Planned Parenthood is evil in the sight of God

Still, should pain be the determining factor for a license to kill?

Absolutely not!

I am baffled by the way both sides keep bringing this shit up! It's a red herring / Non starter if there ever was one.

This little girl (and there are others) has a genetic defect that renders her completely incapable of feeling pain.

Anyone who argues that she is not a person is a complete MORON! And anyone who thinks that ripping her apart limb from limb would be "no harm no foul" just because she can't feel it - needs their own fucking head examined.

Expert Tells Congress Unborn Babies Can Feel Pain Starting at 8 Weeks

The 20 week false idea is based on when the unborn child withdraws from painful stimulus. But Dr. Condic says, "“To experience pain, a noxious stimulus must be detected. The neural structures necessary to detect noxious stimuli are in place by 8-10 weeks of human development,”.

Still, should pain be the determining factor for a license to kill?

Do Fetuses Feel Pain? What the Science Says - Live Science › Health
May 17, 2016 - Can fetuses feel pain at this point? ... the fetus is notcapable of feeling pain until the third trimester," said Kate Connors, a spokesperson for ...
Does a Fetus Feel Pain at 20 Weeks? -
May 18, 2015 - This suggests that pain signals can be received by a fetusand sent to the brain, where they are processed — but only if processingdoes not ...
Fetal pain is a lie: How phony science took over the abortion debate ...
Aug 7, 2013 - Because the neural structures necessary to feel pain have notyet ... Which is to say, the fetus at 20 weeks can't actually feel anything at all.
Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study - Rewire
Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study - Rewire
Sep 9, 2011 - Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study ... affirms the idea that a 20 week gestation fetus is not actually able to feel pain, ... “Babies can distinguish painful stimuli as different from general touch from ...
24-week fetuses cannot feel pain | New Scientist
24-week fetuses cannot feel pain
Jun 25, 2010 - Fetuses aged 24 weeks or less do not have the brain connections to feel pain, according to a working party report published this week by the ...
Expert Tells Congress Unborn Babies Can Feel Pain Starting at 8 Weeks

The 20 week false idea is based on when the unborn child withdraws from painful stimulus. But Dr. Condic says, "“To experience pain, a noxious stimulus must be detected. The neural structures necessary to detect noxious stimuli are in place by 8-10 weeks of human development,”.

Still, should pain be the determining factor for a license to kill?

Do Fetuses Feel Pain? What the Science Says - Live Science › Health
May 17, 2016 - Can fetuses feel pain at this point? ... the fetus is notcapable of feeling pain until the third trimester," said Kate Connors, a spokesperson for ...
Does a Fetus Feel Pain at 20 Weeks? -
May 18, 2015 - This suggests that pain signals can be received by a fetusand sent to the brain, where they are processed — but only if processingdoes not ...
Fetal pain is a lie: How phony science took over the abortion debate ...
Aug 7, 2013 - Because the neural structures necessary to feel pain have notyet ... Which is to say, the fetus at 20 weeks can't actually feel anything at all.
Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study - Rewire
Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study - Rewire
Sep 9, 2011 - Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study ... affirms the idea that a 20 week gestation fetus is not actually able to feel pain, ... “Babies can distinguish painful stimuli as different from general touch from ...
24-week fetuses cannot feel pain | New Scientist
24-week fetuses cannot feel pain
Jun 25, 2010 - Fetuses aged 24 weeks or less do not have the brain connections to feel pain, according to a working party report published this week by the ...

Expert Tells Congress Unborn Babies Can Feel Pain Starting at 8 Weeks

The 20 week false idea is based on when the unborn child withdraws from painful stimulus. But Dr. Condic says, "“To experience pain, a noxious stimulus must be detected. The neural structures necessary to detect noxious stimuli are in place by 8-10 weeks of human development,”.

Still, should pain be the determining factor for a license to kill?

Do Fetuses Feel Pain? What the Science Says - Live Science › Health
May 17, 2016 - Can fetuses feel pain at this point? ... the fetus is notcapable of feeling pain until the third trimester," said Kate Connors, a spokesperson for ...
Does a Fetus Feel Pain at 20 Weeks? -
May 18, 2015 - This suggests that pain signals can be received by a fetusand sent to the brain, where they are processed — but only if processingdoes not ...
Fetal pain is a lie: How phony science took over the abortion debate ...
Aug 7, 2013 - Because the neural structures necessary to feel pain have notyet ... Which is to say, the fetus at 20 weeks can't actually feel anything at all.
Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study - Rewire
Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study - Rewire
Sep 9, 2011 - Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study ... affirms the idea that a 20 week gestation fetus is not actually able to feel pain, ... “Babies can distinguish painful stimuli as different from general touch from ...
24-week fetuses cannot feel pain | New Scientist
24-week fetuses cannot feel pain
Jun 25, 2010 - Fetuses aged 24 weeks or less do not have the brain connections to feel pain, according to a working party report published this week by the ...

That was a doctor speaking only on late term abortions. Abortions that late are due to risk to the woman and necessary.

The fetus is already dead by the time the abortion begins. The injection is painless.
Expert Tells Congress Unborn Babies Can Feel Pain Starting at 8 Weeks

The 20 week false idea is based on when the unborn child withdraws from painful stimulus. But Dr. Condic says, "“To experience pain, a noxious stimulus must be detected. The neural structures necessary to detect noxious stimuli are in place by 8-10 weeks of human development,”.

Still, should pain be the determining factor for a license to kill?

Do Fetuses Feel Pain? What the Science Says - Live Science › Health
May 17, 2016 - Can fetuses feel pain at this point? ... the fetus is notcapable of feeling pain until the third trimester," said Kate Connors, a spokesperson for ...
Does a Fetus Feel Pain at 20 Weeks? -
May 18, 2015 - This suggests that pain signals can be received by a fetusand sent to the brain, where they are processed — but only if processingdoes not ...
Fetal pain is a lie: How phony science took over the abortion debate ...
Aug 7, 2013 - Because the neural structures necessary to feel pain have notyet ... Which is to say, the fetus at 20 weeks can't actually feel anything at all.
Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study - Rewire
Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study - Rewire
Sep 9, 2011 - Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study ... affirms the idea that a 20 week gestation fetus is not actually able to feel pain, ... “Babies can distinguish painful stimuli as different from general touch from ...
24-week fetuses cannot feel pain | New Scientist
24-week fetuses cannot feel pain
Jun 25, 2010 - Fetuses aged 24 weeks or less do not have the brain connections to feel pain, according to a working party report published this week by the ...

That was a doctor speaking only on late term abortions. Abortions that late are due to risk to the woman and necessary.

The fetus is already dead by the time the abortion begins. The injection is painless.

^^^^^ = Red Herring
What could possibly be more arrogant and hypocritical than deciding you know what God wants others to do with their own health?
I can tell what is right or wrong by just talking to myself. Like having a transplant from some who is not dead at the time of the removal without his permission. Most people know right from wrong, they just overlook it.
What could possibly be more arrogant and hypocritical than deciding you know what God wants others to do with their own health?
I can tell what is right or wrong by just talking to myself. Like having a transplant from some who is not dead at the time of the removal without his permission. Most people know right from wrong, they just overlook it.
The question is, though, where do they learn right from wrong.
The anti-choice people seem to insist their beliefs should rule the lives of others. They forget that a woman's body is her own and that her body grows an egg into a fetus and then gives birth to a baby, not someone else's ideology.
The anti-choice people seem to insist their beliefs should rule the lives of others. They forget that a woman's body is her own and that her body grows an egg into a fetus and then gives birth to a baby, not someone else's ideology.

Someone needs to repeat 7th grade biology.
What could possibly be more arrogant and hypocritical than deciding you know what God wants others to do with their own health?

God wanted????

Till this last century, women and children were victims and more frequently than not died, and this "god" wanted.
Women had the knowledge and access to the bounty of herbs and foods provided on earth to prevent and abort pregnancy.

Now you think god wants us to become extinct due to over population and fill the world with unwanted children that can not be truly loved and nurtured?

God does not provide an over abundance of clean water and food to feed all this over population. As man take more land from nature we expose more new diseases that each might threaten a pandemic.

Constitutions and charters of the world speak of inalienable right of the living, not of those not yet born. Denying a right to choices in life is a violation of human rights. Without free choice in our lives we would be but slaves to those who take those choices from us.

Most of the world permits a woman's right to choose. Even the law has, but a minority would put women in chains to be bred to death, and the world with it. ........and this is god's will? Any wonder people would turn away from such a god?
Expert Tells Congress Unborn Babies Can Feel Pain Starting at 8 Weeks

The 20 week false idea is based on when the unborn child withdraws from painful stimulus. But Dr. Condic says, "“To experience pain, a noxious stimulus must be detected. The neural structures necessary to detect noxious stimuli are in place by 8-10 weeks of human development,”.

Still, should pain be the determining factor for a license to kill?

Do Fetuses Feel Pain? What the Science Says - Live Science › Health
May 17, 2016 - Can fetuses feel pain at this point? ... the fetus is notcapable of feeling pain until the third trimester," said Kate Connors, a spokesperson for ...
Does a Fetus Feel Pain at 20 Weeks? -
May 18, 2015 - This suggests that pain signals can be received by a fetusand sent to the brain, where they are processed — but only if processingdoes not ...
Fetal pain is a lie: How phony science took over the abortion debate ...
Aug 7, 2013 - Because the neural structures necessary to feel pain have notyet ... Which is to say, the fetus at 20 weeks can't actually feel anything at all.
Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study - Rewire
Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study - Rewire
Sep 9, 2011 - Fetuses Cannot Feel Pain Until 35 Weeks, According To Study ... affirms the idea that a 20 week gestation fetus is not actually able to feel pain, ... “Babies can distinguish painful stimuli as different from general touch from ...
24-week fetuses cannot feel pain | New Scientist
24-week fetuses cannot feel pain
Jun 25, 2010 - Fetuses aged 24 weeks or less do not have the brain connections to feel pain, according to a working party report published this week by the ...

That was a doctor speaking only on late term abortions. Abortions that late are due to risk to the woman and necessary.

The fetus is already dead by the time the abortion begins. The injection is painless.

Total bullshit
God let his only son be nailed to wood in a diaper, so who knows what he wants for humans?
What could possibly be more arrogant and hypocritical than deciding you know what God wants others to do with their own health?
I don't think it has anything to do with health, but a money making sell of cells, and parts of the unborn. This is about the extent that I have read and seen.
The selling of baby parts is a fiction.

More total bullshit.
The things people tell themselves or allow themselves to believe to make shitty things smell a lil better to them...
The anti-choice people seem to insist their beliefs should rule the lives of others. They forget that a woman's body is her own and that her body grows an egg into a fetus and then gives birth to a baby, not someone else's ideology.

Her body is her own.
They call it 'with child' not with zygote or with fetus
Once she is pregnant her body holds another, and that body is his/her own

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