Planned Parenthood Clinic Cut Through Dead Baby’s Face to Get His Intact Brain

we see who the Butchers of children are and just WHAT PARTY SUPPORTS THEM.
VOTE out this Democrat party. Videos and pictures at the site

In the latest video produced by the Center for Medical Progress, Holly O’Donnell describes a medical technician using scissors to cut through the face of a newly aborted but nearly fully developed baby boy at a Planned Parenthood facility so that his intact brain could be extracted.

O’Donnell says that the technician could also make the boy’s heart beat.

Planned Parenthood is working hard to counter the steady drip of damning videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress, but not even the highest priced Washington, D.C. flacks are likely to be able to erase the thought picture of someone cutting through a child’s face with scissors.

Holly O’Donnell and her Planned Parenthood colleague were harvesting organs that day at Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, a mega-clinic in San Jose, California that has an annual budget of $100 million or 10 percent of the national organization.

O’Donnell, who turned whistleblower after leaving StemExpress, said the child was the most fully developed she had seen up to that point. She describes in great detail how the newly aborted boy was rinsed off and prepared for dissection.

all of it here:
Planned Parenthood Clinic Cut Through Dead Baby's Face to Get His Intact Brain - Breitbart

It didn't happen…..unviable tissue doesn't have a face, or a beating heart……….I heard on the radio the audio from the video…one tech. pressed on the chest…of the unviable tissue mass, and the heart of the unviable tissue mass started beating…..

End this business……….
The baby wasn't dead when they started cutting thru the face. Gruesome. #returnOurFlagFromCuba

The amnio sac is injected so the fetus is terminated before an extraction begins. O'Donnell lied, what she described would not happen. Frog legs dance after being skinned and detached from the frog, but that does
not mean they are alive and feeling anything. Frog is dead the legs are dead, but a pinch of salt will make the
muscles twitch. Many thing seem to move or respond after death. You can make a corpse or a piece of meat
move with a TENS unit, but that does not mean it is still alive. Makes for a good halloween trick to scare the kids.

When a premy has a small chance at survival with all the tools and machines in the neo-natal unit but you thing a
fetus taken to a lab after being removed during an abortion will manage to still have a heart beat? I have a
bridge in BKLYN I'd like to sell you. Sorry, London bridge was already sold.

Tissue does not react to stimulus….limbs, a heart…..react to stimulus…...
The baby wasn't dead when they started cutting thru the face. Gruesome. #returnOurFlagFromCuba

The amnio sac is injected so the fetus is terminated before an extraction begins. O'Donnell lied, what she described would not happen. Frog legs dance after being skinned and detached from the frog, but that does
not mean they are alive and feeling anything. Frog is dead the legs are dead, but a pinch of salt will make the
muscles twitch. Many thing seem to move or respond after death. You can make a corpse or a piece of meat
move with a TENS unit, but that does not mean it is still alive. Makes for a good halloween trick to scare the kids.

When a premy has a small chance at survival with all the tools and machines in the neo-natal unit but you thing a
fetus taken to a lab after being removed during an abortion will manage to still have a heart beat? I have a
bridge in BKLYN I'd like to sell you. Sorry, London bridge was already sold.

Tissue does not react to stimulus….limbs, a heart…..react to stimulus…...
And the sac is not injected if they are trying to distract live tissue either.
Let's just say when the supporters of this die and go to hell. They spend eternity in one of these killing rooms watching the mutilation of these innocent babies. Just sayin.
five states have investigated and said the videos are fabrications and lies.

Total's clear your agenda here is to defend PP auctioning off murdered child your real name Rosa Klebb?
five states have investigated and said the videos are fabrications and lies.

Total's clear your agenda here is to defend PP auctioning off murdered child your real name Rosa Klebb?

I've yet to see one state say the videos are fabrication and lies, simply telling a lie doesn't make it the truth, it's still a lie
five states have investigated and said the videos are fabrications and lies.

Total's clear your agenda here is to defend PP auctioning off murdered child your real name Rosa Klebb?

I've yet to see one state say the videos are fabrication and lies, simply telling a lie doesn't make it the truth, it's still a lie


Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

UPDATE: Massachusetts Also Finds Planned Parenthood To Be "Fully Compliant" With The Law

Blog ››› July 31, 2015 1:00 PM EDT ››› ALEXANDREA BOGUHN

The Indiana State Department of Health found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood clinics in the state in regards to the handling of fetal tissue donations after an investigation sparked by a shady anti-choice organization's heavily edited videos was completed.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence -- a Republican who has long championed efforts to defund Planned Parenthood -- ordered an investigation by the Indiana State Department of Health in cooperation with the state's Office of the Attorney General on July 16, citing "the recent video referencing Planned Parenthood's alleged trafficking of aborted fetal tissue." The move came just days after The Center for Medical Progress released a deceptive video claiming that Planned Parenthood was "selling aborted baby parts" that was roundly called out by the media for "show[ing] nothing illegal" and having selectively edited footage. The investigation was launched despite the fact Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky "does not participate in any tissue donation program."

On July 30, Indiana officially cleared Planned Parenthood clinics in the state of wrongdoing, finding "no evidence of any laws being broken" in the handling of fetal tissue, according to an Associated Press report. Pointing to letters from the Indiana Department of Health to the clinics investigated which stated that the agency was "unable to find any non-compliance with state regulations" the report noted that "the complaint is closed":..

Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with law, Healey says

By David Scharfenberg Globe Staff July 29, 2015

Attorney General Maura Healey says her office has found no evidence that the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts is operating the sort of fetal tissue donation program highlighted in a series of undercover videos released by a national anti-abortion group in recent weeks.
Healey’s office conducted the review at the request of state Representative James J. Lyons Jr., an Andover Republican who cited a Center for Medical Progress video that showed a Planned Parenthood official discussing how the group provides fetal parts to medical researchers over lunch at a Los Angeles restaurant...
Healey: Mass. Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with the law - The Boston Globe

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

by Teddy Wilson, Reporting Fellow, RH Reality Check

August 13, 2015 - 12:29 pm

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. (Shutterstock)

See more of our coverage on the effects of the misleading Center for Medical Progress videos here.

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. Similar investigations in Florida, Indiana, and Massachusetts have also found no evidence of wrongdoing...

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

The DOJ is also investigating the group that is behind all the allegations.
five states have investigated and said the videos are fabrications and lies.

Total's clear your agenda here is to defend PP auctioning off murdered child your real name Rosa Klebb?

I've yet to see one state say the videos are fabrication and lies, simply telling a lie doesn't make it the truth, it's still a lie


Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

UPDATE: Massachusetts Also Finds Planned Parenthood To Be "Fully Compliant" With The Law

Blog ››› July 31, 2015 1:00 PM EDT ››› ALEXANDREA BOGUHN

The Indiana State Department of Health found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood clinics in the state in regards to the handling of fetal tissue donations after an investigation sparked by a shady anti-choice organization's heavily edited videos was completed.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence -- a Republican who has long championed efforts to defund Planned Parenthood -- ordered an investigation by the Indiana State Department of Health in cooperation with the state's Office of the Attorney General on July 16, citing "the recent video referencing Planned Parenthood's alleged trafficking of aborted fetal tissue." The move came just days after The Center for Medical Progress released a deceptive video claiming that Planned Parenthood was "selling aborted baby parts" that was roundly called out by the media for "show[ing] nothing illegal" and having selectively edited footage. The investigation was launched despite the fact Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky "does not participate in any tissue donation program."

On July 30, Indiana officially cleared Planned Parenthood clinics in the state of wrongdoing, finding "no evidence of any laws being broken" in the handling of fetal tissue, according to an Associated Press report. Pointing to letters from the Indiana Department of Health to the clinics investigated which stated that the agency was "unable to find any non-compliance with state regulations" the report noted that "the complaint is closed":..

Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with law, Healey says

By David Scharfenberg Globe Staff July 29, 2015

Attorney General Maura Healey says her office has found no evidence that the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts is operating the sort of fetal tissue donation program highlighted in a series of undercover videos released by a national anti-abortion group in recent weeks.
Healey’s office conducted the review at the request of state Representative James J. Lyons Jr., an Andover Republican who cited a Center for Medical Progress video that showed a Planned Parenthood official discussing how the group provides fetal parts to medical researchers over lunch at a Los Angeles restaurant...
Healey: Mass. Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with the law - The Boston Globe

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

by Teddy Wilson, Reporting Fellow, RH Reality Check

August 13, 2015 - 12:29 pm

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. (Shutterstock)

See more of our coverage on the effects of the misleading Center for Medical Progress videos here.

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. Similar investigations in Florida, Indiana, and Massachusetts have also found no evidence of wrongdoing...

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

The DOJ is also investigating the group that is behind all the allegations.

Where is the link saying any of those states said the videos were fabrication and lies? I know for a fact Indiana cleared them simply because Indiana Planned Parenthood doesn't sell remains
There is something seriously sick with a culture that accepts this.

Once a society accepts degeneracy and perversion as normal, it doesn't stop until that entire society reaches the end.

Absolutely correct. As a Survialist Group is there any doubt whatsoever about TSHTF? We have made our own Hell/Damation by instituting such evilness in our society. God has to have had His fill by now. He must be repulsed by man's vileness and He will end all of this. We'd best be ready as His wrath will come about, guaranteed. We asked for it and we'll pay. It's inevitable!
five states have investigated and said the videos are fabrications and lies.

Total's clear your agenda here is to defend PP auctioning off murdered child your real name Rosa Klebb?

I've yet to see one state say the videos are fabrication and lies, simply telling a lie doesn't make it the truth, it's still a lie


Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

UPDATE: Massachusetts Also Finds Planned Parenthood To Be "Fully Compliant" With The Law

Blog ››› July 31, 2015 1:00 PM EDT ››› ALEXANDREA BOGUHN

The Indiana State Department of Health found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood clinics in the state in regards to the handling of fetal tissue donations after an investigation sparked by a shady anti-choice organization's heavily edited videos was completed.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence -- a Republican who has long championed efforts to defund Planned Parenthood -- ordered an investigation by the Indiana State Department of Health in cooperation with the state's Office of the Attorney General on July 16, citing "the recent video referencing Planned Parenthood's alleged trafficking of aborted fetal tissue." The move came just days after The Center for Medical Progress released a deceptive video claiming that Planned Parenthood was "selling aborted baby parts" that was roundly called out by the media for "show[ing] nothing illegal" and having selectively edited footage. The investigation was launched despite the fact Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky "does not participate in any tissue donation program."

On July 30, Indiana officially cleared Planned Parenthood clinics in the state of wrongdoing, finding "no evidence of any laws being broken" in the handling of fetal tissue, according to an Associated Press report. Pointing to letters from the Indiana Department of Health to the clinics investigated which stated that the agency was "unable to find any non-compliance with state regulations" the report noted that "the complaint is closed":..

Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with law, Healey says

By David Scharfenberg Globe Staff July 29, 2015

Attorney General Maura Healey says her office has found no evidence that the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts is operating the sort of fetal tissue donation program highlighted in a series of undercover videos released by a national anti-abortion group in recent weeks.
Healey’s office conducted the review at the request of state Representative James J. Lyons Jr., an Andover Republican who cited a Center for Medical Progress video that showed a Planned Parenthood official discussing how the group provides fetal parts to medical researchers over lunch at a Los Angeles restaurant...
Healey: Mass. Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with the law - The Boston Globe

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

by Teddy Wilson, Reporting Fellow, RH Reality Check

August 13, 2015 - 12:29 pm

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. (Shutterstock)

See more of our coverage on the effects of the misleading Center for Medical Progress videos here.

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. Similar investigations in Florida, Indiana, and Massachusetts have also found no evidence of wrongdoing...

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

The DOJ is also investigating the group that is behind all the allegations.

Where is the link saying any of those states said the videos were fabrication and lies? I know for a fact Indiana cleared them simply because Indiana Planned Parenthood doesn't sell remains

The videos claim Planned Parenthood is selling "baby parts" for profit. So far nothing has been found to prove those allegations are indeed happening. NO WRONDOING. What else is that suppose to mean.
five states have investigated and said the videos are fabrications and lies.

Total's clear your agenda here is to defend PP auctioning off murdered child your real name Rosa Klebb?

I've yet to see one state say the videos are fabrication and lies, simply telling a lie doesn't make it the truth, it's still a lie


Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

UPDATE: Massachusetts Also Finds Planned Parenthood To Be "Fully Compliant" With The Law

Blog ››› July 31, 2015 1:00 PM EDT ››› ALEXANDREA BOGUHN

The Indiana State Department of Health found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood clinics in the state in regards to the handling of fetal tissue donations after an investigation sparked by a shady anti-choice organization's heavily edited videos was completed.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence -- a Republican who has long championed efforts to defund Planned Parenthood -- ordered an investigation by the Indiana State Department of Health in cooperation with the state's Office of the Attorney General on July 16, citing "the recent video referencing Planned Parenthood's alleged trafficking of aborted fetal tissue." The move came just days after The Center for Medical Progress released a deceptive video claiming that Planned Parenthood was "selling aborted baby parts" that was roundly called out by the media for "show[ing] nothing illegal" and having selectively edited footage. The investigation was launched despite the fact Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky "does not participate in any tissue donation program."

On July 30, Indiana officially cleared Planned Parenthood clinics in the state of wrongdoing, finding "no evidence of any laws being broken" in the handling of fetal tissue, according to an Associated Press report. Pointing to letters from the Indiana Department of Health to the clinics investigated which stated that the agency was "unable to find any non-compliance with state regulations" the report noted that "the complaint is closed":..

Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with law, Healey says

By David Scharfenberg Globe Staff July 29, 2015

Attorney General Maura Healey says her office has found no evidence that the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts is operating the sort of fetal tissue donation program highlighted in a series of undercover videos released by a national anti-abortion group in recent weeks.
Healey’s office conducted the review at the request of state Representative James J. Lyons Jr., an Andover Republican who cited a Center for Medical Progress video that showed a Planned Parenthood official discussing how the group provides fetal parts to medical researchers over lunch at a Los Angeles restaurant...
Healey: Mass. Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with the law - The Boston Globe

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

by Teddy Wilson, Reporting Fellow, RH Reality Check

August 13, 2015 - 12:29 pm

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. (Shutterstock)

See more of our coverage on the effects of the misleading Center for Medical Progress videos here.

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. Similar investigations in Florida, Indiana, and Massachusetts have also found no evidence of wrongdoing...

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

The DOJ is also investigating the group that is behind all the allegations.

Where is the link saying any of those states said the videos were fabrication and lies? I know for a fact Indiana cleared them simply because Indiana Planned Parenthood doesn't sell remains

The videos claim Planned Parenthood is selling "baby parts" for profit. So far nothing has been found to prove those allegations are indeed happening. NO WRONDOING. What else is that suppose to mean.

It means you made up shit and got caught doing it, not one of those states said the videos are lies and fabrications. C'mon, own up
Total's clear your agenda here is to defend PP auctioning off murdered child your real name Rosa Klebb?

I've yet to see one state say the videos are fabrication and lies, simply telling a lie doesn't make it the truth, it's still a lie


Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

UPDATE: Massachusetts Also Finds Planned Parenthood To Be "Fully Compliant" With The Law

Blog ››› July 31, 2015 1:00 PM EDT ››› ALEXANDREA BOGUHN

The Indiana State Department of Health found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood clinics in the state in regards to the handling of fetal tissue donations after an investigation sparked by a shady anti-choice organization's heavily edited videos was completed.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence -- a Republican who has long championed efforts to defund Planned Parenthood -- ordered an investigation by the Indiana State Department of Health in cooperation with the state's Office of the Attorney General on July 16, citing "the recent video referencing Planned Parenthood's alleged trafficking of aborted fetal tissue." The move came just days after The Center for Medical Progress released a deceptive video claiming that Planned Parenthood was "selling aborted baby parts" that was roundly called out by the media for "show[ing] nothing illegal" and having selectively edited footage. The investigation was launched despite the fact Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky "does not participate in any tissue donation program."

On July 30, Indiana officially cleared Planned Parenthood clinics in the state of wrongdoing, finding "no evidence of any laws being broken" in the handling of fetal tissue, according to an Associated Press report. Pointing to letters from the Indiana Department of Health to the clinics investigated which stated that the agency was "unable to find any non-compliance with state regulations" the report noted that "the complaint is closed":..

Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with law, Healey says

By David Scharfenberg Globe Staff July 29, 2015

Attorney General Maura Healey says her office has found no evidence that the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts is operating the sort of fetal tissue donation program highlighted in a series of undercover videos released by a national anti-abortion group in recent weeks.
Healey’s office conducted the review at the request of state Representative James J. Lyons Jr., an Andover Republican who cited a Center for Medical Progress video that showed a Planned Parenthood official discussing how the group provides fetal parts to medical researchers over lunch at a Los Angeles restaurant...
Healey: Mass. Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with the law - The Boston Globe

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

by Teddy Wilson, Reporting Fellow, RH Reality Check

August 13, 2015 - 12:29 pm

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. (Shutterstock)

See more of our coverage on the effects of the misleading Center for Medical Progress videos here.

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. Similar investigations in Florida, Indiana, and Massachusetts have also found no evidence of wrongdoing...

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

The DOJ is also investigating the group that is behind all the allegations.

Where is the link saying any of those states said the videos were fabrication and lies? I know for a fact Indiana cleared them simply because Indiana Planned Parenthood doesn't sell remains

The videos claim Planned Parenthood is selling "baby parts" for profit. So far nothing has been found to prove those allegations are indeed happening. NO WRONDOING. What else is that suppose to mean.

It means you made up shit and got caught doing it, not one of those states said the videos are lies and fabrications. C'mon, own up

I made nothing up. I posted exactly what you said did not happen. They were cleared of not selling "baby parts" which is what the organization has been accused of. Why don't YOU own up to the fact that there is no wrong doing?
I've yet to see one state say the videos are fabrication and lies, simply telling a lie doesn't make it the truth, it's still a lie


Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

UPDATE: Massachusetts Also Finds Planned Parenthood To Be "Fully Compliant" With The Law

Blog ››› July 31, 2015 1:00 PM EDT ››› ALEXANDREA BOGUHN

The Indiana State Department of Health found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood clinics in the state in regards to the handling of fetal tissue donations after an investigation sparked by a shady anti-choice organization's heavily edited videos was completed.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence -- a Republican who has long championed efforts to defund Planned Parenthood -- ordered an investigation by the Indiana State Department of Health in cooperation with the state's Office of the Attorney General on July 16, citing "the recent video referencing Planned Parenthood's alleged trafficking of aborted fetal tissue." The move came just days after The Center for Medical Progress released a deceptive video claiming that Planned Parenthood was "selling aborted baby parts" that was roundly called out by the media for "show[ing] nothing illegal" and having selectively edited footage. The investigation was launched despite the fact Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky "does not participate in any tissue donation program."

On July 30, Indiana officially cleared Planned Parenthood clinics in the state of wrongdoing, finding "no evidence of any laws being broken" in the handling of fetal tissue, according to an Associated Press report. Pointing to letters from the Indiana Department of Health to the clinics investigated which stated that the agency was "unable to find any non-compliance with state regulations" the report noted that "the complaint is closed":..

Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with law, Healey says

By David Scharfenberg Globe Staff July 29, 2015

Attorney General Maura Healey says her office has found no evidence that the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts is operating the sort of fetal tissue donation program highlighted in a series of undercover videos released by a national anti-abortion group in recent weeks.
Healey’s office conducted the review at the request of state Representative James J. Lyons Jr., an Andover Republican who cited a Center for Medical Progress video that showed a Planned Parenthood official discussing how the group provides fetal parts to medical researchers over lunch at a Los Angeles restaurant...
Healey: Mass. Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with the law - The Boston Globe

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

by Teddy Wilson, Reporting Fellow, RH Reality Check

August 13, 2015 - 12:29 pm

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. (Shutterstock)

See more of our coverage on the effects of the misleading Center for Medical Progress videos here.

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. Similar investigations in Florida, Indiana, and Massachusetts have also found no evidence of wrongdoing...

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

The DOJ is also investigating the group that is behind all the allegations.

Where is the link saying any of those states said the videos were fabrication and lies? I know for a fact Indiana cleared them simply because Indiana Planned Parenthood doesn't sell remains

The videos claim Planned Parenthood is selling "baby parts" for profit. So far nothing has been found to prove those allegations are indeed happening. NO WRONDOING. What else is that suppose to mean.

It means you made up shit and got caught doing it, not one of those states said the videos are lies and fabrications. C'mon, own up

I made nothing up. I posted exactly what you said did not happen. They were cleared of not selling "baby parts" which is what the organization has been accused of. Why don't YOU own up to the fact that there is no wrong doing?

Well it's like this, you said the states said the videos were lies and fabrications and your linked articles don't support your claim, do they? Where did any of the states say the videos were lies and fabrications? Just because no Planned Parenthood did anything wrong in those sates doesn't clear the other ones. They don't have an organ donor program so they can't be guilty
If there is a heart beating, metabolism and blood flowing, they are vibrant and indeed a living organism. Taxpayers financing outright MURDERERS! This is like something out of a Frankenstein movie! Or a bad "Night of the Living Dead" sequel!
I've yet to see one state say the videos are fabrication and lies, simply telling a lie doesn't make it the truth, it's still a lie


Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

UPDATE: Massachusetts Also Finds Planned Parenthood To Be "Fully Compliant" With The Law

Blog ››› July 31, 2015 1:00 PM EDT ››› ALEXANDREA BOGUHN

The Indiana State Department of Health found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood clinics in the state in regards to the handling of fetal tissue donations after an investigation sparked by a shady anti-choice organization's heavily edited videos was completed.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence -- a Republican who has long championed efforts to defund Planned Parenthood -- ordered an investigation by the Indiana State Department of Health in cooperation with the state's Office of the Attorney General on July 16, citing "the recent video referencing Planned Parenthood's alleged trafficking of aborted fetal tissue." The move came just days after The Center for Medical Progress released a deceptive video claiming that Planned Parenthood was "selling aborted baby parts" that was roundly called out by the media for "show[ing] nothing illegal" and having selectively edited footage. The investigation was launched despite the fact Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky "does not participate in any tissue donation program."

On July 30, Indiana officially cleared Planned Parenthood clinics in the state of wrongdoing, finding "no evidence of any laws being broken" in the handling of fetal tissue, according to an Associated Press report. Pointing to letters from the Indiana Department of Health to the clinics investigated which stated that the agency was "unable to find any non-compliance with state regulations" the report noted that "the complaint is closed":..

Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with law, Healey says

By David Scharfenberg Globe Staff July 29, 2015

Attorney General Maura Healey says her office has found no evidence that the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts is operating the sort of fetal tissue donation program highlighted in a series of undercover videos released by a national anti-abortion group in recent weeks.
Healey’s office conducted the review at the request of state Representative James J. Lyons Jr., an Andover Republican who cited a Center for Medical Progress video that showed a Planned Parenthood official discussing how the group provides fetal parts to medical researchers over lunch at a Los Angeles restaurant...
Healey: Mass. Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with the law - The Boston Globe

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

by Teddy Wilson, Reporting Fellow, RH Reality Check

August 13, 2015 - 12:29 pm

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. (Shutterstock)

See more of our coverage on the effects of the misleading Center for Medical Progress videos here.

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. Similar investigations in Florida, Indiana, and Massachusetts have also found no evidence of wrongdoing...

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

The DOJ is also investigating the group that is behind all the allegations.

Where is the link saying any of those states said the videos were fabrication and lies? I know for a fact Indiana cleared them simply because Indiana Planned Parenthood doesn't sell remains

The videos claim Planned Parenthood is selling "baby parts" for profit. So far nothing has been found to prove those allegations are indeed happening. NO WRONDOING. What else is that suppose to mean.

It means you made up shit and got caught doing it, not one of those states said the videos are lies and fabrications. C'mon, own up

I made nothing up. I posted exactly what you said did not happen. They were cleared of not selling "baby parts" which is what the organization has been accused of. Why don't YOU own up to the fact that there is no wrong doing?

PP funds the people who judge them.

Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

UPDATE: Massachusetts Also Finds Planned Parenthood To Be "Fully Compliant" With The Law

Blog ››› July 31, 2015 1:00 PM EDT ››› ALEXANDREA BOGUHN

The Indiana State Department of Health found no wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood clinics in the state in regards to the handling of fetal tissue donations after an investigation sparked by a shady anti-choice organization's heavily edited videos was completed.

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence -- a Republican who has long championed efforts to defund Planned Parenthood -- ordered an investigation by the Indiana State Department of Health in cooperation with the state's Office of the Attorney General on July 16, citing "the recent video referencing Planned Parenthood's alleged trafficking of aborted fetal tissue." The move came just days after The Center for Medical Progress released a deceptive video claiming that Planned Parenthood was "selling aborted baby parts" that was roundly called out by the media for "show[ing] nothing illegal" and having selectively edited footage. The investigation was launched despite the fact Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky "does not participate in any tissue donation program."

On July 30, Indiana officially cleared Planned Parenthood clinics in the state of wrongdoing, finding "no evidence of any laws being broken" in the handling of fetal tissue, according to an Associated Press report. Pointing to letters from the Indiana Department of Health to the clinics investigated which stated that the agency was "unable to find any non-compliance with state regulations" the report noted that "the complaint is closed":..

Indiana Clears Planned Parenthood Of Wrongdoing In Investigation Sparked By Deceptively-Edited Videos

Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with law, Healey says

By David Scharfenberg Globe Staff July 29, 2015

Attorney General Maura Healey says her office has found no evidence that the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts is operating the sort of fetal tissue donation program highlighted in a series of undercover videos released by a national anti-abortion group in recent weeks.
Healey’s office conducted the review at the request of state Representative James J. Lyons Jr., an Andover Republican who cited a Center for Medical Progress video that showed a Planned Parenthood official discussing how the group provides fetal parts to medical researchers over lunch at a Los Angeles restaurant...
Healey: Mass. Planned Parenthood ‘fully compliant’ with the law - The Boston Globe

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

by Teddy Wilson, Reporting Fellow, RH Reality Check

August 13, 2015 - 12:29 pm

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. (Shutterstock)

See more of our coverage on the effects of the misleading Center for Medical Progress videos here.

State agency representatives from Georgia and South Dakota announced this week that their investigations into Planned Parenthood have found that the organization did not violate any laws related to fetal tissue donation. Similar investigations in Florida, Indiana, and Massachusetts have also found no evidence of wrongdoing...

Georgia, South Dakota Investigations Conclude No Wrongdoing by Planned Parenthood

The DOJ is also investigating the group that is behind all the allegations.

Where is the link saying any of those states said the videos were fabrication and lies? I know for a fact Indiana cleared them simply because Indiana Planned Parenthood doesn't sell remains

The videos claim Planned Parenthood is selling "baby parts" for profit. So far nothing has been found to prove those allegations are indeed happening. NO WRONDOING. What else is that suppose to mean.

It means you made up shit and got caught doing it, not one of those states said the videos are lies and fabrications. C'mon, own up

I made nothing up. I posted exactly what you said did not happen. They were cleared of not selling "baby parts" which is what the organization has been accused of. Why don't YOU own up to the fact that there is no wrong doing?

Well it's like this, you said the states said the videos were lies and fabrications and your linked articles don't support your claim, do they? Where did any of the states say the videos were lies and fabrications? Just because no Planned Parenthood did anything wrong in those sates doesn't clear the other ones. They don't have an organ donor program so they can't be guilty

No, see, it's like THIS: You claimed there were no states that said the allegations were 'lies'. I showed you links that showed exactly that. Did they SAY those exact words? Did they HAVE to? The conclusions showed that. You are trying to argue semantics. If you threw a stone at somebody, & they said you threw a rock- are you going to argue that & say NOOOOO.... it was a STONE, not a ROCK. And if they were into 'selling baby parts', which is illegal, why would those particular clinics pay attention to a little fact that they don't have a donor program? LOLOLOL.... It almost seems like you WANT those allegations to be true.... why is that?
Where is the link saying any of those states said the videos were fabrication and lies? I know for a fact Indiana cleared them simply because Indiana Planned Parenthood doesn't sell remains

The videos claim Planned Parenthood is selling "baby parts" for profit. So far nothing has been found to prove those allegations are indeed happening. NO WRONDOING. What else is that suppose to mean.

It means you made up shit and got caught doing it, not one of those states said the videos are lies and fabrications. C'mon, own up

I made nothing up. I posted exactly what you said did not happen. They were cleared of not selling "baby parts" which is what the organization has been accused of. Why don't YOU own up to the fact that there is no wrong doing?

Well it's like this, you said the states said the videos were lies and fabrications and your linked articles don't support your claim, do they? Where did any of the states say the videos were lies and fabrications? Just because no Planned Parenthood did anything wrong in those sates doesn't clear the other ones. They don't have an organ donor program so they can't be guilty

No, see, it's like THIS: You claimed there were no states that said the allegations were 'lies'. I showed you links that showed exactly that. Did they SAY those exact words? Did they HAVE to? The conclusions showed that. You are trying to argue semantics. If you threw a stone at somebody, & they said you threw a rock- are you going to argue that & say NOOOOO.... it was a STONE, not a ROCK. And if they were into 'selling baby parts', which is illegal, why would those particular clinics pay attention to a little fact that they don't have a donor program? LOLOLOL.... It almost seems like you WANT those allegations to be true.... why is that?

You created hyperbole and a straw man. The states NEVER said the videos were lies and fabrication. You're a noob so it's expected you'd get caught

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