Planned Parenthood caught trafficking in human body parts

There was a time when we were barbarians. There is no such thing as a "quickening" You've been watching too much Highlander . Babies are given a Soul from G-d upon conception. We are not China. We don't limit the number of children we can have..What's wrong with you people?

there is no God.
There are no souls.

The difference between advanced countries and poor ones is that we DO limit our family sizes.

Now, here's the thing. Having 10 kids might have made sense in an era when the infant mortality rate was something like 50%, and you had a very low chance of making it to adulthood. and sadly, that describes most of the human race all the way up until the 20th century, before we eliminated Polio and Smallpox and Measles and made food production a lot more reliable.

Today, it really doesn't.

Is abortion the ideal method of birth control? Not really. But is a method used when others are unavailable.
What on earth does the history of abortion have to do with what he said...or this thread? Speak to the issue....racketeering, murder, exploitation...the bloody history your proud of is irrelevant.

Are you some kind of retard where you think repeating the same thing over and over again makes you a point?

It's what the thread is about. This isn't a 'killing babies is cool' thread. It's a thread about crimes Pp is committing per herr doktor.
It's what the thread is about. This isn't a 'killing babies is cool' thread. It's a thread about crimes Pp is committing per herr doktor.

Except the tape was doctored and she clearly stated that PP doesn't sell tissue samples.

But that's okay. You keep going with the doctored tape because it validates your crazy world view. The one where apparently abortion is out there so we all have lots of porn or something.

finally an actual consversation on this matter, thank you! And I would say to you that the argument for viability breaks down in two ways. One being that viability is quickly changing, and we Are getting better and better at allowing pre-mature births to survive. So the age of viability is getting younger and younger. Secondly the definition viability can reach much broader than what your thinking. A newborn is not viable without a host, it still needs the nutrition and antibodies and fluids, not to mention security provided by that host...wether or not it's through an umbilical cord in the womb, or a teat outside of the womb. So what is viability? Is it when the baby is able to breath on it's own. I assume, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's what you mean by viability. But then viability becomes a question of when lungs are able to respirate and exchange gases with air. A fetus still exchanges gases, even when lungs are not developed, it's just done through the mothers blood stream, the gas exchange is happening on it's own though. A fetus in the second trimester is still able to breath air and exchange gases, but not a level that could sustain it without help. Some babies that come to turn and a birthed are not able exchange gases on their own. So does that baby lose it's viability?

You already admit that yes this is life, but when does it get protection as life? There are plenty among us who are not viable on their own, see terry chaivo, does that mean we have the power to terminate. Based on our ever changing and multiple definitions of viability? We are coming clothes to inventing an artificial womb, and growing fetuses outside if the womb, when that happens does abortion become illegal bc it would no longer need a host? So what is your current and I hope long standing definition of viability
As you said, our medical abilities to save a premature child's life have improved greatly over the decades, with more improvements to come, bringing the old thought of 26-28 weeks of gestation being the age where fetuses can survive, is down to 24 week preemies surviving outside of the womb and maybe even a 22-23 week baby has survived as well, if memory serves me....and survival rates will improve in time.

As far as other life support, from machines or bottles, or intravenously, that is support outside of the mother being a host....and breast feeding, although good for babies to build up antibodies, it is not necessary for the child to survive...if the mother died in child birth as an example, or the mother was on Chemo to treat a cancer she developed while pregnant.....

so whatever the point of viability may be, and this can change over the decades with improvements, the State can get involved with a citizen's private matter, at this point, is my understanding of the SC ruling, but I could be wrong? And it does not mean the State HAS TO intervene, just that they can if they find the interest to do so.

Terri Schiavo could have survived for decades longer...and I am torn over that issue and always have been and this thread will be hijacked in to another topic if I go in to how I felt about it, in any kind of's a hot issue, even until this day....but for the short of it, I don't believe terri ever gave permission to have the next of kin take her off life support, so I am upset with the decision her husband made.... if this was truly Terri's will and she had a DNR in place, then her husband was following her wishes... I felt he had moved on with his life with a new family and possibly was not doing her will....but this is all speculation on my part and only God knows for sure.

ON THE OTHER HAND, it was HIS decision to make as next of kin and NOT the government's.
See this is how conversation and debate is supposed to be. Thank you for your reply.
And scotus isn't really the place we should be receiving our morals I would argue. Especially since you are bringing up states rights. Look at 2 years ago with scotus striking down DOMA, claiming it should be up to the states... And now they went against that ruling with their recent gay marriage rulings saying states can't have a say in marriage. Personally I'm all for gay marriage, I'm also for polygamy. What I'm not for is the fed deciding what love is and who and how you can love them, and bribing us with out own tax dollars. The goverment has no place in marriage, after all we have the freedom of religion so if my religion says a can marry the person or people I want, I should be able to do so. As long as my religion isn't calling for violence. But that's all a different topic.
As for abortion, Our laws are being handed down from people speculating about viability and made up trimesters. Nothing about wether or not it's life and if it's protected life (right to life, liberty, and poh). And what flipped me on abortion is when I stole a goose egg and threw it at a friends car when I was younger, when it broke a half formed chick fell out of the egg, and I watched it die, and I felt awful about it despite my hate for geese. And over time I couldn't help but think if instead of doing abortions from within, what of we could take the fetus out magically and do the dirty work on the outside. Even humanely, imagine killing a fetus on the outside knowing it's a human, I don't see how that does not make you want to vomit, and think it's absolutely wrong. Which is why many pro-choice folks are against ultrasounds before abortion, bc I believe it's 90% of women who see it decide not to have the abortion. I think all we're doing is dehumanizing what we can't see in the name of convenience and prosperity for the mother and society as a whole. Outside of mentally unstable I don't know a mother who has ever regretted their children, maybe timing, but not the child itself. And the whole viability debate, sadly necessary and even more sad not had enough, is just another way for us to dehumanize and rationalize
See, I agree and disagree with you. And yes, it is the pro choice side rationalizing it, which is not always bad, when one is trying to develop laws that covers everyone.

There were no laws against abortion when we first populated America.....we had Common law and it continued for about a half century or more after we were first born as a Nation....and from what I understand, government left abortions up to the woman, until the baby was kicking, until what is called 'quickening', and after that it was against the law and punishable.... Husband and wives who did not want... due to not being able to afford... their 6th or 7th or 12th child without hurting the children they already had... chances in life, at the time took an 'old wives' mixture of drugs, to cause the pregnancy to end....and government, was NOT involved in their decisions...they, and the very religious may not have liked it, and even their church may not have liked it and spoke against it, but it did happen.... today we have various means of birth control to keep families from having 12 children or more children than a family can manage or handle financially without being a burden on society....but the sin of not wanting to 'produce and multiply' as God initially commanded of us, is being committed equally by the woman on birth control, as the woman having an is not necessarily 'better' than the other....both are stopping the 'produce and multiply' command from God...and birth control is 'premeditated' long in advance.

Your example of throwing the goose egg and watching the chick inside die, is heart wrenching. And we can only hope, for the sake of reality taking hold, (not for the sake of the little chick inside the egg though), that others may have a similar is a rude awakening.

However, many do not take this stance or see this view that you were able to experience, and many that do not have a religious stance, or their religious stance is that it is up to them, their spouse, and their Rabbi and or Pastor to make the decision on abortion in the early stages and not one for the government to make for them....and I tend to agree. Only the person faced with the situation of being pregnant should make this decision for themselves, with the guidance they seek from family and friends and the father and Pastors, Priests, or Rabbi's etc and hopefully they will choose to mother their child to be...

I don't think pro choicers are against ultra sounds for the reason you state....they are against it because it is a medical procedure that is not necessary and the State should NOT have the ability to force a person to have a medical procedure that is not necessary...when you open the door to this, then it is a slippery slope....

There was a time when we were barbarians. There is no such thing as a "quickening" You've been watching too much Highlander . Babies are given a Soul from G-d upon conception. We are not China. We don't limit the number of children we can have..What's wrong with you people?
your ignorance on this topic explains your comments....educate yourself...
Abortion in American History - The Atlantic

what's a 'highlander'?

You're stuck in the 19th century girl. We are in the 21st century "quickening" :wtf:
There was a time when we were barbarians. There is no such thing as a "quickening" You've been watching too much Highlander . Babies are given a Soul from G-d upon conception. We are not China. We don't limit the number of children we can have..What's wrong with you people?

there is no God.
There are no souls.

The difference between advanced countries and poor ones is that we DO limit our family sizes.

Now, here's the thing. Having 10 kids might have made sense in an era when the infant mortality rate was something like 50%, and you had a very low chance of making it to adulthood. and sadly, that describes most of the human race all the way up until the 20th century, before we eliminated Polio and Smallpox and Measles and made food production a lot more reliable.

Today, it really doesn't.

Is abortion the ideal method of birth control? Not really. But is a method used when others are unavailable.

You need those kids to support the welfare state you love so much..And when your miserable ass is on your death bed you wont be railing against G-d
You need those kids to support the welfare state you love so much..And when your miserable ass is on your death bed you wont be railing against G-d

Yeah, I probably will. There is no God. I figured that out when my mom was on her deathbed and all the prayers and fake lotions from Saint's tombs and rosaries didn't save her.

But to the point. We don't need to have an irresponsible birth rate to support a welfare state.

What we actually need to do is stop shipping all our jobs to India and China and Mexico.

With the Labor Participation Rate at record lows, the problem is not that we don't have enough people. We have plenty, and we can import more if we really need them.

The bigger point is that the planet can't sustain this level of population growth. This was the point I was trying to get across to you but you were too busy seeing red to process.
Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, this is as bad as it can get

Video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions

An undercover video released this morning shows a national leader of Planned Parenthood admitting that the abortion provider uses the illegal partial birth abortion procedure to sell intact fetal body parts.

The average asking price for fetal body parts? Between $30 and $100 per specimen.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola has been senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood since February 2009, where she oversees medical practices at all Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide. She has been employed by Planned Parenthood for more than a decade. She also performs abortions up to 24 weeks in Los Angeles.

In the video, she met with investigators posing as buyers from a human biologic company on July 25, 2014.

While casually sipping wine and eating salad, Dr. Nucatola revealed that she charges $30 to $100 per specimen, and that fetal livers are especially in demand – although “a lot of people want intact hearts these days,” and she has had requests for lungs and “lower extremities.”

Planned Parenthood affiliates “absolutely” want to offer such organs, she said.

Nucatola admitted that Planned Parenthood's abortionists take great care not to appear to be profiteering off fetal body parts. She said, “They just want to do it in a way that is not perceived as, 'The clinic is selling tissue. This clinic is making money off of this.'”

The issue is not merely PR – there is also the little matter of federal law. Trafficking in human body parts is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $500,000.

BREAKING Undercover video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions News LifeSite

i am surprised that the far left hasn't used the excuse "But It's For The Children".
Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, this is as bad as it can get

Video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions

An undercover video released this morning shows a national leader of Planned Parenthood admitting that the abortion provider uses the illegal partial birth abortion procedure to sell intact fetal body parts.

The average asking price for fetal body parts? Between $30 and $100 per specimen.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola has been senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood since February 2009, where she oversees medical practices at all Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide. She has been employed by Planned Parenthood for more than a decade. She also performs abortions up to 24 weeks in Los Angeles.

In the video, she met with investigators posing as buyers from a human biologic company on July 25, 2014.

While casually sipping wine and eating salad, Dr. Nucatola revealed that she charges $30 to $100 per specimen, and that fetal livers are especially in demand – although “a lot of people want intact hearts these days,” and she has had requests for lungs and “lower extremities.”

Planned Parenthood affiliates “absolutely” want to offer such organs, she said.

Nucatola admitted that Planned Parenthood's abortionists take great care not to appear to be profiteering off fetal body parts. She said, “They just want to do it in a way that is not perceived as, 'The clinic is selling tissue. This clinic is making money off of this.'”

The issue is not merely PR – there is also the little matter of federal law. Trafficking in human body parts is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $500,000.

BREAKING Undercover video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions News LifeSite

i am surprised that the far left hasn't used the excuse "But It's For The Children".

Oh they have. These threads are strewn with "you don't really care about kids or you'd be okay with chopping them up" craziness.
Planned Parenthood President responds to video hoax.

Oh well then...if the president of pp says they aren't doing anything wrong, that's the end of it! Whew no investigation needed, because organizations engaged in multi million racketeering organizations are always trustworthy! Gads this is idiotic even for babykiller morons.
You need those kids to support the welfare state you love so much..And when your miserable ass is on your death bed you wont be railing against G-d

Yeah, I probably will. There is no God. I figured that out when my mom was on her deathbed and all the prayers and fake lotions from Saint's tombs and rosaries didn't save her.

But to the point. We don't need to have an irresponsible birth rate to support a welfare state.

What we actually need to do is stop shipping all our jobs to India and China and Mexico.

With the Labor Participation Rate at record lows, the problem is not that we don't have enough people. We have plenty, and we can import more if we really need them.

The bigger point is that the planet can't sustain this level of population growth. This was the point I was trying to get across to you but you were too busy seeing red to process.
Didn't know God was in the business saving people. Sorry you lost your mom
Planned Parenthood President responds to video hoax.

It will take more than that to refute this undercover investigation.....As long as she feeds off of the prepackaged blood from the Red Cross until this is straightened out, I don't care what she says.
Prosecute to the fullest extent of the law, this is as bad as it can get

Video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions

An undercover video released this morning shows a national leader of Planned Parenthood admitting that the abortion provider uses the illegal partial birth abortion procedure to sell intact fetal body parts.

The average asking price for fetal body parts? Between $30 and $100 per specimen.

Dr. Deborah Nucatola has been senior director of medical services at Planned Parenthood since February 2009, where she oversees medical practices at all Planned Parenthood affiliates nationwide. She has been employed by Planned Parenthood for more than a decade. She also performs abortions up to 24 weeks in Los Angeles.

In the video, she met with investigators posing as buyers from a human biologic company on July 25, 2014.

While casually sipping wine and eating salad, Dr. Nucatola revealed that she charges $30 to $100 per specimen, and that fetal livers are especially in demand – although “a lot of people want intact hearts these days,” and she has had requests for lungs and “lower extremities.”

Planned Parenthood affiliates “absolutely” want to offer such organs, she said.

Nucatola admitted that Planned Parenthood's abortionists take great care not to appear to be profiteering off fetal body parts. She said, “They just want to do it in a way that is not perceived as, 'The clinic is selling tissue. This clinic is making money off of this.'”

The issue is not merely PR – there is also the little matter of federal law. Trafficking in human body parts is a federal felony punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of $500,000.

BREAKING Undercover video catches Planned Parenthood selling baby body parts from illegal partial-birth abortions News LifeSite

i am surprised that the far left hasn't used the excuse "But It's For The Children".

They have
Planned Parenthood President responds to video hoax.

Oh well then...if the president of pp says they aren't doing anything wrong, that's the end of it! Whew no investigation needed, because organizations engaged in multi million racketeering organizations are always trustworthy! Gads this is idiotic even for babykiller morons.

JoeB requires more proof then that... Just ask him.
To each his own. Thank you first amendment. And the people who believed god gave us those unalienable rights

They also beleived witches were a real thing, but that doesn't mean we have to.
Nobody said you did, in fact I said the opposite. Egyptians believed in gods, and built the pyramids. Newton, Einstein believed in god, doesn't mean they're dumb people that deserve to be mocked. Keep on generalizing and mock the people who don't agree with you, after all you can't be wrong so they must be dumb. I'm sure no one else in history hasn't thought that way

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