Planned Parenthood Clinic Cut Through Dead Baby’s Face to Get His Intact Brain

Well, that's one way to counter a protest :)

Jindal to screen Planned Parenthood videos outside mansion during pro-choice protest

Louisiana governor and GOP presidential candidate Bobby Jindal will counter pro-Planned Parenthood protests today with a protest of his own -- in the form of a continuous video loop ofthe seven undercover videos showing illegal abortions and fetal harvesting by Planned Parenthood clinics.

The videos, some of which include graphic footage of abortion workers sorting through the dismembered arms, legs and other body parts of aborted babies as old as 20-weeks gestation, will show on an outdoor movie theater outside the Louisiana governor's mansion.

The pro-Planned Parenthood protest is set to take place at 4:30 CT. The screening of the videos will happen at the same time.

BREAKING: Jindal to screen Planned Parenthood videos outside mansion during pro-choice protest
If there is a heart beating, metabolism and blood flowing, they are vibrant and indeed a living organism. Taxpayers financing outright MURDERERS! This is like something out of a Frankenstein movie! Or a bad "Night of the Living Dead" sequel!

It was only alive because a woman who it seems did not work for PP but stemexpress said so on a video make by rabid anti-abortionists three years after the fact.
Why do you believe she as saying anything that was true rather than scripted for propaganda purposes?

Where is the evidence the fetus was really alive after an abortion and a period of time transported to the lab and finally dissected? Was it on neo-natal life support? A first trimester fetus is not alive at time of extraction. Her statements are BS. The majority of premies at third term need neo-natal life support before the 9th month.

It makes no medical sense except to those seeking to justify their rabid belief that abortions are somehow immoral.

Women have a right over their body, not you or anyone else.

Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.
If there is a heart beating, metabolism and blood flowing, they are vibrant and indeed a living organism. Taxpayers financing outright MURDERERS! This is like something out of a Frankenstein movie! Or a bad "Night of the Living Dead" sequel!

It was only alive because a woman who it seems did not work for PP but stemexpress said so on a video make by rabid anti-abortionists three years after the fact.
Why do you believe she as saying anything that was true rather than scripted for propaganda purposes?

Where is the evidence the fetus was really alive after an abortion and a period of time transported to the lab and finally dissected? Was it on neo-natal life support? A first trimester fetus is not alive at time of extraction. Her statements are BS. The majority of premies at third term need neo-natal life support before the 9th month.

It makes no medical sense except to those seeking to justify their rabid belief that abortions are somehow immoral.

Women have a right over their body, not you or anyone else.

Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda
If there is a heart beating, metabolism and blood flowing, they are vibrant and indeed a living organism. Taxpayers financing outright MURDERERS! This is like something out of a Frankenstein movie! Or a bad "Night of the Living Dead" sequel!

It was only alive because a woman who it seems did not work for PP but stemexpress said so on a video make by rabid anti-abortionists three years after the fact.
Why do you believe she as saying anything that was true rather than scripted for propaganda purposes?

Where is the evidence the fetus was really alive after an abortion and a period of time transported to the lab and finally dissected? Was it on neo-natal life support? A first trimester fetus is not alive at time of extraction. Her statements are BS. The majority of premies at third term need neo-natal life support before the 9th month.

It makes no medical sense except to those seeking to justify their rabid belief that abortions are somehow immoral.

Women have a right over their body, not you or anyone else.

Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Late term abortions are done in PP clinics ALL THE TIME. That's why they object so strenuously to women being allowed to have access to sonogram....they don't want them to see, and they don't want to be obligated to record, the accurate date of the infants they're killing. Though they have no issue with using those same wands to protect baby organs that they plan to harvest.
" The child, a boy, was at least six months gestational age, perhaps even older. He had been killed by the D and E (dilation and evacuation) abortion method. His body was well formed and muscular. His red and purple veins could be seen through his translucent skin. Regaldo S. Florendo, the clinic’s owner and abortionist, saw every body part as he literally tore the fetal child limb from limb and removed the parts from the womb.The clinic seemed to want to hide this child as he lay on the very bottom of the box buried beneath others who shared a similar fate. And, unlike his unwanted brothers and sisters, not a single piece of identifying information was scribbled on his plastic burial shroud."

They record the mothers and the age of the babies who are legal.

They simply don't record them when they're illegal.

And nobody checks, because the pro-abortionists like the ones you see ra-rahing baby death and the abuse of women in this thread, claim that women aren't important enough to rate any sort of oversight of abortion clinics. PP can do whatever they hell they want.

And these ghouls think it's awesome.

Unborn Babies Found in Trash | ClinicQuotes
If there is a heart beating, metabolism and blood flowing, they are vibrant and indeed a living organism. Taxpayers financing outright MURDERERS! This is like something out of a Frankenstein movie! Or a bad "Night of the Living Dead" sequel!

It was only alive because a woman who it seems did not work for PP but stemexpress said so on a video make by rabid anti-abortionists three years after the fact.
Why do you believe she as saying anything that was true rather than scripted for propaganda purposes?

Where is the evidence the fetus was really alive after an abortion and a period of time transported to the lab and finally dissected? Was it on neo-natal life support? A first trimester fetus is not alive at time of extraction. Her statements are BS. The majority of premies at third term need neo-natal life support before the 9th month.

It makes no medical sense except to those seeking to justify their rabid belief that abortions are somehow immoral.

Women have a right over their body, not you or anyone else.

Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda

CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts?
If there is a heart beating, metabolism and blood flowing, they are vibrant and indeed a living organism. Taxpayers financing outright MURDERERS! This is like something out of a Frankenstein movie! Or a bad "Night of the Living Dead" sequel!

It was only alive because a woman who it seems did not work for PP but stemexpress said so on a video make by rabid anti-abortionists three years after the fact.
Why do you believe she as saying anything that was true rather than scripted for propaganda purposes?

Where is the evidence the fetus was really alive after an abortion and a period of time transported to the lab and finally dissected? Was it on neo-natal life support? A first trimester fetus is not alive at time of extraction. Her statements are BS. The majority of premies at third term need neo-natal life support before the 9th month.

It makes no medical sense except to those seeking to justify their rabid belief that abortions are somehow immoral.

Women have a right over their body, not you or anyone else.

Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda

CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts? really go all out for baby killing, dontcha hon?
If there is a heart beating, metabolism and blood flowing, they are vibrant and indeed a living organism. Taxpayers financing outright MURDERERS! This is like something out of a Frankenstein movie! Or a bad "Night of the Living Dead" sequel!

It was only alive because a woman who it seems did not work for PP but stemexpress said so on a video make by rabid anti-abortionists three years after the fact.
Why do you believe she as saying anything that was true rather than scripted for propaganda purposes?

Where is the evidence the fetus was really alive after an abortion and a period of time transported to the lab and finally dissected? Was it on neo-natal life support? A first trimester fetus is not alive at time of extraction. Her statements are BS. The majority of premies at third term need neo-natal life support before the 9th month.

It makes no medical sense except to those seeking to justify their rabid belief that abortions are somehow immoral.

Women have a right over their body, not you or anyone else.

Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda

CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts?
So now you're claiming it was photo shopped? I want to hear you say that shit for the record.
If there is a heart beating, metabolism and blood flowing, they are vibrant and indeed a living organism. Taxpayers financing outright MURDERERS! This is like something out of a Frankenstein movie! Or a bad "Night of the Living Dead" sequel!

It was only alive because a woman who it seems did not work for PP but stemexpress said so on a video make by rabid anti-abortionists three years after the fact.
Why do you believe she as saying anything that was true rather than scripted for propaganda purposes?

Where is the evidence the fetus was really alive after an abortion and a period of time transported to the lab and finally dissected? Was it on neo-natal life support? A first trimester fetus is not alive at time of extraction. Her statements are BS. The majority of premies at third term need neo-natal life support before the 9th month.

It makes no medical sense except to those seeking to justify their rabid belief that abortions are somehow immoral.

Women have a right over their body, not you or anyone else.

Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda

CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts?

After your claim five states said the videos were fabrications and lies I sincerely doubt your honesty
It was only alive because a woman who it seems did not work for PP but stemexpress said so on a video make by rabid anti-abortionists three years after the fact.
Why do you believe she as saying anything that was true rather than scripted for propaganda purposes?

Where is the evidence the fetus was really alive after an abortion and a period of time transported to the lab and finally dissected? Was it on neo-natal life support? A first trimester fetus is not alive at time of extraction. Her statements are BS. The majority of premies at third term need neo-natal life support before the 9th month.

It makes no medical sense except to those seeking to justify their rabid belief that abortions are somehow immoral.

Women have a right over their body, not you or anyone else.

Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda

CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts?

After your claim five states said the videos were fabrications and lies I sincerely doubt your honesty

Babykillers lie. They have to.
" The child, a boy, was at least six months gestational age, perhaps even older. He had been killed by the D and E (dilation and evacuation) abortion method. His body was well formed and muscular. His red and purple veins could be seen through his translucent skin. Regaldo S. Florendo, the clinic’s owner and abortionist, saw every body part as he literally tore the fetal child limb from limb and removed the parts from the womb.The clinic seemed to want to hide this child as he lay on the very bottom of the box buried beneath others who shared a similar fate. And, unlike his unwanted brothers and sisters, not a single piece of identifying information was scribbled on his plastic burial shroud."

They record the mothers and the age of the babies who are legal.

They simply don't record them when they're illegal.

And nobody checks, because the pro-abortionists like the ones you see ra-rahing baby death and the abuse of women in this thread, claim that women aren't important enough to rate any sort of oversight of abortion clinics. PP can do whatever they hell they want.

And these ghouls think it's awesome.

Unborn Babies Found in Trash | ClinicQuotes

That was Regaldo S. Florendo at Biogenics in Chicago back in the 1970's.

Noting to do with PP or O'Donnell/CMT videos
It was only alive because a woman who it seems did not work for PP but stemexpress said so on a video make by rabid anti-abortionists three years after the fact.
Why do you believe she as saying anything that was true rather than scripted for propaganda purposes?

Where is the evidence the fetus was really alive after an abortion and a period of time transported to the lab and finally dissected? Was it on neo-natal life support? A first trimester fetus is not alive at time of extraction. Her statements are BS. The majority of premies at third term need neo-natal life support before the 9th month.

It makes no medical sense except to those seeking to justify their rabid belief that abortions are somehow immoral.

Women have a right over their body, not you or anyone else.

Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda

CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts?
So now you're claiming it was photo shopped? I want to hear you say that shit for the record.

I'm saying it is possible to make a video by CGI that could show a fetus break dancing on a lab table if they wanted
Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda

CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts?

After your claim five states said the videos were fabrications and lies I sincerely doubt your honesty

Babykillers lie. They have to.
So do clowns that produce videos filled with dubious claims and fool hysterical nutcases into posting them on message boards.
It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda

CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts?

After your claim five states said the videos were fabrications and lies I sincerely doubt your honesty

Babykillers lie. They have to.
So do clowns that produce videos filled with dubious claims and fool hysterical nutcases into posting them on message boards.
Like Lakhota for instance.
Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda

CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts?

After your claim five states said the videos were fabrications and lies I sincerely doubt your honesty

Babykillers lie. They have to.
So do clowns that produce videos filled with dubious claims and fool hysterical nutcases into posting them on message boards.
Like Lakhota for instance.
No. Like the OP.
It was only alive because a woman who it seems did not work for PP but stemexpress said so on a video make by rabid anti-abortionists three years after the fact.
Why do you believe she as saying anything that was true rather than scripted for propaganda purposes?

Where is the evidence the fetus was really alive after an abortion and a period of time transported to the lab and finally dissected? Was it on neo-natal life support? A first trimester fetus is not alive at time of extraction. Her statements are BS. The majority of premies at third term need neo-natal life support before the 9th month.

It makes no medical sense except to those seeking to justify their rabid belief that abortions are somehow immoral.

Women have a right over their body, not you or anyone else.

Why do you believe anything she is saying isn't true? She was there, you wasn't

It makes no medical sense. A late term abortion would be done in hospital not a PP clinic. Any abortion done in the clinic, the fetus would be too immature to live outside the womb. Before any abortion during any term, the amnio sac is injected to terminate the fetus before extraction.

The fetus from an abortion at the clinic could not have had a heart beat.

O'Donnell lied.

Just your opinion and to be honest I don't put much stock in anything you say. They could show a video of it happening and you'd still be in denial. You don' give a damn about anything but party and the agenda

CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts?

After your claim five states said the videos were fabrications and lies I sincerely doubt your honesty

Georgia, Indiana and Kentucky, Massachusetts and South Dakota have cleared PP of any wrong doing

Arizona, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Ohio,Tennessee and Texas don't participate in tissue donation

California is investigating CMP
CGI can make anything look possible.

What party? Common sense? What agenda? Facts?

After your claim five states said the videos were fabrications and lies I sincerely doubt your honesty

Babykillers lie. They have to.
So do clowns that produce videos filled with dubious claims and fool hysterical nutcases into posting them on message boards.
Like Lakhota for instance.
No. Like the OP.

Libs always like to blame others for the things they themselves do.
After your claim five states said the videos were fabrications and lies I sincerely doubt your honesty

Babykillers lie. They have to.
So do clowns that produce videos filled with dubious claims and fool hysterical nutcases into posting them on message boards.
Like Lakhota for instance.
No. Like the OP.

Libs always like to blame others for the things they themselves do.
Stop whining. The OP is an idiot and so are you for believing this.

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