Planned Parenthood is evil in the sight of God

Helping parents to control the size of their families

No more eleven kids

Thank planned parenthood

Got too many kids?
Tired of the snot nosed brats at the end of the day?
Are your kids a never ending drain on your finances?
Sick of all the shoes those little bastards burn through?
Well worry no more! Here at Acme Abortion Mills, were sensitive to the needs and wishes of all you poor parents all over the country.
Yes, friends... come on down to your nearest Acme Abortion Mill and you'll find a kind staff and pretty rooms to kill your child in!
Don't feel bad because you're having a baby!
Come on down and feel relieved that you get to kill one!

Amen mother fuckers
That's the way it works
Families now have two kids where they used to have five or six.
Allows more economic flexibility, higher standard of living, allows mom to get back in the workforce

Abortion has been legal for 45 years, it is now part of the equation. Abortion is not going away as a last resort.
Don't like it? Better to encourage FREE birth control, sex education, help families take care of their kids instead of taking away their welfare

Just because that's the way it is, doesn't mean it should be.
Giving people free money is not a deterrent to women killing babies. In fact, Hans ng people free money with no strings or responsibility is one of the most caustic and harmful practices in this country.

Abortion is an accepted practice
You don't like it, why not support a pregnant woman?

This is the part where conservatives scream.......Her pregnancy is her own fault, not my problem

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about
I am not using religion as a pro or con.
It's in the Declaration of Independence

The woman's life, liberty and happiness exists now. A fetus is only a potential that might never make it to it's first breath. The risk to the woman should be up to her.

Women don't kill babies due to risk. Women use killing babies for birth control.
More out of financial necessity
Remove that and you reduce the need for abortion

People don't even kill their dogs because they're poor. They make do and find a way or give the dog to someone that can afford its care.
Not so with unborn. I can't afford that thing!!! Kill it!!!

responsible pet owners spay and neuter their animals.

Yes they do.
If they can responsible in that way, you'd think they'd be responsible with their own reproductive matters
Got too many kids?
Tired of the snot nosed brats at the end of the day?
Are your kids a never ending drain on your finances?
Sick of all the shoes those little bastards burn through?
Well worry no more! Here at Acme Abortion Mills, were sensitive to the needs and wishes of all you poor parents all over the country.
Yes, friends... come on down to your nearest Acme Abortion Mill and you'll find a kind staff and pretty rooms to kill your child in!
Don't feel bad because you're having a baby!
Come on down and feel relieved that you get to kill one!

Amen mother fuckers
That's the way it works
Families now have two kids where they used to have five or six.
Allows more economic flexibility, higher standard of living, allows mom to get back in the workforce

Abortion has been legal for 45 years, it is now part of the equation. Abortion is not going away as a last resort.
Don't like it? Better to encourage FREE birth control, sex education, help families take care of their kids instead of taking away their welfare

Just because that's the way it is, doesn't mean it should be.
Giving people free money is not a deterrent to women killing babies. In fact, Hans ng people free money with no strings or responsibility is one of the most caustic and harmful practices in this country.

Abortion is an accepted practice
You don't like it, why not support a pregnant woman?

This is the part where conservatives scream.......Her pregnancy is her own fault, not my problem

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about

I have every right to complain and won't have people like you telling me different.
No where in the Constitution does it give women the right to wholesale slaughter of their unborn child
That's the way it works
Families now have two kids where they used to have five or six.
Allows more economic flexibility, higher standard of living, allows mom to get back in the workforce

Abortion has been legal for 45 years, it is now part of the equation. Abortion is not going away as a last resort.
Don't like it? Better to encourage FREE birth control, sex education, help families take care of their kids instead of taking away their welfare

Just because that's the way it is, doesn't mean it should be.
Giving people free money is not a deterrent to women killing babies. In fact, Hans ng people free money with no strings or responsibility is one of the most caustic and harmful practices in this country.

Abortion is an accepted practice
You don't like it, why not support a pregnant woman?

This is the part where conservatives scream.......Her pregnancy is her own fault, not my problem

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about

I have every right to complain and won't have people like you telling me different.
No where in the Constitution does it give women the right to wholesale slaughter of their unborn child
Constitution is only three pages doesn't talk about a lot of things
But it did create a Supreme Court that decided Roe v Wade
Just because that's the way it is, doesn't mean it should be.
Giving people free money is not a deterrent to women killing babies. In fact, Hans ng people free money with no strings or responsibility is one of the most caustic and harmful practices in this country.

Abortion is an accepted practice
You don't like it, why not support a pregnant woman?

This is the part where conservatives scream.......Her pregnancy is her own fault, not my problem

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about

I have every right to complain and won't have people like you telling me different.
No where in the Constitution does it give women the right to wholesale slaughter of their unborn child
Constitution is only three pages doesn't talk about a lot of things
But it did create a Supreme Court that decided Roe v Wade

And they were dead wrong. This was a tragedy made by an activist court that forgot they weren't there to make law but interpret it
numbers 5: 11 to 31

read it and then tell me god disapproves of abortion for any reason
In the verses you refer to, God is punishing a woman who goes astray from her husband and has a child with another man. God makes her miscarry as a form of punishment. It is a decision only God should make; humans chosing such a fate for their child is playing the Creator.
The woman's life, liberty and happiness exists now. A fetus is only a potential that might never make it to it's first breath. The risk to the woman should be up to her.

Women don't kill babies due to risk. Women use killing babies for birth control.
More out of financial necessity
Remove that and you reduce the need for abortion

People don't even kill their dogs because they're poor. They make do and find a way or give the dog to someone that can afford its care.
Not so with unborn. I can't afford that thing!!! Kill it!!!

responsible pet owners spay and neuter their animals.

Yes they do.
If they can responsible in that way, you'd think they'd be responsible with their own reproductive matters

If birth control fails and a woman chooses abortion, she is being responsible to her life and her needs.

Child is not being abandoned or using tax funds for support. She is being responsible for not bring a child into the word she does not love, can not take care of or that might be a health problem for her.

If and when she is ready and able to love a child, that will be her option also......or she can choose to adopt or use other means at the right time.

There are many ways birth control can fail, even a virus.

For her, if that is her choice, abortion is being responsible.

She might have been told by a doctor that she should not try to carry a child. She might be undergoing treatment that might adverse effect a fetus. She might be under obligation or contract where having child at that time is not an option. She might have been raped. She might have had complication in the past and did not want to take such a risk again with her life.

Her reason are her own, but her choices are a way of being responsible, for her and her life.

Not up to others to force her one way or the other. It is her body and her life.

If you know there is a 10-25% change you might die, you decide if the risk is worth it for you. You can take precautions but that choice to go forward or stand still is up to you.

Why if a woman chooses not to take a risk or not to take it at time is it so wrong. What if a woman decided to smoke, drink or take drugs during pregnancy and the fetus or her did not survive? If she makes the choice to get behind the wheel of a car, learns to fly a plane or go bungee jumping, still her choice. If she did not seek prenatal care or decided to engage in risky activities like jumping off cliffs for or going to a war zone as part of her job or to help friends there?

You can't control her choices or what she does, what she eats, where she goes or who she sees. She makes the choices for herself as is her right.

For people who object to abortion...........don't get one. For everyone else, they have to make their own choices.

Even churches have exceptions for birth control and abortion is some cases. Some will forgive a woman's choice to get an abortion. Some don't care or have no option on the matter.

Just because your faith or sense of morality does not agree, your opinion does not apply to others in your town, country or elsewhere in the world.

Shut clinics and woman can still go elsewhere, buy pills online or walk into any pharmacy or grocery store and legally buy what she needs to terminate.

Her body is in her control and she will make the choice right for her, even if that choice is to choose not to go through a pregnancy at that time, or perhaps ever.
Abortion is an accepted practice
You don't like it, why not support a pregnant woman?

This is the part where conservatives scream.......Her pregnancy is her own fault, not my problem

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about

I have every right to complain and won't have people like you telling me different.
No where in the Constitution does it give women the right to wholesale slaughter of their unborn child
Constitution is only three pages doesn't talk about a lot of things
But it did create a Supreme Court that decided Roe v Wade

And they were dead wrong. This was a tragedy made by an activist court that forgot they weren't there to make law but interpret it
It was a conservative court and the vote was 7-2

They interpreted the law and sided with a woman's rights over a states
Abortion is an accepted practice
You don't like it, why not support a pregnant woman?

This is the part where conservatives scream.......Her pregnancy is her own fault, not my problem

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about

I have every right to complain and won't have people like you telling me different.
No where in the Constitution does it give women the right to wholesale slaughter of their unborn child
Constitution is only three pages doesn't talk about a lot of things
But it did create a Supreme Court that decided Roe v Wade

And they were dead wrong. This was a tragedy made by an activist court that forgot they weren't there to make law but interpret it

Laws have been made and stood the test of the courts for women to get abortions.

A women's health privacy includes birth control, health procedures that while helping the woman would be detrimental or terminal to a fetus, or she might opt for removing the chance of a pregnancy altogether.

If there are health issue, why should abortion be denied to a woman at any stage in a pregnancy?

What of rape?

What of a situation where a spouse, child or family member needed constant care and she could not give them the attentions they needed and still care for herself or deal with a pregnancy? What if she was depended to save the life of others (war, job, etc.). What if a pregnancy put her at risk in some other way? Maybe she has seen other family die and simply does not want to take the chance? Maybe she was exposed or lives in an area of high risk for birth defects or infant mortality?

She might suffer depression, blackouts, schizophrenia, seizures or some dissociative disorder. She might have suffered and accident and recover would be detrimental or hindered by completing a pregnancy. She might be disabled, handicapped or limited in some where carrying for herself or dealing with a pregnancy might be dangerous or impossible.

Maybe she just does not want to bring a child into the world the way it is today. She might think it too cruel or dangerous.

The option of abortion is far more than just a form of extreme "birth control"

I've seen situation that might not apply to women in the US, but is a matter of life or death, or situations where an infant/child is killed because it poses a risk to others or even as a kindness if it will die anyways. In the US or elsewhere, I could not deny a woman the right to make painful choices for her life, the life of others or even the fetus/infant when termination is less painful or traumatic.

Is it more reasonable to terminate a pregnancy or to have the woman and fetus die, be killed? Is it more reasonable to terminate or have many people die or be killed because of an infant that could not survive without them and die anyways in some other form?

If all but a handful of other countries and the UN believe choice is a human right and denial of abortion is a violation of those rights, why should you decide you know better for all the women out there?
Women don't kill babies due to risk. Women use killing babies for birth control.
More out of financial necessity
Remove that and you reduce the need for abortion

People don't even kill their dogs because they're poor. They make do and find a way or give the dog to someone that can afford its care.
Not so with unborn. I can't afford that thing!!! Kill it!!!

responsible pet owners spay and neuter their animals.

Yes they do.
If they can responsible in that way, you'd think they'd be responsible with their own reproductive matters

If birth control fails and a woman chooses abortion, she is being responsible to her life and her needs.

Child is not being abandoned or using tax funds for support. She is being responsible for not bring a child into the word she does not love, can not take care of or that might be a health problem for her.

If and when she is ready and able to love a child, that will be her option also......or she can choose to adopt or use other means at the right time.

There are many ways birth control can fail, even a virus.

For her, if that is her choice, abortion is being responsible.

She might have been told by a doctor that she should not try to carry a child. She might be undergoing treatment that might adverse effect a fetus. She might be under obligation or contract where having child at that time is not an option. She might have been raped. She might have had complication in the past and did not want to take such a risk again with her life.

Her reason are her own, but her choices are a way of being responsible, for her and her life.

Not up to others to force her one way or the other. It is her body and her life.

If you know there is a 10-25% change you might die, you decide if the risk is worth it for you. You can take precautions but that choice to go forward or stand still is up to you.

Why if a woman chooses not to take a risk or not to take it at time is it so wrong. What if a woman decided to smoke, drink or take drugs during pregnancy and the fetus or her did not survive? If she makes the choice to get behind the wheel of a car, learns to fly a plane or go bungee jumping, still her choice. If she did not seek prenatal care or decided to engage in risky activities like jumping off cliffs for or going to a war zone as part of her job or to help friends there?

You can't control her choices or what she does, what she eats, where she goes or who she sees. She makes the choices for herself as is her right.

For people who object to abortion...........don't get one. For everyone else, they have to make their own choices.

Even churches have exceptions for birth control and abortion is some cases. Some will forgive a woman's choice to get an abortion. Some don't care or have no option on the matter.

Just because your faith or sense of morality does not agree, your opinion does not apply to others in your town, country or elsewhere in the world.

Shut clinics and woman can still go elsewhere, buy pills online or walk into any pharmacy or grocery store and legally buy what she needs to terminate.

Her body is in her control and she will make the choice right for her, even if that choice is to choose not to go through a pregnancy at that time, or perhaps ever.

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about

I have every right to complain and won't have people like you telling me different.
No where in the Constitution does it give women the right to wholesale slaughter of their unborn child
Constitution is only three pages doesn't talk about a lot of things
But it did create a Supreme Court that decided Roe v Wade

And they were dead wrong. This was a tragedy made by an activist court that forgot they weren't there to make law but interpret it
It was a conservative court and the vote was 7-2

They interpreted the law and sided with a woman's rights over a states

They made the wrong decision. I shouldn't even have to say that killing the unborn is wrong.
But it is, so I do.

As I said earlier... If it's truly the woman's body... All those conflicts and contradictions wouldn't be so glaring.

It's bad law and should be over turned
It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about

I have every right to complain and won't have people like you telling me different.
No where in the Constitution does it give women the right to wholesale slaughter of their unborn child
Constitution is only three pages doesn't talk about a lot of things
But it did create a Supreme Court that decided Roe v Wade

And they were dead wrong. This was a tragedy made by an activist court that forgot they weren't there to make law but interpret it

Laws have been made and stood the test of the courts for women to get abortions.

A women's health privacy includes birth control, health procedures that while helping the woman would be detrimental or terminal to a fetus, or she might opt for removing the chance of a pregnancy altogether.

If there are health issue, why should abortion be denied to a woman at any stage in a pregnancy?

What of rape?

What of a situation where a spouse, child or family member needed constant care and she could not give them the attentions they needed and still care for herself or deal with a pregnancy? What if she was depended to save the life of others (war, job, etc.). What if a pregnancy put her at risk in some other way? Maybe she has seen other family die and simply does not want to take the chance? Maybe she was exposed or lives in an area of high risk for birth defects or infant mortality?

She might suffer depression, blackouts, schizophrenia, seizures or some dissociative disorder. She might have suffered and accident and recover would be detrimental or hindered by completing a pregnancy. She might be disabled, handicapped or limited in some where carrying for herself or dealing with a pregnancy might be dangerous or impossible.

Maybe she just does not want to bring a child into the world the way it is today. She might think it too cruel or dangerous.

The option of abortion is far more than just a form of extreme "birth control"

I've seen situation that might not apply to women in the US, but is a matter of life or death, or situations where an infant/child is killed because it poses a risk to others or even as a kindness if it will die anyways. In the US or elsewhere, I could not deny a woman the right to make painful choices for her life, the life of others or even the fetus/infant when termination is less painful or traumatic.

Is it more reasonable to terminate a pregnancy or to have the woman and fetus die, be killed? Is it more reasonable to terminate or have many people die or be killed because of an infant that could not survive without them and die anyways in some other form?

If all but a handful of other countries and the UN believe choice is a human right and denial of abortion is a violation of those rights, why should you decide you know better for all the women out there?

Nope some more.
Got too many kids?
Tired of the snot nosed brats at the end of the day?
Are your kids a never ending drain on your finances?
Sick of all the shoes those little bastards burn through?
Well worry no more! Here at Acme Abortion Mills, were sensitive to the needs and wishes of all you poor parents all over the country.
Yes, friends... come on down to your nearest Acme Abortion Mill and you'll find a kind staff and pretty rooms to kill your child in!
Don't feel bad because you're having a baby!
Come on down and feel relieved that you get to kill one!

Amen mother fuckers
That's the way it works
Families now have two kids where they used to have five or six.
Allows more economic flexibility, higher standard of living, allows mom to get back in the workforce

Abortion has been legal for 45 years, it is now part of the equation. Abortion is not going away as a last resort.
Don't like it? Better to encourage FREE birth control, sex education, help families take care of their kids instead of taking away their welfare

Just because that's the way it is, doesn't mean it should be.
Giving people free money is not a deterrent to women killing babies. In fact, Hans ng people free money with no strings or responsibility is one of the most caustic and harmful practices in this country.

Abortion is an accepted practice
You don't like it, why not support a pregnant woman?

This is the part where conservatives scream.......Her pregnancy is her own fault, not my problem

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about


Even the child of a "harlot" has a right to their life and to the equal protection of our laws.

And their rights (like those of anyone else) should begin when their life begins and NOT just when fucktarded shitstains like you can't stomach or justify the DENIAL of their rights anymore.
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about

I have every right to complain and won't have people like you telling me different.
No where in the Constitution does it give women the right to wholesale slaughter of their unborn child
Constitution is only three pages doesn't talk about a lot of things
But it did create a Supreme Court that decided Roe v Wade

And they were dead wrong. This was a tragedy made by an activist court that forgot they weren't there to make law but interpret it

Laws have been made and stood the test of the courts for women to get abortions.

A women's health privacy includes birth control, health procedures that while helping the woman would be detrimental or terminal to a fetus, or she might opt for removing the chance of a pregnancy altogether.

If there are health issue, why should abortion be denied to a woman at any stage in a pregnancy?

What of rape?

What of a situation where a spouse, child or family member needed constant care and she could not give them the attentions they needed and still care for herself or deal with a pregnancy? What if she was depended to save the life of others (war, job, etc.). What if a pregnancy put her at risk in some other way? Maybe she has seen other family die and simply does not want to take the chance? Maybe she was exposed or lives in an area of high risk for birth defects or infant mortality?

She might suffer depression, blackouts, schizophrenia, seizures or some dissociative disorder. She might have suffered and accident and recover would be detrimental or hindered by completing a pregnancy. She might be disabled, handicapped or limited in some where carrying for herself or dealing with a pregnancy might be dangerous or impossible.

Maybe she just does not want to bring a child into the world the way it is today. She might think it too cruel or dangerous.

The option of abortion is far more than just a form of extreme "birth control"

I've seen situation that might not apply to women in the US, but is a matter of life or death, or situations where an infant/child is killed because it poses a risk to others or even as a kindness if it will die anyways. In the US or elsewhere, I could not deny a woman the right to make painful choices for her life, the life of others or even the fetus/infant when termination is less painful or traumatic.

Is it more reasonable to terminate a pregnancy or to have the woman and fetus die, be killed? Is it more reasonable to terminate or have many people die or be killed because of an infant that could not survive without them and die anyways in some other form?

If all but a handful of other countries and the UN believe choice is a human right and denial of abortion is a violation of those rights, why should you decide you know better for all the women out there?

Nope some more.

70% of american favor a woman's right to choose.

Most global health organization believe women have the right to choose.

Most religions in the world would not deny a woman's right to choose.

Most of the world bodies believe it is a woman's right to choose.

You can only believe what is right and wrong for you not everyone else.

You might be the only one, or among the few, that don't believe it is right to have free choice, but you do not get to decide for the world or this country on your principle alone. You are not a dictator of everyone, just one person with one point of view. You can decide for yourself, not for all women.

You have a moral objection, but your morality is for you.

Most women who do for what ever reason seek an abortion were already on birth control. They had already taken measure deciding not to have a child. For any of a number of reasons their birth control failed. If they were in the pill, had a IUD or long term implant, the risk of pregnancy is already high to both women and embryo. Some women will have what seems like a normal flow in the first month or two, which can be signs of infection or problems. Fibroids can cause pain and complication to a potential pregnancy. Severe morning sickness can be signs of high risk and complication. There might be Rh antibodies. Some women can be allergic to their fetus. She might get toxic-shock during pregnancy.

You don't get to make medical choices for a woman about a pregnancy or risk her life.
That's the way it works
Families now have two kids where they used to have five or six.
Allows more economic flexibility, higher standard of living, allows mom to get back in the workforce

Abortion has been legal for 45 years, it is now part of the equation. Abortion is not going away as a last resort.
Don't like it? Better to encourage FREE birth control, sex education, help families take care of their kids instead of taking away their welfare

Just because that's the way it is, doesn't mean it should be.
Giving people free money is not a deterrent to women killing babies. In fact, Hans ng people free money with no strings or responsibility is one of the most caustic and harmful practices in this country.

Abortion is an accepted practice
You don't like it, why not support a pregnant woman?

This is the part where conservatives scream.......Her pregnancy is her own fault, not my problem

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about


Even the child of a "harlot" has a right to their life and to the equal protection of our laws.

And their rights (like those of anyone else) should begin when their life begins and NOT just when fucktarded shitstains like you can't stomach or justify the DENIAL of their rights anymore.

In the second trimester
when the fetus is developed and moves
when a baby takes its first breath after birth
and in some religious views at least a month after birth.

Exceptions for rape and the health of the woman even in most christian denomination. Even if a woman does choose to get an abortion, she can be forgiven.

For medical hospitals and doctors, the woman is the patient and her life is first and foremost, not the fetus.

Globally it is a violation of human right to deny a woman the choice.
Just because that's the way it is, doesn't mean it should be.
Giving people free money is not a deterrent to women killing babies. In fact, Hans ng people free money with no strings or responsibility is one of the most caustic and harmful practices in this country.

Abortion is an accepted practice
You don't like it, why not support a pregnant woman?

This is the part where conservatives scream.......Her pregnancy is her own fault, not my problem

It's accepted practice for some. Not for all.
Stoning women is acceptable practice in some parts of Muslim land.
Does that make it OK? Because the masses gave in and became resigned to something?

It IS their problem, not mine. Pregnant women are able to get help in this country. Just because I'm against killing babies doesn't mean I am responsible for their "mistakes" and it's pretty ridiculous to suggest it.
I'm against armed robbery too... Does that more an I'm responsible for that poor broke guy that robbed a bank?
Of course you are not responsible for her mistakes
She is the harlot who chose to have sex, she is the one to blame. It is her problem not yours
And if her solution to her problem is to get an abortion, you have nothing to complain about


Even the child of a "harlot" has a right to their life and to the equal protection of our laws.

And their rights (like those of anyone else) should begin when their life begins and NOT just when fucktarded shitstains like you can't stomach or justify the DENIAL of their rights anymore.

In the second trimester
when the fetus is developed and moves
when a baby takes its first breath after birth
and in some religious views at least a month after birth.

Exceptions for rape and the health of the woman even in most christian denomination. Even if a woman does choose to get an abortion, she can be forgiven.

For medical hospitals and doctors, the woman is the patient and her life is first and foremost, not the fetus.

Globally it is a violation of human right to deny a woman the choice.

. . . and NOT just when fucktarded shitstains like you can't stomach or justify the DENIAL of their rights anymore.

Fetus does not feel pain till the 28th week and the fetus has no vital signs or heart beat before the abortion/D&C begins

The idea of it being alive or "born alive" during the procedure is a myth.

The impression of life is like cutting a piece of meat hours after slaughter or sprinkling salt on frogs legs and seeing them twitch. It is not alive.
Expert Tells Congress Unborn Babies Can Feel Pain Starting at 8 Weeks

The 20 week false idea is based on when the unborn child withdraws from painful stimulus. But Dr. Condic says, "“To experience pain, a noxious stimulus must be detected. The neural structures necessary to detect noxious stimuli are in place by 8-10 weeks of human development,”.

Still, should pain be the determining factor for a license to kill?
I can't think of a more tortuous, torturing way to die that to have your limbs and all else ripped away from your head or body. And then having your head crushed to pieces.
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