Planned Parenthood Employee urges woman to seek gender select abortion

The last time I checked, abortion was legal. A woman can have an abortion for any reason she wishes. Faux-outrage noted.

aborting for sex selection is illegal in several states, dipshit... Arizona, Illinois, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania.
Yes, lets get rid of Planned Parenthood because of one dumb worker.......How much percentage of their business is abortion???
Yeah, lets get rid of a useful program because some people are moron. Good idea right wing.

Luissa I for one am not saying rid the planet of Planned Parenthood.

But for those who are willing to dismiss this really heinous issue of gender select abortion just to protect a womans right to choose under any and all circumstances is wrong.

For heaven's sake, gendercide is real. It is in the here and now on this continent.

Up here, they are proposing a law to prevent the identification of the sex of a child in the womb till 30 weeks. We are a very diverse society. Our physicians realize that many new immigrant women are pressured by their families to abort the female fetus.

Talk about a war on women! It's waged against the female in the womb, and it's waged against young immigrant mothers whose families only wish for a male child.

Legislation is being proposed as it should be.

Hell's bells even in India they have laws against this barbaric practice.
Right to abortion? Good. Right to abortion for any ol' reason? Bad.

I was born in China and adopted. If I had been aborted for the simple fact I was a girl, well, then good-bye life for me. Aborting because of sex is despicable. I understand some people really want a boy or girl, but no matter what sex your child is, you are the parent and you will love them no matter what.

As for the PP thing as to whether or not it was real/fake or policy/individual fault. I would suspect that's not nationwide policy to go around saying aborting because of sex is ok. I know that wouldn't fly in CA. But unfortunately, they do allow abortions for any reason. Although you would be hard pressed to find a doctor to abort due to sex, I assume.

With all due respect, right in my updated OP the PP spokesperson said that they were diligently perfoming gender base abortions. Read her words carefully.

This spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America also told The Huffington Post that the organization condemns seeking abortions on the basis of gender, but its policy is to provide “high quality, confidential,nonjudgmental care to all who come into” its health centers.

That means that no Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions (Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Illinois).

Non judgmental = we're doing sex selective abortions until you legislate against it .

They are in the abortion business after all.
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Didn't we see this with Acorn? Turns out it was edited and completely made up. If Republicans couldn't make up facts, they would have no record to run on.

Who cares if there is a tape?

Planned Parenthood completely admit to performing gender based abortions except in the States that have legislated against it.

The issue of female fetacide is an issue that far exceeds the tiny boundaries of Democrat and Republican politics.

This is truly an ethical dilema for the medical community world wide.
"Planned Parenthood" is a cruel oxymoron.

The only thing these dried up rejects of humanity plan for is abortion.
"Planned Parenthood" is a cruel oxymoron.

The only thing these dried up rejects of humanity plan for is abortion.

agreed.....parenthood certainly is NOT the emphasis of the marxist state....

only 1% of all abortions occur because of rape or incest...

only 6% of abortions occur because of potential health problems regarding either the mother or child

93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (i.e. the child is unwanted or inconvenient)

over 55 million babies have been aborted since Roe v. Wade....

How many of these 55 Million abortions were actually necessary...?

How many of these 55 Million abortions were for "social reasons"...?

you do the math...


Number of Abortions in US & Worldwide - Number of abortions since 1973
Abortion Statistics
Right to abortion? Good. Right to abortion for any ol' reason? Bad.

I was born in China and adopted. If I had been aborted for the simple fact I was a girl, well, then good-bye life for me. Aborting because of sex is despicable. I understand some people really want a boy or girl, but no matter what sex your child is, you are the parent and you will love them no matter what.

As for the PP thing as to whether or not it was real/fake or policy/individual fault. I would suspect that's not nationwide policy to go around saying aborting because of sex is ok. I know that wouldn't fly in CA. But unfortunately, they do allow abortions for any reason. Although you would be hard pressed to find a doctor to abort due to sex, I assume.

With all due respect, right in my updated OP the PP spokesperson said that they were diligently perfoming gender base abortions. Read her words carefully.

This spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood Federation of America also told The Huffington Post that the organization condemns seeking abortions on the basis of gender, but its policy is to provide “high quality, confidential,nonjudgmental care to all who come into” its health centers.

That means that no Planned Parenthood clinic will deny a woman an abortion based on her reasons for wanting one, except in those states that explicitly prohibit sex-selective abortions (Arizona, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Illinois).

Non judgmental = we're doing sex selective abortions until you legislate against it .

They are in the abortion business after all.

Non-judgmental = we do abortions and do not discriminate for any reason. Unfortunately that includes due to sex. But what I was saying was that in the end, it is the doctor who decides whether or not to do the abortion. So if the patient lies, telling the doctor it is for some other reason, then why should the doctor think different?

As for recommending how to get around it... if that's PP policy, then they need to rethink some things.
You seem to have a reading/watching comprehension problem. The counselor is clearly telling this moron, that her that her choice is not feasible.

To paraphrase the conversation so even you can understand it:

MOTHER: I want to abort my baby if it is a girl.

PP: We can't tell if it is a girl yet. But we can later, before the legal clock runs out on abortion.

MOTHER: So you are saying I should come back later when you can tell if it is a boy or girl.

PP: Yes.

MOTHER: If it is a girl then, I want to kill it.

PP: Okay.
Yes, lets get rid of Planned Parenthood because of one dumb worker.

Do you think it was just dumb luck the undercover person happened across the one person who would go along with her gender bias abortion? Or is it more likely they were aware of a systemic culture that goes along with gender bias abortion?
And the employee has been terminated. They say it's because she did not live up to their "high standards".

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Anybody want to bet she was terminated because she got them busted?

She was in fact found to be a jackass, and was therefore fired. Immediately.

I'm not really sure what the issue is with that part of it.

If someone found that there was a Bank of America employee that was stealing from customers, and the bank fired them as soon as they found out, would you want BoA to be shut down?

Obviously it is not the policy of Planned Parenthood to advise women to abort for gender selection. And if they find an employee who is doing this, they fire them.
And the employee has been terminated. They say it's because she did not live up to their "high standards".

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Anybody want to bet she was terminated because she got them busted?

She was in fact found to be a jackass, and was therefore fired. Immediately.

I'm not really sure what the issue is with that part of it.

If someone found that there was a Bank of America employee that was stealing from customers, and the bank fired them as soon as they found out, would you want BoA to be shut down?

Obviously it is not the policy of Planned Parenthood to advise women to abort for gender selection. And if they find an employee who is doing this, they fire them.

Do you think it was just dumb luck the undercover person happened across the one person who would go along with her gender bias abortion? Or is it more likely they were aware of a systemic culture that goes along with gender bias abortion?
Discredited anti-choice activist Lila Rose went on The O'Reilly Factor to push her latest hoax video attacking Planned Parenthood. Rose and host Bill O'Reilly want people to think that, in the words of Rose's group, Planned Parenthood is complicit in "widespread sex-selection by means of abortion." In fact, Planned Parenthood has stated that it "finds the concept of sex selection deeply unsettling" and the organization "does not offer sex determination services; our ultrasound services are limited to medical purposes."

Rose's hoax video of a person walking into a Planned Parenthood office and pretending to be a patient. O'Reilly and Rose pretended that the actions of the employee were representative of the organization. O'Reilly even asked "Are we now China in this country? If Planned Parenthood is advising woman to abort because of gender choice, then we are China. And you should remember that the next time a politician or famous person endorses Planned Parenthood."

But Planned Parenthood has said that the staff member highlighted in the video was terminated "within three days of this patient interaction" and that "all staff members at this affiliate were immediately scheduled for retraining in managing unusual patient encounters."

Also unmentioned by O'Reilly and Rose is that fact that statistics show no evidence of systematic sex-selection abortion, since the majority of abortions are performed before the gender can be identified, and the gender-birth ratio in the United States is almost even.

This is nothing new for O'Reilly and Rose. O'Reilly repeatedly hypes Rose's attacks against Planned Parenthood but refuse to give their viewers the facts behind the attack.

County Fair | Media Matters for America
Discredited anti-choice activist Lila Rose went on The O'Reilly Factor to push her latest hoax video attacking Planned Parenthood. Rose and host Bill O'Reilly want people to think that, in the words of Rose's group, Planned Parenthood is complicit in "widespread sex-selection by means of abortion." In fact, Planned Parenthood has stated that it "finds the concept of sex selection deeply unsettling" and the organization "does not offer sex determination services; our ultrasound services are limited to medical purposes."

Rose's hoax video of a person walking into a Planned Parenthood office and pretending to be a patient. O'Reilly and Rose pretended that the actions of the employee were representative of the organization. O'Reilly even asked "Are we now China in this country? If Planned Parenthood is advising woman to abort because of gender choice, then we are China. And you should remember that the next time a politician or famous person endorses Planned Parenthood."

But Planned Parenthood has said that the staff member highlighted in the video was terminated "within three days of this patient interaction" and that "all staff members at this affiliate were immediately scheduled for retraining in managing unusual patient encounters."

Also unmentioned by O'Reilly and Rose is that fact that statistics show no evidence of systematic sex-selection abortion, since the majority of abortions are performed before the gender can be identified, and the gender-birth ratio in the United States is almost even.

This is nothing new for O'Reilly and Rose. O'Reilly repeatedly hypes Rose's attacks against Planned Parenthood but refuse to give their viewers the facts behind the attack.

County Fair | Media Matters for America

Do you think it was just dumb luck the undercover person happened across the one person who would go along with her gender bias abortion scheme? Or is it more likely they were aware of a systemic culture that goes along with gender bias abortion?
Hey, Dickless Fuck,...

5:25 mark of the clip...
Woman: So then I would want to schedule an ultrasound with an OB around then, and I would still be able to come back here for a termination if it was a girl?

PP: Mhm. (yes). and that would be in July.

OMG!!!! That is the most sickening thing I've ever heard read or seen.
Bill would outlaw abortion for sex selection - Washington Times
Congress is set to wade into one of the most sensitive topics in the abortion debate, with a House vote Wednesday on a bill that would ban abortions that are performed solely because of an unborn child’s sex.
Regardless of Congress and its continual stupidity, it is really no one's business but the woman in question.

so, abortion to control gender is acceptable to you, got it.

move to China.
Bill would outlaw abortion for sex selection - Washington Times
Congress is set to wade into one of the most sensitive topics in the abortion debate, with a House vote Wednesday on a bill that would ban abortions that are performed solely because of an unborn child’s sex.
Regardless of Congress and its continual stupidity, it is really no one's business but the woman in question.

You really want to live in a world where men outnumber women by a great margin? Do you really want subcultures here where that is the case? How do you think those women will be treated in those subcultures? Certainly not as equals.

Keep your eye on China. They have been doing gender bias abortions for a while now. When all those boys grow up, and girls are thin on the ground, it won't be pretty.

You are looking at a REAL war on women.

I see only one advantage for women in such a situation in China. They will have their pick of the litter when it comes to marriage. They can set the bar really high. They can be incredibly materialistic in their choices of spouses. The rest of the men will probably emigrate. Maybe to here.

But I can see a lot more downsides. Being a minority does not usually work out for the best, of which you must surely be aware.
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Discredited anti-choice activist Lila Rose went on The O'Reilly Factor to push her latest hoax video attacking Planned Parenthood. Rose and host Bill O'Reilly want people to think that, in the words of Rose's group, Planned Parenthood is complicit in "widespread sex-selection by means of abortion." In fact, Planned Parenthood has stated that it "finds the concept of sex selection deeply unsettling" and the organization "does not offer sex determination services; our ultrasound services are limited to medical purposes."

Rose's hoax video of a person walking into a Planned Parenthood office and pretending to be a patient. O'Reilly and Rose pretended that the actions of the employee were representative of the organization. O'Reilly even asked "Are we now China in this country? If Planned Parenthood is advising woman to abort because of gender choice, then we are China. And you should remember that the next time a politician or famous person endorses Planned Parenthood."

But Planned Parenthood has said that the staff member highlighted in the video was terminated "within three days of this patient interaction" and that "all staff members at this affiliate were immediately scheduled for retraining in managing unusual patient encounters."

Also unmentioned by O'Reilly and Rose is that fact that statistics show no evidence of systematic sex-selection abortion, since the majority of abortions are performed before the gender can be identified, and the gender-birth ratio in the United States is almost even.

This is nothing new for O'Reilly and Rose. O'Reilly repeatedly hypes Rose's attacks against Planned Parenthood but refuse to give their viewers the facts behind the attack.

County Fair | Media Matters for America

Do you think it was just dumb luck the undercover person happened across the one person who would go along with her gender bias abortion scheme? Or is it more likely they were aware of a systemic culture that goes along with gender bias abortion?

No. Do you have any statistics to show that sex selection abortions are really happening at PP or is this truly just more smear mongering.
Think about it, ladies. What kind of mentality is at work that values male offspring over female offspring?

A superior/inferior categorizing is taking place before they are even born. How's that gonna work out, you think?

That's some culture you are okay with!

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