain an abortion. They will bomb, kill, lie, harass and intimidate and then pretend they're just being moral.

KG is a prime example of one of these so-called Christians.

Hey we need to thin the herd out, we got too much global warming , too few resources. Less of them, more for me.

KG has a point, it's ok to ultrasound to flip the baby in a breach position when your harvesting parts then crush the head. But not ok when a women is in decision process of abortion
You have no clue what I believe about god. Never gave one word to that, and by your admission Einstein was agnostic, I hope you know what that word means. I think it's foolish to dismiss a whole group of people as stupid because of your personal bias. People who have done a lot of good that seems to go un-noticed, by people who want to blame all the problems of the world on religion.

I don't think we ever discussed what you believe. I'm reasonably sure I don't care.
Well my next question is what's the difference at 18 weeks, 16 weeks, when does it start becoming wrong to do? And whose defining that, our lawmakers?

I think that call should be made by the woman and her doctor. Period.

Funny you support killing American babies but you have no problem with shipping in poor uneducated people from other countries

Fetuses still aren't babies, and no one is ever going to make a woman have a baby she doesn't want to have. Time for people like you to get real.

I'm for SELECTIVELY allowing immigration. What do you bring to the table.

People die when it is their time,If you're bitter because of that, then that's on you

People die when it's their time. There is no God. For which I am grateful, because I read the Bible and realize Yahweh was a true cocksucker as far as dieties go. The world would have been much better off if Zeus were the Imaginary Sky Fairy of choice. He actually sounded like a lot of fun.
Well my next question is what's the difference at 18 weeks, 16 weeks, when does it start becoming wrong to do? And whose defining that, our lawmakers?

I think that call should be made by the woman and her doctor. Period.

Funny you support killing American babies but you have no problem with shipping in poor uneducated people from other countries

Fetuses still aren't babies, and no one is ever going to make a woman have a baby she doesn't want to have. Time for people like you to get real.

I'm for SELECTIVELY allowing immigration. What do you bring to the table.

People die when it is their time,If you're bitter because of that, then that's on you

People die when it's their time. There is no God. For which I am grateful, because I read the Bible and realize Yahweh was a true cocksucker as far as dieties go. The world would have been much better off if Zeus were the Imaginary Sky Fairy of choice. He actually sounded like a lot of fun.
You think the call should be made between her and her doctor...except past the third trimester. Which the term trimester isn't any thing real or biologically significant, something we made up. And who says a fetus isn't a baby, do you know what fetus in Latin means? Don't know who is saying it's not a baby, what else is it. It's not a shoe in there
You need those kids to support the welfare state you love so much..And when your miserable ass is on your death bed you wont be railing against G-d

Yeah, I probably will. There is no God. I figured that out when my mom was on her deathbed and all the prayers and fake lotions from Saint's tombs and rosaries didn't save her.

But to the point. We don't need to have an irresponsible birth rate to support a welfare state.

What we actually need to do is stop shipping all our jobs to India and China and Mexico.

With the Labor Participation Rate at record lows, the problem is not that we don't have enough people. We have plenty, and we can import more if we really need them.

The bigger point is that the planet can't sustain this level of population growth. This was the point I was trying to get across to you but you were too busy seeing red to process.

Funny you support killing American babies but you have no problem with shipping in poor uneducated people from other countries:uhoh3:

People are people regardless of where they are from. Joe said nothing about encouraging poor uneducated people to emigrate. He simply said there is no need to increase the earth's population. If more people are needed here, there's always immigration.

Or are you worried that these immigrants won't be white folks?

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