Planned Parenthood is evil in the sight of God

I am not using religion as a pro or con.
It's in the Declaration of Independence

does an egg have animal rights protections, or just the bird?
Actually, in most states, destroying an egg not intended for human consumption is illegal.

>>Information relating to whether boiling a partially-developed embryo is ethically acceptable or not can be found in the legislation relating to the euthanasia and treatment of research animals. Bird embryos that have reached greater than 50% of their incubation have developed a neural tube sufficient for pain perception; therefore, they should be euthanized by similar methods used in avian neonates such as anesthetic overdose, decapitation, or prolonged exposure to carbon dioxide.<<

Greater than 50% developed

Wild birds, many nest eggs are protected............from humans, not other animals or getting tossed out by parents.
The anti-choice people seem to insist their beliefs should rule the lives of others. They forget that a woman's body is her own and that her body grows an egg into a fetus and then gives birth to a baby, not someone else's ideology.

Her body is her own.
They call it 'with child' not with zygote or with fetus
Once she is pregnant her body holds another, and that body is his/her own
So tell us, how would you stop abortions?
The anti-choice people seem to insist their beliefs should rule the lives of others. They forget that a woman's body is her own and that her body grows an egg into a fetus and then gives birth to a baby, not someone else's ideology.

Her body is her own.
They call it 'with child' not with zygote or with fetus
Once she is pregnant her body holds another, and that body is his/her own
So tell us, how would you stop abortions?

If I could... I would in less time it takes to blink
So you're just against something without having a clue what to do. Got it.
The anti-choice people seem to insist their beliefs should rule the lives of others. They forget that a woman's body is her own and that her body grows an egg into a fetus and then gives birth to a baby, not someone else's ideology.

Her body is her own.
They call it 'with child' not with zygote or with fetus
Once she is pregnant her body holds another, and that body is his/her own
So tell us, how would you stop abortions?

If I could... I would in less time it takes to blink
So you're just against something without having a clue what to do. Got it.

There are actually many things they can, with or without free choice.

Takes money and commitment from the whole community.

Seems many people just want to grip about what they think is a problem like waving a magic wand but don't want to actually get their hand dirty, so to speak. They don't want to donate their time and energy to help their cause. They want everyone else to give their time and money.

whine whine whine

They can keep their beliefs but they also need to understand their will be many other who believe differently. That is our right. We have rights over our body as well.

In a plural society, we call hold ideas that are different, but you can't forcefully impose those ideas on others.
The anti-choice people seem to insist their beliefs should rule the lives of others. They forget that a woman's body is her own and that her body grows an egg into a fetus and then gives birth to a baby, not someone else's ideology.

Her body is her own.
They call it 'with child' not with zygote or with fetus
Once she is pregnant her body holds another, and that body is his/her own
So tell us, how would you stop abortions?

If I could... I would in less time it takes to blink
So you're just against something without having a clue what to do. Got it.

There are actually many things they can, with or without free choice.

Takes money and commitment from the whole community.

Seems many people just want to grip about what they think is a problem like waving a magic wand but don't want to actually get their hand dirty, so to speak. They don't want to donate their time and energy to help their cause. They want everyone else to give their time and money.

whine whine whine

They can keep their beliefs but they also need to understand their will be many other who believe differently. That is our right. We have rights over our body as well.

In a plural society, we call hold ideas that are different, but you can't forcefully impose those ideas on others.
So what "many things" can be done to stop abortions?
Her body is her own.
They call it 'with child' not with zygote or with fetus
Once she is pregnant her body holds another, and that body is his/her own
So tell us, how would you stop abortions?

If I could... I would in less time it takes to blink
So you're just against something without having a clue what to do. Got it.

There are actually many things they can, with or without free choice.

Takes money and commitment from the whole community.

Seems many people just want to grip about what they think is a problem like waving a magic wand but don't want to actually get their hand dirty, so to speak. They don't want to donate their time and energy to help their cause. They want everyone else to give their time and money.

whine whine whine

They can keep their beliefs but they also need to understand their will be many other who believe differently. That is our right. We have rights over our body as well.

In a plural society, we call hold ideas that are different, but you can't forcefully impose those ideas on others.
So what "many things" can be done to stop abortions?

begin with better job protection and work place changes to help and adapt to a pregnant women.

more, better orphanages

major improvement to foster care programs

more lower priced daycare for working women, perhaps on a sliding fee

More businesses making accommodations for pregnant and nursing women customers

more education about options

more community support for mothers, married or not. No shaming them

make area more family friendly for women pushing carriages or with small children, safer, easier to get around, help at things like gas pumps so women don't have get out or breath the gas fumes.

More housing that allows babies and small children.

More work place allowances for mothers to be able to drop off children in school and leave for pick up or school issues.

More business that have on site daycare so women can be with children on breaks, or watch on video what the child is doing.

help women get a support groups of friends and family around her deal with stress and assist in the care when she cannot.

Payed leave for women near delivery and for a few weeks after, from all businesses over a set level of finance.

So tell us, how would you stop abortions?

If I could... I would in less time it takes to blink
So you're just against something without having a clue what to do. Got it.

There are actually many things they can, with or without free choice.

Takes money and commitment from the whole community.

Seems many people just want to grip about what they think is a problem like waving a magic wand but don't want to actually get their hand dirty, so to speak. They don't want to donate their time and energy to help their cause. They want everyone else to give their time and money.

whine whine whine

They can keep their beliefs but they also need to understand their will be many other who believe differently. That is our right. We have rights over our body as well.

In a plural society, we call hold ideas that are different, but you can't forcefully impose those ideas on others.
So what "many things" can be done to stop abortions?

begin with better job protection and work place changes to help and adapt to a pregnant women.

more, better orphanages

major improvement to foster care programs

more lower priced daycare for working women, perhaps on a sliding fee

More businesses making accommodations for pregnant and nursing women customers

more education about options

more community support for mothers, married or not. No shaming them

make area more family friendly for women pushing carriages or with small children, safer, easier to get around, help at things like gas pumps so women don't have get out or breath the gas fumes.

More housing that allows babies and small children.

More work place allowances for mothers to be able to drop off children in school and leave for pick up or school issues.

More business that have on site daycare so women can be with children on breaks, or watch on video what the child is doing.

help women get a support groups of friends and family around her deal with stress and assist in the care when she cannot.

Payed leave for women near delivery and for a few weeks after, from all businesses over a set level of finance.

Ok, so you have nothing to stop abortions. Got it.
I never claimed to have the answer on how to stop them
I said it's disgusting, horrifying and despicable to allow women to murder their unborn child.
If I could... I would in less time it takes to blink
So you're just against something without having a clue what to do. Got it.

There are actually many things they can, with or without free choice.

Takes money and commitment from the whole community.

Seems many people just want to grip about what they think is a problem like waving a magic wand but don't want to actually get their hand dirty, so to speak. They don't want to donate their time and energy to help their cause. They want everyone else to give their time and money.

whine whine whine

They can keep their beliefs but they also need to understand their will be many other who believe differently. That is our right. We have rights over our body as well.

In a plural society, we call hold ideas that are different, but you can't forcefully impose those ideas on others.
So what "many things" can be done to stop abortions?

begin with better job protection and work place changes to help and adapt to a pregnant women.

more, better orphanages

major improvement to foster care programs

more lower priced daycare for working women, perhaps on a sliding fee

More businesses making accommodations for pregnant and nursing women customers

more education about options

more community support for mothers, married or not. No shaming them

make area more family friendly for women pushing carriages or with small children, safer, easier to get around, help at things like gas pumps so women don't have get out or breath the gas fumes.

More housing that allows babies and small children.

More work place allowances for mothers to be able to drop off children in school and leave for pick up or school issues.

More business that have on site daycare so women can be with children on breaks, or watch on video what the child is doing.

help women get a support groups of friends and family around her deal with stress and assist in the care when she cannot.

Payed leave for women near delivery and for a few weeks after, from all businesses over a set level of finance.

Ok, so you have nothing to stop abortions. Got it.

the need for medical reason and rape will continue

For birth control or life changes, that is giving women options, hopeful options and better care.

Teaching younger girls abut birth control if they have none or run out. Easy options that almost everyone has in the kitchen or pockets.

Seeds everyday instead of pills with side effects. Other natural options.

If birth control fails, other natural options at home instead of a clinic.

You can try but I thing it would largely be rejected, abstinence.

You either make the ideas of giving birth, whither to keep or give up for adoption, easy as possible or you teach them abstinence. Education will be one of the main thing. Honest, frank about all options. They might choose your way or not.

If they choose to have the baby, make pregnancy as supportive as possible and if they choose to give it up, make adoption as safe and loving as possible. If she keeps it, make her options in life affordable. Ways for her to work and still have a child. Have more support in community, at local not tax payers expense, for day care, activities, psychological/moral support, advice if she want or needs from real people, not just in the net.

she either has it or not
she either keeps it or gives it up

What ever her choice community needs to support her decision and have employment adapted for her and welcoming as possible. Help her understand what it will be like to have a child and raise it well. Make it as easy for her to choose.

Decision has to be hers but what ever she decides, give her support not condemnation.

If the community is full of happy healthy children, it might encourage her. If she lives in a hell hole, she might dread what will happen to the baby after she has it. Make her understand she can have a life and a child, not give up her life and dreams to have a child like a ball and chain around her throat the rest of her life.

Be more understanding of women who have medical reasons. If she doesn't, both lives will be lost.

Clean up neighborhoods, make them safe. Get rid of crime.

More employment options for everyone.

It will cost money and time that no one seems to have.

Don't just gripe about abortions, get to know the women and why they are considering that course.

There is no easy answer.

Shutting down clinics will end up killing more people than help them.

There will be more deaths due to complication and childbirth, not less.

It is not easy for women to carry to term or give birth. It is dangerous far too often.
So you're just against something without having a clue what to do. Got it.

There are actually many things they can, with or without free choice.

Takes money and commitment from the whole community.

Seems many people just want to grip about what they think is a problem like waving a magic wand but don't want to actually get their hand dirty, so to speak. They don't want to donate their time and energy to help their cause. They want everyone else to give their time and money.

whine whine whine

They can keep their beliefs but they also need to understand their will be many other who believe differently. That is our right. We have rights over our body as well.

In a plural society, we call hold ideas that are different, but you can't forcefully impose those ideas on others.
So what "many things" can be done to stop abortions?

begin with better job protection and work place changes to help and adapt to a pregnant women.

more, better orphanages

major improvement to foster care programs

more lower priced daycare for working women, perhaps on a sliding fee

More businesses making accommodations for pregnant and nursing women customers

more education about options

more community support for mothers, married or not. No shaming them

make area more family friendly for women pushing carriages or with small children, safer, easier to get around, help at things like gas pumps so women don't have get out or breath the gas fumes.

More housing that allows babies and small children.

More work place allowances for mothers to be able to drop off children in school and leave for pick up or school issues.

More business that have on site daycare so women can be with children on breaks, or watch on video what the child is doing.

help women get a support groups of friends and family around her deal with stress and assist in the care when she cannot.

Payed leave for women near delivery and for a few weeks after, from all businesses over a set level of finance.

Ok, so you have nothing to stop abortions. Got it.

the need for medical reason and rape will continue

For birth control or life changes, that is giving women options, hopeful options and better care.

Teaching younger girls abut birth control if they have none or run out. Easy options that almost everyone has in the kitchen or pockets.

Seeds everyday instead of pills with side effects. Other natural options.

If birth control fails, other natural options at home instead of a clinic.

You can try but I thing it would largely be rejected, abstinence.

You either make the ideas of giving birth, whither to keep or give up for adoption, easy as possible or you teach them abstinence. Education will be one of the main thing. Honest, frank about all options. They might choose your way or not.

If they choose to have the baby, make pregnancy as supportive as possible and if they choose to give it up, make adoption as safe and loving as possible. If she keeps it, make her options in life affordable. Ways for her to work and still have a child. Have more support in community, at local not tax payers expense, for day care, activities, psychological/moral support, advice if she want or needs from real people, not just in the net.

she either has it or not
she either keeps it or gives it up

What ever her choice community needs to support her decision and have employment adapted for her and welcoming as possible. Help her understand what it will be like to have a child and raise it well. Make it as easy for her to choose.

Decision has to be hers but what ever she decides, give her support not condemnation.

If the community is full of happy healthy children, it might encourage her. If she lives in a hell hole, she might dread what will happen to the baby after she has it. Make her understand she can have a life and a child, not give up her life and dreams to have a child like a ball and chain around her throat the rest of her life.

Be more understanding of women who have medical reasons. If she doesn't, both lives will be lost.

Clean up neighborhoods, make them safe. Get rid of crime.

More employment options for everyone.

It will cost money and time that no one seems to have.

Don't just gripe about abortions, get to know the women and why they are considering that course.

There is no easy answer.

Shutting down clinics will end up killing more people than help them.

There will be more deaths due to complication and childbirth, not less.

It is not easy for women to carry to term or give birth. It is dangerous far too often.
It's ok, we already know that you have nothing to stop abortions.
With all the Planned Parenthood advertising on this site, I thought I would inject some truth on the subject with the video "Maafa 21"

No one is forcing you blacks to walk into PP and have abortions. Soon you will be having back street abortions since the GOP is defunding PPs, even those who do not do abortions.

Most abortion clinics are in the poorest neighborhoods. That is a fact. So a suburban gal has to drive to the poor side of town to do the deed. It is already close for the poorest inner city folk.

Oh and by the way all PPs do abortions. Don't buy the lie

Margaret Sanger would be proud. That racist bitch. Now that woman was a true racist
numbers 5: 11 to 31

read it and then tell me god disapproves of abortion for any reason

Most of the world does not read the bible. Even most christians believe in a woman's choice.
The UN and almost ever country permit a woman's choice as a right.
Christian church had differing opinions over the years and some of the highest leaders not only believe in abortion permissible in the early stages but even taught birth control an abortion

Just because you read or believe on way does not mean the church or all people share your opinion.

Legally and morally it is not up to you to decide for others. We are all free to make our own choices sand will not be enslaved for nine months or 19 yrs against our will.

Children should be loved not forced on women. Women are entitled to their life and happiness. They are not breeding animals on some farm.

In cases of health and rape even the most conservative accept the need for abortion.

If you don't thing it is right then you are free to make that choice for yourself. You do not get to impose your views on others.
The only one imposing their views on others are the women (backed by Planned Parenthood) who impose their will on the innocent, voiceless little human beings whom they rip apart their bodies and crush their skulls all in the name of free choice. Many women have been led down this evil path by those who have sought to destroy the black race and today seek after their agenda of depopulation, ie Planned Parenthood.
The only one imposing their views on others are the women (backed by Planned Parenthood) who impose their will on the innocent, voiceless little human beings whom they rip apart their bodies and crush their skulls all in the name of free choice. Many women have been led down this evil path by those who have sought to destroy the black race and today seek after their agenda of depopulation, ie Planned Parenthood.

Turn off the power knob, and step away from the AM radio.
The only one imposing their views on others are the women (backed by Planned Parenthood) who impose their will on the innocent, voiceless little human beings whom they rip apart their bodies and crush their skulls all in the name of free choice. Many women have been led down this evil path by those who have sought to destroy the black race and today seek after their agenda of depopulation, ie Planned Parenthood.

Sadly you know not what you are talking about. All that propaganda is poisonous.

Woman's life, her risks, her choice to make.

Not a human being till it is born. Until that time it is her body to share or not for nine months. Her life at risk during pregnancy and childbirth.

She is not a slave to be forced to alter her life for nine months or more.

When it is the right time, children should be loved and wanted, not forced on the woman or the world.
God is the biggest aborter of all: stillbirth and spontaneous abortions are part of god's nature.

Hmmm ...

Who kills more ?

The various gods just love killing and torturing actual babies as well as sending billions of fetuses down the drain?


Men, by masturbating.

tis a brain flosser, all righty.

Oh well. Its no one's business anyway.

The world would be a much better place if the thumpers and RWNJs would just MYOB.

That's the way it works
Families now have two kids where they used to have five or six.
Allows more economic flexibility, higher standard of living, allows mom to get back in the workforce

Abortion has been legal for 45 years, it is now part of the equation. Abortion is not going away as a last resort.
Don't like it? Better to encourage FREE birth control, sex education, help families take care of their kids instead of taking away their welfare

Just because that's the way it is, doesn't mean it should be.
Giving people free money is not a deterrent to women killing babies. In fact, Hans ng people free money with no strings or responsibility is one of the most caustic and harmful practices in this country.

Abortion is an accepted practice
You don't like it, why not support a pregnant woman?

This is the part where conservatives scream.......Her pregnancy is her own fault, not my problem

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about

I have every right to complain and won't have people like you telling me different.
No where in the Constitution does it give women the right to wholesale slaughter of their unborn child


Another damn RWNJ who does not know the Constitution. This is exactly why you're so eager to throw it away.


14th Amendment.


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